What People are Commenting
Syncretism, Christmas Music & Coggeshall
Syncretism Is Rampant in India
TIA correspondence desk,
Re: A syncretist Catholic Convention in India
Salve Maria!
The person below made an interesting comment that gives a little insight into the very heavily Hindu-influenced culture in India. He says that Catholics sing pagan songs from Indian movies at almost every church function.
He also explains that Catholic parents often send their children to learn “classical” Indian music (Karnatic, which is South India), and classical Indian dance. The parents think this is harmless (perhaps hoping to achieve some sort of civilizing effect from this), yet classical Indian music and dance is founded on Hindu “scriptures” and are often “debuted” at Hindu temples.
Where are the bishops and priests to condemn this? Surely they encourage it as part of their plan for “inculturation”.
Below is his comment.
TIA social media desk
Re: A syncretist Catholic Convention in India
Salve Maria!
The person below made an interesting comment that gives a little insight into the very heavily Hindu-influenced culture in India. He says that Catholics sing pagan songs from Indian movies at almost every church function.
He also explains that Catholic parents often send their children to learn “classical” Indian music (Karnatic, which is South India), and classical Indian dance. The parents think this is harmless (perhaps hoping to achieve some sort of civilizing effect from this), yet classical Indian music and dance is founded on Hindu “scriptures” and are often “debuted” at Hindu temples.
Where are the bishops and priests to condemn this? Surely they encourage it as part of their plan for “inculturation”.
Below is his comment.
TIA social media desk

Christmas Music
Dear TIA,
A pet peeve of mine.
No Christmas music in Advent. So says the Church. Makes sense. But then the Church after Vatican II has trimmed the Christmas Season from 40 days (until February 2) to 10 or 12 or at most 14 (this year) until Epiphany.
In effect the Church has eliminated several weeks of Christmas music.
Well, I listen to Christmas music in Advent, in my typical rebellious spirit. Take that, you Vatican II liturgical wizards.
A pet peeve of mine.
No Christmas music in Advent. So says the Church. Makes sense. But then the Church after Vatican II has trimmed the Christmas Season from 40 days (until February 2) to 10 or 12 or at most 14 (this year) until Epiphany.
In effect the Church has eliminated several weeks of Christmas music.
Well, I listen to Christmas music in Advent, in my typical rebellious spirit. Take that, you Vatican II liturgical wizards.
Traditional Latin Mass for Ever
Re: Is It Time to Leave the Traditional Latin Mass?
My Answer is: Never.
The Mass of all Ages – the Sacrifice of the Mystical Body - will be celebrated here on earth till the end of time . For where the Traditional Mass is, there is Catholic faith in its fullness.
It is the pearl of great price of which Our Lord spoke, for it is the memorial and representation of Christ’s Passion, Resurrection and Ascension. When we partake of the Blessed Eucharist we can truly say “God is with us.”
Randy Engel, League of St. Peter Damian
Re: Is It Time to Leave the Traditional Latin Mass?
My Answer is: Never.
The Mass of all Ages – the Sacrifice of the Mystical Body - will be celebrated here on earth till the end of time . For where the Traditional Mass is, there is Catholic faith in its fullness.
It is the pearl of great price of which Our Lord spoke, for it is the memorial and representation of Christ’s Passion, Resurrection and Ascension. When we partake of the Blessed Eucharist we can truly say “God is with us.”
Randy Engel, League of St. Peter Damian
Clarification & Admonishment
Re: “Catholic” Sex shop in St. Louis
We received your message below from the TIA correspondence desk late, after we received your latest message that we posted online. We did not realize that you had sent us the one before and answered the latest, as you may read here.
Since the answer to your latest message would be the same answer as given to the previous one, we do not know whether you believe we should post the one below also. If you think so, we will be glad to post it, even if the answer to it would be repetitive.
We ask this to not give you the impression that we are not willing to post the message below or that we deliberately prevented it from being published. No, we did not do it for the simple reason that we received it after the other had been posted.
Atila Guimarães, editor
The Reader responds:
Dear Mr. Guimaraes,
Thank you for taking the time to address this mishap. I do still wish that my message be posted even though your reply would be the same. Like I said before, I am grateful for your bringing this scandal to our attention and that consequently it was addressed by the ICKSP.
We need people like you to keep our Catholic leaders accountable. I myself am grateful for what Canon Coggeshall did to address this couple and the scandal they are promoting. Nonetheless I will most certainly be keeping my eye on it from now on.
In Cristo Rege,
The Reader’s not-posted message:
To Whom it may concern,
I have just received a reply from Canon Coggeshall and he has reassured me that he has given serious admonishment to Mr. James Walther, reminding him that he has a grave duty to avoid having anything to do with immoral and unnatural practices relating to the sixth and ninth commandments.
