What People Are Commenting
Attacked Police, Diseased Curia & Elves
Tango for Bergoglio's Birthday
More than a century ago, a Pope who was a Saint, St. Pius X, condemned the tango because of its immoral moves.
Today, thousands of people gathered at St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City to dance a mass tango (no, not a tango Mass) to mark the Pope’s birthday.
And Francis of course applauds.
Something is wrong.
More than a century ago, a Pope who was a Saint, St. Pius X, condemned the tango because of its immoral moves.
Today, thousands of people gathered at St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City to dance a mass tango (no, not a tango Mass) to mark the Pope’s birthday.
And Francis of course applauds.
Something is wrong.
Pope Francis Alinsky
Dear TIA,
Here is a list of the diseases of the Curia, according to Pope Francis’ Christmas message to its officials:
The disease of feeling 'immortal' or 'essential';
the disease of excessive activity;
the diseases of mental and spiritual 'petrification';
the disease of over-planning;
the disease of bad coordination;
the disease of spiritual Alzheimer's;
the disease of rivalry and vainglory;
the disease of existential schizophrenia;
the disease of gossip and chatter;
the disease of deifying the leaders;
the disease of indifference to others;
the disease of the funeral face;
the disease of hoarding;
the disease of closed circles;
the disease of worldly profit and exhibitionism.
Now why would the Pope attack the Curia like this? He is using an old communist tactic: find a problem or a perceived problem, and attack, bad-mouth, paint it with a very broad brush, mention only wrongs or perceived wrongs, and continually stir the pot. And why? So that when these people have been sufficiently slandered -- even though there may be some truth in what he says -- he will put in his regime, a regime that will be about as benevolent as the communists were when they came into power.
Pope Francis is acting like a Grinch at Christmas for the world stage, for the sake of the media. If he really cared about these problems, he might sack the head of the Vatican Bank, whom he appointed a year ago, in whose building the Pope now lives, and who has the reputation of being a homosexual. And look at the list above and see how many could be applied to Pope Francis. Good men do not act this way.
Here is a list of the diseases of the Curia, according to Pope Francis’ Christmas message to its officials:
The disease of feeling 'immortal' or 'essential';
the disease of excessive activity;
the diseases of mental and spiritual 'petrification';
the disease of over-planning;
the disease of bad coordination;
the disease of spiritual Alzheimer's;
the disease of rivalry and vainglory;
the disease of existential schizophrenia;
the disease of gossip and chatter;
the disease of deifying the leaders;
the disease of indifference to others;
the disease of the funeral face;
the disease of hoarding;
the disease of closed circles;
the disease of worldly profit and exhibitionism.
Now why would the Pope attack the Curia like this? He is using an old communist tactic: find a problem or a perceived problem, and attack, bad-mouth, paint it with a very broad brush, mention only wrongs or perceived wrongs, and continually stir the pot. And why? So that when these people have been sufficiently slandered -- even though there may be some truth in what he says -- he will put in his regime, a regime that will be about as benevolent as the communists were when they came into power.
Pope Francis is acting like a Grinch at Christmas for the world stage, for the sake of the media. If he really cared about these problems, he might sack the head of the Vatican Bank, whom he appointed a year ago, in whose building the Pope now lives, and who has the reputation of being a homosexual. And look at the list above and see how many could be applied to Pope Francis. Good men do not act this way.
Modern Church Architecture
Dear TIA-Team,
I realize that there is no shortage of pictures of ugly modern churches. Even so, I think St. Jacob's chapel in Bad Kleinkirchheim in Austria is worth looking at for it takes desacralization of churches to a new level. How anyone can expect such a church to communicate the Faith, is beyond me. But see for yourself:
The link is here.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.
F.W.R., Germany.
I realize that there is no shortage of pictures of ugly modern churches. Even so, I think St. Jacob's chapel in Bad Kleinkirchheim in Austria is worth looking at for it takes desacralization of churches to a new level. How anyone can expect such a church to communicate the Faith, is beyond me. But see for yourself:
The link is here.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.
F.W.R., Germany.
Overly Critical?
I think the long entry on your 'Hate Mail' from A.P. accusing TIA of pandering to Protestants is a bit over the top, especially the criticism of the Air Force flash mob singing Christmas songs in Advent!
A.P. also mentioned taking down Air Force magnets and such from their refrigerator to protest the taking of 'God' from the Air Force oath last year.
We live in a post-Protestant Nation and anything like that flash mob video is quite welcomed. I wondered if A.P. refused his Air Force pension to enhance his protest?
I think the long entry on your 'Hate Mail' from A.P. accusing TIA of pandering to Protestants is a bit over the top, especially the criticism of the Air Force flash mob singing Christmas songs in Advent!
A.P. also mentioned taking down Air Force magnets and such from their refrigerator to protest the taking of 'God' from the Air Force oath last year.
We live in a post-Protestant Nation and anything like that flash mob video is quite welcomed. I wondered if A.P. refused his Air Force pension to enhance his protest?
Catholic Prophecies
Dear TIA,
In our opinion, Catholic Prophecy: The Coming Chastisement by Yves Dupont is the best book of prophecy in print!
It covers the Great Catholic Monarch, the Holy Pope, and the period before Antichrist with excellent, excellent commentaries by Dupont. It seems totally impossible that so many prophecies from various countries and different centuries should all speak about the same time and the same historical characters. It shows the coalescing of Saints' prophecies on our times and our immediate future. 125 Pp. PB.
