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Emeralds, Sapphires & La Blanche Hermine
Prayers Requested
For Jesus sake please pray for me M.R. and my brothers S., A. and I. and all my dear family members and for F. my SISTER and for her brothers T., F. and I.R. for the GIFTS, POWER, FRUITS of the HOLY GHOST and for physical, spiritual, financial healing and for blessings and protection from all dangers and disasters of all kinds man made, evil made and natural and for God's will to be entirely fulfilled in our lives.
And for the souls of my parents M. and N.R. and all dear ones both living and deceased. And for all those I ought to pray for and all my intentions.
GOD's WILL be done.
For Jesus sake please pray for me M.R. and my brothers S., A. and I. and all my dear family members and for F. my SISTER and for her brothers T., F. and I.R. for the GIFTS, POWER, FRUITS of the HOLY GHOST and for physical, spiritual, financial healing and for blessings and protection from all dangers and disasters of all kinds man made, evil made and natural and for God's will to be entirely fulfilled in our lives.
And for the souls of my parents M. and N.R. and all dear ones both living and deceased. And for all those I ought to pray for and all my intentions.
GOD's WILL be done.
Emeralds & Sapphires
Hello TIA,
Notwithstanding all of your excellent insights and articles on your website, I have always admired the background of your website with the emeralds and sapphires and other gems in the beautiful weave. Is it from a famous artifact? Can you tell me more about it? Perhaps I missed it but I looked around and didn't see a description.
Thanks and blessings. I say my rosary every day with the intentions of the faithful all over the world, which includes you..
TIA responds:
Hello E.A.,
Thank you for your prayers and for your support.
Once we mentioned in passing that our website’s background was inspired by the Carolingean art, but we never described how we made it.
We took photos of two or three covers of Gospels from the treasures of Charlemagne, made a composition of several rows of the jewels and then repeated it to fulfill our background.
We cannot guarantee that the two photos below were the originals, but we reproduced them here for you to have an idea of how it came about.
TIA correspondence desk
Notwithstanding all of your excellent insights and articles on your website, I have always admired the background of your website with the emeralds and sapphires and other gems in the beautiful weave. Is it from a famous artifact? Can you tell me more about it? Perhaps I missed it but I looked around and didn't see a description.
Thanks and blessings. I say my rosary every day with the intentions of the faithful all over the world, which includes you..
TIA responds:
Hello E.A.,
Thank you for your prayers and for your support.
Once we mentioned in passing that our website’s background was inspired by the Carolingean art, but we never described how we made it.
We took photos of two or three covers of Gospels from the treasures of Charlemagne, made a composition of several rows of the jewels and then repeated it to fulfill our background.
We cannot guarantee that the two photos below were the originals, but we reproduced them here for you to have an idea of how it came about.
TIA correspondence desk

Apostasy in the Church
Re: Timely Considerations on the Fatima Message
Chastisements to come?!
Haven't we had several decades of the worst Apostasy ever? Throw in near World wide communism, covid depopulation plan etc
When do we get a break?
Re: Timely Considerations on the Fatima Message
Chastisements to come?!
Haven't we had several decades of the worst Apostasy ever? Throw in near World wide communism, covid depopulation plan etc
When do we get a break?
Pro-Abortion Waldensian at Roman University
Dear Direction of TIA,
I'm S.C. and I'm writing from Italy. …I implore you with all my heart to read to the end because this is an extremely serious issue.
You can read all at the following links. First of all as you can read in the following first free article in the Italian language published on June 7, 2019 (as it's written on the right of the article) that at least until 2019 the Waldensian pastor Paolo Ricca was guest professor at the Pontifical Athenaeum of Saint Anselm in Rome: here.
But as you can read the following on the official Italian website of the Waldensian Church at the link here, there is a pdf file in Italian language about abortion and in the paragraph entitled:
"6 – Moral responsibility and legal sanction" these are the following absolutely unequivocal words: "Venendo alla questione della responsabilità e della colpa, nella Ivg, che implica certo un momento di responsabilità, non si deve configurare alcuna tipica situazione di colpa etico-religiosa. Nessuno, tanto meno la donna in quanto donna, può essere colpevolizzato/a a causa della Ivg."
[Coming to the question of the responsibility and guilt in the IVG, which supposes a certain moment of responsibility, one should not configure any situation of typical ethical-religious guilt. No one, still less the woman as woman, can be considered guilty because of the IVG]
Ivg in italian language is the abbreviation for "Interruzione volontaria di gravidanza" that in English language means: Voluntary termination of pregnancy. The phrase about the Ivg: "non si deve configurare alcuna tipica situazione di colpa etico-religiosa" means that in the Ivg "it does not have to be profiled any typical situation of ethical-religious guilt". The phrase: "Nessuno, tanto meno la donna in quanto donna, può essere colpevolizzato/a a causa della Ivg." in English language means: "No one, much less a woman as a woman, can be blamed for Ivg".
