What People are Commenting
Unharmed Statue, Miracles & Fr. Bermejo
From Australia to Lebanon
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
I need to get the entire books you have on Our Lady of Good Success. I have sent about 5 years ago to Lebanon to very Holy priests the copy of Father Manuel Sousa Pereira. (Father R.T., Father E.R., Brother I., Brother R.) They are all members of the Marian Movement of Priests.
They have started translating the message into Arabic. I live in Sydney Australia, I am going to Lebanon in Sept. this year and I would like to take with me your entire collection about Our Lady of Good Success and maybe small statue if you have.
I am not asking anything for free, please help me to organize it for Our Lady.
God Bless you
Waiting your reply If you wish to call me
J.I., Australia
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
I need to get the entire books you have on Our Lady of Good Success. I have sent about 5 years ago to Lebanon to very Holy priests the copy of Father Manuel Sousa Pereira. (Father R.T., Father E.R., Brother I., Brother R.) They are all members of the Marian Movement of Priests.
They have started translating the message into Arabic. I live in Sydney Australia, I am going to Lebanon in Sept. this year and I would like to take with me your entire collection about Our Lady of Good Success and maybe small statue if you have.
I am not asking anything for free, please help me to organize it for Our Lady.
God Bless you
Waiting your reply If you wish to call me
J.I., Australia
Real Miracles?
TIA, from Instagram
Hey I have a question for you after browsing the Novus Ordo Q&A section of TIA website regarding transubstantiation and Eucharistic miracles since Vatican 2.
Do you believe those are valid miracles? Or is it possible they are deception from the enemy?
TIA responds:
It is difficult to make this kind of generalization: All are real miracles. All are not real miracles.
Some miracles continue to take place, such as the one which took place in Buenos Aires some years ago, when a Host fell in the floor and started to bleed (here).
Others are most likely fake miracles, like the supposed ones that are happening in Charismatic adorations during which the Host sends messages to participants.
See here, here, here and here.
So, we advise you to be cautious and analyze each case in particular to avoid being fooled.
TIA correspondence desk
Hey I have a question for you after browsing the Novus Ordo Q&A section of TIA website regarding transubstantiation and Eucharistic miracles since Vatican 2.
Do you believe those are valid miracles? Or is it possible they are deception from the enemy?
TIA responds:
It is difficult to make this kind of generalization: All are real miracles. All are not real miracles.
Some miracles continue to take place, such as the one which took place in Buenos Aires some years ago, when a Host fell in the floor and started to bleed (here).
Others are most likely fake miracles, like the supposed ones that are happening in Charismatic adorations during which the Host sends messages to participants.
See here, here, here and here.
So, we advise you to be cautious and analyze each case in particular to avoid being fooled.
TIA correspondence desk
Back in Stock?
Hello your book Vatican II, Homosexuality and Pedophilia is sold out, when will it be back in stock?
Thanks in advance.
TIA responds:
Thank you for your question.
The problem with having Vatican II, Homosexuality & Pedophilia be reprinted is that it needs to be updated. The book was released in 2004 and, to update it with the flood of scandals of homosexuality and pedophilia in the last 19 years, it would be necessary to write many volumes.
At this moment, Mr. Atila Guimarães, who authored that work, unfortunately does not have the time to undertake such an extensive task.
However, if you really want the book as it was published, we can look in our warehouse to see if we can find a seconds copy (not in perfect condition, but readable). Please let us know.
TIA correspondence desk
Hello your book Vatican II, Homosexuality and Pedophilia is sold out, when will it be back in stock?
Thanks in advance.
TIA responds:
Thank you for your question.
The problem with having Vatican II, Homosexuality & Pedophilia be reprinted is that it needs to be updated. The book was released in 2004 and, to update it with the flood of scandals of homosexuality and pedophilia in the last 19 years, it would be necessary to write many volumes.
At this moment, Mr. Atila Guimarães, who authored that work, unfortunately does not have the time to undertake such an extensive task.
However, if you really want the book as it was published, we can look in our warehouse to see if we can find a seconds copy (not in perfect condition, but readable). Please let us know.
TIA correspondence desk
Fr. Bermejo, an Anti-Ecumenical Priest
96 years after Eugene of Savoy defeated the Turks in Belgrade in 1717, Fr. Julian Bermejo, an Augustinian priest, defeated the Muslim Leader Gorandin at the Battle of Sumilon in 1813.
Bermejo was born in Ciudad Real, Spain in 1777 and became a priest in 1793. In 1802, he was sent to Boljoon, Cebu. He repaired a church that was destroyed by Muslim pirates in 1782. He was known for building forts to defend the town from the Muslim pirates. In 1813, a naval battle took place in which Bermejo's forces defeated the Muslim leader, Gorandin.
