What People Are Commenting
Fr. Cekada & Msgr. Lefèbvre:
‘Fatima Is a Distraction from the Battle’
Bad Use of Mobile Devices
Dear TIA,
Salve Maria!
I, too, appreciate the article on the abuse of mobile devices and would like to mention a very unusual experience with a person in a group using a mobile device.
The group was a diverse number of people in the waiting room of a medical lab, each biding their time for their turn. The mobile device user was a young woman talking to her psychiatrist about her distressing miscarriage and, with her very personal business becoming graphic, I was compelled to politely interrupt to ask her to please take her call in the corridor as she was upsetting the rest of us. My confreres breathed an appreciative sigh of relief as she did so; however, upon returning, she loudly vented her fury on me because I didn’t appreciate the difficult time she was going through.
It seems to me that the selfish use of mobile devices increases the selfishness of the user. These devices often give a false sense of privacy that tends to make the voices rise and use words not ordinarily used in public. The gossip bystanders might hear is usually annoying, indecent or scandalous. Leaving an area in order to have a private conversation is usually not thought of, nor is the pain inflicted on the ears and minds of others.
One reader wrote in to deplore the loss of time meant for family and relationships so often lost through these devices, and the same is true of the internet in the home. These are sad days for the family which is under attack by enemies and technology, too.
Thank you for a most helpful website.
In Maria,
Salve Maria!
I, too, appreciate the article on the abuse of mobile devices and would like to mention a very unusual experience with a person in a group using a mobile device.
The group was a diverse number of people in the waiting room of a medical lab, each biding their time for their turn. The mobile device user was a young woman talking to her psychiatrist about her distressing miscarriage and, with her very personal business becoming graphic, I was compelled to politely interrupt to ask her to please take her call in the corridor as she was upsetting the rest of us. My confreres breathed an appreciative sigh of relief as she did so; however, upon returning, she loudly vented her fury on me because I didn’t appreciate the difficult time she was going through.
It seems to me that the selfish use of mobile devices increases the selfishness of the user. These devices often give a false sense of privacy that tends to make the voices rise and use words not ordinarily used in public. The gossip bystanders might hear is usually annoying, indecent or scandalous. Leaving an area in order to have a private conversation is usually not thought of, nor is the pain inflicted on the ears and minds of others.
One reader wrote in to deplore the loss of time meant for family and relationships so often lost through these devices, and the same is true of the internet in the home. These are sad days for the family which is under attack by enemies and technology, too.
Thank you for a most helpful website.
In Maria,
Prayer to the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary
Queen of the most holy Rosary,
in these times of such brazen impiety, manifest thy power with the signs of thine ancient victories, and from thy throne, whence thou dost dispense pardon and graces, mercifully regard the Church of thy Son, His Vicar on earth, and every order of clergy and laity, who are sorely oppressed in the mighty conflict.
Do thou, who art the powerful vanquisher of all heresies, hasten the hour of mercy, even though the hour of God's justice is every day provoked by the countless sins of men. For me, who am the least of men, kneeling before thee in supplication, do thou obtain the grace I need to live righteously upon earth and to reign among the just in heaven, the while in company with all faithful Christians throughout the world, I salute thee and acclaim thee as Queen of the most holy Rosary.
Queen of the most holy Rosary, pray for us.
(Indulgence: 500 days, per Leo XIII, July 3, 1886)
in these times of such brazen impiety, manifest thy power with the signs of thine ancient victories, and from thy throne, whence thou dost dispense pardon and graces, mercifully regard the Church of thy Son, His Vicar on earth, and every order of clergy and laity, who are sorely oppressed in the mighty conflict.
Do thou, who art the powerful vanquisher of all heresies, hasten the hour of mercy, even though the hour of God's justice is every day provoked by the countless sins of men. For me, who am the least of men, kneeling before thee in supplication, do thou obtain the grace I need to live righteously upon earth and to reign among the just in heaven, the while in company with all faithful Christians throughout the world, I salute thee and acclaim thee as Queen of the most holy Rosary.
Queen of the most holy Rosary, pray for us.
(Indulgence: 500 days, per Leo XIII, July 3, 1886)
Blase Culpich
Dear TIA,
I am sending you some information on Bishop Culpich that can be useful to your readers.
Keep up the good work,
More Bad News from the Vatican....for the Church in the United States. Blase Cupich of Spokane named to Chicago Orthodox Catholics in the U.S. who better hold onto their rosaries.
Chicago is the third largest See in the U.S., home of "seamless garment" champion Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, who often spoke with a forked tongue. Bernardin was notorious for affirming Church teaching in one breath and undermining it in the next. Time will tell whether Cupich is a Bernardin clone.
Here are some big reasons to pray for Chicago and the Church in the U.S. and add this appointment to the list of growing concerns about Papa Francis:
In 2011 Bishop Cupich instructed his priests and seminarians not to participate in prayer vigils or the 40 Days for Life campaign at Planned Parenthood and other abortion mills. Apparently, seminarians were even instructed not to go in plain clothes to pray the rosary. Ironically, the U.S. bishops' pro-life secretariat praises 40 Days for Life. Not Bishop Cupich! His instruction had a chilling effect on priests in the diocese participating in these types of events. (Source)
The Huffington Post is chortling that Cupich's appointment could "upend decades of conservative dominance of the American hierarchy." They also report on a pastoral letter he wrote during the battle over same-sex marriage with the implication that opponents are vicious bigots. No such warning about the vicious actions of gay activists.
