What People are Commenting
Recollection, Collection & New Children
The 'Art' of the Synod
Dear Tradition in Action:
Thank you for posting Rita Stewart's article on the "art" of Becky McIntyre.
What I found to be so telling is the manifestation of inferiority to the "traditional" Church which, as noted, this drawing rejects. Specifically, the use of slogans and catch phrases scattered upon the images strikes me as incredibly puerile and an admission of the abysmal standards of the Vatican II era.
By contrast, could you imagine seeing chiseled across the Blessed Mother's forehead on the Pieta Michelangelo's commentary 'the agelessness of the pure soul' (he deliberately portrayed her as younger than the upper-forties she would have reached by that point in time) or reading his own graffiti upon the Sistine Chapel's Last Judgment 'this is Hell - it is not a happy place'?
If one were to seek Truth in the post-Vatican II era, there is at least one such truth that has been manifested a million times in its art and architecture: Godlessness is incapable of beauty.
Fr. J.F.
Thank you for posting Rita Stewart's article on the "art" of Becky McIntyre.
What I found to be so telling is the manifestation of inferiority to the "traditional" Church which, as noted, this drawing rejects. Specifically, the use of slogans and catch phrases scattered upon the images strikes me as incredibly puerile and an admission of the abysmal standards of the Vatican II era.
By contrast, could you imagine seeing chiseled across the Blessed Mother's forehead on the Pieta Michelangelo's commentary 'the agelessness of the pure soul' (he deliberately portrayed her as younger than the upper-forties she would have reached by that point in time) or reading his own graffiti upon the Sistine Chapel's Last Judgment 'this is Hell - it is not a happy place'?
If one were to seek Truth in the post-Vatican II era, there is at least one such truth that has been manifested a million times in its art and architecture: Godlessness is incapable of beauty.
Fr. J.F.
Catholic to the Max
Dear TIA,
I followed the link in one of the Comments to the Catholic to the Max website. Although their Christmas cards are spectacular, they also sell "I heart Pope Francis" mugs and have clearly bought into the covid-19 narrative with outdoor signs saying "Our heroes wear masks".
I just thought you should know they are not exactly "orthodox" Catholic. What I see are a Novus Ordo family doing the best they can with what they have.
May God bless them and open their eyes.
I followed the link in one of the Comments to the Catholic to the Max website. Although their Christmas cards are spectacular, they also sell "I heart Pope Francis" mugs and have clearly bought into the covid-19 narrative with outdoor signs saying "Our heroes wear masks".
I just thought you should know they are not exactly "orthodox" Catholic. What I see are a Novus Ordo family doing the best they can with what they have.
May God bless them and open their eyes.
Read this Incredible Collection
Dear TIA,
We pray for you and the incredible work you share with the world gratis just for love of the Most Sacred Heart and love of His Most Blessed Mother. I have just finished the 11th volume of the series on Vatican 2 called Ecclesia, or how the radical Vatican 2 Church views itself, a total contrast to many centuries of Militant Church action.
Once again, I urge fellow readers to buy the entire incredible collection, read it, and then share it generously with friends. No stone is left unturned with strong footnotes for every single claim made throughout. It’s one of the finest works I have ever read in my entire life! Spreading these works will help undo the revolution which continues to fail on every front. The necessary militancy of the Catholic Church can and will be regained as Our Lady promised. …
In such times, many will doubt or have already lost the Catholic faith entirely. Yet the works of TIA, St. Robert Bellarmine, and many others give us strength to stand strong and oppose these apostates at every turn. The Church will never fail; we have this promise from Christ. So now we must simply pray, attend Mass, fast, stand by dogma and doctrine, and continue to oppose the modernists until they are sent into the infamy they deserve. May God have mercy on us all now in such times!
We pray for you and the incredible work you share with the world gratis just for love of the Most Sacred Heart and love of His Most Blessed Mother. I have just finished the 11th volume of the series on Vatican 2 called Ecclesia, or how the radical Vatican 2 Church views itself, a total contrast to many centuries of Militant Church action.
Once again, I urge fellow readers to buy the entire incredible collection, read it, and then share it generously with friends. No stone is left unturned with strong footnotes for every single claim made throughout. It’s one of the finest works I have ever read in my entire life! Spreading these works will help undo the revolution which continues to fail on every front. The necessary militancy of the Catholic Church can and will be regained as Our Lady promised. …
In such times, many will doubt or have already lost the Catholic faith entirely. Yet the works of TIA, St. Robert Bellarmine, and many others give us strength to stand strong and oppose these apostates at every turn. The Church will never fail; we have this promise from Christ. So now we must simply pray, attend Mass, fast, stand by dogma and doctrine, and continue to oppose the modernists until they are sent into the infamy they deserve. May God have mercy on us all now in such times!
Pope Benedict XVI
Dear Staff,
Let us pray for the soul of Pope Benedict as he did not consecrate Russia to Our Lady as She requested; he did not reveal the 3rd Secret of Fatima; and he helped gut the Church at Vatican II as one of the theological authors behind its documents.
In Our Lady,
Let us pray for the soul of Pope Benedict as he did not consecrate Russia to Our Lady as She requested; he did not reveal the 3rd Secret of Fatima; and he helped gut the Church at Vatican II as one of the theological authors behind its documents.
In Our Lady,
New Children
Good morning TIA,
I came across an article that neither disturbed me nor shocked me as this news wasn't surprising. Adults now make up 25% of all purchases of children's toys in 2022 and have accounted for 60% of the growth in the toy industry.
Lego is a large contributor to this growth as they now make Lego sets meant for adults. My own boss buys hundreds of dollars worth of Lego sets each year and displays them in his home so I am not surprised to see it featured in this article.
In Jesu et Maria,
I came across an article that neither disturbed me nor shocked me as this news wasn't surprising. Adults now make up 25% of all purchases of children's toys in 2022 and have accounted for 60% of the growth in the toy industry.
Lego is a large contributor to this growth as they now make Lego sets meant for adults. My own boss buys hundreds of dollars worth of Lego sets each year and displays them in his home so I am not surprised to see it featured in this article.
In Jesu et Maria,
Sensible Gun Logic
Please, read and pass around this list.
Please, read and pass around this list.
- If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry, USA.
- Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you'd know
- When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle.
- The NRA (National Rifle Association) murders 0 people and receives ($$$$ 0) nothing in government funds. Planned Parenthood kills 350,000 babies every year and receives $500,000,000 in tax dollars annually.
- I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. While we're at it, let's do the same when it comes to immigration, Voter I.D., and candidates running for office.
- Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and probably has a trillion rounds. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. How do you think that would work out?
- A man who left 300,000 guns for the Taliban is lecturing folks on gun control.

Posted January 3, 2023
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
For our meditation at the passing for the New Year