What People are Commenting
Immigration, Parades & Biased Runciman
Part of the Destruction
Interesting in view of the book review you just published on Francis.
He rails against the West, and the migrants keep coming. Boatloads of mostly men, not families coming with the intent to destroy, not build, and supported by the Vatican.
No one can truly say the intent of Francis is benign. He is part of the destruction, infiltrated into the Church, as you note in your recent position paper, which, by the way, was excellent. Have sent it to many.
Over 25,000 migrants reach UK shores in 2024 amid push to cut immigration
More than 25,000 migrants have crossed the English Channel since the beginning of 2024, a year that has been particularly deadly, with 46 recorded deaths compared to 12 in 2023, according to official data published September 23.
Between September 21 and 22, more than 1,400 migrants departed from France and crossed the Channel, bringing the total number of crossings to 25,052 since January, according to the UK Home Office. This figure represented a 4% increase compared to the same period last year, but it remains 21% lower than the record year of 2022, which saw 45,000 migrants reach the United Kingdom via the Channel.
Read more here.
Interesting in view of the book review you just published on Francis.
He rails against the West, and the migrants keep coming. Boatloads of mostly men, not families coming with the intent to destroy, not build, and supported by the Vatican.
No one can truly say the intent of Francis is benign. He is part of the destruction, infiltrated into the Church, as you note in your recent position paper, which, by the way, was excellent. Have sent it to many.

More than 25,000 migrants have crossed the English Channel since the beginning of 2024, a year that has been particularly deadly, with 46 recorded deaths compared to 12 in 2023, according to official data published September 23.
Between September 21 and 22, more than 1,400 migrants departed from France and crossed the Channel, bringing the total number of crossings to 25,052 since January, according to the UK Home Office. This figure represented a 4% increase compared to the same period last year, but it remains 21% lower than the record year of 2022, which saw 45,000 migrants reach the United Kingdom via the Channel.
Read more here.
Military Parades in India
I believe that the Indian military parades are thrilling.
You may come to your own conclusions by watching this short clip.
For a longer parade you may watch this one.
I believe that the Indian military parades are thrilling.
You may come to your own conclusions by watching this short clip.
For a longer parade you may watch this one.
Revealing Novus Ordo Instructions
Dear TIA,
Herewith are extracts from two of last week’s Novus Ordo parish newsletters in the UK which reveal a lot about the Novus Ordo, both its problems and the agenda and priorities of its presbyters.
‘RECEIVING HOLY COMMUNION AT MASS: The clergy ask that all the faithful continue to approach and receive the Blessed Sacrament with due reverence. In particular, it is very important that if receiving the Lord on the palm, then the Host must be consumed before turning and walking away from the minister.”
“OPPORTUNITY TO RECEIVE FROM THE CHALICE: We have now reintroduced the opportunity to receive Holy Communion under the form of wine from the chalice. However, there are various reasons why some people may not wish to receive from the chalice, and this has always been a personal choice, as people feel comfortable. The Church teaches that we receive the fullness of Holy Communion when we receive either under the form of bread or wine. However the ‘sign’ is fuller when we receive under both kinds. Hopefully it will become part of our routine.”
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
N.S.M., U.K.
Herewith are extracts from two of last week’s Novus Ordo parish newsletters in the UK which reveal a lot about the Novus Ordo, both its problems and the agenda and priorities of its presbyters.
‘RECEIVING HOLY COMMUNION AT MASS: The clergy ask that all the faithful continue to approach and receive the Blessed Sacrament with due reverence. In particular, it is very important that if receiving the Lord on the palm, then the Host must be consumed before turning and walking away from the minister.”
“OPPORTUNITY TO RECEIVE FROM THE CHALICE: We have now reintroduced the opportunity to receive Holy Communion under the form of wine from the chalice. However, there are various reasons why some people may not wish to receive from the chalice, and this has always been a personal choice, as people feel comfortable. The Church teaches that we receive the fullness of Holy Communion when we receive either under the form of bread or wine. However the ‘sign’ is fuller when we receive under both kinds. Hopefully it will become part of our routine.”
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
N.S.M., U.K.
A Biased Runciman
I bought Steven Runciman's three part history of the Crusades
What is your opinion of Runciman and his work?
Thank you
Dr. Horvat responds:
It has been a long time since I have read the English historian Sir Steven Runciman’s work on the Crusades. Truly Runciman was a talented writer and can hold the attention of the reader throughout his three-volume set on the Crusades.
