What People are Commenting
Jiu-Jitsu & Enthronement of Satan
Wrestling - Jiu-Jitsu
Dear TIA,
I enjoyed your article on immodest wrestling garments, and the positive benefits of grappling. For a wrestling sport with modest garb, the original reader (and other men and boys interested) should look into jujitsu.
If you find a good Brazilian jujitsu academy, it has all the benefits of wrestling that were stated in your article, and it also does not contain the dangerous pagan "xi" or "chi" energy component that some other martial arts include.
I enjoyed your article on immodest wrestling garments, and the positive benefits of grappling. For a wrestling sport with modest garb, the original reader (and other men and boys interested) should look into jujitsu.
If you find a good Brazilian jujitsu academy, it has all the benefits of wrestling that were stated in your article, and it also does not contain the dangerous pagan "xi" or "chi" energy component that some other martial arts include.
Jiu-Jitsu's Immodest Clothing
Good morning TIA,
Salve Maria!
I was impressed with your wrestling article because it revealed many truths about the sport and its immodest clothing and did not sugarcoat the reality of facing human respect to fix the situation.
There is a similar situation regarding immodesty that occurred with the sport of Jiu-Jitsu, a grappling sport from Brazil. A man named Eddie Bravo, the first American Jiu-Jitsu black belt in history, was the pioneer of No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu. The gi is the uniform one wears when performing the sport but he was convinced that the many chokes and holds that relied on grabbing the gi were not realistic in an actual fight so he developed the "No-Gi" style where men and women wear skin-tight shirts and shorts so that they can grapple with no hindrance of clothing.
I unfortunately engaged in lessons at one of the gyms he established in this style without realizing in the moment how immodest and undignified it was. There were even women wrestling with men in these same classes, further adding to the lack of decency. My advice to young men looking for a grappling sport is to find a gi-wearing Jiu-Jitsu studio and avoid the no-gi style at all costs. The benefits one gains from grappling "more realistically" without a gi is not worth the hit one will take to their dignity for doing so.
In Jesu et Maria,
Salve Maria!
I was impressed with your wrestling article because it revealed many truths about the sport and its immodest clothing and did not sugarcoat the reality of facing human respect to fix the situation.
There is a similar situation regarding immodesty that occurred with the sport of Jiu-Jitsu, a grappling sport from Brazil. A man named Eddie Bravo, the first American Jiu-Jitsu black belt in history, was the pioneer of No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu. The gi is the uniform one wears when performing the sport but he was convinced that the many chokes and holds that relied on grabbing the gi were not realistic in an actual fight so he developed the "No-Gi" style where men and women wear skin-tight shirts and shorts so that they can grapple with no hindrance of clothing.
I unfortunately engaged in lessons at one of the gyms he established in this style without realizing in the moment how immodest and undignified it was. There were even women wrestling with men in these same classes, further adding to the lack of decency. My advice to young men looking for a grappling sport is to find a gi-wearing Jiu-Jitsu studio and avoid the no-gi style at all costs. The benefits one gains from grappling "more realistically" without a gi is not worth the hit one will take to their dignity for doing so.
In Jesu et Maria,
No Schismatics in Heaven
Re: Are ‘Orthodox’ Incorrupt ‘Saints’ in Heaven?
Excellent article on the false "Orthodox Saints."
It's unfortunate that, not only within the Novus Ordo institution, but we also find traditionalists and Eastern Rite Catholics touting the writings, lives and "holiness" of schismatic and heretical "Saints."
Keep up the good work for the faith.
Fr. B.W.
Re: Are ‘Orthodox’ Incorrupt ‘Saints’ in Heaven?
Excellent article on the false "Orthodox Saints."
It's unfortunate that, not only within the Novus Ordo institution, but we also find traditionalists and Eastern Rite Catholics touting the writings, lives and "holiness" of schismatic and heretical "Saints."
Keep up the good work for the faith.
Fr. B.W.
SSPX Goes Sede-Vacantist
Hello TIA,
Re: Fr. Johnson at OLHC Garden Grove says Novus Ordo priests are not validly ordained
A friend sent me this, and I was wondering if you knew about it. Fr. Michael Johnson, the SSPX priest taking the place of Msgr. Patrick Perez at Our Lady Help of Christian Chapel in Garden Grove, CA, announced from the pulpit that Novus Ordo priests are not validly ordained.
That is shocking because he essentially takes a sede-vacantist position, and puts in doubt all the sacraments received from any Novus Ordo priest, even conservative ones like the Norbertines.
This seems to be adding to the confusion and chaos.
