What People are Commenting
Communion of Saints & Indissolubility
Knights of Elias
Dear Tradition in Action,
Is There a "Knights of Elias" Chapter in Ohio?
I cannot find a website for the Knights of Elias. Do they have local chapters like the Knights of Columbus?
Knights of Elias responds:
Dear D.F.D.,
Salve Maria!
This is the leader of the Knights of Elias. We do not currently have a website though I would like to make one in the future. We also do not have "chapters" because we are too small at the moment.
If you are interested in our work and would like to learn more, feel free to send us a message on either our YouTube channel or Instagram page. You can also send an email directly to knightsofelias@gmail.com.
In Jesu et Maria,
Is There a "Knights of Elias" Chapter in Ohio?
I cannot find a website for the Knights of Elias. Do they have local chapters like the Knights of Columbus?
Knights of Elias responds:
Dear D.F.D.,
Salve Maria!
This is the leader of the Knights of Elias. We do not currently have a website though I would like to make one in the future. We also do not have "chapters" because we are too small at the moment.
If you are interested in our work and would like to learn more, feel free to send us a message on either our YouTube channel or Instagram page. You can also send an email directly to knightsofelias@gmail.com.
In Jesu et Maria,
Suggestions of Films
Dear TIA,
At the end of their article about family entertainment, Dr. Horvat and Miss Lozowski invite suggestions from your readers for suitable films.
At the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s a British production company adapted most, if not all, of Sherlock Holmes for television, Jeremy Brett playing the part of Holmes superbly. Some of those films are available on the YouTube.
Some of your readers might also be interested in the BBC's adaptations of Agatha Christie's Miss Marple; the main character was played by Joan Hickson. Some of them can be watched on Dailymotion.
In Christo,
Br. M.J., OSB. U.K.
At the end of their article about family entertainment, Dr. Horvat and Miss Lozowski invite suggestions from your readers for suitable films.
At the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s a British production company adapted most, if not all, of Sherlock Holmes for television, Jeremy Brett playing the part of Holmes superbly. Some of those films are available on the YouTube.
Some of your readers might also be interested in the BBC's adaptations of Agatha Christie's Miss Marple; the main character was played by Joan Hickson. Some of them can be watched on Dailymotion.
In Christo,
Br. M.J., OSB. U.K.
Constant Desecrations
Re: Bergoglio Plays Indian...
Freemasons will answer for every one of these desecrations to God.
And to the average citizen... Why did you feel a need to do this?
TThe answer: because the Catholic Church is the sole, unique means of salvation. All other religions are false, arms of damnation.
Does Jorge know what is about to fall upon him? My mother, siblings, wife, kids, friends, enemies - none will embrace the Catholic Faith. Roncalli all the way to Jorge are at least partly to blame. Such (almost) desolation.
But... God allows it for a greater purpose, a Holy purpose br>
Re: Bergoglio Plays Indian...
Freemasons will answer for every one of these desecrations to God.
And to the average citizen... Why did you feel a need to do this?
TThe answer: because the Catholic Church is the sole, unique means of salvation. All other religions are false, arms of damnation.
Does Jorge know what is about to fall upon him? My mother, siblings, wife, kids, friends, enemies - none will embrace the Catholic Faith. Roncalli all the way to Jorge are at least partly to blame. Such (almost) desolation.
But... God allows it for a greater purpose, a Holy purpose br>
Not So Good
Re: How Sheen's Ecumenical Seminary Came to Life
He is a hypocrite, a modernist, a Judas Iscariot, nothing holy about his life. He served his NWO, not JESUS CHRIST. People are too dumb to figure out his mask.
Re: How Sheen's Ecumenical Seminary Came to Life
He is a hypocrite, a modernist, a Judas Iscariot, nothing holy about his life. He served his NWO, not JESUS CHRIST. People are too dumb to figure out his mask.
Indissolubility for ‘Gay Couples’
Dear Direction of TIA,
I have to expose to you an extremely serious issue linked to the fact that Pope Bergoglio has chosen Monsignor Jean-Paul Vesco Archbishop of Algiers (Algeria) as new Cardinal.
I absolutely must send you the following interview given by the aforementioned Monsignor Vesco which unfortunately was published on March 9, 2016 in the newspaper Avvenire, organ of the Italian Bishops' Conference (CEI). In this interview Monsignor Vesco expressed his ideas absolutely unacceptable for us Catholics about the indissolubility of gay couples and about gay adoptions.
First of all I provide you with the official links where you can read the full text of this interview for free and then I report below the parts with the answers of Mons. Vesco that left me absolutely shocked and desolate. At the following link on the official website of the Associazione Scienza e Vita (Science and Life Association) you can download the pdf file for free and scrolling down you will find the article entitled: «Nella Chiesa nessuno deve sentirsi escluso» with the photo of Mons. Vesco and at the end of the article you will find the signature of the journalist Luciano Moia.