Although he considered his major contribution to the history field his Byzantine studies, it is that particular set on the Crusades that is his most popular work. He presented himself as a sophisticated gentleman scholar, but he was also a homosexual and enthusiast of the occult. This is enough for me to be suspicious of his work.
And, in fact, let Catholics in particular beware. His basic thesis was that the Crusades were “the last of the barbarian invasions” and that the Crusaders were those barbarians who made an unprovoked attack on the superior civilizations of Byzantium and the Islamic World.
In his view, their only aim was to loot the rich East and take over their land. He ignores the reality, that the Crusades were first and foremost a religious war to take from the Muslims the Sepulcher of Christ and to protect those Catholics traveling to the Holy Land on pilgrimage from the attacks of the Muslim bandits. The Crusaders saw themselves as defending the Holy Land and all of Christendom.
It is not just I, but many historians who have reservations about his Crusades volumes. Historians like Thomas Madden, Jonathan Riley Smith and others have affirmed that his contentions about the knights of the West and reason for the wars are either unsubstantiated or based on selective evidence. For instance, he calls the Fourth Crusade the "greatest crime in history" and the whole Holy War nothing more than “a long act of intolerance in the name of God, which is the sin against the Holy Ghost.”
It was his biased work that helped to solidify the myth that the Crusades were unjust wars of Christian aggression – a story many progressivist Catholics like to repeat to this day.
The historical figure for whom Runciman seems to have the most admiration and respect is Saladin, the Muslim leader who in 1187 took Jerusalem from the Crusaders. He is loathe to praise the great Catholic warriors and leaders, even if he acknowledges some of their brave actions.
As you can see, my opinion of Runciman is low, and I refer to his works only with reserve. I would advise reading with a discerning eye, remembering his prejudices against the Catholic West and his pro-Byzantine bias.
Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
I bought Steven Runciman's three part history of the Crusades
What is your opinion of Runciman and his work?
Thank you
Dr. Horvat responds:
It has been a long time since I have read the English historian Sir Steven Runciman’s work on the Crusades. Truly Runciman was a talented writer and can hold the attention of the reader throughout his three-volume set on the Crusades.
Although he considered his major contribution to the history field his Byzantine studies, it is that particular set on the Crusades that is his most popular work. He presented himself as a sophisticated gentleman scholar, but he was also a homosexual and enthusiast of the occult. This is enough for me to be suspicious of his work.
And, in fact, let Catholics in particular beware. His basic thesis was that the Crusades were “the last of the barbarian invasions” and that the Crusaders were those barbarians who made an unprovoked attack on the superior civilizations of Byzantium and the Islamic World.
In his view, their only aim was to loot the rich East and take over their land. He ignores the reality, that the Crusades were first and foremost a religious war to take from the Muslims the Sepulcher of Christ and to protect those Catholics traveling to the Holy Land on pilgrimage from the attacks of the Muslim bandits. The Crusaders saw themselves as defending the Holy Land and all of Christendom.
It is not just I, but many historians who have reservations about his Crusades volumes. Historians like Thomas Madden, Jonathan Riley Smith and others have affirmed that his contentions about the knights of the West and reason for the wars are either unsubstantiated or based on selective evidence. For instance, he calls the Fourth Crusade the "greatest crime in history" and the whole Holy War nothing more than “a long act of intolerance in the name of God, which is the sin against the Holy Ghost.”
It was his biased work that helped to solidify the myth that the Crusades were unjust wars of Christian aggression – a story many progressivist Catholics like to repeat to this day.
The historical figure for whom Runciman seems to have the most admiration and respect is Saladin, the Muslim leader who in 1187 took Jerusalem from the Crusaders. He is loathe to praise the great Catholic warriors and leaders, even if he acknowledges some of their brave actions.
As you can see, my opinion of Runciman is low, and I refer to his works only with reserve. I would advise reading with a discerning eye, remembering his prejudices against the Catholic West and his pro-Byzantine bias.
Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
Posted October 3, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Land, Housing, Work
Land, housing, work... Sounds good! No poor anymore! They care so deeply about us!
Wait! Communism is condemned by Holy Mother Church. And where has it succeeded?
Well, top communists know - it worked for them. They enriched themselves and were able to mass murder their enemies, and others. Steal all kinds of power. Especially to destroy the family. And the Catholic Church. And enforce medical decisions - like poisonous vaccines. Mandatory killing of aged (which many believe is being done now).
A one world government is what they seek. A hell on earth. Especially for Catholics.
And we can take care of ourselves. Follow the Counter revolution. End the UN, EU, WHO...anything global that has sought to impose its satanic will upon us. And the USA government should study its own constitution and involve itself only in areas delegated to itself.