What People are Commenting
Synod, Irish Revolts & Decent Dolls
Irish Uprisings
Dear Dr. Horvat,
Ave Maria Prissima!
Re: French Revolution: The People Never Make a Revolution
I enjoyed your instruction on the French Revolution very much. It was very instructive. Indeed all revolutions are carried out by small minorities, but ruthless people who are prepared to die for their cause. Their cause usually being an evil one. In Ireland we had countless such revolts against the British Monarchy. In 1641, 1798, 1803, 1848, 1866, 1882 and of course the best known in 1916. In every case these revolts were carried out by a very small minority of people with no universal support. Thankfully they all failed although the British handled the 1916 rising very badly and this led to a change of opinion among some.
The 1798 rising is interesting since it stemmed from the French Revolution. We had revolutionaries in Ireland with similar views and aims as the French. We were ruled by Great Britain and of course, they were the traditional enemies of the French. Our revolutionaries contacted the French and suggested they should invade Ireland, thinking that the Irish would rise up. In 1798, the French sent war ships to our west coast around County Mayo, north of Galway. However a storm blew up and the boats got into trouble and were damaged. A small number of French soldiers were landed but they were defeated by the British and there was no general uprising.
In school, we were taught history by a Nun who was a royalist and she detested the people who took part in these uprisings, telling us they were against the Monarchy and against God. I share her views and often get into trouble for criticising these rebellions against British rule. I am convinced the great famine of 1848 was a punishment for these rebellions but of course, we cannot assume we know God’s Holy Will.
Yours sincerely,
C.P., Ireland
Ave Maria Prissima!
Re: French Revolution: The People Never Make a Revolution
I enjoyed your instruction on the French Revolution very much. It was very instructive. Indeed all revolutions are carried out by small minorities, but ruthless people who are prepared to die for their cause. Their cause usually being an evil one. In Ireland we had countless such revolts against the British Monarchy. In 1641, 1798, 1803, 1848, 1866, 1882 and of course the best known in 1916. In every case these revolts were carried out by a very small minority of people with no universal support. Thankfully they all failed although the British handled the 1916 rising very badly and this led to a change of opinion among some.
The 1798 rising is interesting since it stemmed from the French Revolution. We had revolutionaries in Ireland with similar views and aims as the French. We were ruled by Great Britain and of course, they were the traditional enemies of the French. Our revolutionaries contacted the French and suggested they should invade Ireland, thinking that the Irish would rise up. In 1798, the French sent war ships to our west coast around County Mayo, north of Galway. However a storm blew up and the boats got into trouble and were damaged. A small number of French soldiers were landed but they were defeated by the British and there was no general uprising.
In school, we were taught history by a Nun who was a royalist and she detested the people who took part in these uprisings, telling us they were against the Monarchy and against God. I share her views and often get into trouble for criticising these rebellions against British rule. I am convinced the great famine of 1848 was a punishment for these rebellions but of course, we cannot assume we know God’s Holy Will.
Yours sincerely,
C.P., Ireland
Decent & Modest Toys
To whom it may concern,
My brother most recently introduced me to your website. Thank you for all of your helpful articles.
I am a newly Traditional Catholic wife and mother (cradle Catholic), and I am trying to have decent and modest toys in our home that my children won’t be under the influence of the immorality in the culture.
I grew up playing with Barbie Dolls, they are a bit sentimental to me, but I am hesitant to allow my 3 year old daughter to play with them. I grew up in worldliness, and am trying to root it out of my life and my family’s.
I have been looking for “modestly dressed” Barbies like princess dolls in modest elegant gowns, covering the shoulders, chest and legs, but I’m still hesitant.
I have eradicated all Disney toys in our home, and am not looking back, but now I’m hesitant about other brands such as Mattel. Am I being over-scrupulous, or should I avoid Barbie Dolls altogether?
I want her to have a beautiful and modest doll to play with as she gets a little older.
I am sorry if I am reaching out to the wrong person through this email.
Thank you for your time.
TIA responds:
We commend you for your efforts to provide your children with decent and modest toys, a difficult goal to accomplish in these times.
We do not believe you are being over-scrupulous. The Barbie doll has been problematic since its invention, and the true aim behind its introduction can be seen clearly in the new Barbie movie. Girls of the past played with baby dolls or sweet innocent dolls in modest clothing that encouraged a modest, feminine spirit. These dolls did not have a shape that emphasized a woman’s form, the way the Barbie doll does.
The first television trailer that came out for “Barbie” was accompanied by a little song with the following lyrics: “Barbie’s small and so petite, her clothes and figure look so neat … Someday I’m gonna be, exactly like you… till then… I’ll make believe I’m you.”
Most of Barbie’s outfits in this trailer are immodest, and from the onset the bathing suit is flaunted on the flawless doll. From the lyrics, it is evident that the doll encourages vanity and immodesty, for if the girl desires to be “exactly like” Barbie, she will try to have the same unrealistic tiny waist and to wear the same fashionable and usually immodest clothes. What she will find is that she can never be as beautiful as Barbie, however she spends much time in front of the mirror. But, the Barbie ideal has already been imprinted on her mind, leaving her to muse on vain desires, jealous thoughts, and material gain.
