What People are Commenting
Sgt. Miller, Baby Boss & Adoration
I Still Hope
Re: The Noble Origin of the Austrian Flag
Will a descendant of Catholic monarchy - who is a Traditional Catholic- be raised up by God? To fight globalist and communists and freemasons. At first verbally?
I'm 64. I despise the lies, sacrilege, transgender abomination.
Re: The Noble Origin of the Austrian Flag
Will a descendant of Catholic monarchy - who is a Traditional Catholic- be raised up by God? To fight globalist and communists and freemasons. At first verbally?
I'm 64. I despise the lies, sacrilege, transgender abomination.
Review of Boss Baby
Dear TIA,
Can you make a review on the movie Boss Baby? Does it contribute to the formation of a child or not? I am asking this is because when I was a young child, I had a healthy formation because I was exposed to classic cartoons that taught virtue and some of them even made before Vatican II.
TIA responds:
Dear R.R.,
Thank you for your suggestion.
We will try to make this review as soon as one of our writers has spare time.
TIA correspondence desk
Can you make a review on the movie Boss Baby? Does it contribute to the formation of a child or not? I am asking this is because when I was a young child, I had a healthy formation because I was exposed to classic cartoons that taught virtue and some of them even made before Vatican II.
TIA responds:
Dear R.R.,
Thank you for your suggestion.
We will try to make this review as soon as one of our writers has spare time.
TIA correspondence desk
Properly Adoring the Holy Sacrament
Dear TIA,
1 - May I ask if it is permissible to leave Jesus fully exposed in the Blessed Sacrament in the adoration chapels of Novus Ordo parishes if there is no one else left to adore Him due to attending their other duties in their state of life or because he or she cannot guarantee or call upon others to come at that specific time?
Or would it be better not to adore Jesus fully exposed in the Blessed Sacrament in the adoration chapels of Novus Ordo parishes due to the highly possible of this abuse happening and simply adore Him in a nearby SSPX chapel of where I currently assist in their Holy Masses?
2 - I have a question regarding something from what I’ve read at a site in the directory about the Angels. Here below is the excerpt of the text that I have a question about.
It is related of St. Catherine of Siena, who was also favored with the visible presence of her Guardian Angel, that once while praying in the church she turned her head slightly to gratify her curiosity. Her Guardian Angel gave her so severe a look for her disrespect in the presence of the Most Holy that for several days St. Catherine was inconsolable and performed severe penance in atonement.
Blessed Veronica of Binasco relates a similar experience: “Once,” she writes, “when, prompted by curiosity, I happened during the time of Mass to look at one of the Sisters who was kneeling near the altar, the Angel of God who is constantly beside me rebuked me with such severity that I almost fainted with terror. How threateningly he looked at me as he said, 'Why dost thou not keep watch over thy heart? Why dost thou gaze thus curiously at thy sister? Thou hast committed no slight offense against God.' Thus spoke the Angel, and by Christ's command he enjoined on me a heavy penance for my fault, which for three days I bewailed with tears. Now, when I hear Mass, I never venture so much as to turn my head, for fear of incurring the displeasure of the Divine Majesty.” What a lesson for those who give free rein to their eyes in church and even talk during the time of Holy Mass!
Forgive me for my ignorance but are there any from the tradition of the Church that tell of similar stories from the lives of the Saints about this (asides from the obvious that we should give utmost respect towards Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament) and would that mean, even if the glance is accidental out of one’s weakness in their curiosity let’s say either in front of the Blessed Sacrament hidden or fully exposed, they are guilty of committing grave mortal sin?
Thank you.
TIA responds:
Dear NM,
We posted your two emails in one correspondence, above, listing the questions as numbers 1 and 2. We proceed to respond to each one:
TIA correspondence desk
1 - May I ask if it is permissible to leave Jesus fully exposed in the Blessed Sacrament in the adoration chapels of Novus Ordo parishes if there is no one else left to adore Him due to attending their other duties in their state of life or because he or she cannot guarantee or call upon others to come at that specific time?
Or would it be better not to adore Jesus fully exposed in the Blessed Sacrament in the adoration chapels of Novus Ordo parishes due to the highly possible of this abuse happening and simply adore Him in a nearby SSPX chapel of where I currently assist in their Holy Masses?
