What People Are Commenting
Mafia, Ransom & Vaccines
Motus & Synod
Dear Marian,
RE: Francis' Motu Proprios & the Upcoming Synod
I just read this article. Thanks for it. It gives the true picture of what is happening in the Church. Truly nothing has changed from the sad path of Vatican II reforms and it only is getting worse.
God bless,
RE: Francis' Motu Proprios & the Upcoming Synod
I just read this article. Thanks for it. It gives the true picture of what is happening in the Church. Truly nothing has changed from the sad path of Vatican II reforms and it only is getting worse.
God bless,
Over Mount St. Michel
There is an impressive footage of Mount Saint Michel in France taken from a drone.
Watch it here.
Best regards,
There is an impressive footage of Mount Saint Michel in France taken from a drone.
Watch it here.
Best regards,
Most Abject Slavery
Dear TIA,
Salve Maria!
As one very devoted to Our Lady of Ransom, I wish to thank Patrick Odou for that one short prayer from the Novena in her honor. Everyone who has lost a friend, relative or loved one to the snares of the devil can benefit from that one short prayer that he offered us:
“Thou alone, O Mary, canst break the inextricable chains, in which the cunning Prince of Darkness entangles the dupes he has deceived by the high-sounding names of Equality and Liberty.”
The chains of communism, freemasonry and all their attendant evils are, indeed, inextricable chains that through the motto of “equality and liberty!” have bound us slowly but surely into the most abject slavery. That false liberty! This impossible equality! They are lies that have ensnared so many good people into lives of debauchery.
I hope Mr. Odou can give us the whole of the Novena to Our Lady of Ransom, so we can obtain from her the holy ransom of our families, our Church and our Country from the devil’s false allurements.
Thank you for your excellent website which unites us to the Saints and gives us so much hope. TIA is a shining light in so much darkness.
In Maria,
Salve Maria!
As one very devoted to Our Lady of Ransom, I wish to thank Patrick Odou for that one short prayer from the Novena in her honor. Everyone who has lost a friend, relative or loved one to the snares of the devil can benefit from that one short prayer that he offered us:
“Thou alone, O Mary, canst break the inextricable chains, in which the cunning Prince of Darkness entangles the dupes he has deceived by the high-sounding names of Equality and Liberty.”
The chains of communism, freemasonry and all their attendant evils are, indeed, inextricable chains that through the motto of “equality and liberty!” have bound us slowly but surely into the most abject slavery. That false liberty! This impossible equality! They are lies that have ensnared so many good people into lives of debauchery.
I hope Mr. Odou can give us the whole of the Novena to Our Lady of Ransom, so we can obtain from her the holy ransom of our families, our Church and our Country from the devil’s false allurements.
Thank you for your excellent website which unites us to the Saints and gives us so much hope. TIA is a shining light in so much darkness.
In Maria,
The Great St. Jerome
On this Feast day of St. Jerome (September 30), here is a good meditation for Catholics:
"I have never spared heretics, and I have done my best to make the enemies of the Church my own ... All we who hold the Catholic faith, wish and long that, while the heresy is condemned, the men may be reformed. At all events, if they will continue in error, the blame does not attach to us who have written, but to them, since they have preferred a lie to the truth ..."
If we cannot endure threats, injustice, poverty, how shall we overcome the flames of Babylon?... Let us not lose by hollow peace what we have preserved by war. I should be sorry to allow my fears to teach me faithlessness, when Christ has put the true faith in the power of my choice."
St. Jerome (c.342-c.420), Church Father and Church Doctor, "Father of Biblical Science"
On this Feast day of St. Jerome (September 30), here is a good meditation for Catholics:
"I have never spared heretics, and I have done my best to make the enemies of the Church my own ... All we who hold the Catholic faith, wish and long that, while the heresy is condemned, the men may be reformed. At all events, if they will continue in error, the blame does not attach to us who have written, but to them, since they have preferred a lie to the truth ..."
If we cannot endure threats, injustice, poverty, how shall we overcome the flames of Babylon?... Let us not lose by hollow peace what we have preserved by war. I should be sorry to allow my fears to teach me faithlessness, when Christ has put the true faith in the power of my choice."
St. Jerome (c.342-c.420), Church Father and Church Doctor, "Father of Biblical Science"
Beautiful Cathedral
Dear TIA,
Below is a photo of Ely Cathedral. I hope you and your readers will enjoy it.
Below is a photo of Ely Cathedral. I hope you and your readers will enjoy it.

Basic Vaccine Info We Should Know
My daughter Meg has done extensive research on this 'vaccine topic' but so many folks simply will not go against the popular thinking of the past 100 years.
Please read these few lines below, and give them some thought.
This should be of interest to you even if your children are all grown, what about your grandchildren and beyond?
There are so many vaccines now and the CDC freely lists out all ingredients, people just don't know that.
Aluminum is a common one, Polysorbate 80 (which has been linked to fertility issues in both men and women), Formaldehyde, 2 different lines of Aborted Fetal Tissue (which go by the ingredient names MRC 5 or WI 38 cell lines - one is female, one is male). Mercury is still in some, but not all.
No one cares how many ingredients or how toxic or that they're being delivered directly into the blood stream of a baby. They can cross the blood brain barrier, resulting in neurological defects (which the CDC or Pharmaceutical Co's will label as "encephalitis"....a known possible side effect) - this is where autism comes in. Autism isn't just "one single diagnosis" - it falls under a huge umbrella of "neurological defects" or "encephalitis". So basically it's acknowledged that vaccines can cause autism, they just label it differently.
