What People are Commenting
Inconsistent Trads, Abel’s & Cain’s Races
Trads Inconsistent with Moral Principles
Dear TIA,
When I first took an interest in traditional Catholicism, I believed that most Latin Mass attendees were in agreement regarding basic standards for modesty and decency. Sadly, I was wrong.
A friend informed me that St. Anne's in San Diego, an FSSP parish, recently hosted their annual snorkeling excursion for the coed young adults group. An email advertising the event says: "Ladies: Please wear a one-piece with no cleavage and shorts."
Such an outfit does not match the modesty standards posted outside St. Anne's. Since we are always in the presence of God, Our Lady, the Saints, and the Angels, modesty is always imperative, even outside church. What is immodest for Mass is also immodest at the beach. To suggest otherwise is to yield to relativism.
Furthermore, a coed snorkeling activity is improper because it encourages undue familiarity between the sexes. Historically, young men and women were expected to maintain a certain distance. St. John Vianney mentioned in a sermon that, "the young persons who want to deserve the graces of marriage... [must] never allow themselves the slightest familiarity, nor the slightest indecent word."
Needless to say, an event in which scantily clad men and women interact casually, without the presence of parents, is not likely to promote the high degree of purity that the Saint recommends. This is especially true given that most parish young adult groups are little more than matchmaking agencies...
Even within Latin Mass parishes, vigilance is advisable. We cannot assume that merely because an FSSP or SSPX priest has permitted an activity, it is licit. If Novus Ordo priests are not above criticism, neither are traditional priests.
In Jesu et Maria,
When I first took an interest in traditional Catholicism, I believed that most Latin Mass attendees were in agreement regarding basic standards for modesty and decency. Sadly, I was wrong.
A friend informed me that St. Anne's in San Diego, an FSSP parish, recently hosted their annual snorkeling excursion for the coed young adults group. An email advertising the event says: "Ladies: Please wear a one-piece with no cleavage and shorts."
Such an outfit does not match the modesty standards posted outside St. Anne's. Since we are always in the presence of God, Our Lady, the Saints, and the Angels, modesty is always imperative, even outside church. What is immodest for Mass is also immodest at the beach. To suggest otherwise is to yield to relativism.
Furthermore, a coed snorkeling activity is improper because it encourages undue familiarity between the sexes. Historically, young men and women were expected to maintain a certain distance. St. John Vianney mentioned in a sermon that, "the young persons who want to deserve the graces of marriage... [must] never allow themselves the slightest familiarity, nor the slightest indecent word."
Needless to say, an event in which scantily clad men and women interact casually, without the presence of parents, is not likely to promote the high degree of purity that the Saint recommends. This is especially true given that most parish young adult groups are little more than matchmaking agencies...
Even within Latin Mass parishes, vigilance is advisable. We cannot assume that merely because an FSSP or SSPX priest has permitted an activity, it is licit. If Novus Ordo priests are not above criticism, neither are traditional priests.
In Jesu et Maria,
Counter-Revolutionary Action In Panamá
My beloved friends of Tradition in Action,
I pray that your magnificent apostolate keeps up the good fight, according to St. Paul, and holds on steady to Our Lady of Good Success. Taking inspiration from the profound example of Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, and his entire work, it is my privilege to inform you of this open letter denouncing the heinous ecumenical event convoked by the Archbishop of Panama City no less than the day of Our Lady's Assumption.
My dear friend Dr. Peter Kwasnieski published the letter translated into English in the following link. Also, several influential Catholic commentators have asked to interview me about this terrible event in order to speak the truth without remorse or vain respect. I wanted to share this with you to show that your apostolate has produced fruits, the work of Dr. Plinio, Don Atila, and Dr. Horvat is a demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit in the Holy Catholic Church.
As always, my highest regards and appreciation to Tradition in Action.
See here (my first interview about the subject, there are more to come.)
+In Maria Regina,
Yousef Altaji Narbon, Panamá
I pray that your magnificent apostolate keeps up the good fight, according to St. Paul, and holds on steady to Our Lady of Good Success. Taking inspiration from the profound example of Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, and his entire work, it is my privilege to inform you of this open letter denouncing the heinous ecumenical event convoked by the Archbishop of Panama City no less than the day of Our Lady's Assumption.
My dear friend Dr. Peter Kwasnieski published the letter translated into English in the following link. Also, several influential Catholic commentators have asked to interview me about this terrible event in order to speak the truth without remorse or vain respect. I wanted to share this with you to show that your apostolate has produced fruits, the work of Dr. Plinio, Don Atila, and Dr. Horvat is a demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit in the Holy Catholic Church.
As always, my highest regards and appreciation to Tradition in Action.
See here (my first interview about the subject, there are more to come.)
+In Maria Regina,
Yousef Altaji Narbon, Panamá
Abel’s & Cain’s Races
Hello TIA,
Thank you for today’s article on patriarchal innocence. This concept is new to me, so I read it with some interest.
I have a question. The approach includes the concept of two races of men, descending from Cain and Abel, culminating in these times with micro-Abels and, presumably, micro-Cains.
My question is what happened to the two lines at the “bottleneck” of Noah’s flood? Since all humanity apart from Noah’s son’s and their wives were destroyed, our current human population descends from the families of Shem, Ham and Japheth. The Bible is silent on whether Noah had any further children after leaving the Ark.
