What People are Commenting
Lourdes’ Rainbow Flag & Liturgical Movement
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Re: Rainbow flag leads Eucharistic Procession in Lourdes
This is such diabolical, evidence of Satan's control over the Novus Ordo false church of Catholicism.
Who and when will these minions of the Evil be called out and held accountable to Christ and we the people of His One Holy Catholic Church?
We certainly have the methods and means of this advanced technological and electronic society to mount a major open, outward and effective offensive against these devils.
Action in the public arena/squares covered in Prayer. Words without action are just words and the enemy knows sees it and is laughing at such.
Let me know when and where the ACTION is. As long as I am able I will physically join and/or promote it to whom all I can..
If we have been beaten and reduced to being on our knees in prayer without recourse to action please clue me in.
Lord help, guide, spare us,
Re: Rainbow flag leads Eucharistic Procession in Lourdes
This is such diabolical, evidence of Satan's control over the Novus Ordo false church of Catholicism.
Who and when will these minions of the Evil be called out and held accountable to Christ and we the people of His One Holy Catholic Church?
We certainly have the methods and means of this advanced technological and electronic society to mount a major open, outward and effective offensive against these devils.
Action in the public arena/squares covered in Prayer. Words without action are just words and the enemy knows sees it and is laughing at such.
Let me know when and where the ACTION is. As long as I am able I will physically join and/or promote it to whom all I can..
If we have been beaten and reduced to being on our knees in prayer without recourse to action please clue me in.
Lord help, guide, spare us,
Promoting Blatant Sodomy
Re: Rainbow flag leads Eucharistic Procession in Lourdes
Please, if you can, put up a protest petition on line to the authorities in Lourdes for blatantly promoting Sodomy in that Holy Place of Our Blessed Mother Mary, and St. Bernadette. We can sign it from around the world.
Whatever sinfulness is spewing out of the Vatican, other than our praying to Almighty God, there is not much we can do. The evil now in the Vatican, and which they are spreading over the world, led by Francis, is beyond our understanding and surely emanates from Satan.
Thank you for exposing this atrocity. How painful to see the ill and disabled roped into that revolting display.
Shame on any clergy there who took part, and the officials, brancardiers etc.
Our Lady of Lourdes intercede for us and the whole world.
God bless you at TIA.
T.O.K., Australia.
Re: Rainbow flag leads Eucharistic Procession in Lourdes
Please, if you can, put up a protest petition on line to the authorities in Lourdes for blatantly promoting Sodomy in that Holy Place of Our Blessed Mother Mary, and St. Bernadette. We can sign it from around the world.
Whatever sinfulness is spewing out of the Vatican, other than our praying to Almighty God, there is not much we can do. The evil now in the Vatican, and which they are spreading over the world, led by Francis, is beyond our understanding and surely emanates from Satan.
Thank you for exposing this atrocity. How painful to see the ill and disabled roped into that revolting display.
Shame on any clergy there who took part, and the officials, brancardiers etc.
Our Lady of Lourdes intercede for us and the whole world.
God bless you at TIA.
T.O.K., Australia.
Resistance to the Liturgical Movement
Dear TIA,
I am now the happy owner of Dr. Carol Byrne's book and upon reading it (100 pgs. thus far) the following questions cropped up.
In Jesus and Mary
Dr. Byrne responds:
Dear S.M.,
I was pleased to hear that you are enjoying the content of my latest book, Born of Revolution: A Misconceived Liturgical Movement. Thank you for your interest and for your questions Here are my replies:
Yours sincerely,
Carol Byrne
I am now the happy owner of Dr. Carol Byrne's book and upon reading it (100 pgs. thus far) the following questions cropped up.
- The bizarre liturgical experiments were carried out in private secluded settings - crypt chapels, monastic houses, youth groups. I assume that the average layman/woman familiar with the Mass before the pre-conciliar revolution (other than the intended audience who were privy to them ) who chanced upon these going ons would immediately sound the alarm and bring a stop to these shenanigans. Did this counterrevolution happen in any diocese/parish?
- Did Pope Pius X institute diocesan vigilance commissions much like the Sodalitum Pianum to combat Modernism /empower the bishops to do so to secretly keep a watch on modernist priests/prelates, defrock and excommunicate them and thus maintain the purity and integrity of the liturgy?
In Jesus and Mary
Dr. Byrne responds:
Dear S.M.,
I was pleased to hear that you are enjoying the content of my latest book, Born of Revolution: A Misconceived Liturgical Movement. Thank you for your interest and for your questions Here are my replies:
- In the early part of the 20th century, liturgical experimentation was conducted behind closed doors for specially selected groups of priests and lay people known for their political and social commitments. It then spread to the milieu of Catholic Action and Catholic youth movements, which were ignored by most people because they were not mainstream events, before manifesting itself at parish level in the 1950s, notably in the US.
- II have never come across evidence that Pius X set up a “Gregorian Chant Watch” around the world to enforce his decrees. After he issued his motu proprio on Sacred Music in 1903, he left it to the bishops of the world to comply with his instructions. This is clear from its final sentence:
“It is recommended to choirmasters, singers, members of the clergy, superiors of seminaries, ecclesiastical institutions, and religious communities, parish priests and rectors of churches, canons of collegiate churches and cathedrals, and, above all above all, to the diocesan ordinaries to favor with all zeal these prudent reforms, long desired and demanded with united voice by all; so that the authority of the Church, which herself has repeatedly proposed them, and now inculcates them, may not fall into contempt”.
As for the Pope’s own diocese, he issued a Letter to Cardinal Respighi, the Vicar-General of Rome, to ensure that all the regulations would be applied with vigilance and fidelity.
But, within a short time the ship of state was beginning to spring a leak. By 1908, the bureaucrats in the Congregation of Rites were back pedaling on the firm prohibition of female singers of the liturgy, and were busy handing out dispensations to individual Bishops around the world who were requesting to break the rules.
With successive Popes increasingly unwilling to bail it out, no wonder the Gregorian project eventually capsized and sank beneath the waves.
Yours sincerely,
Carol Byrne

Posted August 2, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Rainbow flag leads Eucharistic Procession in Lourdes
THANK you for exposing the most gigantesque rainbow flag ever - in Lourdes! That is so disgusting to see, isn't it!
Did you try to contact the new bishop to ask why - and to protest to him?
Perhaps you can send him the links to your articles -- on the subject matter -- to enlighten him. (scroll down for his contact info)
Lourdes is now under the Conference of Catholic Bishops of France. Is it possible that -- they were the ones -- who commissioned the biggest rainbow flag ever -- to infiltrate the biggest shrine of Our Lady?
This was the former traditional bishop.