Imagine if Fr. Bermejo were to see the present Catholics who are making dialogue with the Muslims.
From a young age alone, I saw that ecumenism was wrong. I am planning to make a song about the Battle of Sumilon to the tune of ''Prinz Eugen der Edle Ritter.'
96 years after Eugene of Savoy defeated the Turks in Belgrade in 1717, Fr. Julian Bermejo, an Augustinian priest, defeated the Muslim Leader Gorandin at the Battle of Sumilon in 1813.
Bermejo was born in Ciudad Real, Spain in 1777 and became a priest in 1793. In 1802, he was sent to Boljoon, Cebu. He repaired a church that was destroyed by Muslim pirates in 1782. He was known for building forts to defend the town from the Muslim pirates. In 1813, a naval battle took place in which Bermejo's forces defeated the Muslim leader, Gorandin.
Imagine if Fr. Bermejo were to see the present Catholics who are making dialogue with the Muslims.
From a young age alone, I saw that ecumenism was wrong. I am planning to make a song about the Battle of Sumilon to the tune of ''Prinz Eugen der Edle Ritter.'

Extraordinary Effrontery & Pride
Dear TIA,
The photograph of Pope Francis and the young woman caressing each other and looking straight into each other’s eyes, is quite disgraceful in my view. No young woman should allow herself to draw so near to any religious, let alone the Holy Father. He, in turn, would not allow this to happen if he understood the true dignity of his position.
The correct dress for a woman when meeting the Pope is a long, loose black dress with long sleeves, a high neckline and a generous black veil, covering also the face. The young woman in the photograph clearly believes she is the equal of the Pope and has the “right” to touch his face in this way. What extraordinary effrontery and pride. Her demeanour is truly shocking. Whatever about the respect due to the individual office holder, it is the office of the Papacy which demands our respect. There is little or no respect here from either party.
Pope Francis, it seems, is a bit of a lady’s man and you are correct in saying he follows in the footsteps of Pope John Paul II in this. I seem to recall photographs of him greeting bare breasted natives from some island or another in a previous “Church in Revolution” feature (here and here).
This is all part of a misguided effort to make the Church more “relevant” and “humane”. It is supposed to increase the popularity of the Church among “ordinary” people, but is that the objective of the One True Church ? Are we a political Party or a lobby group or the One True Church, initiated by Jesus Himself ?
The mission of the Catholic Church is to save souls, ideally all souls, not however by reducing the Papacy to a popularity contest and certainly not by seriously compromising standards of decorum and dignity.
Yours faithfully
C.P., Ireland
The photograph of Pope Francis and the young woman caressing each other and looking straight into each other’s eyes, is quite disgraceful in my view. No young woman should allow herself to draw so near to any religious, let alone the Holy Father. He, in turn, would not allow this to happen if he understood the true dignity of his position.
The correct dress for a woman when meeting the Pope is a long, loose black dress with long sleeves, a high neckline and a generous black veil, covering also the face. The young woman in the photograph clearly believes she is the equal of the Pope and has the “right” to touch his face in this way. What extraordinary effrontery and pride. Her demeanour is truly shocking. Whatever about the respect due to the individual office holder, it is the office of the Papacy which demands our respect. There is little or no respect here from either party.
Pope Francis, it seems, is a bit of a lady’s man and you are correct in saying he follows in the footsteps of Pope John Paul II in this. I seem to recall photographs of him greeting bare breasted natives from some island or another in a previous “Church in Revolution” feature (here and here).
This is all part of a misguided effort to make the Church more “relevant” and “humane”. It is supposed to increase the popularity of the Church among “ordinary” people, but is that the objective of the One True Church ? Are we a political Party or a lobby group or the One True Church, initiated by Jesus Himself ?
The mission of the Catholic Church is to save souls, ideally all souls, not however by reducing the Papacy to a popularity contest and certainly not by seriously compromising standards of decorum and dignity.
Yours faithfully
C.P., Ireland

Posted February 9, 2023
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Another miraculous case of a statue of Our Lady that remains intact amidst a cataclysm. This time it was an image of Our Lady in the Cathedral of the Annunciation in the city of Alexandretta in Turkey. The cathedral collapsed to the ground under the waves of a 7.8 earthquake, but the statue rested unharmed.
Is this not a message that the Virgin Mary will be there to protect us amidst the coming social convulsions and wars?
Keep up the good work TIA. You are making a difference.