The girl is fortunate if the sway of “Barbie” stops at those trivialities: The emphasized form of the doll can also lead to impure thoughts and romantic daydreams. Barbie’s face - especially the original design (pictured below) - has an expression of worldliness and corruption. She is not an innocent, modest doll, but rather one that encourages the opposite vices. Although some of the later Barbie dolls had sweeter faces and wore some modest dresses, the same problems arise due to the form and intent of the doll, which replace the sweet and innocent baby dolls.
What, then, can we recommend as an alternative? The answer is simple: any doll that is modest and feminine. Baby dolls are excellent for girls because they encourage their maternal instincts. Homemade rag dolls, crochet dolls, and other old-fashioned toys are in many ways more charming than store-bought dolls, for you can add a personal touch to them and your daughter will not be encouraged to want more accessories for her brand name doll. There are also beautiful antique porcelain dolls that would be lovely for your daughter to play with when she is older or as soon as she learns to treat her toys gently.
When it comes to name brand dolls, the only types of doll we could recommend are those similar to the American Girl Doll. The shape of this doll is not conducive to vanity or impurity, and the historical dolls tend to have charming outfits and accessories.
However, the American Girl brand has been feminist from its outset, and the new look of American Girls dolls is more modern and less innocent - there are now dolls available with dyed hair and bald heads as well as androgynous dolls. We do not recommend reading any of the books or allowing your daughter to look at the magazines or catalogs, which will only encourage avarice and inspire a feminist spirit. If you choose to purchase an American Girl doll (perhaps a used one), or a similar brand such as the less expensive our generation dolls, then it would be best to either sew the doll’s clothing or purchase historical doll dresses. In the past sewing doll clothing was an excellent way to introduce girls to this feminine art.
We hope this is helpful to you.
TIA correspondence desk
My brother most recently introduced me to your website. Thank you for all of your helpful articles.
I am a newly Traditional Catholic wife and mother (cradle Catholic), and I am trying to have decent and modest toys in our home that my children won’t be under the influence of the immorality in the culture.
I grew up playing with Barbie Dolls, they are a bit sentimental to me, but I am hesitant to allow my 3 year old daughter to play with them. I grew up in worldliness, and am trying to root it out of my life and my family’s.
I have been looking for “modestly dressed” Barbies like princess dolls in modest elegant gowns, covering the shoulders, chest and legs, but I’m still hesitant.
I have eradicated all Disney toys in our home, and am not looking back, but now I’m hesitant about other brands such as Mattel. Am I being over-scrupulous, or should I avoid Barbie Dolls altogether?
I want her to have a beautiful and modest doll to play with as she gets a little older.
I am sorry if I am reaching out to the wrong person through this email.
Thank you for your time.
TIA responds:
We commend you for your efforts to provide your children with decent and modest toys, a difficult goal to accomplish in these times.
We do not believe you are being over-scrupulous. The Barbie doll has been problematic since its invention, and the true aim behind its introduction can be seen clearly in the new Barbie movie. Girls of the past played with baby dolls or sweet innocent dolls in modest clothing that encouraged a modest, feminine spirit. These dolls did not have a shape that emphasized a woman’s form, the way the Barbie doll does.
The first television trailer that came out for “Barbie” was accompanied by a little song with the following lyrics: “Barbie’s small and so petite, her clothes and figure look so neat … Someday I’m gonna be, exactly like you… till then… I’ll make believe I’m you.”
Most of Barbie’s outfits in this trailer are immodest, and from the onset the bathing suit is flaunted on the flawless doll. From the lyrics, it is evident that the doll encourages vanity and immodesty, for if the girl desires to be “exactly like” Barbie, she will try to have the same unrealistic tiny waist and to wear the same fashionable and usually immodest clothes. What she will find is that she can never be as beautiful as Barbie, however she spends much time in front of the mirror. But, the Barbie ideal has already been imprinted on her mind, leaving her to muse on vain desires, jealous thoughts, and material gain.

What, then, can we recommend as an alternative? The answer is simple: any doll that is modest and feminine. Baby dolls are excellent for girls because they encourage their maternal instincts. Homemade rag dolls, crochet dolls, and other old-fashioned toys are in many ways more charming than store-bought dolls, for you can add a personal touch to them and your daughter will not be encouraged to want more accessories for her brand name doll. There are also beautiful antique porcelain dolls that would be lovely for your daughter to play with when she is older or as soon as she learns to treat her toys gently.
When it comes to name brand dolls, the only types of doll we could recommend are those similar to the American Girl Doll. The shape of this doll is not conducive to vanity or impurity, and the historical dolls tend to have charming outfits and accessories.

We hope this is helpful to you.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted October 31, 2023

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
When I read the TIA article on the Synod on Synodality, I thought of a Gospel phrase used by a couple of bishops to describe Vatican II: “We have labored all night and taken nothing.”