What People Are Commenting
Prayers for Fr. Somerville & Papal Shoes
Sheriffs Urge Citizens to Carry Firearms
Here is some good news from Ohio, Detroit, New York, Arizona. Not everyone is going to take terrorism sitting down quaking:
* Two Ohio county sheriffs took to Twitter in the hours after news of the attack in San Bernadino, CA to urge Ohioans to obtain concealed handgun licenses.
* In Detroit, police chief James Craig says he believes the fear that armed citizens would return fire serves as a deterrent for a potential terrorist attack in Motor City.
* In New York, Ulster County Sheriff Paul J. Van Blarcum used Facebook to urge licensees to carry firearms.
* In Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio is urging nearly a quarter-million licensees in his state to fight terrorism and mass shooters.
Read more here.
Here is some good news from Ohio, Detroit, New York, Arizona. Not everyone is going to take terrorism sitting down quaking:
* Two Ohio county sheriffs took to Twitter in the hours after news of the attack in San Bernadino, CA to urge Ohioans to obtain concealed handgun licenses.
* In Detroit, police chief James Craig says he believes the fear that armed citizens would return fire serves as a deterrent for a potential terrorist attack in Motor City.
* In New York, Ulster County Sheriff Paul J. Van Blarcum used Facebook to urge licensees to carry firearms.
* In Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio is urging nearly a quarter-million licensees in his state to fight terrorism and mass shooters.
Read more here.
Alma Redemptoris Mater
Hello Marian,
I wanted to share this season's song. This replaces the Salve Regina. We sing this last at the end of Vespers.
In Our Lady,
I wanted to share this season's song. This replaces the Salve Regina. We sing this last at the end of Vespers.
In Our Lady,
The Great Pope St. Agatho
The Shoes Tell the Truth
Re: Francis sends shoes to stand at Paris climate protest
Does Pope Francis say a word against Islam and their growing violence in their stated aim for world domination? No.
Does the Pope do anything except express deep regrets for the Paris massacre for which the Islamic State proudly takes the credit? No.
But now we come to the Paris climate change meeting. What does Francis do? He took the shoes off his feet to show solidarity with protesters there, who are demanding global government action on climate change.
A pair of black Oxfords sits among the thousands of shoes placed on the square as a form of protest. Its placard reads “Laudato Si”, referencing the Pope’s second encyclical about the supposed dangers of climate change. The card has Pope Francis’ signature on it for authentication purposes.
So, we can all see the priorities of Francis.
Re: Francis sends shoes to stand at Paris climate protest
Does Pope Francis say a word against Islam and their growing violence in their stated aim for world domination? No.
Does the Pope do anything except express deep regrets for the Paris massacre for which the Islamic State proudly takes the credit? No.
But now we come to the Paris climate change meeting. What does Francis do? He took the shoes off his feet to show solidarity with protesters there, who are demanding global government action on climate change.
A pair of black Oxfords sits among the thousands of shoes placed on the square as a form of protest. Its placard reads “Laudato Si”, referencing the Pope’s second encyclical about the supposed dangers of climate change. The card has Pope Francis’ signature on it for authentication purposes.
So, we can all see the priorities of Francis.

A Step to Defund Planned Parenthood
I am passing on to you this good news I received from Live Action.
Dear Friend of Life,
Your voice was heard last night: Taxpayers should not be forced to fund an organization that kills over 320,000 preborn children every year and hurts thousands of women and young girls.
Thanks to you signing our Planned Parenthood defund petition and the hard work of many people, the U.S. Senate voted to strip most of Planned Parenthood’s federal funding for a year!
This is historic, as it’s the first time the Senate has been able to muster the votes to pass a bill to defund the abortion giant.
The House already passed a similar measure in October, so after the House approves the Senate version, it will go to President Obama’s desk.
While President Obama may veto the bill, the pro-life movement has accomplished something huge: We’ve proven we have the pro-life votes to get a defunding bill through Congress and to the president’s desk.
That now makes it absolutely clear that there’s only one hurdle left, which makes 2016 even more critical for pro-life Americans.
