What People are Commenting
Otherkins, Topless & Finger Blessing
How Otherkins Make Money?
Dear Therese,
Re: Heading to People in the Likeness of the Devil
Thank you for your continued research and writing regarding otherkins. It has been most interesting.
One question that always arises when I read about these weird counter-cultures, including the “drug scene”, is, “How do these people survive?” “How do they pay for their food and rent, devices, phone accounts, weird paraphernalia, etc?”
They seem to spend so much time simply interacting with each other, and promoting themselves and their fetishes, that there would not be enough time in the day to hold down a job, commute to work, do the laundry, and all the other tasks even “normal” people find it hard to complete. An “elite” few, like the Fecal Matter fashion designers have managed to parlay their hobby into a business that might earn them money, but I can’t see all the wanna-bes being able to make it a source of income. How does this underworld support itself?
Given that the only external source of monetary value in this world is primary industry (e.g., agriculture, mining, forestry - essentially resources endowed by God), everything else is an exchange of our physical effort and time (e.g., building, construction, cleaning and other trade and personal services) in exchange for some of those physical resources, in order to survive, (in the form of food, clothing, shelter, and heating/cooling). True, some manage to avoid that exchange by relying on welfare and charity.
Essentially, I somehow don’t see these people turning up for work each day in a drugstore, or on a farm, or oil rig. So how are the rest of us, as a society, enabling these people to live?
T.B., New Zealand
Miss Therese Parker responds:
Dear T.B.,
Thank you for your support for my research.
Regarding on how the otherkin people survive financially, it is my observation that many of the youth are children of well-established families and therefore do not need to work.
When it comes to the adults, either they have their own jobs in the world, or they have a successful online presence (that is, they have large audiences) and receive money through this.
According to my understanding, it seems that most of these “otherkin” people continue to engage in society as relatively “normal” people in order to provide for themselves. Most of them keep their “otherkin” identities private, and embrace it more when alone or in certain circles.
On one thread on Reddit, different “therians” (people who believe they are non-physically animals) list the fields in which they have worked: science education, Information Technology, primary school education, customer service, military service, retail and factory work. They reported that most “otherkins” work and live normal lives, and keep their identities private and separate from the public sphere.
For instance, Steven Gargiulo, who identifies as an “african leopard,” worked as an IT technician fixing computers, and said, “I don’t really feel like I can be myself at work, I have to put on a very professional attitude and look, and if I do anything that involves therian [sic], it really breaks the professional side of things.”
The “fairykin” Rashanda Bredell who calls herself “Mint Faery” explains here some of her past jobs: “I've worked as a massage therapist, a counselor, a fashion consultant and interior designer.” She is also a tarot card reader.
With the advent of online and remote jobs, some of the “otherkin” are able to avoid having normal jobs by making an income in fields such as in technology, remote customer service, digital marketing, being social media influencers, Youtubers, online “spiritual teachers” and psychics, authors, by running online businesses, and more.
For example, a “furry” can make an income by creating and selling expensive and in-demand “fursuits” and animal masks. Perhaps an “angelkin” could design and sell moveable angel wings, and a dragonkin could create and sell fire-breathing dragon masks. The infamous “elfkin” Kimberel Eventide is a “spiritual teacher” and says she “offers personal Skype online sessions to help individual souls.”
I hope this may be helpful for you. The frightening thing is, because this identity is normally kept private, there are likely more of these probably-possessed “otherkin” people around us than we imagine. Not only are we seeing homosexuals and transgenders flood the public spheres, but now there are also hidden “otherkins” and “furries” in our midst.
Therese Parker
Re: Heading to People in the Likeness of the Devil
Thank you for your continued research and writing regarding otherkins. It has been most interesting.
One question that always arises when I read about these weird counter-cultures, including the “drug scene”, is, “How do these people survive?” “How do they pay for their food and rent, devices, phone accounts, weird paraphernalia, etc?”
They seem to spend so much time simply interacting with each other, and promoting themselves and their fetishes, that there would not be enough time in the day to hold down a job, commute to work, do the laundry, and all the other tasks even “normal” people find it hard to complete. An “elite” few, like the Fecal Matter fashion designers have managed to parlay their hobby into a business that might earn them money, but I can’t see all the wanna-bes being able to make it a source of income. How does this underworld support itself?
