What People Are Commenting
Prof. Remi’s Funeral, Doves & Pigeons
Protestant Sex Abuse of Minors
Dear Tradition in Action,
We have all heard stories about "transgendered" people who think they are the opposite gender "stuck" in a different body type.
But what about "trans" Protestant heretics stuck inside a Catholic body?
Historically, sexual abuse of minors has been a Protestant problem. However, after Vatican II, sexual abuse of minors within the Catholic Church exploded. We also know that heresies crept into the thinking of the Church hierarchy around the same time. The two things seem to be directly correlated to each other: Pedophiliac Crimes and Heresy.
The website www.protestantya.com documents sexual abuse of minors by Protestant clergy. This seems to be clearly a Protestant problem, not a Catholic problem. It came into the Catholic Church after Vatican II when "the windows of the Church were opened", to allow "the smoke of Satan to enter inside".
Within Catholic theology, we are familiar with outward materials, acts, or signs which show an invisible spiritual reality within. For example, when someone is baptized with water and the priest saying certain words "I baptize you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit etc..", this signifies an invisible spiritual reality that the person baptized is cleansed of the sin of Adam and becomes part of the body of Christ, the Catholic Church.
In a similar way, you could argue that clergy committing sexual abuse of minors is an outward sign of an invisible spiritual reality within: the abuser is actually a Protestant 'heretic, even though outwardly he appears to be a Catholic, or even a Catholic priest wearing Catholic priestly vestments.
I submit the above website for your review and commentary, and perhaps also, for the information of your audience.
The website, again, is www.protestantya.com
Very truly yours,
We have all heard stories about "transgendered" people who think they are the opposite gender "stuck" in a different body type.
But what about "trans" Protestant heretics stuck inside a Catholic body?
Historically, sexual abuse of minors has been a Protestant problem. However, after Vatican II, sexual abuse of minors within the Catholic Church exploded. We also know that heresies crept into the thinking of the Church hierarchy around the same time. The two things seem to be directly correlated to each other: Pedophiliac Crimes and Heresy.
The website www.protestantya.com documents sexual abuse of minors by Protestant clergy. This seems to be clearly a Protestant problem, not a Catholic problem. It came into the Catholic Church after Vatican II when "the windows of the Church were opened", to allow "the smoke of Satan to enter inside".
Within Catholic theology, we are familiar with outward materials, acts, or signs which show an invisible spiritual reality within. For example, when someone is baptized with water and the priest saying certain words "I baptize you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit etc..", this signifies an invisible spiritual reality that the person baptized is cleansed of the sin of Adam and becomes part of the body of Christ, the Catholic Church.
In a similar way, you could argue that clergy committing sexual abuse of minors is an outward sign of an invisible spiritual reality within: the abuser is actually a Protestant 'heretic, even though outwardly he appears to be a Catholic, or even a Catholic priest wearing Catholic priestly vestments.
I submit the above website for your review and commentary, and perhaps also, for the information of your audience.
The website, again, is www.protestantya.com
Very truly yours,
How to Use an ATM in Chicago
Not sure whether this is caused by fear of harassment and theft or is just a new trend.
You tell me.
Take a look at these pictures.
Not sure whether this is caused by fear of harassment and theft or is just a new trend.
You tell me.
Take a look at these pictures.

Doves & Pigeons
Dear Margaret Galitzin,
The birds pictured in your very moving article are in the family Columbidea;(Chritofalo Colombo 'Christ bearer the Pigeon') they are pigeons; Rock Doves. They are not ''doves' who are cousins of pigeons. This is a common error in terms. The word 'dove' is the English term for pigeons. Bible translations carry this on. There is a a psalm in which the 'doves of the rocks ledges' (pigeons) are a symbol of grace that effects one. Doves and pigeons have a very long and wonderful history. I will do more research soon and send.
My dear bride M.M. and I had many beautiful homing pigeons when we lived on 'The Royal Road' Mission Street Mission Santa Cruz in an old carriage house. They had a hanging loft we would pull up and down each day through the ivy and above the grape arbor above the front door. They were in front of the hay mow door and the pink petunias box. We would take them across the street in a wicker picnic basket to the Mission Plaza and let go. They would fly and fly in giant circles and then go home.
We had Belgian Purple Eyed Plutnycx self white, other colorful breeds, and "Redwood' a tiny pigeon with all red feathers and a bright white head. Like a little eagle. He was hit in the air by a passing pigeon hawk. His entire side was gone. I knew he would not live. My wife nursed him back to the 'kit' and he flew with the others again. Amazing! I have had over fifty homing pigeons in life. Do you have pigeons? I could go on all night so I will stop.
Again the article was/is very moving. I will copy and send to my special little Sister Benedetta who lives on the eighth floor in a tiny apartment with four doves. One is Clarita. She has had Clarita for almost thirty years. I tell Clarita twenty times some days, "I love you Clarita." No aviary: just Benedetta and the four doves... I think there should be a beautiful 'dovecot' (pigeon loft) at the new chapel in Santa Cruz. Do you?