I thought I would pass it along to you as I just gained access to it.
God Bless You,
In our opinion, Catholic Prophecy: The Coming Chastisement by Yves Dupont is the best book of prophecy in print!
It covers the Great Catholic Monarch, the Holy Pope, and the period before Antichrist with excellent, excellent commentaries by Dupont. It seems totally impossible that so many prophecies from various countries and different centuries should all speak about the same time and the same historical characters. It shows the coalescing of Saints' prophecies on our times and our immediate future. 125 Pp. PB.
I thought I would pass it along to you as I just gained access to it.
God Bless You,
Elves Replacing the Divine Infant
Dear TIA,
Salve Maria!
Have you ever heard of this one?
In the “tradition” of marketing for sales, a “many generations old tradition” of The Elf on the Shelf appears for modern families. Here’s an excerpt:
The Elf on the Shelf®: A Christmas Tradition includes a special scout elf sent from the North Pole to help Santa Claus manage his 'naughty and nice' lists. When a family adopts a scout elf and gives it a name, the scout elf receives its Christmas magic and can fly to the North Pole each night to tell Santa Claus about all of the day's adventures. Each morning, the scout elf returns to its family and perches in a different place to watch the fun. Children love to wake up and race around the house looking for their scout elf each morning. Click below to find a scout elf adoption center near you!
My daughter babysat for a family this Advent, and the very young children had such an Elf. They behaved very well for this creature with magical powers to tell on them to Santa Claus. All this, to deny the birth and power of Christ, Our King, Who really lives and really watches over us and really loves us. And to make money doing so. How utterly pathetic, tragic and demonic.
The dictionary defines elves as being little imps, imps as being little demons. Imagine adopting a demon and inviting him in to your home. Who needs an Ouija Board? The devil lacks no help in invading the bosom of the post Christian family.
I hope your Christmastide is elf-less.
In Maria,
Salve Maria!
Have you ever heard of this one?
In the “tradition” of marketing for sales, a “many generations old tradition” of The Elf on the Shelf appears for modern families. Here’s an excerpt:
The Elf on the Shelf®: A Christmas Tradition includes a special scout elf sent from the North Pole to help Santa Claus manage his 'naughty and nice' lists. When a family adopts a scout elf and gives it a name, the scout elf receives its Christmas magic and can fly to the North Pole each night to tell Santa Claus about all of the day's adventures. Each morning, the scout elf returns to its family and perches in a different place to watch the fun. Children love to wake up and race around the house looking for their scout elf each morning. Click below to find a scout elf adoption center near you!
My daughter babysat for a family this Advent, and the very young children had such an Elf. They behaved very well for this creature with magical powers to tell on them to Santa Claus. All this, to deny the birth and power of Christ, Our King, Who really lives and really watches over us and really loves us. And to make money doing so. How utterly pathetic, tragic and demonic.
The dictionary defines elves as being little imps, imps as being little demons. Imagine adopting a demon and inviting him in to your home. Who needs an Ouija Board? The devil lacks no help in invading the bosom of the post Christian family.
I hope your Christmastide is elf-less.
In Maria,
Building the Great Cathedrals
Timely TIA Website Contributions
Dear TIA,
I hope your Advent has been fruitful and that you will be having a very Merry Christmas!
I ran across a video the other day that I thought you would appreciate. I think it would go well on the cultural part of the TIA website. It’s a good demonstration of how “monsters” are created, and even worse, it displays the utter ignorance of the parents as they think their little “angel” is so cute when he behaves that way: the link is here.
Also, I’m forwarding you an interesting set of photos that should be entitled, “Do not put you feet on furniture — do keep your feet to yourself”. The Presidents desk, built from timbers of the HMS Resolute, was a gift from Queen Victoria to President Rutherford B. Hayes. It is considered a national treasure and icon of the presidency.
In Christo Rege,
I hope your Advent has been fruitful and that you will be having a very Merry Christmas!
I ran across a video the other day that I thought you would appreciate. I think it would go well on the cultural part of the TIA website. It’s a good demonstration of how “monsters” are created, and even worse, it displays the utter ignorance of the parents as they think their little “angel” is so cute when he behaves that way: the link is here.
Also, I’m forwarding you an interesting set of photos that should be entitled, “Do not put you feet on furniture — do keep your feet to yourself”. The Presidents desk, built from timbers of the HMS Resolute, was a gift from Queen Victoria to President Rutherford B. Hayes. It is considered a national treasure and icon of the presidency.
In Christo Rege,

Posted January 1, 2015
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I want to wish you all a very Blessed Christmas. I especially want to convey those wishes as the father of a Kentucky State Trooper and Vietnam War Navy Veteran to all of our first responders and their families, Police, Fire, EMS and our Military.
Know that Americans in more than name only appreciate your sacrifices to protect us, a thankless job that many take for granted until they need you. Accordingly, we have your 6, and want you to know that we will stand for no ingrate pillorying you for political gain. We owe you all that BIG TIME, and our sympathies are to the fallen and our consolation for their families whose ultimate sacrifice for the common good of the country will never be forgotten.
God bless and keep you all on this Christmas 2014 A.D. and always.
Instaurare Omnia in Christo!
Gary Morella