Given that the only external source of monetary value in this world is primary industry (e.g., agriculture, mining, forestry - essentially resources endowed by God), everything else is an exchange of our physical effort and time (e.g., building, construction, cleaning and other trade and personal services) in exchange for some of those physical resources, in order to survive, (in the form of food, clothing, shelter, and heating/cooling). True, some manage to avoid that exchange by relying on welfare and charity.
Essentially, I somehow don’t see these people turning up for work each day in a drugstore, or on a farm, or oil rig. So how are the rest of us, as a society, enabling these people to live?
T.B., New Zealand
Miss Therese Parker responds:
Dear T.B.,
Thank you for your support for my research.
Regarding on how the otherkin people survive financially, it is my observation that many of the youth are children of well-established families and therefore do not need to work.
When it comes to the adults, either they have their own jobs in the world, or they have a successful online presence (that is, they have large audiences) and receive money through this.
According to my understanding, it seems that most of these “otherkin” people continue to engage in society as relatively “normal” people in order to provide for themselves. Most of them keep their “otherkin” identities private, and embrace it more when alone or in certain circles.
On one thread on Reddit, different “therians” (people who believe they are non-physically animals) list the fields in which they have worked: science education, Information Technology, primary school education, customer service, military service, retail and factory work. They reported that most “otherkins” work and live normal lives, and keep their identities private and separate from the public sphere.
For instance, Steven Gargiulo, who identifies as an “african leopard,” worked as an IT technician fixing computers, and said, “I don’t really feel like I can be myself at work, I have to put on a very professional attitude and look, and if I do anything that involves therian [sic], it really breaks the professional side of things.”
The “fairykin” Rashanda Bredell who calls herself “Mint Faery” explains here some of her past jobs: “I've worked as a massage therapist, a counselor, a fashion consultant and interior designer.” She is also a tarot card reader.
With the advent of online and remote jobs, some of the “otherkin” are able to avoid having normal jobs by making an income in fields such as in technology, remote customer service, digital marketing, being social media influencers, Youtubers, online “spiritual teachers” and psychics, authors, by running online businesses, and more.
For example, a “furry” can make an income by creating and selling expensive and in-demand “fursuits” and animal masks. Perhaps an “angelkin” could design and sell moveable angel wings, and a dragonkin could create and sell fire-breathing dragon masks. The infamous “elfkin” Kimberel Eventide is a “spiritual teacher” and says she “offers personal Skype online sessions to help individual souls.”
I hope this may be helpful for you. The frightening thing is, because this identity is normally kept private, there are likely more of these probably-possessed “otherkin” people around us than we imagine. Not only are we seeing homosexuals and transgenders flood the public spheres, but now there are also hidden “otherkins” and “furries” in our midst.
Therese Parker
Victims of Child Abuse Speak
Re: Heading to People in the Likeness of the Devil
Please, read about the programming (and possessions) that is going on starting with very small children and babies in the organized occult, then you will understand why is it that we see now everywhere these insane young humans coming out:
Can you recommend me to a parish/priest in Quito, where I am living at the moment?
May God continue blessing your work
TIA responds:
Thank you for your good wishes, your email and pointing out the sites you indicated.
Unfortunately, we do not know any parish priest in Quito to recommend to you. If you find one with a counter-revolutionary orientation who says the Traditional Mass, please, let us know. We have friends there who are also looking for one.
TIA correspondence desk
Re: Heading to People in the Likeness of the Devil
Please, read about the programming (and possessions) that is going on starting with very small children and babies in the organized occult, then you will understand why is it that we see now everywhere these insane young humans coming out:
Never Give Up;
- A victim of the trafficking network;
- A survivor of child abuse;
- Ritual abuse & mind control.
Can you recommend me to a parish/priest in Quito, where I am living at the moment?
May God continue blessing your work
TIA responds:
Thank you for your good wishes, your email and pointing out the sites you indicated.
