What People Are Commenting
Shocking Document, Veils & Globalization
Good Support
Dear Sirs,
I am truly delighted to let you know that today I received the parcel with the book I ordered.
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"Extraordinary quality of shipping! I received the parcel in only one week after placing the order. I definitely recommend this bookseller. Five stars plus!"
I hope you are pleased with this.
I wish you all the best for your activity at the service of the True Faith.
Kind regards.
I am truly delighted to let you know that today I received the parcel with the book I ordered.
I have sent out the following feedback to Amazon.com:
"Extraordinary quality of shipping! I received the parcel in only one week after placing the order. I definitely recommend this bookseller. Five stars plus!"
I hope you are pleased with this.
I wish you all the best for your activity at the service of the True Faith.
Kind regards.
Happy St. Patrick's Day
May you all be given special graces on this St Patrick's Day, compliments of Our Dear Lord and His well favored Saint !
Steve O'Sanborn, Sr
May you all be given special graces on this St Patrick's Day, compliments of Our Dear Lord and His well favored Saint !
Steve O'Sanborn, Sr
Veil for Women & Canon law
Dear TIA,
One of your readers recently wrote that some priests mocked him, saying that the necessity for women to have their heads covered was never mentioned in the Code of Canon Law.
It's an obvious error!
The 1917 Code of Canon Law mentions it :
Can 1262
§ 1 – It is optional, according to the old norm, for women to be separated from men [inside the church].
(Optandum ut, congruenter antiquae disciplinae, mulieres in ecclesia separatae sint a viris.)
§ 2 - Men, inside or outside the church, must be uncovered while they attend to the sacred rites, unless otherwise approved by tested local customs or in special circumstances; women, however, must have their heads covered and be modestly dressed, principally when they approach the Communion rail.
(Viri in ecclesia vel extra ecclesiam, dum sacris ritibus assistunt, nudo capite sint, nisi aliud ferant probati populorum mores aut peculiaria rerum adiuncta; mulieres autem, capite cooperto et modeste vestitae, maxime cum ad mensam Dominicam accedunt.)
Thank you for your site, God bless,
F.M., France
One of your readers recently wrote that some priests mocked him, saying that the necessity for women to have their heads covered was never mentioned in the Code of Canon Law.
It's an obvious error!
The 1917 Code of Canon Law mentions it :
Can 1262
§ 1 – It is optional, according to the old norm, for women to be separated from men [inside the church].
(Optandum ut, congruenter antiquae disciplinae, mulieres in ecclesia separatae sint a viris.)
§ 2 - Men, inside or outside the church, must be uncovered while they attend to the sacred rites, unless otherwise approved by tested local customs or in special circumstances; women, however, must have their heads covered and be modestly dressed, principally when they approach the Communion rail.
(Viri in ecclesia vel extra ecclesiam, dum sacris ritibus assistunt, nudo capite sint, nisi aliud ferant probati populorum mores aut peculiaria rerum adiuncta; mulieres autem, capite cooperto et modeste vestitae, maxime cum ad mensam Dominicam accedunt.)
Thank you for your site, God bless,
F.M., France
New Work on Maria de Agreda
Dear Friend,
I am writing to announce that a new work compiling the extracts of the Venerable Maria de Agreda has been completed in English.
The four volumes of Ven. Mary of Agreda's Mystical City of God have been eagerly read by devout souls since their publication. This holy work, approved and recommended by Popes and cardinals, the heads of religious orders and parish priests throughout the world is both sublime and inspiring and a joy for devout souls.
Now, as a new part of the priceless collection of quotations on Inspirational Quotes from the Saints are some of the most instructive and helpful extracts from the well over two thousand pages of the Mystical City of God. These extracts have been prepared for devout souls to freely read and enjoy. For those who perhaps have hesitated to dip their toes into so vast a work, lightly paging through these extracts should wet the spiritual appetite for beginning what seems long but because of the virtue of the work is actually a joyous and easy journey.
And so the helpful souls involved in this work ask that news of these extracts and their availability be spread far and wide for the benefit of souls.
Now available on Inspirational Quotes from the Saints: Extracts from the Mystical City of God.
In Christ,
I am writing to announce that a new work compiling the extracts of the Venerable Maria de Agreda has been completed in English.
The four volumes of Ven. Mary of Agreda's Mystical City of God have been eagerly read by devout souls since their publication. This holy work, approved and recommended by Popes and cardinals, the heads of religious orders and parish priests throughout the world is both sublime and inspiring and a joy for devout souls.
Now, as a new part of the priceless collection of quotations on Inspirational Quotes from the Saints are some of the most instructive and helpful extracts from the well over two thousand pages of the Mystical City of God. These extracts have been prepared for devout souls to freely read and enjoy. For those who perhaps have hesitated to dip their toes into so vast a work, lightly paging through these extracts should wet the spiritual appetite for beginning what seems long but because of the virtue of the work is actually a joyous and easy journey.
And so the helpful souls involved in this work ask that news of these extracts and their availability be spread far and wide for the benefit of souls.
Now available on Inspirational Quotes from the Saints: Extracts from the Mystical City of God.
