What People are Commenting
New Fertilizer, Disney & Family Life
Holy Week in Málaga, Spain
Dear TIA,
The other day I was conversing with a friend about Holy Week in Málaga, Spain, and the beautiful role the Catholic Brotherhoods play in it. I mentioned that TIA had posted years ago an interesting video showing it. My friend went to your site and did not find it.
I did find it and I wonder whether it would be the case for you to post it again, since we are approaching Holy Week.
Your readers should click on the photo below to watch.
Great video, enjoy.
In Jesu et Maria,
The other day I was conversing with a friend about Holy Week in Málaga, Spain, and the beautiful role the Catholic Brotherhoods play in it. I mentioned that TIA had posted years ago an interesting video showing it. My friend went to your site and did not find it.
I did find it and I wonder whether it would be the case for you to post it again, since we are approaching Holy Week.
Your readers should click on the photo below to watch.
Great video, enjoy.
In Jesu et Maria,
Disney Has Always Been Evil
Dear TIA,
Salve Maria!
Disney recently announced that they wanted to make 50% of all of their characters gay or underrepresented. This has outraged many conservatives who are vowing to never let their children watch Disney again, claiming that Walt Disney would be rolling in his grave if he could see what's become of his beloved company. However, Disney has always had their hand in nefarious schemes to push perversity and disorder onto children and families.
This video goes into detail and really only scratches the surface of the hidden messages Disney has placed throughout their movies even as far back as the princess classics. Television has always been a tool to steer public thought, and the sooner they can get a hold of you, the easier you are to control. have listened to children and parents discuss the gay question and it's heart-breaking to see how many children today are aware and are in support of gay relationships.
My suggestion to parents is to stop letting your children watch television at all. Read with them, get them involved in hobbies, teach them skills, teach them how to play music, teach them folk dancing, and whatever else they'd be better off with. Anything is better than letting their bodies and minds atrophy with the revolting content on television today.
In Maria,
Salve Maria!
Disney recently announced that they wanted to make 50% of all of their characters gay or underrepresented. This has outraged many conservatives who are vowing to never let their children watch Disney again, claiming that Walt Disney would be rolling in his grave if he could see what's become of his beloved company. However, Disney has always had their hand in nefarious schemes to push perversity and disorder onto children and families.
This video goes into detail and really only scratches the surface of the hidden messages Disney has placed throughout their movies even as far back as the princess classics. Television has always been a tool to steer public thought, and the sooner they can get a hold of you, the easier you are to control. have listened to children and parents discuss the gay question and it's heart-breaking to see how many children today are aware and are in support of gay relationships.
My suggestion to parents is to stop letting your children watch television at all. Read with them, get them involved in hobbies, teach them skills, teach them how to play music, teach them folk dancing, and whatever else they'd be better off with. Anything is better than letting their bodies and minds atrophy with the revolting content on television today.
In Maria,
Should We Stand up When a Priest Walks in?
I was wondering if you guys had anything on how we should act around priests. I have heard that we should stand whenever a priest walks into a room so I want to know more.
Thank you.
God bless,
TIA responds:
Dear N.M.,
Following Catholic tradition, the religious and clergy deserve every mark of respect in society. Here are a few guidelines:
TIA correspondence desk
I was wondering if you guys had anything on how we should act around priests. I have heard that we should stand whenever a priest walks into a room so I want to know more.
Thank you.
God bless,
TIA responds:
Dear N.M.,
Following Catholic tradition, the religious and clergy deserve every mark of respect in society. Here are a few guidelines:
- Stand when a Priest enters the room, and remain standing until he invites you to sit. Men and boys should remove their hats and their heads should remain uncovered in his presence. A good custom at greeting the Priest is to kiss his hand, to honor the fact that they consecrate the Holy Eucharist. The same signs of respect should be given when leaving his presence.
