What People are Commenting
Sofia Interview, Miraculous Medal & Routine
Probost Nativity Scene
Dear TIA,
I just came across this fantastic nativity scene, carved and arranged in the Czech Republic about a hundred years ago.
Perhaps you have heard of it. I am sure you will like it.
Patrick O'Brien
I just came across this fantastic nativity scene, carved and arranged in the Czech Republic about a hundred years ago.
Perhaps you have heard of it. I am sure you will like it.
Patrick O'Brien
Sofia’s Interview in Saudi Arabia
Dear TIA,
I thank you for updating us on AI and Transhumanism. It is very important to follow the coming steps of the Revolution to see to what extremes it wants to bring mankind.
I have discussed these topics with some friends, a few of them are skeptics on this topic. They believe that Transhumanism and AI are just propaganda that will never come to fruition.
I would like to show them this “interview” that Sofia, the robot, gave in Saudi Arabia to prove that it is not a fantasy, but it is something already in motion that will become part of our society very soon. We have to know it and find a way to counter-attack this wave.
Perhaps some of your readers are also taken by up this skepticism. In this case, I believe it could be useful for them to see it also.
Keep up the good work.
I thank you for updating us on AI and Transhumanism. It is very important to follow the coming steps of the Revolution to see to what extremes it wants to bring mankind.
I have discussed these topics with some friends, a few of them are skeptics on this topic. They believe that Transhumanism and AI are just propaganda that will never come to fruition.
I would like to show them this “interview” that Sofia, the robot, gave in Saudi Arabia to prove that it is not a fantasy, but it is something already in motion that will become part of our society very soon. We have to know it and find a way to counter-attack this wave.
Perhaps some of your readers are also taken by up this skepticism. In this case, I believe it could be useful for them to see it also.
Keep up the good work.
Is the Feast of Our Lady of Miraculous Medal New?
TIA, (from Instagram)
Re: Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Do you know when this feast day was established? My husband has a traditional calendar and it wasn’t on there so I was wondering if it’s newer. But we found out in time to celebrate because we love Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.
TIA responds:
Dear A.D.R.,
We will reproduce some texts that tell you how this Feast Day of Our Lady was established.
"On 10 July, 1894, Leo XIII granted to the Lazarists, and to the dioceses that should request it, the faculty of celebrating yearly on 27 November the manifestation of the Blessed Virgin through the miraculous medal." (The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference on the Constitution, Doctrine, Discipline, and History of the Catholic Church, 1913, vol. 11, p. 488. online here.)
"On 23 July, 1894, Pope Leo XIII, after a careful examination of all the facts by the Sacred Congregation of Rites, instituted a feast, with a special Office and Mass, of the Manifestation of the Immaculate Virgin under the title of the Miraculous Medal, to be celebrated yearly on 27 November by the Priests of the Congregation of the Mission, under the rite of a double of the second class." (Ibid., vol. 10, p. 115, here.)
There is a Decree establishing the Feast of the Miraculous Medal from the Sacred Congregation of Rites (a congregation of the Roman Curia which was essentially abolished by Pope Paul VI on May 8, 1969). You can read the decree in Latin and a short introduction of it in English in American Ecclesiastical Review, 1895, vol. 12, pp. 418-419, online Books, here.
Lastly, you can find the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in two traditional American Missals which are widely used:
1. Saint Andrew Daily Missal (originally published 1945, reprinted by St. Bonaventure Publications July 1999), on pages 1962-1963 - see below.
2. The New Roman Missal by Fr. F. X. Lasance (originally published 1937, reprinted by the Christian Book Club of America in 1993), page 1786 - see below.
TIA media
Re: Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Do you know when this feast day was established? My husband has a traditional calendar and it wasn’t on there so I was wondering if it’s newer. But we found out in time to celebrate because we love Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.
TIA responds:
Dear A.D.R.,
We will reproduce some texts that tell you how this Feast Day of Our Lady was established.
"On 10 July, 1894, Leo XIII granted to the Lazarists, and to the dioceses that should request it, the faculty of celebrating yearly on 27 November the manifestation of the Blessed Virgin through the miraculous medal." (The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference on the Constitution, Doctrine, Discipline, and History of the Catholic Church, 1913, vol. 11, p. 488. online here.)
