What People Are Commenting
Hate Mail, Thanksgiving &
Pedophile Confessor
Reaction to Hate Mail
Dear TIA,
I was reading the latest hate mails directed to you, I also read the other hate mails, They are very foolish, to say the least, especially the silly disgusting Greek Schismatic & the sissy crybaby gay.
Keep up the good work, TIA!!
I was reading the latest hate mails directed to you, I also read the other hate mails, They are very foolish, to say the least, especially the silly disgusting Greek Schismatic & the sissy crybaby gay.
Keep up the good work, TIA!!
Typical Protestant Responses
Re: Your last Hate Mail
The responses of several Protestants to TIA's article on non-Catholics not being Christian was to be expected. They reject the 'package deal' which Christ gave us when He said, "Thou art Peter and upon this Rock, I will build My Church." So, it is obvious that Our Lord wanted all of us to follow Him and His Church, as a package !
Pride and arrogance were the reasons some men rejected this and broke from the true Church of Christ to create their own 'package deal.' They and their descendants follow Christ on 'their' terms and not on the terms Christ gave us to follow. Since Vatican II, Rome has been under siege by the Modernists, which has certainly helped the false thinking of these 'separated brethren'.
Re: Your last Hate Mail
The responses of several Protestants to TIA's article on non-Catholics not being Christian was to be expected. They reject the 'package deal' which Christ gave us when He said, "Thou art Peter and upon this Rock, I will build My Church." So, it is obvious that Our Lord wanted all of us to follow Him and His Church, as a package !
Pride and arrogance were the reasons some men rejected this and broke from the true Church of Christ to create their own 'package deal.' They and their descendants follow Christ on 'their' terms and not on the terms Christ gave us to follow. Since Vatican II, Rome has been under siege by the Modernists, which has certainly helped the false thinking of these 'separated brethren'.
The Thanksgiving Myth
Dear TIA,
Thank you for the article "Reality and Myth regarding Thanksgiving" (11-27-14.) While I'm sure that you have commented on the subject before, your reference to the Puritans in this article reminded me that, contrary to the Protestant American myth, the Pilgrims and Puritans were NOT about "freedom of worship."
They left England when persecuted by the State (Anglican) sect, and came to the New World to set up their OWN religious dictatorship, which they enforced with laws and punishments for those who were not part of their OWN sect.
It was the Maryland Colony, established as a haven for Roman Catholics, which offered religious liberty among the American colonies, and "Mary's Land" was the place to which colonists came to avoid the persecutions of the "colonial state churches" of the other colonies, quickly outnumbering the Roman Catholics who had started the colony.
How interesting that Roman Catholics, who were hated and feared by English Protestants as persecutors, led the way in the protection of religious minorities which American Protestants have always, as part of their national myth, attributed to the Pilgrims and Puritans, who actually persecuted religious minorities in the colonies which they controlled!
Thank you for the article "Reality and Myth regarding Thanksgiving" (11-27-14.) While I'm sure that you have commented on the subject before, your reference to the Puritans in this article reminded me that, contrary to the Protestant American myth, the Pilgrims and Puritans were NOT about "freedom of worship."
They left England when persecuted by the State (Anglican) sect, and came to the New World to set up their OWN religious dictatorship, which they enforced with laws and punishments for those who were not part of their OWN sect.
It was the Maryland Colony, established as a haven for Roman Catholics, which offered religious liberty among the American colonies, and "Mary's Land" was the place to which colonists came to avoid the persecutions of the "colonial state churches" of the other colonies, quickly outnumbering the Roman Catholics who had started the colony.
How interesting that Roman Catholics, who were hated and feared by English Protestants as persecutors, led the way in the protection of religious minorities which American Protestants have always, as part of their national myth, attributed to the Pilgrims and Puritans, who actually persecuted religious minorities in the colonies which they controlled!
Another Day for Thanksgiving
Dear TIA,
I really enjoyed Marian's article about the myth of Thanksgiving!
Our family had decided not to celebrate Thanksgiving this year, given what we knew of its Protestant history, and to mark the calendar for next year, to remember the other days where Catholic "thanksgivings" were held (i.e., St. Augustine, FL, and El Paso, TX), as well as the one Adam S. Miller presented in his Discovering a Lost Heritage: The Catholic Origins of America in 2006, (Marian Publications, Inc.). In it, Appendix A is entitled "The Real First Thanksgiving".