Apparently OLHC has already taken down the sermon from its YouTube channel. Is it an attempt to cover up for an imprudence? If the SSPX superiors consider this to be wrong, why not just come out and say it is wrong!
It is certainly causing a scandal in my area here in Missouri.
Anyway, thought you should know about it.
Re: Fr. Johnson at OLHC Garden Grove says Novus Ordo priests are not validly ordained
A friend sent me this, and I was wondering if you knew about it. Fr. Michael Johnson, the SSPX priest taking the place of Msgr. Patrick Perez at Our Lady Help of Christian Chapel in Garden Grove, CA, announced from the pulpit that Novus Ordo priests are not validly ordained.
That is shocking because he essentially takes a sede-vacantist position, and puts in doubt all the sacraments received from any Novus Ordo priest, even conservative ones like the Norbertines.
This seems to be adding to the confusion and chaos.
Apparently OLHC has already taken down the sermon from its YouTube channel. Is it an attempt to cover up for an imprudence? If the SSPX superiors consider this to be wrong, why not just come out and say it is wrong!
It is certainly causing a scandal in my area here in Missouri.
Anyway, thought you should know about it.
Proofs against Homosexuality
Dear Friends,
The niece of a traditionalist lady walked a large part of the Way of Santiago [in Spain] and experienced some things that convinced her that God exists and His place is the Catholic Church, but her conversion has stopped here. Her closer friends, including her spiritual director, are homosexuals (we have gone thus far…).
For her this – and perhaps other moral disorders that she knows are condemned by the Church – puts almost unmovable obstacles to accept the Church and the doctrine that she should obey. I would say therefore that she still did not convert.
If you have written or read something that can help her to understand why the simple fact of accepting homosexuality is a sin, a rejection of the will of God, I would thank you if you could send it to me or tell me how to reach it.
Thank you very much,
TIA responds:
Dear A.B.,
In the book Vatican II, Homosexuality & Pedophilia, Mr. Guimarães points out the doctrine of the Church on this matter (Chapter I), and also the wrong approach of the post-conciliar documents of the Vatican that are tolerant with this vice (Chapter II).
The book was posted online here in our TIA Library and you or your friend’s niece can download it free of charge.
We hope the precious Catholic doctrine you will find there will serve to complete the process of her conversion.
TIA correspondence desk
The niece of a traditionalist lady walked a large part of the Way of Santiago [in Spain] and experienced some things that convinced her that God exists and His place is the Catholic Church, but her conversion has stopped here. Her closer friends, including her spiritual director, are homosexuals (we have gone thus far…).
For her this – and perhaps other moral disorders that she knows are condemned by the Church – puts almost unmovable obstacles to accept the Church and the doctrine that she should obey. I would say therefore that she still did not convert.
If you have written or read something that can help her to understand why the simple fact of accepting homosexuality is a sin, a rejection of the will of God, I would thank you if you could send it to me or tell me how to reach it.
Thank you very much,
TIA responds:
Dear A.B.,
In the book Vatican II, Homosexuality & Pedophilia, Mr. Guimarães points out the doctrine of the Church on this matter (Chapter I), and also the wrong approach of the post-conciliar documents of the Vatican that are tolerant with this vice (Chapter II).
The book was posted online here in our TIA Library and you or your friend’s niece can download it free of charge.
We hope the precious Catholic doctrine you will find there will serve to complete the process of her conversion.
TIA correspondence desk
Satan’s Enthronement in the Church
Dear TIA,
We all have heard of the ceremony, described by Fr. Malachi Martin in his book Windswept House, of the enthronement of Satan made simultaneously at the Vatican and in the United States. But there are details that we don’t know by the fact that Fr. Martin had to veil them under the form of a novel.
Recently a friend sent to me an update on this topic made by Fr. Brian Harrison, who was an acquaintance of Fr. Martin. This document posted in The Remnant some time ago is a priceless collateral evidence showing that those ceremonies actually took place and it gives the exact date and hour when they happened.
I thought that you would like to know it and perhaps offer it to your readers.
Keep up the good work.
In Christ Jesus,
The 1963 Vatican Enthronement of Lucifer:
A Windswept House Update
Fr. Brian W. Harrison, O.S.
Kathy Thompson's article about the late Fr. Malachi Martin's book Windswept House (The Remnant, April 30) was very interesting, but its chronology regarding the enthronement of Lucifer in the heart of the Vatican needs clarification. I am able to contribute some personal testimony of my own about this matter that I believe will interest Remnant readers. Also, it will add to what is publicly known about a reported event which, if indeed it took place, was very probably a significant factor in exacerbating that 'smoke of Satan' which has corrupted so many aspects of the Church's life and witness since Vatican Council II.