"On 23 July, 1894, Pope Leo XIII, after a careful examination of all the facts by the Sacred Congregation of Rites, instituted a feast, with a special Office and Mass, of the Manifestation of the Immaculate Virgin under the title of the Miraculous Medal, to be celebrated yearly on 27 November by the Priests of the Congregation of the Mission, under the rite of a double of the second class." (Ibid., vol. 10, p. 115, here.)
There is a Decree establishing the Feast of the Miraculous Medal from the Sacred Congregation of Rites (a congregation of the Roman Curia which was essentially abolished by Pope Paul VI on May 8, 1969). You can read the decree in Latin and a short introduction of it in English in American Ecclesiastical Review, 1895, vol. 12, pp. 418-419, online Books, here.
Lastly, you can find the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in two traditional American Missals which are widely used:
1. Saint Andrew Daily Missal (originally published 1945, reprinted by St. Bonaventure Publications July 1999), on pages 1962-1963 - see below.

For a larger copy click here
2. The New Roman Missal by Fr. F. X. Lasance (originally published 1937, reprinted by the Christian Book Club of America in 1993), page 1786 - see below.

For a larger copy click here
TIA media
How Can I Establish a Good House Routine?
Dear TIA,
As a single 29-year-old man who lives alone, I wish to order my home in a true Catholic manner and to establish routines that orientate my life to God from the moment I wake to the moment I sleep. Since the Season of Advent is upon us, and begins the Church’s New Year, I though there is no better time to start than now. I have been re-reading some of your articles on customs and civility, and it’s made me think about my rather disordered domestic life.
How would I go about adopting an ordered life into such a schedule as below, such as sleep times, prayer times, dinner times, time for housework, particularly Mondays-Thursdays?
I must admit that I often struggle to balance things due to not having a properly ordered domestic life, even though I live alone, and often get brain fog when trying to implement some form of order in my life (it would not surprise me in the least if the Devil has something to do with it).
I would really wish to get any help you can give on this, since you are more knowledgeable than most about traditional Catholic civility and decorum. As I said, I want my home to be the pinnacle of peaceful order but feel defeated by my failure to uphold any sort of order.
My working times look like this:
11:30am: Leave for work
1pm: Start work
10pm: Finish work
10:45pm: Get home
10am: Leave for work
11:30am: Start work
6pm: Finish work
7pm: Get home.
Thank you for your time. May God bless you in this Advent.
Kind regards,
TIA responds:
Dear M.B.,
We commend you for your desire to instill order into your life. So many young men today seem to revel in disorder and spontaneity, but ultimately this disorder does not give a man peace or a sense of purpose in life.
To instill order into your life, it is important establish the priorities of your day.
The first priority is to God and His Church. So, you should find times to schedule your prayers and to be informed of the situation of the Catholic Church. After the prayer times are set you may reserve a time to read some trustworthy source on the Passion of the Church in order to do reparation and possibly help in some way those who fight to restore her.
Also you should consider a time for the basic necessities of food and cleanliness. Your next thoughts should be towards keeping your surroundings in order.
The easiest way for keeping the house in order is to have a different day set aside for each major household task; for example, Monday can be the day set aside for laundry, Tuesday for ironing, Wednesday for cleaning the restroom and kitchen, Thursday for dusting and sweeping the bedrooms and living rooms, Friday for attending to any maintenance issues in the house or other tasks. Considering your weekday schedule, it would be best for you to try to complete these tasks in the morning before going to work.
After prayers, reading the news on the Church and the duties of the day are fulfilled, instruction and recreation can be added to the schedule.
Instruction can include reading about Religion, History, Sociology or other topic that interests you.
Recreation can include some craft you like or art such as singing, painting, playing an instrument or a healthy activity like walking outside, going to a martial class or any activity that brings enjoyment and a rest from the daily work.
Today, most people do not have true interests outside of work and what they read or watch on the computer, television, or handheld electronic device. Restoring the normal forms of recreation allows a man to develop his personality by spending time outside of his job studying a subject that interests him or developing his skills in a craft, music or other arts.
Countless minutes are idly spent during the course of a typical day for a modern man. Men of the past knew how to use these minutes to develop their personalities and spiritual lives, so that they could fulfill their vocations and perform the role in society that God was calling them to perform.
