What People Are Commenting
Affecting Our Vocabulary
Re: Christians Persecuted
As I was reading this article on the millions of "Christians" persecuted, I was struck by one of the fruits of Vatican II that you have referred to in your article Don’t Call Protestants Christians
The old teaching is ignored, and now we can't even tell if it is Protestants or Catholics or Schismatics who are being persecuted in China or any other country.
Everyone is just labeled "Christian" as if there is no difference. In the mind of the Catholic world, Catholicism no longer has the distinction of being the true faith.
Really very sad and shocking how ecumenism is affecting even our vocabulary.
Re: Christians Persecuted
As I was reading this article on the millions of "Christians" persecuted, I was struck by one of the fruits of Vatican II that you have referred to in your article Don’t Call Protestants Christians
The old teaching is ignored, and now we can't even tell if it is Protestants or Catholics or Schismatics who are being persecuted in China or any other country.
Everyone is just labeled "Christian" as if there is no difference. In the mind of the Catholic world, Catholicism no longer has the distinction of being the true faith.
Really very sad and shocking how ecumenism is affecting even our vocabulary.
Cathinfo Attacking TIA
Dear TIA,
I posted an article of yours to Cathinfo's website without permission. I did it to vindicate Plinio Correa de Oliveira from accusations being made against him in another thread. I think the article I copied, pictures included, was this one.
I say I think, not I know, because I will not go back to Cathinfo as they've previously asked me to disable my adblocker.
I've e-mailed Cathinfo twice asking for my post to be deleted but have never received a response. If you want this post deleted, please e-mail them and let them know. The two e-mail addresses I messaged about this were matthew@cathinfo.com and news@cathinfo.com.
Just an FYI, I've seen articles of yours copied and pasted on this website. If you think my post and these others are a copyright issue, I recommend letting the owner of Cathinfo know.
TIA responds:
Dear J.D.,
Thank you for letting us know.
Thank you also for defending the name of Prof. Plinio. You do not need to delete that article because you didn’t have permission to cite it. We are formally giving you permission now.
As a norm, as long as you link to the source, due credit for the article is given and you may use this or other articles from our website.
Unfortunately, Cathinfo, which was once impartial, aligned itself with the SSPX (the Williamson split). It seems that to earn its salary, it has to always post messages against Prof. Plinio by two pro-SSPX fanatic Filipino women… To reestablish justice, it is good to have some honest people like yourself who counter the false information.
FYI, almost all the biased posts these women voice are vile repetitions of the same defamations spread 35 years ago and duly responded in these books - here and here.
TIA correspondence desk
I posted an article of yours to Cathinfo's website without permission. I did it to vindicate Plinio Correa de Oliveira from accusations being made against him in another thread. I think the article I copied, pictures included, was this one.
I say I think, not I know, because I will not go back to Cathinfo as they've previously asked me to disable my adblocker.
I've e-mailed Cathinfo twice asking for my post to be deleted but have never received a response. If you want this post deleted, please e-mail them and let them know. The two e-mail addresses I messaged about this were matthew@cathinfo.com and news@cathinfo.com.
Just an FYI, I've seen articles of yours copied and pasted on this website. If you think my post and these others are a copyright issue, I recommend letting the owner of Cathinfo know.
TIA responds:
Dear J.D.,
Thank you for letting us know.
Thank you also for defending the name of Prof. Plinio. You do not need to delete that article because you didn’t have permission to cite it. We are formally giving you permission now.
As a norm, as long as you link to the source, due credit for the article is given and you may use this or other articles from our website.
Unfortunately, Cathinfo, which was once impartial, aligned itself with the SSPX (the Williamson split). It seems that to earn its salary, it has to always post messages against Prof. Plinio by two pro-SSPX fanatic Filipino women… To reestablish justice, it is good to have some honest people like yourself who counter the false information.
FYI, almost all the biased posts these women voice are vile repetitions of the same defamations spread 35 years ago and duly responded in these books - here and here.
TIA correspondence desk
Vatican Fretful about Corona Virus, Not Communism
Hello TIA,
Thank you for your reporting on that good Chinese woman who was slapped by the Pope for asking for help for the Chinese Catholic Church. The February 1 new rules and regulations will effectively replace the Pope and Bishops with state-appointed bodies, which will function as the supreme decision-making body for the respective religious group.
As one Chinese priest asks, "If there is no Catholic head for a church, is it still a Catholic church?”
A Catholic from Shaanxi province told UCA News that the Church in his region had faced severe repression in the past but the new rules will further suppress it.
Many Underground Churches are ignoring the rules, ready for more persecution and exercising greater caution than in the past, a return to the past instead of step forward as the Pope and Card. Parolin so proudly claim. (Read more here)
In fact, in face of these renewed persecutions, Francis is silent.
Still, he can't move fast enough to sympathize with China's government over the corona virus. The Vatican recently donated hundreds of thousands of face masks to China to help limit the spread of corona virus.
The danger to souls of Communism - a greater virus and poison - is ignored. Health of body over health of soul. Behold - the Vatican II Church practicing its new doctrine of Humanism.
Thanks for your good work!
Hello TIA,
Thank you for your reporting on that good Chinese woman who was slapped by the Pope for asking for help for the Chinese Catholic Church. The February 1 new rules and regulations will effectively replace the Pope and Bishops with state-appointed bodies, which will function as the supreme decision-making body for the respective religious group.
As one Chinese priest asks, "If there is no Catholic head for a church, is it still a Catholic church?”
