What People are Commenting
The Chosen, Tattoos & Martial Arts
American Girl Dolls
Dear TIA,
The New American Girl of the Year doll was released yesterday, and I am disappointed. American Girl used to have many innocent dolls that taught girls about history and the good customs of the past. Now, this new doll, Kavi Sharma, wears a cropped mesh top and sweatpants.
What a sad reflection of our modern culture.
In Maria,
The New American Girl of the Year doll was released yesterday, and I am disappointed. American Girl used to have many innocent dolls that taught girls about history and the good customs of the past. Now, this new doll, Kavi Sharma, wears a cropped mesh top and sweatpants.
What a sad reflection of our modern culture.
In Maria,
Regretting Past Tattoos
Dear TIA Correspondence Desk,
Re: Tattooing & the writer MMC
May grace and peace be yours in abundance through knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord!
Thank you for publishing “M.M.C’s” letter on tattooing and for considering his/her request for a more in-depth study on the topic.
Through my sinful blindness, I “acquired” a number of tattoos in my younger years, which I thought were “cool” and innocuously secular at the time. Post conversion, I now know them to be unquestionably blasphemous—nothing short of self-graffiti cheered on by demons.
If/when you more thoroughly address the topic, I’d be grateful if you’d give some consideration to predicaments like mine: What is a Catholic to do if he was tattooed pre-conversion? Obviously, one should cover them at all times with clothing. But is it advisable to try to have them also removed by laser? Or modified through further tattooing?
Thus far I’ve carried them as they are - proof of conversion and proof of how demons can so easily trick us. Mine are rather obvious in this regard, once explained: The “tribute to my Southern U.S. ‘motherland’” on my right shoulder contains what I know in hindsight to be a blasphemous representation of Our Lady. The “tribute to my father and grandfather” on my left shoulder contains what I now know in hindsight to be blasphemous symbols and words - seemingly aimed at St. Joseph. And, on my torso, there’s a gnostic / blasphemous hidden Christ figure - which I had thought was just a cool piece of graffiti-style art.
As I know “M.M.C.” is interested in this topic, I’d be grateful if you could pass my contact information along to him/her. It may help him/her to hear from a Catholic who recognizes his pre-conversion tattoos as demonically inspired.
Peace & joy,
TIA responds:
Dear E.V.,
Thank you for your message. We forwarded your note to M.M.C.
You asked whether it would be better to remove the tattoos or to have them modified into others, we would suggest the former.
The Church used to teach in religion classes before the Council that in the resurrection of the flesh at the end of the world, the bodies will keep the marks they received on earth. So, for those who saved their souls those marks will be a motive of glory in Heaven when they were earned for the glory of God.
For those who lost their souls, their marks will be a motive of shame when they were received out of self-love or for serving the Devil.
Since we hope you go to Heaven, it would be better for you to die with your body clean instead of having to have a hard time then explaining those tattoos...
TIA correspondence desk
Re: Tattooing & the writer MMC
May grace and peace be yours in abundance through knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord!
Thank you for publishing “M.M.C’s” letter on tattooing and for considering his/her request for a more in-depth study on the topic.
Through my sinful blindness, I “acquired” a number of tattoos in my younger years, which I thought were “cool” and innocuously secular at the time. Post conversion, I now know them to be unquestionably blasphemous—nothing short of self-graffiti cheered on by demons.
If/when you more thoroughly address the topic, I’d be grateful if you’d give some consideration to predicaments like mine: What is a Catholic to do if he was tattooed pre-conversion? Obviously, one should cover them at all times with clothing. But is it advisable to try to have them also removed by laser? Or modified through further tattooing?
Thus far I’ve carried them as they are - proof of conversion and proof of how demons can so easily trick us. Mine are rather obvious in this regard, once explained: The “tribute to my Southern U.S. ‘motherland’” on my right shoulder contains what I know in hindsight to be a blasphemous representation of Our Lady. The “tribute to my father and grandfather” on my left shoulder contains what I now know in hindsight to be blasphemous symbols and words - seemingly aimed at St. Joseph. And, on my torso, there’s a gnostic / blasphemous hidden Christ figure - which I had thought was just a cool piece of graffiti-style art.
As I know “M.M.C.” is interested in this topic, I’d be grateful if you could pass my contact information along to him/her. It may help him/her to hear from a Catholic who recognizes his pre-conversion tattoos as demonically inspired.
Peace & joy,
TIA responds:
Dear E.V.,
Thank you for your message. We forwarded your note to M.M.C.
You asked whether it would be better to remove the tattoos or to have them modified into others, we would suggest the former.
The Church used to teach in religion classes before the Council that in the resurrection of the flesh at the end of the world, the bodies will keep the marks they received on earth. So, for those who saved their souls those marks will be a motive of glory in Heaven when they were earned for the glory of God.
For those who lost their souls, their marks will be a motive of shame when they were received out of self-love or for serving the Devil.
Since we hope you go to Heaven, it would be better for you to die with your body clean instead of having to have a hard time then explaining those tattoos...
TIA correspondence desk
Catholic Rules on Martial Arts
Hello TIA,
I am a man, I am 24 years old and I really enjoy your traditional comments.
I wanted to ask you about martial arts, self-defense and contact sports. Is it lawful to practice them as a Catholic?
I have not been able to find answers to this matter from Catholic writings or statements from the popes. Only some mentions of the popes against duels to the death, but I think it is not very accurate to compare these things at a general level.
I have doubts in specific cases, could you fight with blows using a helmet and gloves, even if it was rough? Also, what about the enjoyment that the fight itself gives or the experience of defending yourself afterwards?
What justifies or not this type of training? Is it the end (self defense, recreation, mere profit)?
