What People are Commenting
Mandatum & Two Glorious Saints
Two Great Saints
My dear friends,
Ave Maria!
How AMAZING! Nothing escapes God's timing!
Today, on this, the very Feast Day of Saint Frances of Rome, I received in the mail the brand new publication by TAN Books, a new release of THE VISIONS OF SAINT FRANCES OF ROME. I absolutely know it was delivered today because although I remain homebound, a friend who came by brought in for me yesterday's mail and then today's arrival as well.
This relatively small book (which can easily be tucked into a purse or satchel) is the first time her visions have been translated into English! Thrilled by what I saw as a coordination by Heaven for the book's arrival, I immediately began, here and there, turning the pages and reading certain Chapters -- until the pains in my chest grew so strong, I had to put the book down, realizing I must read it in smaller doses!
I have a strong heart and there is nothing wrong with my heart -- but what you will read in those pages is more powerful than whatever you can ever conjure up in your imagination about Eternity! Unequivocally I can say: the book is life changing and all should read it!
I wish I could buy each of you the book but I cannot. However, I strongly urge you to go to TAN Books and purchase your copy because it will surely change your eternal destination.
What I am able to do is provide two links to glorious accounts of the life of each of the two great Saints of today, March 9th: Saint Frances of Rome and Saint Dominic Savio -- thanks to TIA (Tradition In Action). Personally, I found that reading of the exquisite wisdom and maturity of Dominic Savio and contemplating this young lad's serious conversation with Saint John Bosco was tremendously instructive.
Blessings of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary,
E.Z., Ph.D.
Ave Maria!
How AMAZING! Nothing escapes God's timing!
Today, on this, the very Feast Day of Saint Frances of Rome, I received in the mail the brand new publication by TAN Books, a new release of THE VISIONS OF SAINT FRANCES OF ROME. I absolutely know it was delivered today because although I remain homebound, a friend who came by brought in for me yesterday's mail and then today's arrival as well.
This relatively small book (which can easily be tucked into a purse or satchel) is the first time her visions have been translated into English! Thrilled by what I saw as a coordination by Heaven for the book's arrival, I immediately began, here and there, turning the pages and reading certain Chapters -- until the pains in my chest grew so strong, I had to put the book down, realizing I must read it in smaller doses!
I have a strong heart and there is nothing wrong with my heart -- but what you will read in those pages is more powerful than whatever you can ever conjure up in your imagination about Eternity! Unequivocally I can say: the book is life changing and all should read it!
I wish I could buy each of you the book but I cannot. However, I strongly urge you to go to TAN Books and purchase your copy because it will surely change your eternal destination.
What I am able to do is provide two links to glorious accounts of the life of each of the two great Saints of today, March 9th: Saint Frances of Rome and Saint Dominic Savio -- thanks to TIA (Tradition In Action). Personally, I found that reading of the exquisite wisdom and maturity of Dominic Savio and contemplating this young lad's serious conversation with Saint John Bosco was tremendously instructive.
Blessings of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary,
E.Z., Ph.D.
Requiescat in Pace: Fr. Basilio Méramo
Good morning.
I want to report you that Fr. Basilio Méramo Chaljub, died on March 5th, 2024.
Since you posted an article by him, I hope you will also post this Obituary on your Comments by Readers Page.
God bless you,
"Radio Cristiandad announces the death of the beloved Pater Basilio Méramo, thanking him for his collaboration, his advice, his friendship, his courage and his example. From his closest parishioners we received this message:
«The Father died very happy, with all the Sacraments, assisted by Father Arturo Vargas, of the Monsignor Williamson Resistance, who had been his curate in Mexico and had traveled the previous week to accompany him.
Yesterday afternoon, he called his brothers, who traveled immediately and were able to accompany him until the moment of his death, along with Father Arturo.
Father Basilio said that the only thing that dulled his joy was not being able to see the Parousia. But he already saw the Lord personally. We pray to the Blessed Virgin to present him before her Divine Son.
May God have him in his Holy Glory.»"
+ Requiescat in Pace.
I want to report you that Fr. Basilio Méramo Chaljub, died on March 5th, 2024.
Since you posted an article by him, I hope you will also post this Obituary on your Comments by Readers Page.
God bless you,
"Radio Cristiandad announces the death of the beloved Pater Basilio Méramo, thanking him for his collaboration, his advice, his friendship, his courage and his example. From his closest parishioners we received this message:
«The Father died very happy, with all the Sacraments, assisted by Father Arturo Vargas, of the Monsignor Williamson Resistance, who had been his curate in Mexico and had traveled the previous week to accompany him.
Yesterday afternoon, he called his brothers, who traveled immediately and were able to accompany him until the moment of his death, along with Father Arturo.