I am providing below the paragraphs that discuss this event, which may complement that posted on TIA.
I am curious about your impressions of this, and hope it is of help to anyone wishing to know more about the Catholic thanksgivings that were held so long ago.
Beginning in 1539, Francisco Coronado organized a large expedition from Mexico, which included five Franciscan missionaries. He brought with him 336 soldiers and settlers, 100 native Mexican Christians, 552 horses, 600 mules, 5000 sheep and 500 cows, pigs, and goats. (This expedition marked the introduction of these animals into the south-western United States.) The expedition arrived in what is now Arizona and found Indian pueblos. After establishing a base in Arizona, Coronado headed east to establish a base-mission near present-day Albuquerque, New Mexico. When they crossed the river which is now called the Rio Grande, they named it Rio de Nuestra Señora (River of Our Lady). This is the original name as it appeared on the first maps of this region.
Though no supposed cities of gold were found in this region, Coronado continued to send out expeditions and send missionaries with them. That they were missionaries on every expedition should tell us that the search for supposed "golden cities" was not the primary reason for the explorations of Coronado. (The gold was needed to fund expeditions, and was not sought for personal gain.) Spreading the one true Faith among the pagan native Indians was of primary importance.
In April of 1541, Coronado, with a group of soldiers and some missionaries, left Albuquerque, New Mexico, and headed northeast and crossed a section of northwest Texas (the Panhandle). In encountering some of the local Indians the missionaries found that the natives were immediately open to receiving the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After a few weeks of instruction, members of the Jumano Indian tribe converted and received Baptism.
The expedition then arrived in Palo Duro Canyon where, on May 29, Father Juan Padilla, O.F.M., offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. (Father Padilla would eventually become the very first martyr of the Faith in America when he was martyred in 1542 in what is now Kansas.) A thanksgiving feast followed. It consisted of game that had earlier been caught. The feast was celebrated in thanksgiving to God for His many blessings and for the recent converts. This event is the first actual Thanksgiving Day celebrated in America by Christians.
E.S., Ph.D.
I really enjoyed Marian's article about the myth of Thanksgiving!
Our family had decided not to celebrate Thanksgiving this year, given what we knew of its Protestant history, and to mark the calendar for next year, to remember the other days where Catholic "thanksgivings" were held (i.e., St. Augustine, FL, and El Paso, TX), as well as the one Adam S. Miller presented in his Discovering a Lost Heritage: The Catholic Origins of America in 2006, (Marian Publications, Inc.). In it, Appendix A is entitled "The Real First Thanksgiving".
I am providing below the paragraphs that discuss this event, which may complement that posted on TIA.
I am curious about your impressions of this, and hope it is of help to anyone wishing to know more about the Catholic thanksgivings that were held so long ago.
Beginning in 1539, Francisco Coronado organized a large expedition from Mexico, which included five Franciscan missionaries. He brought with him 336 soldiers and settlers, 100 native Mexican Christians, 552 horses, 600 mules, 5000 sheep and 500 cows, pigs, and goats. (This expedition marked the introduction of these animals into the south-western United States.) The expedition arrived in what is now Arizona and found Indian pueblos. After establishing a base in Arizona, Coronado headed east to establish a base-mission near present-day Albuquerque, New Mexico. When they crossed the river which is now called the Rio Grande, they named it Rio de Nuestra Señora (River of Our Lady). This is the original name as it appeared on the first maps of this region.
Though no supposed cities of gold were found in this region, Coronado continued to send out expeditions and send missionaries with them. That they were missionaries on every expedition should tell us that the search for supposed "golden cities" was not the primary reason for the explorations of Coronado. (The gold was needed to fund expeditions, and was not sought for personal gain.) Spreading the one true Faith among the pagan native Indians was of primary importance.
In April of 1541, Coronado, with a group of soldiers and some missionaries, left Albuquerque, New Mexico, and headed northeast and crossed a section of northwest Texas (the Panhandle). In encountering some of the local Indians the missionaries found that the natives were immediately open to receiving the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After a few weeks of instruction, members of the Jumano Indian tribe converted and received Baptism.
The expedition then arrived in Palo Duro Canyon where, on May 29, Father Juan Padilla, O.F.M., offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. (Father Padilla would eventually become the very first martyr of the Faith in America when he was martyred in 1542 in what is now Kansas.) A thanksgiving feast followed. It consisted of game that had earlier been caught. The feast was celebrated in thanksgiving to God for His many blessings and for the recent converts. This event is the first actual Thanksgiving Day celebrated in America by Christians.
