What People Are Commenting
God’s Voice, Conciliar Saints & Middle Ages
God’s Voice
Below is another (sigh) example of "Church revolution in pictures".
One has to surmise that vocations in the Francis-sect have dwindled, such that appeals are now directed to ET and friends. What else explains this vapid piece of art?
You may find the original here when dealing with listening to God’s voice.
Below is another (sigh) example of "Church revolution in pictures".
One has to surmise that vocations in the Francis-sect have dwindled, such that appeals are now directed to ET and friends. What else explains this vapid piece of art?
You may find the original here when dealing with listening to God’s voice.

All Vatican II Popes Are Saints
Dear TIA,
Re: Late Pope Paul VI to be made saint this year, Pope Francis says
Modern requirement to be canonized: did you help to destroy the Church?
Honestly, I am grateful that Josemaria Escriva, founder of the Opus Dei cult, was canonized, because now I feel justified in doubting all modern canonizations.
You might painfully enjoy the book, Beyond the Threshold, by Maria del Carmen Tapia, an Opus Dei member from 1946 to 1965.
Escriva was NO saint, believe me.
Re: Late Pope Paul VI to be made saint this year, Pope Francis says
Modern requirement to be canonized: did you help to destroy the Church?
Honestly, I am grateful that Josemaria Escriva, founder of the Opus Dei cult, was canonized, because now I feel justified in doubting all modern canonizations.
You might painfully enjoy the book, Beyond the Threshold, by Maria del Carmen Tapia, an Opus Dei member from 1946 to 1965.
Escriva was NO saint, believe me.
Send Us a Collection on Vatican II
Dear TIA,
Good day. I would like to take this time to thank you for your website and all of the wonderful articles that you post.
My sister and I have been struggling with all of the abuses and seeming contradictions within the Church. All of the other sources to which we turned did not answer all of our questions. Finally, we were blessed to find your website and found it to speak the truth.
Yet, we are alone in our convictions. Our parents, especially our father who is …, do not understand us and continually try to make us give up our newfound beliefs. We earnestly want to convince them both of the truth of what you say, but we don't have the arguments to convince them.
We would like to order the Vatican II collection from you; however, we are both attending college and do not have the money to do so. Is there any possible way that we can get the collection for a reduced price? We are able to pay at least shipping. I wish that we could pay full price and help to support your cause, but since our father does not support us, we are left on our own to pay for this.
Please, let me know if there is anything you can do to help us get this collection. It is very difficult to try and explain our position without the adequate research and reasoning found therein. Thank you for your time, and I pray that Our Lord will bless you abundantly.
TIA responds:
Dear E.L.,
Thank you for your good words on our website.
We will send you Guimarães’ collection on Vatican II, but it will be from the seconds – books that can be read, but have small defects, which make them inadequate for sales.
After receiving them, you may give a small donation to TIA, as symbolic as you wish.
We hope and pray the reading of those volumes will provide the arguments that you and your sister are looking for.
TIA correspondence desk
Good day. I would like to take this time to thank you for your website and all of the wonderful articles that you post.
My sister and I have been struggling with all of the abuses and seeming contradictions within the Church. All of the other sources to which we turned did not answer all of our questions. Finally, we were blessed to find your website and found it to speak the truth.
Yet, we are alone in our convictions. Our parents, especially our father who is …, do not understand us and continually try to make us give up our newfound beliefs. We earnestly want to convince them both of the truth of what you say, but we don't have the arguments to convince them.
We would like to order the Vatican II collection from you; however, we are both attending college and do not have the money to do so. Is there any possible way that we can get the collection for a reduced price? We are able to pay at least shipping. I wish that we could pay full price and help to support your cause, but since our father does not support us, we are left on our own to pay for this.
Please, let me know if there is anything you can do to help us get this collection. It is very difficult to try and explain our position without the adequate research and reasoning found therein. Thank you for your time, and I pray that Our Lord will bless you abundantly.
TIA responds:
Dear E.L.,
Thank you for your good words on our website.
We will send you Guimarães’ collection on Vatican II, but it will be from the seconds – books that can be read, but have small defects, which make them inadequate for sales.
After receiving them, you may give a small donation to TIA, as symbolic as you wish.
We hope and pray the reading of those volumes will provide the arguments that you and your sister are looking for.
TIA correspondence desk
How to Survive in the Middle Ages
Dear TIA,
I found a well-illustrated book for young people on the Middle Ages – How to Survive in the Middle Ages, by Fiona MacDonald & David Salariya. I felt it gives a relatively respectful presentation of the Middle Ages. It is, I believe, a more realistic and common sense view of the Middle Ages.
So many books tend to either demonize the Middle Ages or to see this rather earthy time through the lens of exaggerated Victorian era romance and propriety. This one is different. It seems balanced to me.
Please let me know your opinion.
Dr. Horvat responds:
Dear E.H.,
I have seen this book on the Middle Ages once with the same recommendation: that it presented good facts about that time period.
I agree. The facts are presented in a positive way, following a historical method called Positivism, which was in fact a quite revolutionary method developed in the 19th century by French agnostics who demanded that the scientific method must replace metaphysics in the history of thought.
In History, it took the view that any metaphysical or religious understanding of History (e.g. Christ the King as Lord of History or the Incarnation as the focal point of History) should be discarded. According to it, everything should be presented without any "bias," which is, by the way, contradictory because this method has a strong bias against religion, philosophy and metaphysics; ultimately, a bias against Christendom.