In this deeply sad, broken world they will cause 'trudging along' (Dr.Horvat’s term in new book) persons to look upward... in wonder... So many! are 'trudging along'.
The world needs beauty...
Thank you for this beautiful article.
The birds pictured in your very moving article are in the family Columbidea;(Chritofalo Colombo 'Christ bearer the Pigeon') they are pigeons; Rock Doves. They are not ''doves' who are cousins of pigeons. This is a common error in terms. The word 'dove' is the English term for pigeons. Bible translations carry this on. There is a a psalm in which the 'doves of the rocks ledges' (pigeons) are a symbol of grace that effects one. Doves and pigeons have a very long and wonderful history. I will do more research soon and send.
My dear bride M.M. and I had many beautiful homing pigeons when we lived on 'The Royal Road' Mission Street Mission Santa Cruz in an old carriage house. They had a hanging loft we would pull up and down each day through the ivy and above the grape arbor above the front door. They were in front of the hay mow door and the pink petunias box. We would take them across the street in a wicker picnic basket to the Mission Plaza and let go. They would fly and fly in giant circles and then go home.
We had Belgian Purple Eyed Plutnycx self white, other colorful breeds, and "Redwood' a tiny pigeon with all red feathers and a bright white head. Like a little eagle. He was hit in the air by a passing pigeon hawk. His entire side was gone. I knew he would not live. My wife nursed him back to the 'kit' and he flew with the others again. Amazing! I have had over fifty homing pigeons in life. Do you have pigeons? I could go on all night so I will stop.
Again the article was/is very moving. I will copy and send to my special little Sister Benedetta who lives on the eighth floor in a tiny apartment with four doves. One is Clarita. She has had Clarita for almost thirty years. I tell Clarita twenty times some days, "I love you Clarita." No aviary: just Benedetta and the four doves... I think there should be a beautiful 'dovecot' (pigeon loft) at the new chapel in Santa Cruz. Do you?
In this deeply sad, broken world they will cause 'trudging along' (Dr.Horvat’s term in new book) persons to look upward... in wonder... So many! are 'trudging along'.
The world needs beauty...
Thank you for this beautiful article.
SSPX Does a Good Job
I do not want to stir bitter controversy but I do want to comment.
Concerning the person who comments on leaving SSPX, may I make a comment ?
I do not want to stir bitter controversy but I do want to comment.
Concerning the person who comments on leaving SSPX, may I make a comment ?
- The SSPX is a lifeboat in a very rough sea; no-one can imagine that life on the lifeboat will be smooth and well-organized. Times are confusing.
- For many people there is no reasonable alternative; no "indult mass" no other Traditional orders.
- The SSPX & followers helped me: I am a convert and wanted to be Conditionally Baptized; when I asked a number of priests they almost shook with fright and anxiety. An SSPX supporter priest was the only one who would give me this grace. The same was true of our last baby's baptism; again other priests quaked when asked for immediate Old Rite Baptism - undelayed after the birth. SSPX priest did it easily and with no problems. As one Irish friend of mine said "They'll give you the whole package."
- It is easy to criticize the SSPX, but where would we be now without SSPX and Msgr Lefebvre's public witness? They are NOT perfect and in many ways not all right, but they do a good job.

Posted December 26, 2017
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
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He was born in Kansas City, MO, and had resided in this area all of his life. He was a graduate of Ward High School, Rockhurst College and received his Ph.D. in Microbiology at the University of Kansas in 1959. He was awarded a three-year Research Career Development Award from NIH and received the Chancellor’s Award for Distinguished Teaching in 1985. He joined the faculty of the University of Kansas Medical Center in 1962. He was Professor of Microbiology as both teacher and researcher, and made Professor Emeritus in 1992. In recognition of outstanding research accomplishments, an award for predoctorate students – the Remi Amelunxen Award – was established in 1992.
He was a devout Catholic and prolific writer, including the book The Great Saint Joseph and numerous articles for the Catholic organization Tradition In Action, Inc. He was a long time parishioner and benefactor at the growing and vibrant traditional Latin Mass Catholic Community of St. Philippine Duchesne Catholic Church.
The viewing and Rosary will be held from 6:00 to 8:00 pm on Wednesday, December 27 at Muehlebach Funeral Home, 6800 Troost Ave, Kansas City, MO. The requiem Mass will be at Noon Thursday at Philippine Duchesne Catholic Church, 5035 Rainbow Blvd, Westwood, KS, followed by burial at Resurrection Catholic Cemetery, 83rd & Quivira in Lenexa, KS.
In lieu of flowers he requested that Masses be said for his soul. Condolences may be expressed to the family at www.muehlebachchpael.com