What People are Commenting
War in Ukraine, Lent in Innsbruck
Archbishop of Ukraine Speaks on the War
Dear TIA,
The communists are spreading a lot of disinformation about the war in Ukraine, including the lamentable pro-Putin campaign made by their efficient fifth-column among conservatives. You recently, warned your readers about exactly that recently.
I believe that for those who want to know the truth nothing could be better than listening to the words of the Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Church Sviatoslav Shevchuk, a serious man. Although he pays tribute to some of today's Progressivist myths like ecology, he certainly provides a source of information much more reliable than the TASS agency of the communists or AP, UPI, Reuters, AFP and other agencies funded by the globalists.
You can click on the picture to hear his 4-minute talk.
Continue your great work, which is more and more necessary in this time of growing confusion.
The communists are spreading a lot of disinformation about the war in Ukraine, including the lamentable pro-Putin campaign made by their efficient fifth-column among conservatives. You recently, warned your readers about exactly that recently.
I believe that for those who want to know the truth nothing could be better than listening to the words of the Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Church Sviatoslav Shevchuk, a serious man. Although he pays tribute to some of today's Progressivist myths like ecology, he certainly provides a source of information much more reliable than the TASS agency of the communists or AP, UPI, Reuters, AFP and other agencies funded by the globalists.
You can click on the picture to hear his 4-minute talk.
Continue your great work, which is more and more necessary in this time of growing confusion.
False-Right = Soviet-Right
From TIA Media:
Here are two reactions on Instagram to the comment by a reader on When the False-Right Becomes the Soviet-Right:
Here are two reactions on Instagram to the comment by a reader on When the False-Right Becomes the Soviet-Right:
- War is always bad! But I guess the World is still not ready for the truth. I believe God is allowing the wars. How many times our Holy Mother has asked for the consecration of Russia?!!! None of the popes have granted that wish! Now God will use Russia to be His instrument to chastise the world - I.V.
- Viganó never talks about the Fatima message and that always concerned me!!! - N.C.
Growing Confusion of War
Concerning: When the False Right Becomes the Soviet Right
I want to start first by saying: I AM CLUELESS as to which group is the good guys in white hats and who are the bad guys in black hats. Is Russia attacking because of alleged bioagent plants in the Ukraine? Is Russia just flexing its muscle? Is there some sort of far more nefarious action going on here? What does the bleeding St. Michael statue related to the Ukraine tell us?
I do not know. So this is not really about the concerns of the writer per se of that note on your site. My point is that the world is so messed up right now that I find it hard to assign blame BECAUSE I SIMPLY cannot make sense out of the execution of this war.
What I wrote in a recent homily was this:
When the visionary children of Fatima received the Blessed Mother and her messages, they did not know anything. Living in a rural Portuguese town remote from the halls of power and politics, they would know but a little about the world war that was engulfing the world. And chances are good they knew nothing at all about Russia, and the turmoil that was engulfing that nation. All they knew is that they had to pray for all the souls of the world.
There was no good guy nor bad guy to their uninformed minds; they were told that the whole world was full of sinners – many who would go to Hell: German, Russian, American, British, French, Austrian. The visionary children of Fatima: it was no accident that our Lady pulled her innocent messengers from this remote area of the world. Our Lady did not want politics to be a part of the equation, because Our Lady had reduced it to a very simple level: sinners who had to be saved.
Many who will read this are well acquainted with end times prophecies are looking at who is the good guy/who is the bad guy. Whatever is happening in our world, be it COVID… be it real scandal… be it war… be it world war… maybe we all have need to look at it through the lens of God: We are all sinners who had to be saved.
The pro-shot/the anti-shot, the pro-Russian/the pro-Ukraine… in some VERY, VERY LIMITED sense, the bigger question on the table is this: Is this the beginning of a chastisement from God… and if it is truly a chastisement from God, we have need to reduce this to the simplest common denominator: We are sinners who had to be saved… and just like Fatima/Akita/Quito warned, it is not just the sins of one nation that brought this upon us.
Yes, by all appearances Russia is the aggressor. My sympathy -- rightly or wrongly -- lies with Ukraine, but in this crazy world with so much nefarious activity underneath the surface, I cannot say for certain what is going on.
