What People are Commenting
Act of Reparation & Papal Silence
Papal Silence
Hello TIA,
Not a word from the Holy See about the Olympics Opening.
As always, Francis is busy making all kinds of announcements this week: Sending greeting to the LGBTQ Outreach Conference members led by Fr. James Martin, calling for dialogue and peaceful attitudes in Venezuela (when he should be supporting the massive demonstrations by the people protesting voter fraud), sympathy for landslide victims in India, an applause for grandparents, and more.
But not a word about the disgraceful and blasphemous opening ceremony of the Olympic Games 2024. Since this sodomite extravaganza was an open affront to Catholics world over, one would expect the Head of the Church to respond, and demand an apology from the president of the First Daughter of the Catholic Church. But not a word.
Which, of course, confirms his actions that always support the LGBTQ+ agenda.
I guess we should be surprised that he did not send a note of appreciation to the planning committee for the ceremony...
Not a word from the Holy See about the Olympics Opening.
As always, Francis is busy making all kinds of announcements this week: Sending greeting to the LGBTQ Outreach Conference members led by Fr. James Martin, calling for dialogue and peaceful attitudes in Venezuela (when he should be supporting the massive demonstrations by the people protesting voter fraud), sympathy for landslide victims in India, an applause for grandparents, and more.
But not a word about the disgraceful and blasphemous opening ceremony of the Olympic Games 2024. Since this sodomite extravaganza was an open affront to Catholics world over, one would expect the Head of the Church to respond, and demand an apology from the president of the First Daughter of the Catholic Church. But not a word.
Which, of course, confirms his actions that always support the LGBTQ+ agenda.
I guess we should be surprised that he did not send a note of appreciation to the planning committee for the ceremony...
Paris Blackout
Dear TIA,
I am copying below the post from Arnold Group (arnoldgroup@earthlink.net) on the power outage that took place in Paris on July 27, the day after the outrage in the Olympics Opening.
Best regards,
Paris is hit by a ‘power blackout’, claim social media users — a day after city was battered by rain and transport system was brought to its knees by protesters.
That was the headline in the London Mail.
Turns out the only place illuminated in one area (at least according to Twitter) was a church, Sacre Coeur or Sacred Heart (see it in the background, on the left horizon, above ”
WOW !!!!
A sizeable section of Paris experienced a power outage and the only thing that remained lit was Sacre Coeur !!!
This is a comment that is included below from one of the readers of this blogger …. Footnote: Notes a viewer, Maria Meszaros of Detroit:
“The Illuminated Church – The ROMAN CATHOLIC BASILICA OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS: From Wikipedia: ‘The Basilica was first proposed by … the Bishop of Nantes, in 1870 after the defeat of France and the capture of Napoleon III … in the Franco-Prussian War. HE ATTRIBUTED THE DEFEAT OF FRANCE TO THE MORAL DECLINE OF THE COUNTRY SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, and proposed a new Parisian church dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.’ THE BASILICA DEDICATED TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS WAS BUILT AS PENANCE AND REPARATION, TO ASK GOD TO HELP WITH THE MORAL DECLINE OF FRANCE!”
I might also note that Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, who was the recipient of Jesus’s request to initiate the Sacred Heart Devotion, was first asked to build a chapel to the Sacred Heart… Through her, Jesus requested King Louis XIV to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but he declined… as did his son Louis XV and then, ultimately, 100 years later, almost exactly to the date Jesus requested the consecration, when it was too late, while he was imprisoned, the consecration was performed by his grandson, Louis XVI… who, shortly thereafter, along with his family was murdered by the revolutionary government.
Scoffing at, dismissing and/ or ignoring the reality of the super/preternatural is endemic amongst the elite, wealthy, intellectual class …What this world is presently witnessing is the consequences of such apostasy.
I am copying below the post from Arnold Group (arnoldgroup@earthlink.net) on the power outage that took place in Paris on July 27, the day after the outrage in the Olympics Opening.
Best regards,

Paris is hit by a ‘power blackout’, claim social media users — a day after city was battered by rain and transport system was brought to its knees by protesters.
That was the headline in the London Mail.