Ms. Thompson correctly records that Fr. Martin described his novel as a work of "faction" - one that recorded many events that really took place while embellishing them, and changing dates and names, in order to make it clear that the book wasn't intended as straight history.
Now, in column 1 on p. 5 she says that the real date of the infamous event described at the beginning of Windswept House is said to have been 1957, while in column 3 she says it took place "in the 1960s". I can clarify what Fr. Martin said was the true date of the Luciferian Enthronement inside the Vatican with the following information from a quarter-century ago that I have never made public until now.
In the last decade of Malachi Martin's life (he died in 1999) I became a personal friend of his and would visit him in his Manhattan apartment whenever I was in New York. In the section headed "1963" in the Prologue of Windswept House, we read that this shocking ceremony, enthroning "the Fallen Archangel Lucifer" in the Chapel of St. Paul, took place on June 29, 1963, the Feast of SS. Peter and Paul, the eve of the coronation of the newly elected Pope Paul VI.
It celebrated gloatingly the long-prepared-for arrival of a pope more open to liberal changes than any of his predecessors. Around the time the book was published in 1996, Fr. Martin told me that this date was indeed "factional", and that the true date of this blasphemous act of devilry, coordinated with a corresponding ceremony on the American side of the Atlantic, was actually one day later. That is, it took place the night after Paul's VI's coronation in St. Peter's Square on the afternoon of Sunday, June 30. Malachi told me it was indeed carried out in the Chapel of St. Paul, as Windswept House says, and began at midnight on the night of June 30 / July 1, 1963.
At the time Fr. Martin told me this I was living in Rome during a year's study leave, finishing the dissertation for my doctorate in theology. Providentially, this was 1996, exactly 33 years after the Masonic Luciferian enthronement – an appropriate number to symbolize both the 33 years of our Lord's life on earth and the 33 degrees of Freemasonry (a number, I understand, the Masons chose precisely in defiance of Christ's social kingship).
Now, during that year I, like many other priests, was offering Mass daily at one or other of the many side altars in St. Peter's Basilica. Fr. Martin was at home in New York City, and in a telephone conversation with him I suggested that it would be very appropriate for both of us to celebrate Masses of reparation on the 33rd anniversary of this wicked outrage, I in the Vatican—where it took place—and he on the East coast of the U.S., where the parallel Luciferian ceremony was simultaneously carried out. Again providentially, even the day of the week was the same: July 1st fell on a Monday in 1996, as it had in 1963.
Fr. Martin readily agreed, and that's what we did: I offered a Mass of reparation in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel of St. Peter's on 7/1/96 (a ferial day in the Novus Ordo calendar), and he celebrated his Mass for that intention on the same day in the little oratory within his apartment. (For him it was the Feast of the Precious Blood, since he always celebrated the Traditional Latin Mass.)
Fr. Martin also told me the Satanic act became known because one of its participants repented a decade or so later on his deathbed and confessed this grave sin. The Roman priest hearing his confession told him he had a grave obligation to allow this shocking sacrilege to be made known to the Supreme Pontiff, in order for a re-consecration of the Pauline Chapel to be made. Accordingly, he told the penitent he could not absolve him unless the latter gave him permission to make this shocking event known to higher ecclesial authority. The penitent did so, and Fr. Martin told me he later learned the whole story through his Vatican connections. Hopefully, there was a re-consecration of the chapel; but if so it would of course have been carried out in strict secrecy in order to avoid scandal.
To me, what I have recounted above is further evidence that Malachi Martin was telling me what he believed to be the truth about the Luciferian Enthronement, the date on which it historically took place, and the way he came to know about it. For I find it hard to imagine him making a Mass intention part of a conscious lie that he had fabricated.
See original here.
We all have heard of the ceremony, described by Fr. Malachi Martin in his book Windswept House, of the enthronement of Satan made simultaneously at the Vatican and in the United States. But there are details that we don’t know by the fact that Fr. Martin had to veil them under the form of a novel.
Recently a friend sent to me an update on this topic made by Fr. Brian Harrison, who was an acquaintance of Fr. Martin. This document posted in The Remnant some time ago is a priceless collateral evidence showing that those ceremonies actually took place and it gives the exact date and hour when they happened.
I thought that you would like to know it and perhaps offer it to your readers.
Keep up the good work.
In Christ Jesus,
A Windswept House Update
Fr. Brian W. Harrison, O.S.