No one also cares that these astronomical "outbreaks" of measles (150 people who went through Disneyland, out of millions in the Country) result in NO DEATHS. All of those people who were infected with measles lived ... and now have natural, lifetime immunity. As opposed to the vaccine which, apart from the threat of serious side effects will only allow you up to approximately 20 years of "immunity". In quotes because the immunity promised through a vaccine is not the same as a naturally acquired immunity, and it is still very possible you could become infected just as easily as an unvaccinated person. Not to mention that when you receive a live vaccination (like measles or chicken pox) you are capable of spreading the disease to others for up to several months after being vaccinated.
Johns Hopkins and the Mayo Clinic actually have it in their policies that a newly vaccinated person with a live vaccine may not come around their immuno-compromised patients, because of the threat of spreading the disease.
My daughter Meg has done extensive research on this 'vaccine topic' but so many folks simply will not go against the popular thinking of the past 100 years.
Please read these few lines below, and give them some thought.
This should be of interest to you even if your children are all grown, what about your grandchildren and beyond?
There are so many vaccines now and the CDC freely lists out all ingredients, people just don't know that.
Aluminum is a common one, Polysorbate 80 (which has been linked to fertility issues in both men and women), Formaldehyde, 2 different lines of Aborted Fetal Tissue (which go by the ingredient names MRC 5 or WI 38 cell lines - one is female, one is male). Mercury is still in some, but not all.
No one cares how many ingredients or how toxic or that they're being delivered directly into the blood stream of a baby. They can cross the blood brain barrier, resulting in neurological defects (which the CDC or Pharmaceutical Co's will label as "encephalitis"....a known possible side effect) - this is where autism comes in. Autism isn't just "one single diagnosis" - it falls under a huge umbrella of "neurological defects" or "encephalitis". So basically it's acknowledged that vaccines can cause autism, they just label it differently.
No one also cares that these astronomical "outbreaks" of measles (150 people who went through Disneyland, out of millions in the Country) result in NO DEATHS. All of those people who were infected with measles lived ... and now have natural, lifetime immunity. As opposed to the vaccine which, apart from the threat of serious side effects will only allow you up to approximately 20 years of "immunity". In quotes because the immunity promised through a vaccine is not the same as a naturally acquired immunity, and it is still very possible you could become infected just as easily as an unvaccinated person. Not to mention that when you receive a live vaccination (like measles or chicken pox) you are capable of spreading the disease to others for up to several months after being vaccinated.
Johns Hopkins and the Mayo Clinic actually have it in their policies that a newly vaccinated person with a live vaccine may not come around their immuno-compromised patients, because of the threat of spreading the disease.

Posted October 6, 2015
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Could you please address the question going viral on the Internet about Cardinal Danneels being part of a radical mafia group that opposed Benedict XVI, which worked to have him ousted so they could put in Francis?
You can find one of the articles here.
Thank you,
The Editor responds:
Mr. F.W.,
Thank you for the consideration you reveal by asking me this question. It actually means: What are your thoughts on this topic? At your request, here are some thoughts.
The first thing that comes to mind is the traditional query of criminal law: Quo bono? Who does this news report and the book-interview with Card. Danneels benefit in the eyes of public opinion?
The answer is quite obvious: It benefits Pope Benedict XVI, who appears as a victim of a Machiavellian plot conceived by a Jesuit Mafia. It damages Pope Francis, who appears as the puppet-villain of the story.
If this is clear, let me go a step further.
I am convinced that the main architect of Bergoglio’s ascension to the Papal Throne was Benedict XVI himself, and not a Mafia meeting convened secretly in the mountains of Switzerland. Please note, I am not saying that those meetings did not take place. I am saying that the purpose for them is perhaps being presented under a different light.
Benedict XVI created the conditions to elect the dynamic Bergoglio, not because the former was old and could do nothing more, but because Catholics were not accepting the changes that Progressivism demands and he was not capable of imposing them. But Benedict, in his turn, is a representative of a progressivist German wing in the Vatican, which, in my opinion, elected John Paul II and has controlled the Vatican from that time to the present date.
So, it seems that the solution found by that Ratzinger plus his German wing was to have him step down from the Papacy, elect a South-American clown and see whether the latter - with his surprises, jokes and blasphemies - would be able to accomplish those needed changes.
If clown-Bergoglio attains this goal, it is excellent for Progressivism. If he does not, there are many ways to remove him from the picture. One is to make him retire, also alleging old age, and then join Ratzinger in the back yard of the Vatican. Another is to make him switch roles with Ratzinger the victim: The Argentinean retires to the back yard, the German re-enters the stage. Another is to make him catch a strong cold and die, like JPII, and then give him a fast track canonization so as not to raise any suspicion.
Now, we have seen Francis working all kinds of changes in the two and half years of his Pontificate. I believe Catholic public opinion is becoming increasingly weary of Francis’ communist-homosexual-free-love orientation. If this is true, then the reforms will have to wait once again, and the Ratzinger "conservative" line will have to return. In this perspective, what would that German wing be doing? It would be starting to prepare for Francis' exit.
Toward this end, nothing would be easier than to pull out one of the many skeletons in the closet of Card. Danneels and oblige him to say whatever that German wing wants. Nothing could be more efficient to cover for the real agents who will manipulate the replacement than to have Danneels blame a “Jesuit Mafia” for the election of Bergoglio.
If the Danneels’ initiative has a follow up, it may well indicate that Bergoglio's time as Pope is reaching its end. If it does not, it may be just a way for a vain retired Masonic Cardinal to attract some public attention to himself.
Here, Mr. F.W., you have some of my thoughts on this topic.
Atila S. Guimarães