What People Are Commenting
Interfaith Press Conference against Guns
Dear TIA,
I link you this video without any comment. Archbishop Carlson of St. Louis shows himself to be an apostate.
I link you this video without any comment. Archbishop Carlson of St. Louis shows himself to be an apostate.
The Dictator Pope Attacks Again
Pope Francis has acquired the fame of being a dictator Pope, after interfering in the Order of Knights of Malta to curb an anti-progressivist Grand Master and support a pro-contraception director. Since then he has continued to earn this title by interfering in the Franciscans of the Immaculate and in several other orders in Belgian and Brazil.
Now, he makes an attack in France, assigning a personal delegate to take over a French religious order, The Little Sisters of Mary Mother of the Redeemer, and change its traditional-oriented direction. Read the news below.
In the Catholic Church, a person used to come under suspicion and be put away for following heresy. In the Conciliar Church he enters under suspicion and is put away for following the authentic Catholic tradition and doctrine. What Church is this?
French sisters renounce vows after Vatican power struggle
VATICAN CITY — November 29 – Nearly all the members of a French religious order of nuns have decided to renounce their vows rather than live under a Vatican commissioner appointed after a dispute with the local bishop.
Read more here.
Pope Francis has acquired the fame of being a dictator Pope, after interfering in the Order of Knights of Malta to curb an anti-progressivist Grand Master and support a pro-contraception director. Since then he has continued to earn this title by interfering in the Franciscans of the Immaculate and in several other orders in Belgian and Brazil.
Now, he makes an attack in France, assigning a personal delegate to take over a French religious order, The Little Sisters of Mary Mother of the Redeemer, and change its traditional-oriented direction. Read the news below.
In the Catholic Church, a person used to come under suspicion and be put away for following heresy. In the Conciliar Church he enters under suspicion and is put away for following the authentic Catholic tradition and doctrine. What Church is this?
VATICAN CITY — November 29 – Nearly all the members of a French religious order of nuns have decided to renounce their vows rather than live under a Vatican commissioner appointed after a dispute with the local bishop.
Read more here.
Francis Approves Closing Churches
Dear TIA,
Re: Pope addresses closing & selling churches
No problem selling churches, says Francis, it is just another sign of the times.
The Vatican and bishops from Europe and beyond gather recently to propose guidelines for the sale or reuse of Catholic churches to help ensure that they retain their cultural heritage and serve the good of the community, not commerce.
With some churches being turned into discos, gelaterias or demolished outright, the guidelines suggest that if the church cannot be given to another Christian community, it should be reused for cultural or societal aims. Such aims would include being used as a museum, library, conference hall, or food bank for the poor or charity center.
The guidelines were being finalized at a Vatican-backed conference on Thursday that was intentionally provocative in its title: "Doesn't God dwell here anymore?" It was evidence that the Catholic hierarchy is fully aware that it has too many churches on its hands for it to properly maintain, particularly in Europe, where secular trends have emptied the pews.
Francis said the fact that churches today are no longer necessary "should be welcomed in the church not with anxiety, but as a sign of the times that invites us to reflection and requires us to adapt."
The conference, which brought together academics, bishops and church officials from across Europe, North America and Australia, aimed to do just that by providing case studies of how dioceses handled particular cases of how they disposed with aging, expensive assets, and developing guidelines for bishops to go forward with more closings.
Monsignor Pawel Malecha, a top canon lawyer at the Vatican high court, cited German statistics that found more than 500 German churches had been closed during the period 2000-2017, with a third of them demolished and the rest sold or destined for other uses.
Catholics in the Netherlands, meanwhile, estimate that two-thirds of their 1,600 churches will be closed down within the next 10 years, he said.
Re: Pope addresses closing & selling churches
No problem selling churches, says Francis, it is just another sign of the times.
The Vatican and bishops from Europe and beyond gather recently to propose guidelines for the sale or reuse of Catholic churches to help ensure that they retain their cultural heritage and serve the good of the community, not commerce.
With some churches being turned into discos, gelaterias or demolished outright, the guidelines suggest that if the church cannot be given to another Christian community, it should be reused for cultural or societal aims. Such aims would include being used as a museum, library, conference hall, or food bank for the poor or charity center.
The guidelines were being finalized at a Vatican-backed conference on Thursday that was intentionally provocative in its title: "Doesn't God dwell here anymore?" It was evidence that the Catholic hierarchy is fully aware that it has too many churches on its hands for it to properly maintain, particularly in Europe, where secular trends have emptied the pews.
Francis said the fact that churches today are no longer necessary "should be welcomed in the church not with anxiety, but as a sign of the times that invites us to reflection and requires us to adapt."
The conference, which brought together academics, bishops and church officials from across Europe, North America and Australia, aimed to do just that by providing case studies of how dioceses handled particular cases of how they disposed with aging, expensive assets, and developing guidelines for bishops to go forward with more closings.