Canon Coggeshall has also admonished Mr. Walther that he should abstain from the Oratory community for a time of serious reflection upon this situation, while rectifying what needs to be corrected in his endeavors.
Neither the Institute of Christ the King nor Canon Coggeshall has any association with the website or business, which is strictly the personal endeavor of Mr. Walther. Neither has Canon Coggeshall ever condoned any immorality or unnatural practices. Mr. James Walther did not get permission to use Canon Coggeshall's name on his website.
I hope you will post this update on your website because Canon Coggeshall did step up to the plate and did what we were all hoping and praying would be done in regards to this awful situation.
I am grateful that TIA brought this to our attention.
Through the Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary,
TIA responds:
Thank you very much for your update.
It is really reassuring to know that Canon Coggeshall seriously admonished that couple. It is a very good start. However, since the scandal was/is public, if he wants to follow the Catholic moral principles of charity and justice, he must publicly warn his parishioners to stay away from that site.
Indeed, it is an obligation of charity toward those who may be attracted to the perverted practices proposed there.
It is also an obligation of justice: Since the owners of that site use the name Catholic and list some Saints and Doctors that allegedly support their scandal, Canon Coggeshall must clarify publicly that they are abusing the name Catholic and are practicing deception regarding the teaching of those Saints and Doctors.
A private admonishment is not enough: A public scandal demands public reparation.
You may be interested to read the opinion of two other priests and a parishioner on this topic that we posted on our What People Are Commenting section.
TIA correspondence desk
Re: “Catholic” Sex shop in St. Louis
We received your message below from the TIA correspondence desk late, after we received your latest message that we posted online. We did not realize that you had sent us the one before and answered the latest, as you may read here.
Since the answer to your latest message would be the same answer as given to the previous one, we do not know whether you believe we should post the one below also. If you think so, we will be glad to post it, even if the answer to it would be repetitive.
We ask this to not give you the impression that we are not willing to post the message below or that we deliberately prevented it from being published. No, we did not do it for the simple reason that we received it after the other had been posted.
Atila Guimarães, editor
The Reader responds:
Dear Mr. Guimaraes,
Thank you for taking the time to address this mishap. I do still wish that my message be posted even though your reply would be the same. Like I said before, I am grateful for your bringing this scandal to our attention and that consequently it was addressed by the ICKSP.
We need people like you to keep our Catholic leaders accountable. I myself am grateful for what Canon Coggeshall did to address this couple and the scandal they are promoting. Nonetheless I will most certainly be keeping my eye on it from now on.
In Cristo Rege,
The Reader’s not-posted message:
To Whom it may concern,
I have just received a reply from Canon Coggeshall and he has reassured me that he has given serious admonishment to Mr. James Walther, reminding him that he has a grave duty to avoid having anything to do with immoral and unnatural practices relating to the sixth and ninth commandments.
Canon Coggeshall has also admonished Mr. Walther that he should abstain from the Oratory community for a time of serious reflection upon this situation, while rectifying what needs to be corrected in his endeavors.
Neither the Institute of Christ the King nor Canon Coggeshall has any association with the website or business, which is strictly the personal endeavor of Mr. Walther. Neither has Canon Coggeshall ever condoned any immorality or unnatural practices. Mr. James Walther did not get permission to use Canon Coggeshall's name on his website.
I hope you will post this update on your website because Canon Coggeshall did step up to the plate and did what we were all hoping and praying would be done in regards to this awful situation.
I am grateful that TIA brought this to our attention.
Through the Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary,
TIA responds:
Thank you very much for your update.
It is really reassuring to know that Canon Coggeshall seriously admonished that couple. It is a very good start. However, since the scandal was/is public, if he wants to follow the Catholic moral principles of charity and justice, he must publicly warn his parishioners to stay away from that site.
Indeed, it is an obligation of charity toward those who may be attracted to the perverted practices proposed there.
It is also an obligation of justice: Since the owners of that site use the name Catholic and list some Saints and Doctors that allegedly support their scandal, Canon Coggeshall must clarify publicly that they are abusing the name Catholic and are practicing deception regarding the teaching of those Saints and Doctors.
A private admonishment is not enough: A public scandal demands public reparation.
You may be interested to read the opinion of two other priests and a parishioner on this topic that we posted on our What People Are Commenting section.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted January 10, 2023
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I liked your Sunday article on Catholic-Hindu syncretism.
Indeed, syncretism has been spread everywhere. Here you see King Charles III making a Hindu ritual reverence as a way to show respect for someone or something.