2 - I have a question regarding something from what I’ve read at a site in the directory about the Angels. Here below is the excerpt of the text that I have a question about.
It is related of St. Catherine of Siena, who was also favored with the visible presence of her Guardian Angel, that once while praying in the church she turned her head slightly to gratify her curiosity. Her Guardian Angel gave her so severe a look for her disrespect in the presence of the Most Holy that for several days St. Catherine was inconsolable and performed severe penance in atonement.
Blessed Veronica of Binasco relates a similar experience: “Once,” she writes, “when, prompted by curiosity, I happened during the time of Mass to look at one of the Sisters who was kneeling near the altar, the Angel of God who is constantly beside me rebuked me with such severity that I almost fainted with terror. How threateningly he looked at me as he said, 'Why dost thou not keep watch over thy heart? Why dost thou gaze thus curiously at thy sister? Thou hast committed no slight offense against God.' Thus spoke the Angel, and by Christ's command he enjoined on me a heavy penance for my fault, which for three days I bewailed with tears. Now, when I hear Mass, I never venture so much as to turn my head, for fear of incurring the displeasure of the Divine Majesty.” What a lesson for those who give free rein to their eyes in church and even talk during the time of Holy Mass!
Forgive me for my ignorance but are there any from the tradition of the Church that tell of similar stories from the lives of the Saints about this (asides from the obvious that we should give utmost respect towards Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament) and would that mean, even if the glance is accidental out of one’s weakness in their curiosity let’s say either in front of the Blessed Sacrament hidden or fully exposed, they are guilty of committing grave mortal sin?
Thank you.
TIA responds:
Dear NM,
We posted your two emails in one correspondence, above, listing the questions as numbers 1 and 2. We proceed to respond to each one:
- The Church has traditionally held the Blessed Sacrament in great reverence and her ministers have scrupulously observed the laws and protocol set out by her in all that pertains to the Holy Eucharist. When Adoration was established in chapels throughout the world, the rule was that the Blessed Sacrament could never be left alone. Someone was required to be there to adore the exposed Blessed Sacrament at all times. If this was not possible, the priest would return the Blessed Sacrament to the Tabernacle.
As you note, Novus Ordo parishes disregard this rule and often have 24 hour adoration without any guarantee that a parishioner will be there at every hour. This is a great abuse.
In principle, the Novus Ordo Mass and their parishes should not be attended. Consequently, you should avoid going regularly to their ceremonies, including their adorations. If by some circumstances you have to take part in adoration at Novus Ordo parishes, you should make a conditional act of adoration, as is suggested here.
Instead, we recommend that you attend adoration at a chapel where you know that the Consecration is valid and Our Lord is respected, and where no abuses take place, such as traditional chapels.
- For something to be a mortal sin three conditions are required: first, it must be a grave matter; second, the person must have full knowledge of the evil of the sin, and
third, the person must give deliberate consent. Regarding succumbing to distractions before the Blessed Sacrament, if the person does so involuntarily without the intention to offend God,
it does not constitute a mortal sin. On the contrary, many Catholics give into distractions for the very reason you mentioned: accidental weakness due to curiosity.
Even in the quote you give, that pious person wrote: “he [the Angel] enjoined on me a heavy penance for my fault.” And previously the Angel told her: “Thou hast committed no slight offense against God.” So, she did not commit a mortal sin, though it was certainly a fault. It was a fault because she had received special graces to understand the True Presence more perfectly than others. For this reason, the Angel treated her more severely.
For those who are not as perfect as she was, it would still be a fault, but it should not be taken with scrupulosity. The purpose of such examples given in the Lives of the Saints is to encourage Catholics to treat Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament with profound respect, ever striving for perfection in our adoration of Him. However, we should avoid overreacting and falling into scrupulosity.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted May 30, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Medal of Honor to U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Robert Miller (Afghanistan)
This is a must read on Memorial Day weekend. I recommend particularly scrolling down to the BattleScape video to the place where it shows Sgt. Miller making his last heroic action in Afghanistan.
It is consoling to realize that some of our youth still care for our great country and enlist in the military for idealism.