What People are Commenting
Red Square, Father Stu & Vaxed Pilots
Aggravation of Watching
Re: Father Stu movie review
I very much appreciate the review of the Father Stu movie by Marian T. Horvat. It appears she spent the time and effort to provide a serious analysis.
It is a shame to read of the (perhaps unsurprising) contents of the movie. Indeed it will save me the aggravation of watching it with my wife/family. Thank you.
God bless,
Re: Father Stu movie review
I very much appreciate the review of the Father Stu movie by Marian T. Horvat. It appears she spent the time and effort to provide a serious analysis.
It is a shame to read of the (perhaps unsurprising) contents of the movie. Indeed it will save me the aggravation of watching it with my wife/family. Thank you.
God bless,
Awful Movie
Dear Marian,
Re: Fr. Stu Movie Review
Thank you for "taking one for the team," sitting through that awful Father Stu. I had no intention of seeing it, but your movie review is valuable to pass along.
Patrick O'Brien
Re: Fr. Stu Movie Review
Thank you for "taking one for the team," sitting through that awful Father Stu. I had no intention of seeing it, but your movie review is valuable to pass along.
Patrick O'Brien
Dedication to Our Lady of Good Success
Hi there TIA,
I host a bi-weekly Bible study in my home where we read the upcoming and past Gospel, and read the commentary by Fr. Lapide.
Recently, having started a novena to Our Lady of Good Success and having discovered the mysteries and prophecies of this great apparition, I have become convinced that our Bible study should be dedicated to Our Lady of Good Success.
Is there a specific prayer that you would recommend or a ‘formula’ to do this?
TIA responds:
Hello J.S.,
We compliment you for hosting a study group and for your decision to consecrate your endeavors to Our Lady of Good Success.
We don't know a specific formula already used. But you may make one for yourself that will not be too long so that you may say it before your meetings.
A suggestion follows:
"O Queen of Good Success, we beg Thee to receive in a propitious way, bless and orient the meeting we now start, and offer it as Thine to the Most Holy Trinity. May it contribute to Thy glory, that of the Triune God and the exaltation of Holy Mother Church."
TIA correspondence desk
I host a bi-weekly Bible study in my home where we read the upcoming and past Gospel, and read the commentary by Fr. Lapide.
Recently, having started a novena to Our Lady of Good Success and having discovered the mysteries and prophecies of this great apparition, I have become convinced that our Bible study should be dedicated to Our Lady of Good Success.
Is there a specific prayer that you would recommend or a ‘formula’ to do this?
TIA responds:
Hello J.S.,
We compliment you for hosting a study group and for your decision to consecrate your endeavors to Our Lady of Good Success.
We don't know a specific formula already used. But you may make one for yourself that will not be too long so that you may say it before your meetings.
A suggestion follows:
"O Queen of Good Success, we beg Thee to receive in a propitious way, bless and orient the meeting we now start, and offer it as Thine to the Most Holy Trinity. May it contribute to Thy glory, that of the Triune God and the exaltation of Holy Mother Church."
TIA correspondence desk
Francis vs Paul VI
Dear TIA,
Pope Francis recently affirmed that the Vatican II teachings are sacrosanct [see news report below] implying that they are dogmatic teachings and, therefore, no Catholic can disagree with them.
However his statement is the opposite of what Paul VI said. Indeed, the latter affirmed:
“There are those who ask what authority, what theological qualification the Council intended to give to its teachings, knowing that it avoid issuing solemn dogmatic definitions engaging the infallibility of the ecclesiastical Magisterium. The answer is known by whoever remembers the conciliar declaration of March 6, 1964, repeated on November 16, 1964: given the Council’s pastoral character, it avoided pronouncing, in an extraordinary manner, dogmas endowed with the note of infallibility.” (Paul VI, General Audience of January 12, 1966 in Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, vol.4, p. 700, apud A.S. Guimarães, "Is the Catholic Crisis Really Explained?")
Now then, when we have two Conciliar Popes affirming contradictory things about the documents of Vatican II, the least we can say is that Rome seems to have lost its compass.
