What People are Commenting
Protestants in Hell, Suenens & Charismatics
Friends with Satanists
Re: Francis Meditates with Buddhists
Meeting with Buddhists? Why doesn’t he really go big and respect other big false religions and invite satanists to Vatican? Do something to rehabilitate Crowley?
(Because he probably does spend much time with them).
Re: Francis Meditates with Buddhists
Meeting with Buddhists? Why doesn’t he really go big and respect other big false religions and invite satanists to Vatican? Do something to rehabilitate Crowley?
(Because he probably does spend much time with them).
Will Protestants Be Saved?
Dear Readers of TIA,
I have a Catholic friend who is siding with Protestants. He goes to their service and actively takes part in it.
He was defending Protestantism that they too will be saved.
I sent him a post of @retrograde.convert where it’s clearly stated that those who are outside the church don't have the Holy Spirit. Also other posts where it’s clearly stated that we must avoid connections with heretics and schismatics.
As much as I have learned that Protestants will not be saved since they are not inside the Catholic Church.
He showed me a reference of Mark 9:39-40. The reference was taken from NKJV. Also he was like, ‘ Then it means God isn't merciful ’. I explained to him that God’s mercy is only to those who fear him and explained to him the errors done by Martin Luther.
Yet he continues believing that Protestants will be saved.
Is this true that Protestants will be saved? I want a proper understanding of it.
Please help!
TIA responds:
Dear P.D.G.,
In this discussion your position is correct. Your Catholic friend position is wrong, although he can allege that the Vatican II Popes did and do what he is doing. The entire Conciliar Church can also back him. Nonetheless, the Catholic position is crystal clear as expressed in the Bull Cantate Domino by Pope Eugene IV. You may read it here.
You ask for the proper understanding of this true. It follows.
The Second Person of the Trinity decided to take flesh. Our Lord Jesus Christ is God and Man. He came to redeem us from the original sin and open the doors of Heaven. He was clear when He stated that only those who follow Him can be saved: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me.” (Jn 14:6) He established His Church upon St. Peter and told the Apostles to reject those who would not accept their doctrine: “whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off even the dust of your feet, for a testimony against them.” (Luke 9:5) Therefore, those who do not accept the Catholic Faith cannot be saved.
These are the conditions established by God to go to Heaven. If we fulfill them we may go; if we do not fulfill it is sure we will not go.
Now, an objector can say: “Today the Catholic Prelates are worse than the heretics, so how can you demand a heretic to convert to such a Church?”
The answer is not difficult. Any true conversion is the fruit of a supernatural grace. Now, the grace that brings the person to the Catholic Faith also shows that those progressivist Prelates are enemies infiltrated inside the Catholic Church. So, the human appearances are not an impediment for many to become Catholic.
We hope that this confirms you in your good position.
TIA correspondence desk
I have a Catholic friend who is siding with Protestants. He goes to their service and actively takes part in it.
He was defending Protestantism that they too will be saved.
I sent him a post of @retrograde.convert where it’s clearly stated that those who are outside the church don't have the Holy Spirit. Also other posts where it’s clearly stated that we must avoid connections with heretics and schismatics.
As much as I have learned that Protestants will not be saved since they are not inside the Catholic Church.
He showed me a reference of Mark 9:39-40. The reference was taken from NKJV. Also he was like, ‘ Then it means God isn't merciful ’. I explained to him that God’s mercy is only to those who fear him and explained to him the errors done by Martin Luther.
Yet he continues believing that Protestants will be saved.
Is this true that Protestants will be saved? I want a proper understanding of it.
Please help!
TIA responds:
Dear P.D.G.,
In this discussion your position is correct. Your Catholic friend position is wrong, although he can allege that the Vatican II Popes did and do what he is doing. The entire Conciliar Church can also back him. Nonetheless, the Catholic position is crystal clear as expressed in the Bull Cantate Domino by Pope Eugene IV. You may read it here.
You ask for the proper understanding of this true. It follows.
The Second Person of the Trinity decided to take flesh. Our Lord Jesus Christ is God and Man. He came to redeem us from the original sin and open the doors of Heaven. He was clear when He stated that only those who follow Him can be saved: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me.” (Jn 14:6) He established His Church upon St. Peter and told the Apostles to reject those who would not accept their doctrine: “whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off even the dust of your feet, for a testimony against them.” (Luke 9:5) Therefore, those who do not accept the Catholic Faith cannot be saved.
These are the conditions established by God to go to Heaven. If we fulfill them we may go; if we do not fulfill it is sure we will not go.
Now, an objector can say: “Today the Catholic Prelates are worse than the heretics, so how can you demand a heretic to convert to such a Church?”
The answer is not difficult. Any true conversion is the fruit of a supernatural grace. Now, the grace that brings the person to the Catholic Faith also shows that those progressivist Prelates are enemies infiltrated inside the Catholic Church. So, the human appearances are not an impediment for many to become Catholic.
We hope that this confirms you in your good position.
TIA correspondence desk
Suenens & the Legion of Mary
1. I asked myself for a long time, HOW, and WHY Cardinal Leo Jozef Suenens was so engaged and involved in the development of the Legion of Mary ? Regarding his ….Vat II.-activity, that absolutely does not correspond with true Marian Spirit….
2. Is it true that the Preparation for Total Consecration according to Saint Louis de Montfort has been influenced by his various Biographers…..and so has been the spirituality of it?
Thank you
TIA responds:
Thank you for your questions. We will answer them in the same order you address them to us.
TIA correspondence desk
1. I asked myself for a long time, HOW, and WHY Cardinal Leo Jozef Suenens was so engaged and involved in the development of the Legion of Mary ? Regarding his ….Vat II.-activity, that absolutely does not correspond with true Marian Spirit….
2. Is it true that the Preparation for Total Consecration according to Saint Louis de Montfort has been influenced by his various Biographers…..and so has been the spirituality of it?
Thank you
TIA responds:
Thank you for your questions. We will answer them in the same order you address them to us.
- Card. Leo Jozef Suenens who was one of the four Moderators of Vatican II and one of the principal progressivist leaders of that assembly, was also one of the pioneers establishing and promoting the Charismatic Movement in Catholic circles. He took advantage of being Archbishop of Brussels to import that movement from Protestantism and establish and encourage a “Catholic” version of it in the Belgian church. His activity with the Legion of Mary should be included in this latter effort.
- Your second question is not very clear. The Treatise of True Devotion to Mary, written by St. Louis Grignion de Montfort, is the place where the consecration to Our Lady is recommended. The Saint could not be influenced by his biographers to propose this devotion since his biographers came afterwards; this statement is a non-sense.
Also, the best English translation we know of the Treatise of the True Devotion is by Fr. Frederick Faber, which is very faithful to the original French text. Again, nothing in this translation seems to be influenced by St. Montfort’s biographers.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted June 6, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Point of no return?
I don’t remember the day this happened in my parish because I was in the Navy at that time. Sometime in 1968 or 1969, between two Sundays, the switch was made. A table was placed in front of the consecrated altar in order for the priest to face the people to say the New Mass which wasn’t "new" but the previously condemned mass of Luther.
So, in reality, that first Sunday with the new table, my parish, Annunciation B.V.M. in Havertown, PA., became a Protestant church.
The bait and switch of all time fooled all of us, except for a very few.
Pray the Rosary for a safe return.