What People Are Commenting
Pagan Gods, Ecological Lent & Feminist Novel
Missing Prelates
Re: Pagan God's Worshipped at Bishop's Consecration
You fail to mention and/or identify how well Rome was represented in these photos. I believe Cardinal Pietro Parolin, possibly Cardinal Mueller, Archbishop Alexander Sample, and maybe even the now infamous Father Thomas Rosica are also participating in this pagan ceremony...
Re: Pagan God's Worshipped at Bishop's Consecration
You fail to mention and/or identify how well Rome was represented in these photos. I believe Cardinal Pietro Parolin, possibly Cardinal Mueller, Archbishop Alexander Sample, and maybe even the now infamous Father Thomas Rosica are also participating in this pagan ceremony...
Political Commentaries in German
Dear Mr. Guimarães,
Let me please inform you, and TIA as a whole, that the current articles (plus many from the past) by first-class American geostrategic analyst J. R. Nyquist (who, I believe, has also contributed to your website at some stage), are now available also in German translation. This project, that I'm trying to make as widely-known as possible in the German-speaking sphere, has been authorized by Mr. Nyquist, with whom I'm in regular contact via e-mail.
So, I would be very grateful if you could support this endeavor by presenting to your German-speaking readers (who might, at times, prefer reading things in German rather than in English) the link to this relatively new site on the web. I called this project: "J. R. Nyquist - Deutsche Ausgabe", and the link is here. (J. R. Nyquist's own website, of course, is here)
All the best to you, Sir,
O.R., Europe
Let me please inform you, and TIA as a whole, that the current articles (plus many from the past) by first-class American geostrategic analyst J. R. Nyquist (who, I believe, has also contributed to your website at some stage), are now available also in German translation. This project, that I'm trying to make as widely-known as possible in the German-speaking sphere, has been authorized by Mr. Nyquist, with whom I'm in regular contact via e-mail.
So, I would be very grateful if you could support this endeavor by presenting to your German-speaking readers (who might, at times, prefer reading things in German rather than in English) the link to this relatively new site on the web. I called this project: "J. R. Nyquist - Deutsche Ausgabe", and the link is here. (J. R. Nyquist's own website, of course, is here)
All the best to you, Sir,
O.R., Europe
The Talking Pope
Dear TIA,
The media appear to be keeping track of the Pope's "obiter dicta" which necessitate Vatican press office explanation. The Pope's constant expression of his private opinions only serves to further degrade respect for the Office which he holds.
He truly is "Francis the Talking Pope."
The media appear to be keeping track of the Pope's "obiter dicta" which necessitate Vatican press office explanation. The Pope's constant expression of his private opinions only serves to further degrade respect for the Office which he holds.
He truly is "Francis the Talking Pope."
Is the Newest Doctor of the Church a Heretic?
Blogger Ann Barnhardt states that St. Gregory of Narek, soon to be a Doctor of the Church, was in fact a heretic.
"Gregory of Narek, while certainly a very holy man, was outside of communion with Rome, and also was a heretic, namely a Miaphysitite."
Then she adds: "Miaphysitism holds that Christ has only one nature, which contains both a divine “character” and a human “character”. Miaphysitism is the heresy held by what are referred to today as the “Oriental Orthodox” churches, which includes among others the Armenians and also the Copts in Egypt. This is wrong. Christ is One Person with two natures: divine and human. Jesus Christ is FULLY GOD and FULLY MAN. This truth, given to the Church by the Holy Spirit at the Council of Chalcedon in ARSH 451, is technically referred to by Christological theologians as Dyophysitism."
Miss Barnhardt's post can be found here.
She delves into the underlying reason why she believes that this is an important issue.
Frank Rega
Blogger Ann Barnhardt states that St. Gregory of Narek, soon to be a Doctor of the Church, was in fact a heretic.
"Gregory of Narek, while certainly a very holy man, was outside of communion with Rome, and also was a heretic, namely a Miaphysitite."
Then she adds: "Miaphysitism holds that Christ has only one nature, which contains both a divine “character” and a human “character”. Miaphysitism is the heresy held by what are referred to today as the “Oriental Orthodox” churches, which includes among others the Armenians and also the Copts in Egypt. This is wrong. Christ is One Person with two natures: divine and human. Jesus Christ is FULLY GOD and FULLY MAN. This truth, given to the Church by the Holy Spirit at the Council of Chalcedon in ARSH 451, is technically referred to by Christological theologians as Dyophysitism."
Miss Barnhardt's post can be found here.
She delves into the underlying reason why she believes that this is an important issue.
Frank Rega
Series on Dialogue Mass
Ladies and Gentlemen,
When Dr. Carol Byrne has completed her series of articles definitively derailing the juggernaut of "congregational singing," please have them published as a book, which we can buy to support our determined resistance to certain priests who are attempting to impose it.
Heartfelt thanks for your gracious consideration of my request.
Sincerely in Our Lord, Our Lady and St. Joseph,
M.B., Ph.D.
When Dr. Carol Byrne has completed her series of articles definitively derailing the juggernaut of "congregational singing," please have them published as a book, which we can buy to support our determined resistance to certain priests who are attempting to impose it.
Heartfelt thanks for your gracious consideration of my request.