Turns out the only place illuminated in one area (at least according to Twitter) was a church, Sacre Coeur or Sacred Heart (see it in the background, on the left horizon, above ”
WOW !!!!
A sizeable section of Paris experienced a power outage and the only thing that remained lit was Sacre Coeur !!!
This is a comment that is included below from one of the readers of this blogger …. Footnote: Notes a viewer, Maria Meszaros of Detroit:
“The Illuminated Church – The ROMAN CATHOLIC BASILICA OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS: From Wikipedia: ‘The Basilica was first proposed by … the Bishop of Nantes, in 1870 after the defeat of France and the capture of Napoleon III … in the Franco-Prussian War. HE ATTRIBUTED THE DEFEAT OF FRANCE TO THE MORAL DECLINE OF THE COUNTRY SINCE THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, and proposed a new Parisian church dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.’ THE BASILICA DEDICATED TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS WAS BUILT AS PENANCE AND REPARATION, TO ASK GOD TO HELP WITH THE MORAL DECLINE OF FRANCE!”
I might also note that Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, who was the recipient of Jesus’s request to initiate the Sacred Heart Devotion, was first asked to build a chapel to the Sacred Heart… Through her, Jesus requested King Louis XIV to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but he declined… as did his son Louis XV and then, ultimately, 100 years later, almost exactly to the date Jesus requested the consecration, when it was too late, while he was imprisoned, the consecration was performed by his grandson, Louis XVI… who, shortly thereafter, along with his family was murdered by the revolutionary government.
Scoffing at, dismissing and/ or ignoring the reality of the super/preternatural is endemic amongst the elite, wealthy, intellectual class …What this world is presently witnessing is the consequences of such apostasy.
Posted August 1, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
The Paris Olympics opening ceremony was one long litany of blasphemies, especially with the atrociously dressed group of homosexuals in mocking attitudes around a table, clearly a parody of the Last Supper. But, as you pointed out in your Picture of the Week, it was an apotheosis of homosexual propaganda, with one atrocity after another.
II believe that the Last Supper was a direct insult to Catholics. Not Jews, not Protestants, not Muslims. Only the Catholic Church honors Maundy Thursday as one of the most important Holy Days of the year. For it was on this occasion that Our Lord instituted the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, in which Christ offers himself in perpetuity in a continual renewal of Calvary in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
As Catholics, we have an obligation to react with indignation and ire against not only this infamous mockery of the Last Supper - and I have sent my protest and demand that he make a public act of apology, as you requested.
Also, I pray Catholics will do the following, which is really very little, but at least something:
O my God! this blasphemy is the profanation of that which is most holy in the sight of Thine inaccessible sanctuary; it is an attack upon Thy infinite majesty, an outrage against the Face of Thy Divine Son, a crime without excuse, without any other motive than that wickedness which hates Thee, O God, infinitely worthy of all love!
We beg pardon, O Lord, a thousand times pardon, for these blasphemies. Would that we could prevent them by the sacrifice of all that we are, or that we possess! At least it is in the sincerity of our hearts that we desire with all our power to combat this horrible crime, and for all we hear or know to offer instantly, by the merits of the Face of Thy Christ, our humble and sorrowful expiation.
But that which is most grievous to us is that while blasphemy and infidelity daily increase, the adoration due to Thee diminishes.
Alas! now, even more than in the days of the prophet Ezechiel, men neglect and profane Thy holy days because their hearts are given to idols. Slaves of avarice and of pleasure, they no longer have time for Thy worship or attraction to Thine altars.
O Lord! Grant us the grace to make reparation for this contempt and forgetfulness of Thee by the zeal and fervor of our adoration.
V. - May the most Adorable Name of the Lord be glorified forever!
R. - Amen!
V. - May the holy days of Thy Church be sanctified by all men!
R. - Amen!
V. - Behold, O God, our protector
R. - And look upon the Face of Thy Christ. - Psalm 83: 10
If it is possible, let us unite together at 3 p.m., the hour Our Lord died, offering Himself in reparation for the sins of mankind.
Thank you for what you do to fight the Revolution in the Church and in society.