In Jesu et Maria,
Pope Francis highlights danger of staid liturgies that 'deny Vatican Council II'
Michael Sean Winters
ROME — May 11, 2022 - Pope Francis on Jan. 30 urged those charged with passing on the principles of the Catholic faith to consider the teachings of the Second Vatican Council as sacrosanct, saying that to be Catholic one must adhere to the reforms brought about by the landmark event.
"You can be with the church and therefore follow the council, or you can not follow the council or interpret it in your own way, as you want, and you are not with the church," the pontiff said in a meeting with a group of catechists connected to the Italian bishops' conference. ...
"The council is the magisterium of the church," said the pope. "On this point we must be demanding, severe. The council cannot be negotiated."
"Please, no concession to those who seek to present a catechesis that does not accord with the magisterium of the church," he told the catechists.
Read more here
Pope Francis recently affirmed that the Vatican II teachings are sacrosanct [see news report below] implying that they are dogmatic teachings and, therefore, no Catholic can disagree with them.
However his statement is the opposite of what Paul VI said. Indeed, the latter affirmed:
“There are those who ask what authority, what theological qualification the Council intended to give to its teachings, knowing that it avoid issuing solemn dogmatic definitions engaging the infallibility of the ecclesiastical Magisterium. The answer is known by whoever remembers the conciliar declaration of March 6, 1964, repeated on November 16, 1964: given the Council’s pastoral character, it avoided pronouncing, in an extraordinary manner, dogmas endowed with the note of infallibility.” (Paul VI, General Audience of January 12, 1966 in Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, vol.4, p. 700, apud A.S. Guimarães, "Is the Catholic Crisis Really Explained?")
Now then, when we have two Conciliar Popes affirming contradictory things about the documents of Vatican II, the least we can say is that Rome seems to have lost its compass.
In Jesu et Maria,
Michael Sean Winters
ROME — May 11, 2022 - Pope Francis on Jan. 30 urged those charged with passing on the principles of the Catholic faith to consider the teachings of the Second Vatican Council as sacrosanct, saying that to be Catholic one must adhere to the reforms brought about by the landmark event.
"You can be with the church and therefore follow the council, or you can not follow the council or interpret it in your own way, as you want, and you are not with the church," the pontiff said in a meeting with a group of catechists connected to the Italian bishops' conference. ...
"The council is the magisterium of the church," said the pope. "On this point we must be demanding, severe. The council cannot be negotiated."
"Please, no concession to those who seek to present a catechesis that does not accord with the magisterium of the church," he told the catechists.
Read more here
Exhausting & Daunting Task
Dear TIA,
Re: Francis: Vatican II teachings are sacrosanct; no concessions to traditionalists
How interesting: “the council is the magisterium of the church”. What a revelation! (and all in lower case). Where is Saint Jerome when we need him?
I pray that you are strong and well, because now you have the exhausting and daunting task of kickstarting the Magisterium, or maybe kicking out Pope Bergoglio.
What monumental ignorance and anti-Christ posturing. How long, oh Lord…?
God bless you and keep you,
In Maria,
J.S., Ph.D.
Re: Francis: Vatican II teachings are sacrosanct; no concessions to traditionalists
How interesting: “the council is the magisterium of the church”. What a revelation! (and all in lower case). Where is Saint Jerome when we need him?
I pray that you are strong and well, because now you have the exhausting and daunting task of kickstarting the Magisterium, or maybe kicking out Pope Bergoglio.
What monumental ignorance and anti-Christ posturing. How long, oh Lord…?
God bless you and keep you,
In Maria,
J.S., Ph.D.
More & More Pilots Harmed by the Vax
Dear TIA,
Well, blessed are those who resisted and did not take the Vax, because its consequences do not cease increasing.
Just check this news and reach your own conclusions.
I thank you for your constant alert against the Vax.
Pilots Injured by COVID Vaccines Speak Out: ‘I Will Probably Never Fly Again’
Michael Nevradakis
In interviews with The Defender, pilots injured by COVID-19 vaccines said despite a “culture of fear and intimidation” they are compelled to speak out against vaccine mandates that rob pilots of their careers — and in some cases their lives.
As a commercial pilot, Bob Snow had long looked forward to seeing his daughter follow in his footsteps by helping her learn to fly an airplane.
However, having received the COVID-19 vaccine “under duress,” this dream is no longer a possibility for Snow.