Kathy Thompson's article about the late Fr. Malachi Martin's book Windswept House (The Remnant, April 30) was very interesting, but its chronology regarding the enthronement of Lucifer in the heart of the Vatican needs clarification. I am able to contribute some personal testimony of my own about this matter that I believe will interest Remnant readers. Also, it will add to what is publicly known about a reported event which, if indeed it took place, was very probably a significant factor in exacerbating that 'smoke of Satan' which has corrupted so many aspects of the Church's life and witness since Vatican Council II.
Ms. Thompson correctly records that Fr. Martin described his novel as a work of "faction" - one that recorded many events that really took place while embellishing them, and changing dates and names, in order to make it clear that the book wasn't intended as straight history.
Now, in column 1 on p. 5 she says that the real date of the infamous event described at the beginning of Windswept House is said to have been 1957, while in column 3 she says it took place "in the 1960s". I can clarify what Fr. Martin said was the true date of the Luciferian Enthronement inside the Vatican with the following information from a quarter-century ago that I have never made public until now.
In the last decade of Malachi Martin's life (he died in 1999) I became a personal friend of his and would visit him in his Manhattan apartment whenever I was in New York. In the section headed "1963" in the Prologue of Windswept House, we read that this shocking ceremony, enthroning "the Fallen Archangel Lucifer" in the Chapel of St. Paul, took place on June 29, 1963, the Feast of SS. Peter and Paul, the eve of the coronation of the newly elected Pope Paul VI.
It celebrated gloatingly the long-prepared-for arrival of a pope more open to liberal changes than any of his predecessors. Around the time the book was published in 1996, Fr. Martin told me that this date was indeed "factional", and that the true date of this blasphemous act of devilry, coordinated with a corresponding ceremony on the American side of the Atlantic, was actually one day later. That is, it took place the night after Paul's VI's coronation in St. Peter's Square on the afternoon of Sunday, June 30. Malachi told me it was indeed carried out in the Chapel of St. Paul, as Windswept House says, and began at midnight on the night of June 30 / July 1, 1963.
At the time Fr. Martin told me this I was living in Rome during a year's study leave, finishing the dissertation for my doctorate in theology. Providentially, this was 1996, exactly 33 years after the Masonic Luciferian enthronement – an appropriate number to symbolize both the 33 years of our Lord's life on earth and the 33 degrees of Freemasonry (a number, I understand, the Masons chose precisely in defiance of Christ's social kingship).
Now, during that year I, like many other priests, was offering Mass daily at one or other of the many side altars in St. Peter's Basilica. Fr. Martin was at home in New York City, and in a telephone conversation with him I suggested that it would be very appropriate for both of us to celebrate Masses of reparation on the 33rd anniversary of this wicked outrage, I in the Vatican—where it took place—and he on the East coast of the U.S., where the parallel Luciferian ceremony was simultaneously carried out. Again providentially, even the day of the week was the same: July 1st fell on a Monday in 1996, as it had in 1963.
Fr. Martin readily agreed, and that's what we did: I offered a Mass of reparation in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel of St. Peter's on 7/1/96 (a ferial day in the Novus Ordo calendar), and he celebrated his Mass for that intention on the same day in the little oratory within his apartment. (For him it was the Feast of the Precious Blood, since he always celebrated the Traditional Latin Mass.)
Fr. Martin also told me the Satanic act became known because one of its participants repented a decade or so later on his deathbed and confessed this grave sin. The Roman priest hearing his confession told him he had a grave obligation to allow this shocking sacrilege to be made known to the Supreme Pontiff, in order for a re-consecration of the Pauline Chapel to be made. Accordingly, he told the penitent he could not absolve him unless the latter gave him permission to make this shocking event known to higher ecclesial authority. The penitent did so, and Fr. Martin told me he later learned the whole story through his Vatican connections. Hopefully, there was a re-consecration of the chapel; but if so it would of course have been carried out in strict secrecy in order to avoid scandal.
To me, what I have recounted above is further evidence that Malachi Martin was telling me what he believed to be the truth about the Luciferian Enthronement, the date on which it historically took place, and the way he came to know about it. For I find it hard to imagine him making a Mass intention part of a conscious lie that he had fabricated.
See original here.
Posted July 6, 2023

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
How sweet of you to post my letters! Writing has always been my forte!
I definitely appreciated the letter from another reader which you posted at the same time, on the dress code at the private golf club.
Very telling, indeed. Excellent! Excellent.
How grateful I am to be a subscriber. I cannot recall how I found TIA, but it was a happy day when I did.
Thank you and God bless you.