Would it be justified to learn self defense for civilians and the military, but not for a show or to earn millions in a ring? I bring it up because, as a practitioner, sparring for self defense is much the same as in a ring, except there's no money, no crowds looking at you, just the people in the class, and the brutality tends to be a little more moderate.
Although, on the other hand, I find it essential in self-defense to carry out certain fights after training to put what I have learned into practice now under stress.
Would it violate the 5th commandment if I agreed to a sports match? A fight to train for self defense? Does it depend on the rules? Does it depend on the foreseeable damage? Can it be admissible when wearing a helmet and gloves? Can it be admissible if serious harm to others or to oneself is not expected?
There are also martial arts (grappling) that apply keys, chokeholds, where it is possible to end a fight without harming the partner, since it ends by submission.
Others are only with blows, some only fists like boxing, others admit knees, elbows.
And others both grappling and striking.
I also wanted to ask you about the relationship between these sports and the nature of men vs. women. Since mixed classes abound.
I have seen many women who, despite a lot of training, due to strength and weight issues, it is very, very difficult for them to beat a man, with few exceptions. So they are looking to gain experience defending themselves against men, but it is a bit unreal and on many occasions they give way to temptations due to physical contact.
Personally, I have seen how modesty is often seriously violated because of clothing and also because most martial arts have a religious character, especially the oriental ones.
Also, following the revolutionary customs, the old tradition of having a certain respect and honor for the training partner has changed to a mere show with insults from the opponents.
Greetings and God bless you.
F.H., Colombia
TIA responds:
Hello F.H.,
Thank you for your comments on our work and for the confidence in us you reveal in our questions.
Since you have many questions on martial arts, if we were to answer each one in detail, we would have to write a booklet, which is not possible. So, we will lay out some general guidelines, and if they are not sufficient, let us know in which points you would like more detailed responses.
TIA correspondence desk
I am a man, I am 24 years old and I really enjoy your traditional comments.
I wanted to ask you about martial arts, self-defense and contact sports. Is it lawful to practice them as a Catholic?
I have not been able to find answers to this matter from Catholic writings or statements from the popes. Only some mentions of the popes against duels to the death, but I think it is not very accurate to compare these things at a general level.
I have doubts in specific cases, could you fight with blows using a helmet and gloves, even if it was rough? Also, what about the enjoyment that the fight itself gives or the experience of defending yourself afterwards?
What justifies or not this type of training? Is it the end (self defense, recreation, mere profit)?
Would it be justified to learn self defense for civilians and the military, but not for a show or to earn millions in a ring? I bring it up because, as a practitioner, sparring for self defense is much the same as in a ring, except there's no money, no crowds looking at you, just the people in the class, and the brutality tends to be a little more moderate.
Although, on the other hand, I find it essential in self-defense to carry out certain fights after training to put what I have learned into practice now under stress.
Would it violate the 5th commandment if I agreed to a sports match? A fight to train for self defense? Does it depend on the rules? Does it depend on the foreseeable damage? Can it be admissible when wearing a helmet and gloves? Can it be admissible if serious harm to others or to oneself is not expected?
There are also martial arts (grappling) that apply keys, chokeholds, where it is possible to end a fight without harming the partner, since it ends by submission.
Others are only with blows, some only fists like boxing, others admit knees, elbows.
And others both grappling and striking.
I also wanted to ask you about the relationship between these sports and the nature of men vs. women. Since mixed classes abound.
I have seen many women who, despite a lot of training, due to strength and weight issues, it is very, very difficult for them to beat a man, with few exceptions. So they are looking to gain experience defending themselves against men, but it is a bit unreal and on many occasions they give way to temptations due to physical contact.
Personally, I have seen how modesty is often seriously violated because of clothing and also because most martial arts have a religious character, especially the oriental ones.
Also, following the revolutionary customs, the old tradition of having a certain respect and honor for the training partner has changed to a mere show with insults from the opponents.
Greetings and God bless you.
F.H., Colombia
TIA responds:
Hello F.H.,
Thank you for your comments on our work and for the confidence in us you reveal in our questions.
Since you have many questions on martial arts, if we were to answer each one in detail, we would have to write a booklet, which is not possible. So, we will lay out some general guidelines, and if they are not sufficient, let us know in which points you would like more detailed responses.
- It is perfectly legitimate for a Catholic man to learn and practice martial arts in order to be able to defend himself from aggressions that can be made against him, the members of his family or his country.
- When a Catholic practices those arts, he should not be harmed or harm others in a serious manner, otherwise he would be allowing himself to be seriously battered every day by a colleague in order to not be battered once by an enemy, which would not make too much sense.
- Depending on the type of martial art you choose, the use of helmet and gloves is recommended for this purpose of safety (item 2).
- Training in any type of martial arts should never be with the opposite sex. Such training would easily become a pretext for seeing and touching the woman’s private parts, which would be a near occasion of sin. It should be categorically avoided.
- A Catholic should not lose his temper during the training in a way that results in insulting his partner. Civility toward his opponent should prevail in the training as in any other temporal activity.
- If the martial art has Eastern prayers, religious positions or religious shouts related to the blows, the Catholic should never say or make them. He should replace them with Catholic prayers, shouts etc.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted January 5, 2023
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Thank you SO much for your review of The Chosen where you clearly outline the blasphemous problems with the show.
I previewed the first few episodes last year to see if it could be good to watch with my family. The shows greatly offended my sense of the faith and in no way did I want the portrayal of the characters to taint my children's view of Jesus or the saints, but I could not put my feelings into words to share with my friends or family, so I searched for reviews like yours to share with others.
I was surprised that there were really no negative reviews at all, save the one from Fr. Dave Nix about how the Blessed Mother is portrayed as imperfect.
Your review and other negative reviews like it are greatly needed. Now I can share.
Thank you!