“I will probably never fly again,” Snow said in a video he made about his story. “I was hoping to teach my daughter to fly. She wants to be a pilot. That will probably never happen, all courtesy of the vaccine.”
Snow is one of a growing number of pilots coming forward to share stories of injuries they experienced after getting a COVID-19 vaccine.
Some of these accounts are “hair-raising and deeply disturbing,” according to Maureen Steele, a paralegal and head of media relations for the John Pierce Law Firm.
The firm represents U.S. Freedom Flyers (USFF), an organization opposing vaccine and mask mandates for pilots and airline staff, in a series of legal actions against the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and several airlines.
Josh Yoder, a pilot with a major commercial airline, Army combat veteran and former flight medic, is a co-founder of USFF.
In a recent interview with The Defender, Yoder said the FAA has been aware of cases of pilots suffering vaccine injuries since at least December 2021, when the California-based Advocates for Citizens’ Rights hand-delivered an open letter to the FAA, major airlines and their insurers.
Yoder said USFF “has received hundreds of phone calls from airline employees who are experiencing adverse reactions post COVID-19 vaccination,” describing the stories as “heartbreaking.”
According to Yoder, the warnings contained in the letter, including testimony by “world-renowned experts,” were “completely ignored,” adding that “we are now beginning to see the consequences.”
This is leading an increasing number of pilots to “come forward to expose the truth regarding these toxic injections,” Yoder said.
Read more here
Well, blessed are those who resisted and did not take the Vax, because its consequences do not cease increasing.
Just check this news and reach your own conclusions.
I thank you for your constant alert against the Vax.
Michael Nevradakis
In interviews with The Defender, pilots injured by COVID-19 vaccines said despite a “culture of fear and intimidation” they are compelled to speak out against vaccine mandates that rob pilots of their careers — and in some cases their lives.
As a commercial pilot, Bob Snow had long looked forward to seeing his daughter follow in his footsteps by helping her learn to fly an airplane.
However, having received the COVID-19 vaccine “under duress,” this dream is no longer a possibility for Snow.
“I will probably never fly again,” Snow said in a video he made about his story. “I was hoping to teach my daughter to fly. She wants to be a pilot. That will probably never happen, all courtesy of the vaccine.”
Snow is one of a growing number of pilots coming forward to share stories of injuries they experienced after getting a COVID-19 vaccine.
Some of these accounts are “hair-raising and deeply disturbing,” according to Maureen Steele, a paralegal and head of media relations for the John Pierce Law Firm.
The firm represents U.S. Freedom Flyers (USFF), an organization opposing vaccine and mask mandates for pilots and airline staff, in a series of legal actions against the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and several airlines.
Josh Yoder, a pilot with a major commercial airline, Army combat veteran and former flight medic, is a co-founder of USFF.
In a recent interview with The Defender, Yoder said the FAA has been aware of cases of pilots suffering vaccine injuries since at least December 2021, when the California-based Advocates for Citizens’ Rights hand-delivered an open letter to the FAA, major airlines and their insurers.
Yoder said USFF “has received hundreds of phone calls from airline employees who are experiencing adverse reactions post COVID-19 vaccination,” describing the stories as “heartbreaking.”
According to Yoder, the warnings contained in the letter, including testimony by “world-renowned experts,” were “completely ignored,” adding that “we are now beginning to see the consequences.”
This is leading an increasing number of pilots to “come forward to expose the truth regarding these toxic injections,” Yoder said.
Read more here

Posted May 12, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I watched some pictures of the May 9 parade in Russia. According to communist folklore, WWII was not won by the strong and decisive contribution of the United States, but by the weak contribution of the then-USSR. So, they inflated themselves and paraded on May 9.
Where do they parade? In the Red Square, called “red” to glorify Communism's color. Under what symbols do the authorities stand and the troops march? Under the hammer and sickle. Does this not characterize a Communist State and communist leaders? For any rational person, it does.
However, there are many people who believe that present-day Russia and its dictator Vladimir Putin are good and "Christian." Are they paid by Moscow to spread this stupidity? I suspect they are either useful idiots or agents paid to spread it.
Nonetheless, I am not here to take your time. I just want to show you the picture of the Russian tanks parading under the hammer and sickle - see picture below.
Let us wait for what Moscow tells their followers to justify it…
In Christ Jesus,