Sincerely in Our Lord, Our Lady and St. Joseph,
M.B., Ph.D.
Musical Instruments at Mass
Dear Atila,
Re: Music instruments at Mass
Thank you for all your efforts. This was the perfect reply to my questions.
Please forward my appreciation for Dr. Carol Byrne’s answer and excellent works towards educating us in liturgical music.
In Maria,
Re: Music instruments at Mass
Thank you for all your efforts. This was the perfect reply to my questions.
Please forward my appreciation for Dr. Carol Byrne’s answer and excellent works towards educating us in liturgical music.
In Maria,
Lenten Fast for Climate Change
Hello TIA,
I've enjoyed your updates on the climate change fiasco-farce. It is sad to see Francis pushing ahead the ecology maniacs agenda, like his predecessor Pope Benedict did, the only difference is that everything this jester Pope does is frenetic and in fast pace.
So what does the Church recommend for Lent this year?
The Global Catholic Climate Movement, in 40 plus countries, officially announced on Monday the 'Lenten Fast for Climate Justice.' The goal is to raise awareness on climate change as well as for Pope Francis’ Lenten call to confront “a globalization of indifference.”
Specifically, the fasting should be offered to spur world leaders to work out a binding agreement to stave off a temperature rise above 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit), compared to pre-industrial levels. The interfaith group Our Voices and the rockpeter2 church in South Africa are also holding climate-focused Lenten fasts.
Strangely there is no mention of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the new politically correct Catholic Lent. Nor any mention of sin, mortal and venial, that caused His sufferings and death on the Cross. The only possible sins might be those which people commit against the environment.
This is the new world-centered, man-centered Church of Vatican II, not the immemorial Catholic Church with her Lent that reminded her sons and daughters to make extra prayers, penitence and fasting in imitation of Christ and in preparation for the Resurrection.
How sad this is. I believe Francis will approve of climate focused Lent.
Thanks for your constant good work.
I've enjoyed your updates on the climate change fiasco-farce. It is sad to see Francis pushing ahead the ecology maniacs agenda, like his predecessor Pope Benedict did, the only difference is that everything this jester Pope does is frenetic and in fast pace.
So what does the Church recommend for Lent this year?
The Global Catholic Climate Movement, in 40 plus countries, officially announced on Monday the 'Lenten Fast for Climate Justice.' The goal is to raise awareness on climate change as well as for Pope Francis’ Lenten call to confront “a globalization of indifference.”
Specifically, the fasting should be offered to spur world leaders to work out a binding agreement to stave off a temperature rise above 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit), compared to pre-industrial levels. The interfaith group Our Voices and the rockpeter2 church in South Africa are also holding climate-focused Lenten fasts.
Strangely there is no mention of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the new politically correct Catholic Lent. Nor any mention of sin, mortal and venial, that caused His sufferings and death on the Cross. The only possible sins might be those which people commit against the environment.
This is the new world-centered, man-centered Church of Vatican II, not the immemorial Catholic Church with her Lent that reminded her sons and daughters to make extra prayers, penitence and fasting in imitation of Christ and in preparation for the Resurrection.
How sad this is. I believe Francis will approve of climate focused Lent.
Thanks for your constant good work.
Feminist Lenses
I enjoyed Dr Horvat’s revue of Philippa Gregory’s novel, The Red Queen.
Gregory took a similar swipe at Catherine of Aragon in her 2005 novel about her - The Constant Princess. She claims that Catherine’s marriage to Prince Arthur was consummated, and that she lied about it because she (Catherine) believed that that she was chosen by God to be Queen of England.
Apart from the fact that her marriage to Henry was granted a papal dispensation, and so was valid in any case, Gregory seems to have no understanding of the mentality of a pious Catholic such as Catherine of Aragon.
Catherine would, rightly, understand that her primary obligation in this life was to save her own soul and that her own position as queen and her daughter, Mary’s, rights as heir to the throne, though important, would be as nothing in comparison to that obligation. Catherine would never risk losing her soul by committing perjury.
Philippa Gregory, however, seems to view her characters’ motives through her own materialistic, feminist lens.
I enjoyed Dr Horvat’s revue of Philippa Gregory’s novel, The Red Queen.
Gregory took a similar swipe at Catherine of Aragon in her 2005 novel about her - The Constant Princess. She claims that Catherine’s marriage to Prince Arthur was consummated, and that she lied about it because she (Catherine) believed that that she was chosen by God to be Queen of England.
Apart from the fact that her marriage to Henry was granted a papal dispensation, and so was valid in any case, Gregory seems to have no understanding of the mentality of a pious Catholic such as Catherine of Aragon.
Catherine would, rightly, understand that her primary obligation in this life was to save her own soul and that her own position as queen and her daughter, Mary’s, rights as heir to the throne, though important, would be as nothing in comparison to that obligation. Catherine would never risk losing her soul by committing perjury.
Philippa Gregory, however, seems to view her characters’ motives through her own materialistic, feminist lens.

Posted March 3, 2015
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I hope that this donation to Our Lady of Good Success campaign will help.
I admire you and Mr. Guimaraes in all your efforts to enlighten us during these times of disorientation and evil.
Please keep doing your good work.
God bless you,
P.S.: My husband is Hungarian and I'm Spanish