- The American Catholic Etiquette Manual (The Neuman Press, 1962, 3rd printing) gives this advice for titles: “Those in religious life must be addressed by their correct title, both in writing and in direct address. One does not say, 'Yes, Sir,' to a priest, although men in military service sometimes do so because a chaplain is a commissioned officer. It is wrong, however, even under these circumstances. One correctly says, 'Yes, Father,' 'Yes, Monsignor,' 'Yes, Sister,' etc.” (p. 225)
Also, priests should not be addressed by their first names (e.g. “Bob”) nor as “Fr. Bob.” If his name is Robert Kelly, he should be addressed always as Fr. Kelly. This rule even used to apply to family members before the good customs broke down after Vatican II. - The same Manual specifies special recognition for clergy at Catholic gatherings and banquets: “At any gathering of Catholics, such as a baptismal or wedding party or a meeting of a Catholic organization, any clergy present are the principal honor guests and, as such, always occupy a seat of honor. When only one member of the clergy is present, he is seated on the right of the hostess or chairman.
“When several are present, their position of honor is usually determined by their rank in the hierarchy of the church or, if all are equal in this respect, by the seniority of their elevation to the priesthood. Thus a cardinal outranks an archbishop not a cardinal; and archbishop outranks a bishop; all bishops outrank priests. A priest who is a prothonotary, domestic prelate, or papal chamberlain (monsignor) outranks priests who are not. A priest of 30 years’ standing is honored above one ten years in the priesthood when there is no other distinction.” (p. 226). - The speaker should open his remarks by addressing the clergy or religious in the room directly: “Msgr. Philips, Fr. Brown, Sister Mary Alphonsus, ladies and gentlemen...”(p. 226)
TIA correspondence desk
Suggestions to Restore Family Life
Salve Maria, Señor Padilla,
I want to thank you for your much needed article, "Our First Duties to Society are The Duties to Our Parents."
Everything stated here about yesterday's families is necessary for today's families to survive.
Alas, there seem to be only threads of the beautiful family tapestry left, and then usually only in some traditional families. The customs and duties of the true and proper family are seldom practiced, and in most, no longer exist.
Sr. Padilla, I turn to you and your well-earned authority on this topic, to ask you for suggestions and ideas on how to bring about the restoration of proper duties and customs that are necessary for the salvation of the family.
In Maria,
Mr. Padilla responds:
Very dear and respected Mrs. L.M.,
Salve Maria!
I appreciate your laudatory words since I have the highest consideration and appreciation for you.
What you say about families is a great truth and has motivated me to think about what methods can be developed in order to plant and nourish the ideal of a Catholic family.
I believe that a relatively simple step can help you achieve what you are requesting and, over time, be effective.
In Spanish there are two words that are synonyms: house and home (casa y hogar). House (casa) is more related to the place, the construction where one lives. Home (hogar), however, has a deeper meaning; etymologically speaking, it is the heat of the embers in the fire where food was once cooked. This is why the phrase "warmth of home" exists.
I think we have all had an experience of enjoying both things, hot food and the warmth of home. It is also true that everyone appreciates a well-made meal, that requires time, care and certainly some sacrifice. There is also the matter of presentation: For example, it is not the same to give a child a toy as to give it to him wrapped in a nice gift paper. So, also, everyone appreciates a well-presented meal.
Eating fast food is not the same as eating around the family table, sharing conversation and the legitimate pleasure of satisfying the senses. The custom of eating well is something that used to be done regularly in all family homes - rich or poor.
The nostalgia for these things is so great that several years ago, a movement emerged in the field of restaurant service that is called “slow food” and is precisely to counter the agitation and speed of “fast food.”
Eating, then, is among the most important things in daily life.
So, let me make a concrete suggestion.
Generally, we know the things that our family likes the most in terms of food. Making a meal that includes these food and drinks on a Saturday or Sunday is a good way to return to the habit of eating together.
Preparing a meal well requires careful planning, determining the number of persons at the table, choosing the menu, making the shopping list, planning the table service to be used - dishes, glasses, plates, silverware, table linens, etc - all with the necessary anticipation.
Preparing a recipe well requires a step that is generally not given the importance it deserves: that is, to prepare and set out the ingredients and cooking equipment that will be used. This step gives calm and security to the cooking process, which requires attention.
The final preparation may be the moment where our affection for our family and guests is most clearly manifested: Making the food well definitely is an effort of love and calls for a certain degree of sacrifice. It never hurts to repeat this.
Perhaps you could begin by establishing this weekly custom under the name of Convivium, which is a convivial gathering. The refined presentation invites everyone to a more elevated way of being and more polite and amiable conversation.
The process of the contemporary family deterioration requires that the antidote be a process of reconstruction: Order, calmness and peace of soul are efficient tools to defeat disorder, spontaneity and the vulgar tendencies so common in our time.