In Jesu et Maria,
S.C., Italy
I'm S.C. and I'm writing from Italy. …I implore you with all my heart to read to the end because this is an extremely serious issue.
You can read all at the following links. First of all as you can read in the following first free article in the Italian language published on June 7, 2019 (as it's written on the right of the article) that at least until 2019 the Waldensian pastor Paolo Ricca was guest professor at the Pontifical Athenaeum of Saint Anselm in Rome: here.
But as you can read the following on the official Italian website of the Waldensian Church at the link here, there is a pdf file in Italian language about abortion and in the paragraph entitled:
"6 – Moral responsibility and legal sanction" these are the following absolutely unequivocal words: "Venendo alla questione della responsabilità e della colpa, nella Ivg, che implica certo un momento di responsabilità, non si deve configurare alcuna tipica situazione di colpa etico-religiosa. Nessuno, tanto meno la donna in quanto donna, può essere colpevolizzato/a a causa della Ivg."
[Coming to the question of the responsibility and guilt in the IVG, which supposes a certain moment of responsibility, one should not configure any situation of typical ethical-religious guilt. No one, still less the woman as woman, can be considered guilty because of the IVG]
Ivg in italian language is the abbreviation for "Interruzione volontaria di gravidanza" that in English language means: Voluntary termination of pregnancy. The phrase about the Ivg: "non si deve configurare alcuna tipica situazione di colpa etico-religiosa" means that in the Ivg "it does not have to be profiled any typical situation of ethical-religious guilt". The phrase: "Nessuno, tanto meno la donna in quanto donna, può essere colpevolizzato/a a causa della Ivg." in English language means: "No one, much less a woman as a woman, can be blamed for Ivg".
In Jesu et Maria,
S.C., Italy
La Blanche Hermine
The song "La Blanche Hermine" is not a counter-revolutionary song at all as you say in this article.
It's a Breton nationalist and crypto-leftist song. You mistranslated "la guerre aux Francs" into "the War with the Franks." it is meant "against the Franks" in reality.
A good counter-revolutionary song from Brittany would be The Chouans de Morbihan: here.
It talks about the invasion of France: here.
X.M., France
TIA responds:
Hello X.M.,
Thank you for your notes. Follow some observations regarding them that we offer to you and our readers:
TIA correspondence desk
The song "La Blanche Hermine" is not a counter-revolutionary song at all as you say in this article.
It's a Breton nationalist and crypto-leftist song. You mistranslated "la guerre aux Francs" into "the War with the Franks." it is meant "against the Franks" in reality.
A good counter-revolutionary song from Brittany would be The Chouans de Morbihan: here.
It talks about the invasion of France: here.
X.M., France
TIA responds:
Hello X.M.,
Thank you for your notes. Follow some observations regarding them that we offer to you and our readers:
- Mistranslation: To go to war with someone means to oppose him in war. To say he is "at war with" is synonymous with "at war against." This is very common usage in English. We even explained this in the beginning of the article in the description: “La Blanche Hermine (The White Ermine) is a song that tells of the armed struggle that the Catholic counter-revolutionary Bretons took on against the French Revolution troops, the ‘Francs.’”
Examples of "go to war with" and "at war with" can be found here and here. Scholarly papers that use "go to war with" can be read here, here and here.
So, unfortunately your note on this expression – go to war with – is not objective. - Nationalist Song: As far as we can see, the song itself is not a nationalist song, although the song has been used by some nationalist groups. The composer of that song Gilles Servat reacted strongly against some Breton nationalists singing his song in their meetings. He made an album called "Touche pas à la Blanche Hermine." (Don't touch La Blanche Hermine)
The Wikipedia article explains: "Touche Pas à la Blanche Hermine is a diatribe written by Gilles Servat to protest against the capture by far-right activists (from the Front National – National Front – in particular) of his song La Blanche Hermine during meetings.
The lyrics of that song read:: ‘What is that I am hearing? It seems that in the back kitchens of the party of the blind dominated by a one-eyed Führer [reference to Jean Marie Le Pen], they bellow La Blanche Hermine? What' is wrong with you people? I do not see how you can sing this under your tricolor flame! Or maybe you do not sing all the verses! Or if you sing them all, it’s because in addition to being blind, you are deaf!""
So, unfortunately your criticism based upon the idea that La Blanche Hermine was specifically a “Breton nationalist and crypto-leftist” song, is not precise. - Les Chouans de Morbihan: We appreciate that you took the time of choosing a Vendée song and offer it to us as a replacement for La Blanche Hermine. Although we will keep the latter in our repertoire of songs suggested to our readers, we may eventually post your suggestion as well.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted June 27, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Please, say a prayer for my Father who is dying.