My concern is: if this is coming about because of the chastisement of God, we have bigger concerns. The big concern is that we all get on the same page as God's Truth -- TRUE morality, charity, and reparation.
If we do that, God will help us get to where we need to go. Not quietism, but an interdependence [God does His part; we do our part] with God for our salvation. Otherwise, the devils great weapon right now -- confusion -- will continue to rain and reign.
Fr. T.J.H.
Dr. Horvat responds:
Dear Fr. T.J.H.,
Thank you for your comments, which were quite astute and very timely, I thought.
Everything is, indeed, very complicated because there has been no full fidelity to God’s Law in either the East or West. The West can look worse than the East in its morals and customs and worldliness, but that does not justify the Communism of Russia and China, which embodies the errors that Our Lady at Fatima predicted would spread throughout the world. And indeed it has:
Our country - like all those of the West and Catholic Latin America - has become more socialist than capitalist, in political policy as well as spirit. And Capitalism, despite being a flawed system, is less bad that Communism, which Pope Pius XI correctly called “intrinsically evil.” He also affirmed that Catholics cannot complacently live under it with the aim to correct and improve it. As Mr. Guimaraes notes, looking at the political-social stance of Prelates and laity today - even many conservatives and traditionalists, it is hard to believe we are reading the teachings of the same Church.
I believe that this war is certainly planned, as stage 2 of the partially failed pandemic plan. The syncophants of the Devil would have preferred to bring all the unthinking sheep to the One World Order peacefully without a nuclear holocaust. But there was too much resistance, which was growing and accelerating. So then, on to Plan B - a World War.
However, in so doing, the Secret Forces imagine themselves supreme, their plan infallible, but it is not so. Our Lady will use their plan and the destruction it wreaks to bring about their downfall, just as happened in the Passion. The Devils were instigating the Pharisees and the Scribes to decree and execute the death of the Savior - the most painful and horrendous possible - only to realize too late that Christ was the Savior and they had worked their own destruction with the Redemption of mankind that he worked with His death.
As the crisis worsens - with pandemics, floods, war, population decimation, etc. - it hastens the great intervention Our Lady promised in so many approved apparitions, including Fatima, Quito, Akita. She will cause the end of the Devil’s reign, which truly seems to be implanted now, and - with a great sign(s) from Heaven - will restore completely the Holy Church and Catholic Civilization.
She is already choosing the faithful and stalwart and long-suffering souls through which she will make this great work by gilding their souls with gold with the ample graces that will be bestowed for this great work. They are the ones who resist the Revolution, uphold the truths of the Faith as it stood for two millennia, and counter the Cultural Revolution by returning to good dress, customs and ways of being.
In the end, what is important is to pray for the Chastisement to reach its end - rather than rally for the ‘good guys’ in a scenario where they do not plainly appear because, I believe, there is no truly ‘good’ side in today’s political world that is really fighting for the Catholic Cause.
For the end will be glorious and will signify the victory of Our Lady and the implanting of the Reign of Christ through Mary on earth, as St. Louis de Montfort sets out so well in his True Devotion to Mary. I hope you are encouraging your congregation to make the total Slavery to Our Lady following his method, for certainly it is crucial to our days.
Most cordially,
Asking your prayers and priestly blessing,
In Maria,
Dr. Marian T. Horvat
Concerning: When the False Right Becomes the Soviet Right
I want to start first by saying: I AM CLUELESS as to which group is the good guys in white hats and who are the bad guys in black hats. Is Russia attacking because of alleged bioagent plants in the Ukraine? Is Russia just flexing its muscle? Is there some sort of far more nefarious action going on here? What does the bleeding St. Michael statue related to the Ukraine tell us?
I do not know. So this is not really about the concerns of the writer per se of that note on your site. My point is that the world is so messed up right now that I find it hard to assign blame BECAUSE I SIMPLY cannot make sense out of the execution of this war.
What I wrote in a recent homily was this:
When the visionary children of Fatima received the Blessed Mother and her messages, they did not know anything. Living in a rural Portuguese town remote from the halls of power and politics, they would know but a little about the world war that was engulfing the world. And chances are good they knew nothing at all about Russia, and the turmoil that was engulfing that nation. All they knew is that they had to pray for all the souls of the world.