In Christ,
Washing Feet of Immigrants
Dear TIA,
Francis is broken every tradition on Maundy Thursday, washing the feet of Muslims, women, juvenile delinquents, prisoners ... Now, we get the news he will wash the feet of migrants and refugees this Holy Thursday.
Yes, it's a "powerful symbolic gestures that will resonate around the globe," as America magazine reports. But many Europeans and many Catholics even here in the US are getting tired of his unending empathy for migrants who are overrunning the West, implanting Islamism and committing acts of violence.
What resonates with greater joy and emphasis is the news that many governments in Europe, including Austria, Poland, Hungary and Macedonia, are – or are in the process of – closing their borders to migrants or building barriers or walls to the tidal wave of Muslim invaders. I dare say this is why Trump is so popular in the US – his anti-immigration rhetoric touches a chord with a very disgusted, fed-up electorate.
Francis is entering his fourth year. I'm eagerly waiting for him to fulfill his threat to retire. But then, I think, who will replace him? I don't see any good alternatives right now...
The only thing to pray for is that Our Lady intercede SOON in an increasingly chaotic world where the Satan – not Christ – appears to be reigning.
Francis is broken every tradition on Maundy Thursday, washing the feet of Muslims, women, juvenile delinquents, prisoners ... Now, we get the news he will wash the feet of migrants and refugees this Holy Thursday.
Yes, it's a "powerful symbolic gestures that will resonate around the globe," as America magazine reports. But many Europeans and many Catholics even here in the US are getting tired of his unending empathy for migrants who are overrunning the West, implanting Islamism and committing acts of violence.
What resonates with greater joy and emphasis is the news that many governments in Europe, including Austria, Poland, Hungary and Macedonia, are – or are in the process of – closing their borders to migrants or building barriers or walls to the tidal wave of Muslim invaders. I dare say this is why Trump is so popular in the US – his anti-immigration rhetoric touches a chord with a very disgusted, fed-up electorate.
Francis is entering his fourth year. I'm eagerly waiting for him to fulfill his threat to retire. But then, I think, who will replace him? I don't see any good alternatives right now...
The only thing to pray for is that Our Lady intercede SOON in an increasingly chaotic world where the Satan – not Christ – appears to be reigning.
A friend sent this to me. Isn’t it curious?
A definition of globalization that I can understand and to which I now can relate:
Question: What is the truest definition of Globalization?
Answer: Princess Diana's death.
Question: How come?
Answer : An English Princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a French tunnel, riding in a German car with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian who was drunk on Scottish whisky, (check the bottle before you change the spelling), followed closely by Italian Paparazzi, on Japanese motorcycles, treated by an American doctor, using Brazilian medicines.
This is sent to you by a Canadian, using American Bill Gates' technology, and you're probably reading this on your computer, that uses Taiwanese chips, and a Korean monitor, assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant, transported by Indian truck drivers, hijacked by Indonesians, unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen, and trucked to you by Mexicans who are in the US illegally because the current president, born in Kenya and educated as a Muslim in Indonesia refuses to enforce US law.
That, my friends, is Globalization !
A friend sent this to me. Isn’t it curious?
A definition of globalization that I can understand and to which I now can relate:
Question: What is the truest definition of Globalization?
Answer: Princess Diana's death.
Question: How come?
Answer : An English Princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a French tunnel, riding in a German car with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian who was drunk on Scottish whisky, (check the bottle before you change the spelling), followed closely by Italian Paparazzi, on Japanese motorcycles, treated by an American doctor, using Brazilian medicines.
This is sent to you by a Canadian, using American Bill Gates' technology, and you're probably reading this on your computer, that uses Taiwanese chips, and a Korean monitor, assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant, transported by Indian truck drivers, hijacked by Indonesians, unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen, and trucked to you by Mexicans who are in the US illegally because the current president, born in Kenya and educated as a Muslim in Indonesia refuses to enforce US law.
That, my friends, is Globalization !

Posted March 17, 2016
As Card. Walter Kasper presented his new book Testimony of Mercy – My Journey with Francis on March 14, 2016 in the University of Lucca, Italy, he made these bombastic affirmations:
“Within a few days (March 19) a document of 200 pages will be released in which Pope Francis will have a definitive say on the themes of the family dealt with in the past Synod, in particular about the participation of divorced and remarried in the active life of the Catholic community. This will be the first step of a reform that will turn over the page of the Church after 1700 years”
He continued: “We should not repeat formulae of the past entrenched behind a wall of exclusiveness and clericalism, the Church must live our times and know how to interpret them. In this sense, it will be fundamental to revaluate the role of the woman, who must have the possibility of ascent to key positions, even in the administrative life of the Curia and of Dioceses. In the Roman Curia there is presently a dicastery on the family where there is no feminine presence. This must change; women are a fundamental part of the family.” Original in Italian here.
What a shock! When we add up all that Francis has destroyed in the last three years, we see that there is little left. Nonetheless, his spokesman, Kasper announces that Francis now is going to destroy 1700 years of Church history.
What does this mean? Probably a complete openness to immorality in marriage (Communion for everyone, all kinds of contraception, sodomy permitted in marriage, pre-marriage cohabitation, marriage for homosexuals etc.), married priests and women priests.
We don’t know what else to expect of this Pope…
May God have pity on His Church.