Of course, nothing of value is achieved easily; it requires prayer, dedication and sacrifice.
This is one suggestion I can make in response to your concerns; I hope to lay out more in an orderly way as I continue my series of articles on Urbanity.
I hope this will be of some help to you. I am very grateful for your prayers for me; you can count on my prayers for you and your family.
In Jesu et Maria,
Patricio Padilla
I want to thank you for your much needed article, "Our First Duties to Society are The Duties to Our Parents."
Everything stated here about yesterday's families is necessary for today's families to survive.
Alas, there seem to be only threads of the beautiful family tapestry left, and then usually only in some traditional families. The customs and duties of the true and proper family are seldom practiced, and in most, no longer exist.
Sr. Padilla, I turn to you and your well-earned authority on this topic, to ask you for suggestions and ideas on how to bring about the restoration of proper duties and customs that are necessary for the salvation of the family.
In Maria,
Mr. Padilla responds:
Very dear and respected Mrs. L.M.,
Salve Maria!
I appreciate your laudatory words since I have the highest consideration and appreciation for you.
What you say about families is a great truth and has motivated me to think about what methods can be developed in order to plant and nourish the ideal of a Catholic family.
I believe that a relatively simple step can help you achieve what you are requesting and, over time, be effective.
In Spanish there are two words that are synonyms: house and home (casa y hogar). House (casa) is more related to the place, the construction where one lives. Home (hogar), however, has a deeper meaning; etymologically speaking, it is the heat of the embers in the fire where food was once cooked. This is why the phrase "warmth of home" exists.
I think we have all had an experience of enjoying both things, hot food and the warmth of home. It is also true that everyone appreciates a well-made meal, that requires time, care and certainly some sacrifice. There is also the matter of presentation: For example, it is not the same to give a child a toy as to give it to him wrapped in a nice gift paper. So, also, everyone appreciates a well-presented meal.
Eating fast food is not the same as eating around the family table, sharing conversation and the legitimate pleasure of satisfying the senses. The custom of eating well is something that used to be done regularly in all family homes - rich or poor.
The nostalgia for these things is so great that several years ago, a movement emerged in the field of restaurant service that is called “slow food” and is precisely to counter the agitation and speed of “fast food.”
Eating, then, is among the most important things in daily life.
So, let me make a concrete suggestion.
Generally, we know the things that our family likes the most in terms of food. Making a meal that includes these food and drinks on a Saturday or Sunday is a good way to return to the habit of eating together.
Preparing a meal well requires careful planning, determining the number of persons at the table, choosing the menu, making the shopping list, planning the table service to be used - dishes, glasses, plates, silverware, table linens, etc - all with the necessary anticipation.
Preparing a recipe well requires a step that is generally not given the importance it deserves: that is, to prepare and set out the ingredients and cooking equipment that will be used. This step gives calm and security to the cooking process, which requires attention.
The final preparation may be the moment where our affection for our family and guests is most clearly manifested: Making the food well definitely is an effort of love and calls for a certain degree of sacrifice. It never hurts to repeat this.
Perhaps you could begin by establishing this weekly custom under the name of Convivium, which is a convivial gathering. The refined presentation invites everyone to a more elevated way of being and more polite and amiable conversation.
The process of the contemporary family deterioration requires that the antidote be a process of reconstruction: Order, calmness and peace of soul are efficient tools to defeat disorder, spontaneity and the vulgar tendencies so common in our time.
Of course, nothing of value is achieved easily; it requires prayer, dedication and sacrifice.
This is one suggestion I can make in response to your concerns; I hope to lay out more in an orderly way as I continue my series of articles on Urbanity.
I hope this will be of some help to you. I am very grateful for your prayers for me; you can count on my prayers for you and your family.
In Jesu et Maria,
Patricio Padilla

Posted April 5, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
It is no longer a plan of the Secret Forces for the future. It was realized now in Colorado: A man who chose to be transformed into compost to fertilize the ground planned a ceremony [before he died] where it happens. Check here.
It is sort of Pantheism! We are all reincorporated in the Great Pan, or in the Universal Energy or Mother Nature or Pachamama…
No more concern about eternal life; just care for balancing the environment, the "common home" as Francis preaches.
This goes beyond Communism!