I do not believe the Middle Ages can or should be presented without an understanding of the religious spirit that inspired its institutions, society and culture. It is impossible to understand how those cathedrals came into being, the three orders of society developed with their specific functions, the Crusades' enthusiasm was born and grew, etc., without presenting the Catholic Church and her influence on both spiritual and temporal society.
What the positivist spirit wants to destroy is the Gelasian theory of the two swords: a tradition that developed under the Church in the Middle Ages establishing the autonomy that each of the great powers – the temporal and spiritual – has within its own sphere. As Pope Gelasius taught to Emperor Anastasius, ultimately the spiritual power has superiority over the temporal.
The book you presented, with its factual "common sense" approach, takes no account of the principles that governed the Middle Ages and that gave it the tone and balance it had. It strips it of its spirit or soul, and leaves the bare bones, pretending that this is the more practical way to see those times.
I disagree with this approach, as I disagree with the Victorian romantic view.
A good history, in my view, reflects the thinking of Leo XIII in his encyclical Immortale Dei, when he described medieval Christendom in these terms:
"There was a time when the philosophy of the Gospel governed the states. In that epoch, the influence of Christian wisdom and its divine virtue permeated the laws, institutions, and customs of the peoples, all categories and all relations of civil society. Then the religion instituted by Jesus Christ, solidly established in the degree of dignity due to it, flourished everywhere thanks to the favor of princes and the legitimate protection of magistrates. Then the Priesthood and the Empire were united in a happy concord and by the friendly interchange of good offices. So organized, civil society gave fruits superior to all expectations, whose memory subsists and will subsist, registered as it is in innumerable documents that no artifice of the adversaries can destroy or obscure."
What the Revolution wants to destroy is medieval Christendom, which was the realization of the only authentic order among men, that is, Christian Civilization. A history that leaves this out distorts reality and does not provide a Catholic perspective of history for youth or adults.
I hope this is of some help to you.
Marian T. Horvat. Ph.D.
I found a well-illustrated book for young people on the Middle Ages – How to Survive in the Middle Ages, by Fiona MacDonald & David Salariya. I felt it gives a relatively respectful presentation of the Middle Ages. It is, I believe, a more realistic and common sense view of the Middle Ages.
So many books tend to either demonize the Middle Ages or to see this rather earthy time through the lens of exaggerated Victorian era romance and propriety. This one is different. It seems balanced to me.
Please let me know your opinion.
Dr. Horvat responds:
Dear E.H.,
I have seen this book on the Middle Ages once with the same recommendation: that it presented good facts about that time period.
I agree. The facts are presented in a positive way, following a historical method called Positivism, which was in fact a quite revolutionary method developed in the 19th century by French agnostics who demanded that the scientific method must replace metaphysics in the history of thought.
In History, it took the view that any metaphysical or religious understanding of History (e.g. Christ the King as Lord of History or the Incarnation as the focal point of History) should be discarded. According to it, everything should be presented without any "bias," which is, by the way, contradictory because this method has a strong bias against religion, philosophy and metaphysics; ultimately, a bias against Christendom.
I do not believe the Middle Ages can or should be presented without an understanding of the religious spirit that inspired its institutions, society and culture. It is impossible to understand how those cathedrals came into being, the three orders of society developed with their specific functions, the Crusades' enthusiasm was born and grew, etc., without presenting the Catholic Church and her influence on both spiritual and temporal society.
What the positivist spirit wants to destroy is the Gelasian theory of the two swords: a tradition that developed under the Church in the Middle Ages establishing the autonomy that each of the great powers – the temporal and spiritual – has within its own sphere. As Pope Gelasius taught to Emperor Anastasius, ultimately the spiritual power has superiority over the temporal.
The book you presented, with its factual "common sense" approach, takes no account of the principles that governed the Middle Ages and that gave it the tone and balance it had. It strips it of its spirit or soul, and leaves the bare bones, pretending that this is the more practical way to see those times.
I disagree with this approach, as I disagree with the Victorian romantic view.
A good history, in my view, reflects the thinking of Leo XIII in his encyclical Immortale Dei, when he described medieval Christendom in these terms:
"There was a time when the philosophy of the Gospel governed the states. In that epoch, the influence of Christian wisdom and its divine virtue permeated the laws, institutions, and customs of the peoples, all categories and all relations of civil society. Then the religion instituted by Jesus Christ, solidly established in the degree of dignity due to it, flourished everywhere thanks to the favor of princes and the legitimate protection of magistrates. Then the Priesthood and the Empire were united in a happy concord and by the friendly interchange of good offices. So organized, civil society gave fruits superior to all expectations, whose memory subsists and will subsist, registered as it is in innumerable documents that no artifice of the adversaries can destroy or obscure."
What the Revolution wants to destroy is medieval Christendom, which was the realization of the only authentic order among men, that is, Christian Civilization. A history that leaves this out distorts reality and does not provide a Catholic perspective of history for youth or adults.
I hope this is of some help to you.
Marian T. Horvat. Ph.D.

Posted February 20, 2018
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+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam +
I appreciate your work in calling attention to the heresies of the Vatican II followers, whatever we choose to call them. …
Thank you for your work to preserve the traditional Catholic faith. And I try to keep in mind that though we must all oppose false teachings and modern moral decay, if we wish to save our souls, the most important virtue which our Judge will seek for in our souls, is Charity, for God, the Blessed Trinity, and for our neighbor, whom we should love as ourselves, and should never scandalize or lead into error.
Yours for a holy Candlemas,