Monsignor Pawel Malecha, a top canon lawyer at the Vatican high court, cited German statistics that found more than 500 German churches had been closed during the period 2000-2017, with a third of them demolished and the rest sold or destined for other uses.
Catholics in the Netherlands, meanwhile, estimate that two-thirds of their 1,600 churches will be closed down within the next 10 years, he said.
Great Admirer
Dear Tradition in Action,
I live in Florida. I sing in a choir at church. I absolutely adore your website.
I found it while looking up the Purgatory Museum. I have graduated to the Music section (Religious Hymns and Folk Music).
Thank you so much for putting the lyrics and sheet music on your site and making it possible to be able to listen as well.
I live in an ALF, and my money is very limited. I have a guardian over my finances as I had to sell my home. It is very expensive here, but I do God’s work here as much as I can. I am also a Catholic and prefer tradition over the present state of the Church. I have many prayers saved and copy a lot of stuff. I have to have another person print them for me. I also pass things to the church people whenever possible.
I hope to order the small book of Our Lady of Success one day. I have done a Consecration to Mary. I know she has watched me for my entire life. I am also a member of the Marian Helpers. I believe in the orders of Franciscans and Dominicans. I pray for our Priests too.
I hope I will be able to find some CDs of the choirs you included. The boys’ choirs are splendid. I used to have a record of the Vienna Boys Choir. But it was Strauss. I have found quite a bit on You Tube as well. Lots of lyrics in Latin and English. I am sharing with other people too.
I am going to call you one day. I wanted to order some prayer cards of Our Lady Queen of Angels, to give away, but I am already tight this month. I have that prayer in a small booklet and I have said it quite a few times. But lately I have been doing a few Chaplets. I also love the Poor Souls, St. Gertrude, and Saint Maria Faustina. I was interested in the Sisters you mentioned about.
I wish I could donate something to help. The only money I receive besides a debit card, is from playing Bingo and Poker. But I have much competition and they do quite well themselves. I pray a lot during those games and I know God loves the others too. So, I wait upon the Lord.
It is tough to be in a state bordering Poverty. We have so much to be thankful for and we squander our resources foolishly. I am living on milk and honey and other natural foods and I am very strong and healthy.
Living here is a bit like being cloistered. I can come and go as I please. I also have access to a car belonging to someone else. But I do not abuse the privilege.
Sorry this is so long. I hope you receive it.
Keep up the good work. I have found many websites about the Catholic traditions and the Saints. Keep praying. I hope that living in California will not be a problem to you.
I do not worry about my safety. The Angels and Mary look after me. God Bless all your efforts.
I live in Florida. I sing in a choir at church. I absolutely adore your website.
I found it while looking up the Purgatory Museum. I have graduated to the Music section (Religious Hymns and Folk Music).
Thank you so much for putting the lyrics and sheet music on your site and making it possible to be able to listen as well.
I live in an ALF, and my money is very limited. I have a guardian over my finances as I had to sell my home. It is very expensive here, but I do God’s work here as much as I can. I am also a Catholic and prefer tradition over the present state of the Church. I have many prayers saved and copy a lot of stuff. I have to have another person print them for me. I also pass things to the church people whenever possible.
I hope to order the small book of Our Lady of Success one day. I have done a Consecration to Mary. I know she has watched me for my entire life. I am also a member of the Marian Helpers. I believe in the orders of Franciscans and Dominicans. I pray for our Priests too.
I hope I will be able to find some CDs of the choirs you included. The boys’ choirs are splendid. I used to have a record of the Vienna Boys Choir. But it was Strauss. I have found quite a bit on You Tube as well. Lots of lyrics in Latin and English. I am sharing with other people too.
I am going to call you one day. I wanted to order some prayer cards of Our Lady Queen of Angels, to give away, but I am already tight this month. I have that prayer in a small booklet and I have said it quite a few times. But lately I have been doing a few Chaplets. I also love the Poor Souls, St. Gertrude, and Saint Maria Faustina. I was interested in the Sisters you mentioned about.
I wish I could donate something to help. The only money I receive besides a debit card, is from playing Bingo and Poker. But I have much competition and they do quite well themselves. I pray a lot during those games and I know God loves the others too. So, I wait upon the Lord.
It is tough to be in a state bordering Poverty. We have so much to be thankful for and we squander our resources foolishly. I am living on milk and honey and other natural foods and I am very strong and healthy.
Living here is a bit like being cloistered. I can come and go as I please. I also have access to a car belonging to someone else. But I do not abuse the privilege.
Sorry this is so long. I hope you receive it.
Keep up the good work. I have found many websites about the Catholic traditions and the Saints. Keep praying. I hope that living in California will not be a problem to you.
I do not worry about my safety. The Angels and Mary look after me. God Bless all your efforts.

Posted December 6, 2018
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Pass on this news to your readers, please.
New York senator Jose Peralta, 47, died after getting the flu shot. Read his wife’s report.