Unfortunately, we do not know any parish priest in Quito to recommend to you. If you find one with a counter-revolutionary orientation who says the Traditional Mass, please, let us know. We have friends there who are also looking for one.
TIA correspondence desk
Duty to Question
Re: Blessings for topless natives
“Since every detail was minutely planned.... This had prior approval.” Yes, yes and yes.
People who claim these decades-long shocking blasphemies "weren't approved by the Holy Father" don't understand, communists or modernists. After a few of these incidents and I mean well inside the 1960s, people had a Catholic duty to question what was going on.
A sister to this is "Francis didn't really say that. The Press hates him". No, the press is overjoyed with him. Wake up.
Re: Blessings for topless natives
“Since every detail was minutely planned.... This had prior approval.” Yes, yes and yes.
People who claim these decades-long shocking blasphemies "weren't approved by the Holy Father" don't understand, communists or modernists. After a few of these incidents and I mean well inside the 1960s, people had a Catholic duty to question what was going on.
A sister to this is "Francis didn't really say that. The Press hates him". No, the press is overjoyed with him. Wake up.
Black Madonna
Dear TIA,
Greetings from the Abbey of Montserrat. …
I have just returned from a walk to the Chapel of the Holy Cave, where the Black Madonna was found in the 12th century. It is a wonderful place of silence and stillness. The cave was a hermitage in past centuries, I believe.
I prayed not only for the intentions that you sent me, but also for everyone in the two houses of TIA.
Attached is a photograph of the entrance. For better and for worse photographs may not be taken inside.
In Christo,
Br. M.J., OSB.
Greetings from the Abbey of Montserrat. …
I have just returned from a walk to the Chapel of the Holy Cave, where the Black Madonna was found in the 12th century. It is a wonderful place of silence and stillness. The cave was a hermitage in past centuries, I believe.
I prayed not only for the intentions that you sent me, but also for everyone in the two houses of TIA.
Attached is a photograph of the entrance. For better and for worse photographs may not be taken inside.

In Christo,
Br. M.J., OSB.
Finger Blessing
Dear TIA,
Francis in Indonesia. What will he do there? We wondered.
It was what he did not do there that raises concern this time.
Apparently he is now giving blessings just by raising his hand and finger. No more Sign of the Cross. The reason is because It might upset someone, especially the Muslims.
He does not even know what a blessing is anymore as you can see in his comments below.
Pope giving blessing to young people
at meeting with Scholas Occurentes in Jakarta
“I would like to give a blessing. A blessing signifies to say well, to wish something well,” he began. Continuing his prayer of blessing to the assembled crowd, which included Catholics and Muslims, Francis added:
Here, you are from diverse religions, but we have only one god, he is only one.
And in union, in silence, we shall pray to the lord and I shall give a blessing for all, a blessing valid for all religions.
May God bless each of you.
May he bless all your desires.
May he bless your families.
May he bless you present (here).
May he bless your future. Amen.
Original here
Francis in Indonesia. What will he do there? We wondered.
It was what he did not do there that raises concern this time.
Apparently he is now giving blessings just by raising his hand and finger. No more Sign of the Cross. The reason is because It might upset someone, especially the Muslims.
He does not even know what a blessing is anymore as you can see in his comments below.

at meeting with Scholas Occurentes in Jakarta
“I would like to give a blessing. A blessing signifies to say well, to wish something well,” he began. Continuing his prayer of blessing to the assembled crowd, which included Catholics and Muslims, Francis added:
Here, you are from diverse religions, but we have only one god, he is only one.
And in union, in silence, we shall pray to the lord and I shall give a blessing for all, a blessing valid for all religions.
May God bless each of you.
May he bless all your desires.
May he bless your families.
May he bless you present (here).
May he bless your future. Amen.
Original here
Posted September 10, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Heading to people in the likeness of the Devil
Salve Maria,
I admire your courage and tenacity in uncovering and revealing for all to see, the demonic forces becoming more brazen every day and the direction to Hell they are pursuing in their diabolical desire to destroy mankind.
May Our Lady and the Angels protect you in your quest to expose these evil creatures.
In Maria,