What People are Commenting
Manuals, Borders & Ramadan
Behind the Border ‘Crisis’
My dear friends,
Sad but true. His sources (and the brief video clip taken from White House archives, filmed as you see during the Trump Administration, 2019) are irrefutable.
Personally, with the Freemasonry stench rooted so strong and deep in this country, why vote?
E.Z., Ph.D.
Sad but true. His sources (and the brief video clip taken from White House archives, filmed as you see during the Trump Administration, 2019) are irrefutable.
Personally, with the Freemasonry stench rooted so strong and deep in this country, why vote?
E.Z., Ph.D.
Cuba Congratulates Francis
Dear TIA,
So, a Communist nation who has always opposed the Catholic Church rushes to congratulate Pope Francis for his communist reign. Read below:
Havana, March 14 (RHC) -- The Cuban Foreign Ministry on Wednesday congratulated on behalf of the people and government, Pope Francis, the highest representative of the Catholic Church in the world, on the occasion of the 11th anniversary of his pontifical investiture.
"We reiterate our wishes for success in his functions as head of state and spiritual leader," the Foreign Ministry stressed in its congratulatory message, published on the X social network.”
What an upside down world and Church. Only the Chastisement can provide the cure and cleansing that is so needed. There is no other solution when we reach this point, where a brutally communist government praises the Catholic Pontiff…
So, a Communist nation who has always opposed the Catholic Church rushes to congratulate Pope Francis for his communist reign. Read below:
Havana, March 14 (RHC) -- The Cuban Foreign Ministry on Wednesday congratulated on behalf of the people and government, Pope Francis, the highest representative of the Catholic Church in the world, on the occasion of the 11th anniversary of his pontifical investiture.
"We reiterate our wishes for success in his functions as head of state and spiritual leader," the Foreign Ministry stressed in its congratulatory message, published on the X social network.”
What an upside down world and Church. Only the Chastisement can provide the cure and cleansing that is so needed. There is no other solution when we reach this point, where a brutally communist government praises the Catholic Pontiff…
Catholic Group Promoting Contraception
Dear TIA,
Here is another fruit of Vatican II – the promotion of abortion and contraception in Africa reported by Catholic Insight:
An exhaustive investigation by two Catholic organizations into Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in three African countries has revealed pervasive contraception promotion and abortion referrals.
“Joint research by The Lepanto Institute and the Population Research Institute (PRI) into CRS projects focused on Cameroon, Zimbabwe, and Lesotho. The investigation was prompted by learning that CRS had led the implementation of a PEPFAR program called “Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-Free, Mentored, and Safe women” (DREAMS) in several African countries, and that in this context was promoting condoms and contraception as well as implementing health referral networks that included abortion and contraception promoters and providers.”
The investigation was very solid and showed that Catholic Relief Services has “referred girls as young as 10 to abortion and contraception providers.”
“CRS is the recipient of $1 billion in U.S. government funding, as well as Catholic laity donations of about a third of that from an annual parish collection."
That means Catholics in the pew are funding actions that go against Church teaching.
Warn your friends who are still in the Novus Ordo pews: Do not give money to Catholic Relief Services!
The entire report can be read here.
Here is another fruit of Vatican II – the promotion of abortion and contraception in Africa reported by Catholic Insight:
An exhaustive investigation by two Catholic organizations into Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in three African countries has revealed pervasive contraception promotion and abortion referrals.
“Joint research by The Lepanto Institute and the Population Research Institute (PRI) into CRS projects focused on Cameroon, Zimbabwe, and Lesotho. The investigation was prompted by learning that CRS had led the implementation of a PEPFAR program called “Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-Free, Mentored, and Safe women” (DREAMS) in several African countries, and that in this context was promoting condoms and contraception as well as implementing health referral networks that included abortion and contraception promoters and providers.”
The investigation was very solid and showed that Catholic Relief Services has “referred girls as young as 10 to abortion and contraception providers.”
“CRS is the recipient of $1 billion in U.S. government funding, as well as Catholic laity donations of about a third of that from an annual parish collection."
That means Catholics in the pew are funding actions that go against Church teaching.
Warn your friends who are still in the Novus Ordo pews: Do not give money to Catholic Relief Services!
The entire report can be read here.
Priest Fasts in Ramadan
Dear TIA,
On March 11, America Magazine published a disappointing article entitled: "I'm a Catholic priest who fasts for Ramadan. Here's what it taught me about Lent."
The article is written by the openly homosexual Fr. Bryan Massingale, who suggests that we as Catholics need to learn from Muslims. Boasting that he has followed the strict Ramadan fast every year since 2019, Fr. Massingale essentially argues that Ramadan is superior to Lent and that Catholics should strive to emulate its spirit. Of course, he conveniently leaves out the fact that everything good about Ramadan, including its emphasis on fasting, was copied (or rather, stolen) from the Church. One could certainly argue that Ramadan is little more than a parody of Lent.