There was no good guy nor bad guy to their uninformed minds; they were told that the whole world was full of sinners – many who would go to Hell: German, Russian, American, British, French, Austrian. The visionary children of Fatima: it was no accident that our Lady pulled her innocent messengers from this remote area of the world. Our Lady did not want politics to be a part of the equation, because Our Lady had reduced it to a very simple level: sinners who had to be saved.
Many who will read this are well acquainted with end times prophecies are looking at who is the good guy/who is the bad guy. Whatever is happening in our world, be it COVID… be it real scandal… be it war… be it world war… maybe we all have need to look at it through the lens of God: We are all sinners who had to be saved.
The pro-shot/the anti-shot, the pro-Russian/the pro-Ukraine… in some VERY, VERY LIMITED sense, the bigger question on the table is this: Is this the beginning of a chastisement from God… and if it is truly a chastisement from God, we have need to reduce this to the simplest common denominator: We are sinners who had to be saved… and just like Fatima/Akita/Quito warned, it is not just the sins of one nation that brought this upon us.
Yes, by all appearances Russia is the aggressor. My sympathy -- rightly or wrongly -- lies with Ukraine, but in this crazy world with so much nefarious activity underneath the surface, I cannot say for certain what is going on.
My concern is: if this is coming about because of the chastisement of God, we have bigger concerns. The big concern is that we all get on the same page as God's Truth -- TRUE morality, charity, and reparation.
If we do that, God will help us get to where we need to go. Not quietism, but an interdependence [God does His part; we do our part] with God for our salvation. Otherwise, the devils great weapon right now -- confusion -- will continue to rain and reign.
Fr. T.J.H.
Dr. Horvat responds:
Dear Fr. T.J.H.,
Thank you for your comments, which were quite astute and very timely, I thought.
Everything is, indeed, very complicated because there has been no full fidelity to God’s Law in either the East or West. The West can look worse than the East in its morals and customs and worldliness, but that does not justify the Communism of Russia and China, which embodies the errors that Our Lady at Fatima predicted would spread throughout the world. And indeed it has:
Our country - like all those of the West and Catholic Latin America - has become more socialist than capitalist, in political policy as well as spirit. And Capitalism, despite being a flawed system, is less bad that Communism, which Pope Pius XI correctly called “intrinsically evil.” He also affirmed that Catholics cannot complacently live under it with the aim to correct and improve it. As Mr. Guimaraes notes, looking at the political-social stance of Prelates and laity today - even many conservatives and traditionalists, it is hard to believe we are reading the teachings of the same Church.
I believe that this war is certainly planned, as stage 2 of the partially failed pandemic plan. The syncophants of the Devil would have preferred to bring all the unthinking sheep to the One World Order peacefully without a nuclear holocaust. But there was too much resistance, which was growing and accelerating. So then, on to Plan B - a World War.
However, in so doing, the Secret Forces imagine themselves supreme, their plan infallible, but it is not so. Our Lady will use their plan and the destruction it wreaks to bring about their downfall, just as happened in the Passion. The Devils were instigating the Pharisees and the Scribes to decree and execute the death of the Savior - the most painful and horrendous possible - only to realize too late that Christ was the Savior and they had worked their own destruction with the Redemption of mankind that he worked with His death.
As the crisis worsens - with pandemics, floods, war, population decimation, etc. - it hastens the great intervention Our Lady promised in so many approved apparitions, including Fatima, Quito, Akita. She will cause the end of the Devil’s reign, which truly seems to be implanted now, and - with a great sign(s) from Heaven - will restore completely the Holy Church and Catholic Civilization.
She is already choosing the faithful and stalwart and long-suffering souls through which she will make this great work by gilding their souls with gold with the ample graces that will be bestowed for this great work. They are the ones who resist the Revolution, uphold the truths of the Faith as it stood for two millennia, and counter the Cultural Revolution by returning to good dress, customs and ways of being.
In the end, what is important is to pray for the Chastisement to reach its end - rather than rally for the ‘good guys’ in a scenario where they do not plainly appear because, I believe, there is no truly ‘good’ side in today’s political world that is really fighting for the Catholic Cause.