E.S., Ph.D.
Pedophile Confessor Was Covered up
Since you were one of the few places that reported how convicted pedophile Fr. Donald McGuire was the spiritual director of the famed Mother Teresa (here and here), I thought you would be interested in the latest Vatican shenanigans regarding the pedophile priest.
Now it comes out that Pope Francis has named the US priest who hid reports of the abuse of Fr. McGuire to be Vatican prosecutor of sex crimes. The irony is so sharp as to be amusing, only this is not an amusing scenario.
See picture here.
The Boston Globe reports: “The Rev. Robert Geisinger, the second-highest-ranking leader of the Chicago Jesuits in the 1990s, knew as early as 1995 about abuse complaints against the Rev. Donald McGuire.”
However, he only advised Church officials as late as August 2002 on how to discipline McGuire, the Globe reported in its Sunday edition. The newspaper cited legal documents including Church records produced during lawsuits by McGuire's victims.
Court documents also show that abuse complaints against McGuire date back to the 1960s, but the Jesuits failed for years to tell police.
That McGuire is guilty is proved. Federal authorities alleged in court documents that McGuire sexually molested boys in their teens and men in their early 20s throughout the 1990s and up until 2003. Today, McGuire, 84, is in federal prison serving a 25-year sentence.
I could never understand how Mother Teresa, a supposed saint, could not “discern” that Fr. McGuire had these serious moral failings.
Now, I wonder how on earth Francis would pick a priest with a problematic tract record on abuse in the US to deal with the same on a worldwide basis? Unless, of course, it really doesn’t matter to him.
Vatican press spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi is defending the choice.
"The Holy See fully expects Father Geisinger to continue to do an excellent job as Promoter of Justice, based on his prosecution record, his commitment to justice, and his concern for victims," Lombardi said. (Check news report here)
It is another proof that the pedophile scandal in the Church is not a closed topic. This is another example of Francis’ lack of seriousness and general unconcern about morals. Another case being hidden by the Catholic press.
And another time when disillusioned and disgusted Catholics in the pew wonder, “How long, O Lord, how long?” before You step in with the hand of justice to punish a corrupted Church and society.
Since you were one of the few places that reported how convicted pedophile Fr. Donald McGuire was the spiritual director of the famed Mother Teresa (here and here), I thought you would be interested in the latest Vatican shenanigans regarding the pedophile priest.
Now it comes out that Pope Francis has named the US priest who hid reports of the abuse of Fr. McGuire to be Vatican prosecutor of sex crimes. The irony is so sharp as to be amusing, only this is not an amusing scenario.
See picture here.
The Boston Globe reports: “The Rev. Robert Geisinger, the second-highest-ranking leader of the Chicago Jesuits in the 1990s, knew as early as 1995 about abuse complaints against the Rev. Donald McGuire.”
However, he only advised Church officials as late as August 2002 on how to discipline McGuire, the Globe reported in its Sunday edition. The newspaper cited legal documents including Church records produced during lawsuits by McGuire's victims.
Court documents also show that abuse complaints against McGuire date back to the 1960s, but the Jesuits failed for years to tell police.
That McGuire is guilty is proved. Federal authorities alleged in court documents that McGuire sexually molested boys in their teens and men in their early 20s throughout the 1990s and up until 2003. Today, McGuire, 84, is in federal prison serving a 25-year sentence.
I could never understand how Mother Teresa, a supposed saint, could not “discern” that Fr. McGuire had these serious moral failings.
Now, I wonder how on earth Francis would pick a priest with a problematic tract record on abuse in the US to deal with the same on a worldwide basis? Unless, of course, it really doesn’t matter to him.
Vatican press spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi is defending the choice.
"The Holy See fully expects Father Geisinger to continue to do an excellent job as Promoter of Justice, based on his prosecution record, his commitment to justice, and his concern for victims," Lombardi said. (Check news report here)
It is another proof that the pedophile scandal in the Church is not a closed topic. This is another example of Francis’ lack of seriousness and general unconcern about morals. Another case being hidden by the Catholic press.
And another time when disillusioned and disgusted Catholics in the pew wonder, “How long, O Lord, how long?” before You step in with the hand of justice to punish a corrupted Church and society.

Posted December 2, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
About the myth of overpopulation, I suggest you and your readers to watch this video.
Kind regards,