Father Basilio said that the only thing that dulled his joy was not being able to see the Parousia. But he already saw the Lord personally. We pray to the Blessed Virgin to present him before her Divine Son.
May God have him in his Holy Glory.»"
+ Requiescat in Pace.
A Good Child in the Making
Dear TIA,
Ave Maria Purissima !
To your correspondent SW, father of the “angry toddler”, I would like to amplify the excellent advice give by the TIA team.
Firstly, I would say to this good father, that he must control this toddler because if he does not, the toddler will control him and the rest of the family. Corporal punishment is the best method, because toddlers are too young to accept reasonable discussion or a scolding.
As TIA advised, calmness and consistency are vital. Do not punish in anger and do not shout or raise the voice. Have a naughty corner and conduct the angry infant to that corner, making him kneel or stand facing the wall. Do not allow him to turn around and let him consider his fate for a minute or two, while you fetch your rod or strap. I prefer an implement to spank with rather than the hand. Chastise him moderately on the palm or the bottom and assure him, he will get the same “medicine” only more severely, the next time.
As TIA wonderfully suggested, then bring him before Our Lord and Our Lady to apologize for his boldness and to ask for their help in making him a good boy. Let him pray in his own simple words and say “sorry” to Our Lady for making her sad.
At this stage, leave the child to suffer. Do not allow histrionics during the punishment. He must be quiet and not struggle. If he struggles add an extra stroke or two. Later, find some time to praise him and give him a hug. However you must punish again every time he is bold. This can be hard as you may find yourself having to spank again in half an hour or later that day or the following morning. You must persist and finally your son will get the message that you intend to control him and will not accept disobedience or tantrums.
If he senses any leniency, he will use this to his own advantage. Children are very good at this. Explain to him that we are all under authority. You and your wife under the authority of Almighty God and that you both have been appointed by God to have authority over him. You must do what God ordains and this includes punishing children when they are bold, God does tolerate disobedience and tantrums and neither do you.
This process may take weeks or even months but in time, the punishments will not need to be as frequent and eventually you will have, please God, a well behaved little boy of whom you can be very proud. The need for punishment never entirely goes away however, so remain vigilant.
Rest assured of my prayers and my admiration for your desire to be a really good father. I wish there were more men like you.
Yours faithfully
C.P., Ireland
Ave Maria Purissima !
To your correspondent SW, father of the “angry toddler”, I would like to amplify the excellent advice give by the TIA team.
Firstly, I would say to this good father, that he must control this toddler because if he does not, the toddler will control him and the rest of the family. Corporal punishment is the best method, because toddlers are too young to accept reasonable discussion or a scolding.
As TIA advised, calmness and consistency are vital. Do not punish in anger and do not shout or raise the voice. Have a naughty corner and conduct the angry infant to that corner, making him kneel or stand facing the wall. Do not allow him to turn around and let him consider his fate for a minute or two, while you fetch your rod or strap. I prefer an implement to spank with rather than the hand. Chastise him moderately on the palm or the bottom and assure him, he will get the same “medicine” only more severely, the next time.
As TIA wonderfully suggested, then bring him before Our Lord and Our Lady to apologize for his boldness and to ask for their help in making him a good boy. Let him pray in his own simple words and say “sorry” to Our Lady for making her sad.
At this stage, leave the child to suffer. Do not allow histrionics during the punishment. He must be quiet and not struggle. If he struggles add an extra stroke or two. Later, find some time to praise him and give him a hug. However you must punish again every time he is bold. This can be hard as you may find yourself having to spank again in half an hour or later that day or the following morning. You must persist and finally your son will get the message that you intend to control him and will not accept disobedience or tantrums.
If he senses any leniency, he will use this to his own advantage. Children are very good at this. Explain to him that we are all under authority. You and your wife under the authority of Almighty God and that you both have been appointed by God to have authority over him. You must do what God ordains and this includes punishing children when they are bold, God does tolerate disobedience and tantrums and neither do you.
This process may take weeks or even months but in time, the punishments will not need to be as frequent and eventually you will have, please God, a well behaved little boy of whom you can be very proud. The need for punishment never entirely goes away however, so remain vigilant.
Rest assured of my prayers and my admiration for your desire to be a really good father. I wish there were more men like you.
Yours faithfully
C.P., Ireland
Posted March 12, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
It was very good to listen to the recording of the Mandatum, which you posted very recently.
Perhaps your other readers might also be interested in the attached album of chants for Good Friday that was recorded by the monks of Solesmes under the direction of Dom Joseph Gajard, OSB, who was very highly regarded in the last century as an interpreter of the Plainchant.
In Christo,
Br. M.J., OSB, England