For the end will be glorious and will signify the victory of Our Lady and the implanting of the Reign of Christ through Mary on earth, as St. Louis de Montfort sets out so well in his True Devotion to Mary. I hope you are encouraging your congregation to make the total Slavery to Our Lady following his method, for certainly it is crucial to our days.
Most cordially,
Asking your prayers and priestly blessing,
In Maria,
Dr. Marian T. Horvat
Where Are the Austrian Men?
Re: Austrian Bishop promotes homo exhibitionist
We need the same guys who threw the Patchamama into the Tiber to do the same with this desecration of the holy altar…
May GOD have mercy on this priest who initiated this.
Weren’t the men who threw “it” overboard Austrian?
Re: Austrian Bishop promotes homo exhibitionist
We need the same guys who threw the Patchamama into the Tiber to do the same with this desecration of the holy altar…
May GOD have mercy on this priest who initiated this.
Weren’t the men who threw “it” overboard Austrian?
Readers Indignant on Blasphemy in Innsbruck
From TIA Media:
The following is a list of the reactions of our readers from Instagram on the Picture of the Week: How Lent Started in Innsbruck.
The following is a list of the reactions of our readers from Instagram on the Picture of the Week: How Lent Started in Innsbruck.
- This cannot be real.... S.O.
- Is this real? - D.A.
- God forgive us - M.K.
- Evil has definitely infested the church for many years….forgive us O Lord - L.M.
- Wow !!!! This is wrong on every single level ! - C.P.
- What?!? Are you kidding me?! - S.D.
- My GOD, please mercy us - P.B.
- Could you ever have imagined such an abomination in a Catholic church??!! - M.S.
- The Church has been infested with sodomites as Jesus said there will be weeds within the wheat. we need to pray and find a hold parish for Mass instead of places that are abomination towards God. - M.T.
- My God, what an absurd! - S.O.
- Until when, O Lord? - L.F.
- Defrocked now! Ugh and it’s so close to the tabernacle. - S.M.
- Jesus needs to come back now. - G.P.
- What the.... Oh my word - C.A.
- Jesus please come now.... - C.C.
- This is demonic! - I.C.
- Where are the parishioners?! They should be screaming out loud OR are they all fall already ? - I.M.
- Crucifying Our Lord JMJ - I.X.
- How holy inappropriate D.G.
- Anathema! Sacrilege happening from our own! How could they! - O.F.
- Excommunicated and execution. - T.S.
- Ohhh... and he also makes Crucifix with Dead Frogs as Jesus. - E.T.
- Have that garbage piece of "art" already been burnt? - J.C.
- Vatican II sect doing what it does. - G.I.
- Heretics. - T.C.
- If the photo is real, so this is Shameful and Bad Dirty. - S.T.
- He needs to be excommunicated and put into a mental institution. Dear God! How can be so completely disrespectful?! - J.V.
- Horrifying and disgusting. The works of satan have infiltrated the church. – A.K.
- So horrible - R.M.
- Disgusting! Disgusting! - M.G./li>
- Shameful!!! Disgusting to promote homosexual sin and worse… to display it over the Tabernacle!!!!! Pray for Bishop Glettler!!!!!! - F.S.
- Disgusting - C.D.
- Why!!!!! he should concentrate in ABORTION WAR..POVERTY - M.S.
- Disgusting J.M.
- Heretics! - G.D.

Posted March 10, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Attached is Pope Francis' prayer for peace in Ukraine. It is very commendable to pray for peace. But, it seems that in order to give no offense to non-Christians he omits mention of the name of Jesus. Jesus, the Prince of Peace. I am trying not to judge Francis as a person, but I question his judgment in not honoring Jesus.
Francis has dropped the title Vicar of Christ from his own name in the Vatican yearbook, so I suppose he is just being consistent with his membership in the Vatican II church. Well, as a member of the Catholic Church, I am offended by this failure to invoke the Redeemer by Name.
Jesus I honor You, Redeemer and Prince of Peace. Jesus Prince of Peace, grant us Your Peace. Only Your Peace and Love can end wars.
Frank M. Rega, OFS