The full text of this same interview can also be read at the following page on the official website of the well-known Don Mauro Leonardi (member of the Prelature of Opus Dei and author of books for edizioni San Paolo, edizioni Terra Santa, edizioni Ares, edizioni Amen): and as you can read by scrolling down this last page after the end of the article there is comment number 4 which seems to be signed by the aforementioned Don Mauro Leonardi who says that the article is very interesting and then says something else.
AAs you will read, the journalist Luciano Moia interviewed Monsignor Vesco who, to the question: "So we cannot speak of indissoluble homosexual love?", gave an answer that ends with the following words: "But this does not mean excluding that a homosexual relationship can have characteristics of indissolubility."
And then to the next question: "Isn't this a theologically risky conclusion?"
Monsignor Vesco responded: "By refusing to admit that two homosexual people can unite their lives in an indissoluble way, it means offering these people only the possibility of choosing between relationships without a future or chastity understood as abstinence from sexual relations."
Then I ask you to also carefully read Monsignor Vesco's answer to the question: "And so what does he propose?"
But it doesn't end there because if you then go back to the beginning of the interview where there is the question: "Do you think it is right to open up adoption for homosexual couples?" Monsignor Vesco at a certain point answers: "It is also clear that a homosexual couple can offer enough love to give relief to an adopted child, the examples are there to show it, we all certainly know of cases." and then Monsignor Vesco adds only that he is against surrogate motherhood.
In Jesu et Maria,
S.C., Italy
I have to expose to you an extremely serious issue linked to the fact that Pope Bergoglio has chosen Monsignor Jean-Paul Vesco Archbishop of Algiers (Algeria) as new Cardinal.
I absolutely must send you the following interview given by the aforementioned Monsignor Vesco which unfortunately was published on March 9, 2016 in the newspaper Avvenire, organ of the Italian Bishops' Conference (CEI). In this interview Monsignor Vesco expressed his ideas absolutely unacceptable for us Catholics about the indissolubility of gay couples and about gay adoptions.
First of all I provide you with the official links where you can read the full text of this interview for free and then I report below the parts with the answers of Mons. Vesco that left me absolutely shocked and desolate. At the following link on the official website of the Associazione Scienza e Vita (Science and Life Association) you can download the pdf file for free and scrolling down you will find the article entitled: «Nella Chiesa nessuno deve sentirsi escluso» with the photo of Mons. Vesco and at the end of the article you will find the signature of the journalist Luciano Moia.
The full text of this same interview can also be read at the following page on the official website of the well-known Don Mauro Leonardi (member of the Prelature of Opus Dei and author of books for edizioni San Paolo, edizioni Terra Santa, edizioni Ares, edizioni Amen): and as you can read by scrolling down this last page after the end of the article there is comment number 4 which seems to be signed by the aforementioned Don Mauro Leonardi who says that the article is very interesting and then says something else.
AAs you will read, the journalist Luciano Moia interviewed Monsignor Vesco who, to the question: "So we cannot speak of indissoluble homosexual love?", gave an answer that ends with the following words: "But this does not mean excluding that a homosexual relationship can have characteristics of indissolubility."
And then to the next question: "Isn't this a theologically risky conclusion?"
Monsignor Vesco responded: "By refusing to admit that two homosexual people can unite their lives in an indissoluble way, it means offering these people only the possibility of choosing between relationships without a future or chastity understood as abstinence from sexual relations."
Then I ask you to also carefully read Monsignor Vesco's answer to the question: "And so what does he propose?"
But it doesn't end there because if you then go back to the beginning of the interview where there is the question: "Do you think it is right to open up adoption for homosexual couples?" Monsignor Vesco at a certain point answers: "It is also clear that a homosexual couple can offer enough love to give relief to an adopted child, the examples are there to show it, we all certainly know of cases." and then Monsignor Vesco adds only that he is against surrogate motherhood.
In Jesu et Maria,
S.C., Italy
Posted October 10, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Talking with a friend he reminded me that Pope Francis had said in 2022 that the apostates and the blasphemers are in the Communion of the Saints. I believe this statement is nonsense even before being a heresy. Indeed, St. Robert Bellarmine, whose definition of Catholic Church was adopted by all good catechisms after him, says that the apostates and the heretics are not part of the Church since they denied the Catholic Faith.
So, it is a nonsense to say that the apostates are part of the Communion of Saints.
Nonetheless, Pope Francis as you may check in this catechesis affirmed literally this:
“Father, let us think about those who have denied the faith, who are apostates, who are the persecutors of the Church, who have denied their baptism: Are these also at home?” Yes, these too, even the blasphemers, everyone. We are brothers. This is the communion of saints. The communion of saints holds together the community of believers on earth and in heaven.”
In Jesu et Maria,