A Catholic from Shaanxi province told UCA News that the Church in his region had faced severe repression in the past but the new rules will further suppress it.
Many Underground Churches are ignoring the rules, ready for more persecution and exercising greater caution than in the past, a return to the past instead of step forward as the Pope and Card. Parolin so proudly claim. (Read more here)
In fact, in face of these renewed persecutions, Francis is silent.
Still, he can't move fast enough to sympathize with China's government over the corona virus. The Vatican recently donated hundreds of thousands of face masks to China to help limit the spread of corona virus.
The danger to souls of Communism - a greater virus and poison - is ignored. Health of body over health of soul. Behold - the Vatican II Church practicing its new doctrine of Humanism.
Thanks for your good work!
Ordinariate & Our Lady of Good Success
Dear Dr. Horvat,
It was a very great surprise and honour that you answered the phone today take my order for “Our Lady Of Good Success Bundle.”
Your including a piece of cloth that touched the statue of Our Lady of Good Success is to me a sign and call for me to more diligently spread her remarkable message of love conveyed to Mother Mariana.
I became a member of The Ordinariate a few years ago.
I feel the Ordinariate has a very important role in preserving the One True Faith.
The little chapel we celebrate Mass in is dedicated to the English Martyrs under Our Lady of Walsingham.
When we placed the statue of Our Lady of Walsingham in our little chapel and had her blessed, I asked Our Lady of Good Success if she would enter this statue in a similar manner as she had done for the convent.
Without a lie the straight face on the statue smiled at me.
We are in for a rocky ride in The Church and in the world in the coming days, months and years ahead but we have hope to carry us through whatever trials come our way as they will.
God bless you,
It was a very great surprise and honour that you answered the phone today take my order for “Our Lady Of Good Success Bundle.”
Your including a piece of cloth that touched the statue of Our Lady of Good Success is to me a sign and call for me to more diligently spread her remarkable message of love conveyed to Mother Mariana.
I became a member of The Ordinariate a few years ago.
I feel the Ordinariate has a very important role in preserving the One True Faith.
The little chapel we celebrate Mass in is dedicated to the English Martyrs under Our Lady of Walsingham.
When we placed the statue of Our Lady of Walsingham in our little chapel and had her blessed, I asked Our Lady of Good Success if she would enter this statue in a similar manner as she had done for the convent.
Without a lie the straight face on the statue smiled at me.
We are in for a rocky ride in The Church and in the world in the coming days, months and years ahead but we have hope to carry us through whatever trials come our way as they will.
God bless you,
Vatican & Soros Pushing Euthanasia
Thanks to Dr. Paul Byrne for this good news! At last, this year’s March For Life in DC could become a place where the battle for lives at End of Life is added to their message.
It would be extremely helpful if they were to let people know that in the year 2020 the Third Path Euthanasia Movement will strike gold if their sweetheart bill – Palliative Care and Hospice Training and Education Act (PCHETA)/ S. 2080 – passes in the Senate and is signed into law by the President.
This bill sets into healthcare protocol the means for controlling death for the handicapped like Alphie Evans and 8 year old Lilliana below, the elderly, the seriously ill, and those with multiple chronic conditions. Please let your US senators know you are against S. 2080!! The bill is now in the Senate HELP Committee but call ALL senators you can. The bill will move quickly after impeachment.
We know that God is not pleased when the USCCB and the Catholic Medical Association who are supporting this bill (S. 2080). But it gets much worse! In 2017, with the blessing of Pope Francis and the Secretariat of State, the Pontifical Academy for Life launched a new project called PAL-Life.
Its purpose is to work for the global expansion of this new field of medicine designed by George Soros called PALLIATIVE MEDICINE. Dear brothers in Christ, the Vatican has bought into the system of medicine designed for a one world economy!
Pray to the Holy Ghost and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Elizabeth D. Wickham, PhD
Thanks to Dr. Paul Byrne for this good news! At last, this year’s March For Life in DC could become a place where the battle for lives at End of Life is added to their message.
It would be extremely helpful if they were to let people know that in the year 2020 the Third Path Euthanasia Movement will strike gold if their sweetheart bill – Palliative Care and Hospice Training and Education Act (PCHETA)/ S. 2080 – passes in the Senate and is signed into law by the President.
This bill sets into healthcare protocol the means for controlling death for the handicapped like Alphie Evans and 8 year old Lilliana below, the elderly, the seriously ill, and those with multiple chronic conditions. Please let your US senators know you are against S. 2080!! The bill is now in the Senate HELP Committee but call ALL senators you can. The bill will move quickly after impeachment.
We know that God is not pleased when the USCCB and the Catholic Medical Association who are supporting this bill (S. 2080). But it gets much worse! In 2017, with the blessing of Pope Francis and the Secretariat of State, the Pontifical Academy for Life launched a new project called PAL-Life.
Its purpose is to work for the global expansion of this new field of medicine designed by George Soros called PALLIATIVE MEDICINE. Dear brothers in Christ, the Vatican has bought into the system of medicine designed for a one world economy!
Pray to the Holy Ghost and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Elizabeth D. Wickham, PhD

Posted February 6, 2020
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
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Re: St. Blaise
Thank you! It goes around amongst traditionalist that God doesn’t answer or hear the prayers of those in mortal sin.
Yes, He isn’t bound to do so I’m sure. But! What hope here.
I have sadly told a wayward adult child to get to confession. I told them that their prayers aren’t heard until then. I did tell them except the prayer to get them to confession.
But, this is much more merciful and without being false mercy. I sent this to my wayward son. Thank you! I’m so consoled.