I still hold out some hope that Mr. Obama may finally realize that whatever his views on abortion, it is indefensible to continue to force taxpayers to fund a corporation that has been complicit in covering up sex trafficking and the sexual abuse of minors, that lies to women about the complications of abortion procedures and how developed the babies are in their wombs, that has had hundreds of documented health and safety violations, and that has been caught on video promoting illegal race- and sex-selective abortions.
Until Planned Parenthood is permanently defunded (not just for one year), we need to keep pushing. Live Action’s Planned Parenthood defund petition has garnered over 415,000 signatures since we started it this summer, but our goal is to get to a half million signatures before the end of the year.
That will send a message to anyone running for president that Planned Parenthood must be defunded for good.
Will you please forward the petition RIGHT NOW - while you're thinking about it - to 10 of your friends to help us get to 500,000 signatures?
Thank you for helping the pro-life movement win this stunning victory for preborn children!
Yours for life,
Lila Rose
I am passing on to you this good news I received from Live Action.
Dear Friend of Life,
Your voice was heard last night: Taxpayers should not be forced to fund an organization that kills over 320,000 preborn children every year and hurts thousands of women and young girls.
Thanks to you signing our Planned Parenthood defund petition and the hard work of many people, the U.S. Senate voted to strip most of Planned Parenthood’s federal funding for a year!
This is historic, as it’s the first time the Senate has been able to muster the votes to pass a bill to defund the abortion giant.
The House already passed a similar measure in October, so after the House approves the Senate version, it will go to President Obama’s desk.
While President Obama may veto the bill, the pro-life movement has accomplished something huge: We’ve proven we have the pro-life votes to get a defunding bill through Congress and to the president’s desk.
That now makes it absolutely clear that there’s only one hurdle left, which makes 2016 even more critical for pro-life Americans.
I still hold out some hope that Mr. Obama may finally realize that whatever his views on abortion, it is indefensible to continue to force taxpayers to fund a corporation that has been complicit in covering up sex trafficking and the sexual abuse of minors, that lies to women about the complications of abortion procedures and how developed the babies are in their wombs, that has had hundreds of documented health and safety violations, and that has been caught on video promoting illegal race- and sex-selective abortions.
Until Planned Parenthood is permanently defunded (not just for one year), we need to keep pushing. Live Action’s Planned Parenthood defund petition has garnered over 415,000 signatures since we started it this summer, but our goal is to get to a half million signatures before the end of the year.
That will send a message to anyone running for president that Planned Parenthood must be defunded for good.
Will you please forward the petition RIGHT NOW - while you're thinking about it - to 10 of your friends to help us get to 500,000 signatures?
Thank you for helping the pro-life movement win this stunning victory for preborn children!
Yours for life,
Lila Rose

Posted December 8, 2015
I hope all is well. My name is Johan van Nooten and I am the nephew of Fr. Stephen Somerville.
I regret to tell you that he has suffered several severe strokes and is now in palliative care. We do not expect him to live longer than a few days.
I don't know when you last spoke to him but I know he wrote for Tradition in Action.
He had been declining slowly, but he is now unable to speak or swallow.
It would be much appreciated if you could keep Fr. Somerville and all the family in your prayers.
Thank you very much.
All the best and God bless.
Johan van Nooten, December 7, 2015
The Editor responds:
Dear Mr. van Nooten,
I thank you very much for informing me of the state of health of our dear and respected Fr. Somerville.
We have very good memories of the years he wrote for TIA and said a daily Mass for us at our headquarters.
A very pleasant company, a poetic, learned and intelligent man, he always had an interesting commentary to maintain an elevated conversation.
When the circumstances obliged him to return to Canada, we maintained a good relationship as far as his health permitted.
It is sad to hear that he seems to be approaching death. We have confidence that Our Lady will turn a forgetful eye toward his defects and look only at the good he did for her cause.
I assure you of my personal prayers for him to be prepared at this most serious hour when he will appear before God for his personal judgment.
I am planning to post your note online so that the readers of our website can pray for him and his/your family as well. If you have any reason for me not to pass on this information, please let me know.
I would appreciate it if you could keep me informed about the development of his situation.
Thank you,
In Jesu et Maria,
Atila S. Guimarães, December 8, 2015