Fr. Massingale laments that modern Lenten practices are too individualistic, but forgets that the very progressivist spirit he espouses is the source of this problem. He states: "Spiritual authors have written extensively on fasting for centuries, yet we have not found a compelling way to convey its benefits as a spiritual practice to the average Catholic in the pew." This is insulting. For nearly 2,000 years, until the 1983 Code of Canon Law was published, all Catholics fasted together throughout the entirety of Lent. All Catholics of good will had a profound, implicit understanding of the benefits of fasting.
Also, Fr. Massingale pretends that fasting is primarily about concern for the poor. He says:
"As I mentioned earlier, each year during Ramadan, I become more aware that I want a world where children don’t go hungry, where food doesn’t go to waste, where children are not impeded from learning simply because they live in a household where their parents cannot provide for them. I become more aware of the scandal of poverty and hunger in our world; and of how there is more than enough food in the world to feed everyone adequately, but we lack the will to do so.
By fasting, I become more aware of how outrageous that is – and how much I wish it were otherwise. I believe that hope is part of God’s heart, too, that this is what God desires for the world. Becoming more in tune with God’s heart: This is what makes fasting something sacred. And it makes the insights it gives us about our world something that is not only political, but sacred as well."
While it is true that we are called to help the poor, Fr. Massingale seems to veer dangerously close to Communist ideology. Poverty and hunger are not a scandal, and, as Our Lord Himself said, we will always have the poor. Rather than focus exclusively on temporal welfare, Catholics (especially priests) are called to minister to the spiritual needs of others.
In Maria,
On March 11, America Magazine published a disappointing article entitled: "I'm a Catholic priest who fasts for Ramadan. Here's what it taught me about Lent."
The article is written by the openly homosexual Fr. Bryan Massingale, who suggests that we as Catholics need to learn from Muslims. Boasting that he has followed the strict Ramadan fast every year since 2019, Fr. Massingale essentially argues that Ramadan is superior to Lent and that Catholics should strive to emulate its spirit. Of course, he conveniently leaves out the fact that everything good about Ramadan, including its emphasis on fasting, was copied (or rather, stolen) from the Church. One could certainly argue that Ramadan is little more than a parody of Lent.
Fr. Massingale laments that modern Lenten practices are too individualistic, but forgets that the very progressivist spirit he espouses is the source of this problem. He states: "Spiritual authors have written extensively on fasting for centuries, yet we have not found a compelling way to convey its benefits as a spiritual practice to the average Catholic in the pew." This is insulting. For nearly 2,000 years, until the 1983 Code of Canon Law was published, all Catholics fasted together throughout the entirety of Lent. All Catholics of good will had a profound, implicit understanding of the benefits of fasting.
Also, Fr. Massingale pretends that fasting is primarily about concern for the poor. He says:
"As I mentioned earlier, each year during Ramadan, I become more aware that I want a world where children don’t go hungry, where food doesn’t go to waste, where children are not impeded from learning simply because they live in a household where their parents cannot provide for them. I become more aware of the scandal of poverty and hunger in our world; and of how there is more than enough food in the world to feed everyone adequately, but we lack the will to do so.
By fasting, I become more aware of how outrageous that is – and how much I wish it were otherwise. I believe that hope is part of God’s heart, too, that this is what God desires for the world. Becoming more in tune with God’s heart: This is what makes fasting something sacred. And it makes the insights it gives us about our world something that is not only political, but sacred as well."
While it is true that we are called to help the poor, Fr. Massingale seems to veer dangerously close to Communist ideology. Poverty and hunger are not a scandal, and, as Our Lord Himself said, we will always have the poor. Rather than focus exclusively on temporal welfare, Catholics (especially priests) are called to minister to the spiritual needs of others.
In Maria,
Posted March 14, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
After reading Dr. Carol Byrne's article, "Burning the Manuals ..." I cannot help but believe that if the manuals for the authentic faith have been burned, marginalized, and silenced, the monastic life as it was meant to be lived has also been destroyed by default. One would think that the rules and traditions of that type of life should have remained intact, but the outcome is obvious: empty monasteries, a broken world, &/or "forward thinking" abbots with no idea about authentic monastic life. What an abysmal state!
May God have mercy on this world, and may Our Lady soon intervene to halt the progression of progressivism. I have an impression that it will take cataclysmic events to wake up the sheeple who have no clue what true faith is all about, and by default, relatively little appreciation for anything good and holy.
Thank you, again, to Dr. Carol Byrne for her impressive work. May she continue to be protected and guided by Our Lady.
Trust in my continued prayers for her and all at TIA,
E.S., Ph.D.
"May our God be eternally blessed and thanked, O most amiable Mary, for having created thee so sweet and benign, even towards the most miserable sinners! Truly unfortunate is he who loves thee not, and who, having it in his power to obtain thy assistance, has no confidence in thee." St. Alphonsus Liguori