An example of a morning schedule that could be used for you Monday-Thursday could be the following:
6:00am - arise and say morning prayers
6:15am - get ready for the day
7:45am - pray the rosary (though this could also be done on your drive to and from work)
8:00am - breakfast
8:30am - household chore of the day
10:00am - time for recreation
11:00am - lunch
We hope that these suggestions can help you to develop your own schedule. May Our Lady continue to guide you on the path towards a more perfect life. This is just a suggestion to give you an idea of how to set up your schedule. There are many personal factors to consider, and you should make it something that is possible to achieve, especially at first.
TIA correspondence desk
As a single 29-year-old man who lives alone, I wish to order my home in a true Catholic manner and to establish routines that orientate my life to God from the moment I wake to the moment I sleep. Since the Season of Advent is upon us, and begins the Church’s New Year, I though there is no better time to start than now. I have been re-reading some of your articles on customs and civility, and it’s made me think about my rather disordered domestic life.
How would I go about adopting an ordered life into such a schedule as below, such as sleep times, prayer times, dinner times, time for housework, particularly Mondays-Thursdays?
I must admit that I often struggle to balance things due to not having a properly ordered domestic life, even though I live alone, and often get brain fog when trying to implement some form of order in my life (it would not surprise me in the least if the Devil has something to do with it).
I would really wish to get any help you can give on this, since you are more knowledgeable than most about traditional Catholic civility and decorum. As I said, I want my home to be the pinnacle of peaceful order but feel defeated by my failure to uphold any sort of order.
My working times look like this:
11:30am: Leave for work
1pm: Start work
10pm: Finish work
10:45pm: Get home
10am: Leave for work
11:30am: Start work
6pm: Finish work
7pm: Get home.
Thank you for your time. May God bless you in this Advent.
Kind regards,
TIA responds:
Dear M.B.,
We commend you for your desire to instill order into your life. So many young men today seem to revel in disorder and spontaneity, but ultimately this disorder does not give a man peace or a sense of purpose in life.
To instill order into your life, it is important establish the priorities of your day.
The first priority is to God and His Church. So, you should find times to schedule your prayers and to be informed of the situation of the Catholic Church. After the prayer times are set you may reserve a time to read some trustworthy source on the Passion of the Church in order to do reparation and possibly help in some way those who fight to restore her.
Also you should consider a time for the basic necessities of food and cleanliness. Your next thoughts should be towards keeping your surroundings in order.
The easiest way for keeping the house in order is to have a different day set aside for each major household task; for example, Monday can be the day set aside for laundry, Tuesday for ironing, Wednesday for cleaning the restroom and kitchen, Thursday for dusting and sweeping the bedrooms and living rooms, Friday for attending to any maintenance issues in the house or other tasks. Considering your weekday schedule, it would be best for you to try to complete these tasks in the morning before going to work.
After prayers, reading the news on the Church and the duties of the day are fulfilled, instruction and recreation can be added to the schedule.
Instruction can include reading about Religion, History, Sociology or other topic that interests you.
Recreation can include some craft you like or art such as singing, painting, playing an instrument or a healthy activity like walking outside, going to a martial class or any activity that brings enjoyment and a rest from the daily work.
Today, most people do not have true interests outside of work and what they read or watch on the computer, television, or handheld electronic device. Restoring the normal forms of recreation allows a man to develop his personality by spending time outside of his job studying a subject that interests him or developing his skills in a craft, music or other arts.
Countless minutes are idly spent during the course of a typical day for a modern man. Men of the past knew how to use these minutes to develop their personalities and spiritual lives, so that they could fulfill their vocations and perform the role in society that God was calling them to perform.
An example of a morning schedule that could be used for you Monday-Thursday could be the following:
6:00am - arise and say morning prayers
6:15am - get ready for the day
7:45am - pray the rosary (though this could also be done on your drive to and from work)
8:00am - breakfast
8:30am - household chore of the day
10:00am - time for recreation
11:00am - lunch
We hope that these suggestions can help you to develop your own schedule. May Our Lady continue to guide you on the path towards a more perfect life. This is just a suggestion to give you an idea of how to set up your schedule. There are many personal factors to consider, and you should make it something that is possible to achieve, especially at first.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted December 1, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Pax te cum Filumina
J.M.H. who died on November 29, 2013, used to say: "Once one understands it, there is no way to think one's way out of it..."
Tradition in Action helped her/us think our way out of it... forever!
Thank you,
E.K., the grateful… forever!