Perhaps, and probably, we can assume that Noah, and his sons, were “Abels”. We don’t know about their wives. However, if we presume - as seems to accord with observation - that “Cains” still persist, that the wives transmitted some of the Cain heritage.
Or maybe one can simply say that, due to intermarriage, both Abel-ish and Cain-ish heritage persists in all humans, and that today’s battles are more between willing adherents of either perspective, rather than due to inheritance as such.
I would be interested in your comments on this.
T.B., New Zealand
TIA responds:
Hello T.B.,
The races mentioned by Prof. Plinio in that article are not races in the proper anthropological meaning of the word, but spiritual races. They should be understood in the context of the curse God made against the Serpent after Original Sin: "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel" (Gen 3:15)
When he mentions the fight between the races of Abel and Cain, Prof. Plinio refers to those who are dynamic in the promotion of good and of evil. Today they would be those who fight the battle against the Revolution, the Abels, and those who promote the Revolution, the Cains.
Regarding your concern about how the evil passed through the Deluge, it is a very interesting question. We do not know for certain how it occurred.
A tip in this regard, however, comes from Anne Catherine Emmerick, a great German mystic seer who lived at the beginning of the 20th century. She states that it passed through a baby that Mosoc, one of the sons of Japhet, fathered illegitimately. To avoid Noah's recrimination, Mosoc asked his brother Tubal to adopt the baby as if he were his own child, which he did. Tubal gave the baby the name of Hom. That child entered the Ark without Noah’s awareness of his past.
The seer specifies that Mosoc had a relation with a woman of the race of the giants, who gave birth to that baby. According to Emmerick, that child passed through the Deluge, grew and became a leader. He reestablished contacts with the devils, practiced idolatry and interpreted the doctrine of Noah in a distorted way. (Cf. Ana Catalina Emmerick, Visiones y Revelaciones Completas, Buenos Aires: Editorial Guadalupe, 1952, vol. II, pp. 35,36, 41-43)
We do not hold these data as indisputable, but they bring some light to the problem of how evil survived the Deluge.
TIA correspondence desk
Thank you for today’s article on patriarchal innocence. This concept is new to me, so I read it with some interest.
I have a question. The approach includes the concept of two races of men, descending from Cain and Abel, culminating in these times with micro-Abels and, presumably, micro-Cains.
My question is what happened to the two lines at the “bottleneck” of Noah’s flood? Since all humanity apart from Noah’s son’s and their wives were destroyed, our current human population descends from the families of Shem, Ham and Japheth. The Bible is silent on whether Noah had any further children after leaving the Ark.
Perhaps, and probably, we can assume that Noah, and his sons, were “Abels”. We don’t know about their wives. However, if we presume - as seems to accord with observation - that “Cains” still persist, that the wives transmitted some of the Cain heritage.
Or maybe one can simply say that, due to intermarriage, both Abel-ish and Cain-ish heritage persists in all humans, and that today’s battles are more between willing adherents of either perspective, rather than due to inheritance as such.
I would be interested in your comments on this.
T.B., New Zealand
TIA responds:
Hello T.B.,
The races mentioned by Prof. Plinio in that article are not races in the proper anthropological meaning of the word, but spiritual races. They should be understood in the context of the curse God made against the Serpent after Original Sin: "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel" (Gen 3:15)
When he mentions the fight between the races of Abel and Cain, Prof. Plinio refers to those who are dynamic in the promotion of good and of evil. Today they would be those who fight the battle against the Revolution, the Abels, and those who promote the Revolution, the Cains.
Regarding your concern about how the evil passed through the Deluge, it is a very interesting question. We do not know for certain how it occurred.
A tip in this regard, however, comes from Anne Catherine Emmerick, a great German mystic seer who lived at the beginning of the 20th century. She states that it passed through a baby that Mosoc, one of the sons of Japhet, fathered illegitimately. To avoid Noah's recrimination, Mosoc asked his brother Tubal to adopt the baby as if he were his own child, which he did. Tubal gave the baby the name of Hom. That child entered the Ark without Noah’s awareness of his past.
The seer specifies that Mosoc had a relation with a woman of the race of the giants, who gave birth to that baby. According to Emmerick, that child passed through the Deluge, grew and became a leader. He reestablished contacts with the devils, practiced idolatry and interpreted the doctrine of Noah in a distorted way. (Cf. Ana Catalina Emmerick, Visiones y Revelaciones Completas, Buenos Aires: Editorial Guadalupe, 1952, vol. II, pp. 35,36, 41-43)
We do not hold these data as indisputable, but they bring some light to the problem of how evil survived the Deluge.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted August 29, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Salve Maria!
It was a pleasure to see you post the Irish song, "The Bog Down in the Valley" in your Folk Songs page. My family and I have been listening to this song for several years now and it is one of our favorites.
It reminded me that I wanted to share with your listeners a lovely children's album by the Irish Rovers called "Songs for the Wee Folk" because it includes a very lively rendition of "The Bog Down in the Valley". The album as a whole does not have any obscene lyrics or bad rhythms as far as I could tell and has some truly charming songs for children that include animals, planes, trains and toys.
The album cover features a stylized image of Noah's Ark featured in the song, "The Unicorn" and it's drawn with many Celtic knots. The best song of all is the last in the album, "Hush Now Don't You Cry." It is a song about parents and their love for their children as they put them to bed. Ironically, it's the only song that will make you cry on the album.
I highly recommend this album to any parents seeking good-natured songs for their children.
In Jesu et Maria,