In a pastoral letter read from all the pulpits in the diocese, Cupich defended the church’s position against same-sex marriage but he called for a respectful debate and he forcefully condemned any attempt “to incite hostility towards homosexual persons or promote an agenda that is hateful and disrespectful of their human dignity.”
““It is deplorable that homosexual persons have been and are the object of violent malice in speech or in action,” Cupich wrote. “Such treatment deserves condemnation from the Church’s pastors wherever it occurs.” NPR is also chortling over the naming of a "moderate" and social "progressive," strange since they also call him a "conservative." (Source)
Labels like "conservative" and "progressive" mean nothing to me. I'm interested in orthodoxy and the defense of God's "least ones." Cupich is immediately suspect for undermining prayerful opposition to the murder of babies waiting to be born. Jesus defended the "least ones." A bishop who tells his clergy NOT to defend them is seriously suspect.
And just think, he will no doubt get a cardinal's red hat and be eligible to vote in the next papal conclave. And he's only 65. God help the people of Chicago and the Church in America. It could be a long road ahead. And if this indicates the direction the pope is taking with hierarchical appointments, well, watch for bishops like Mahony, Dolan, Adamec, and Bernardin in the future. Keep praying!
I am sending you some information on Bishop Culpich that can be useful to your readers.
Keep up the good work,
More Bad News from the Vatican....for the Church in the United States. Blase Cupich of Spokane named to Chicago Orthodox Catholics in the U.S. who better hold onto their rosaries.
Chicago is the third largest See in the U.S., home of "seamless garment" champion Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, who often spoke with a forked tongue. Bernardin was notorious for affirming Church teaching in one breath and undermining it in the next. Time will tell whether Cupich is a Bernardin clone.
Here are some big reasons to pray for Chicago and the Church in the U.S. and add this appointment to the list of growing concerns about Papa Francis:
In 2011 Bishop Cupich instructed his priests and seminarians not to participate in prayer vigils or the 40 Days for Life campaign at Planned Parenthood and other abortion mills. Apparently, seminarians were even instructed not to go in plain clothes to pray the rosary. Ironically, the U.S. bishops' pro-life secretariat praises 40 Days for Life. Not Bishop Cupich! His instruction had a chilling effect on priests in the diocese participating in these types of events. (Source)
The Huffington Post is chortling that Cupich's appointment could "upend decades of conservative dominance of the American hierarchy." They also report on a pastoral letter he wrote during the battle over same-sex marriage with the implication that opponents are vicious bigots. No such warning about the vicious actions of gay activists.
In a pastoral letter read from all the pulpits in the diocese, Cupich defended the church’s position against same-sex marriage but he called for a respectful debate and he forcefully condemned any attempt “to incite hostility towards homosexual persons or promote an agenda that is hateful and disrespectful of their human dignity.”
““It is deplorable that homosexual persons have been and are the object of violent malice in speech or in action,” Cupich wrote. “Such treatment deserves condemnation from the Church’s pastors wherever it occurs.” NPR is also chortling over the naming of a "moderate" and social "progressive," strange since they also call him a "conservative." (Source)
Labels like "conservative" and "progressive" mean nothing to me. I'm interested in orthodoxy and the defense of God's "least ones." Cupich is immediately suspect for undermining prayerful opposition to the murder of babies waiting to be born. Jesus defended the "least ones." A bishop who tells his clergy NOT to defend them is seriously suspect.
And just think, he will no doubt get a cardinal's red hat and be eligible to vote in the next papal conclave. And he's only 65. God help the people of Chicago and the Church in America. It could be a long road ahead. And if this indicates the direction the pope is taking with hierarchical appointments, well, watch for bishops like Mahony, Dolan, Adamec, and Bernardin in the future. Keep praying!

Posted October 9, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I would like to inform you of something that came to my attention these last 10 days when I was watching an interview Fr. Anthony Cekada granted to Mr. Stephen Heiner.
Although I have never been a sede-vacantist, I was extremely shocked hearing Fr. Cekada's arrogant disregard for the revelations of Fátima, and his affirmation that they are “a distraction from the real battle of the Church, which is against Modernism.” To make matters worse, he supports this unheard-off statement with none other than Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre himself, who allegedly said the same thing in a public conference in Écône.
I consider this affirmation – Fatima is a diversion from the real battle of the Church – an insult to the Mother of God, who in her incommensurable wisdom decided to give orientation to the Church in the crisis she was already entering in 1917.
Our Lady warned all Catholics about the gravity of the situation of the world as a consequence of the spreading of the errors of Russia (Communism). She also showed our part in this crisis by offending God with our sins and bad customs. She warned the Pope, sending him a message (3rd secret), which most probably deals with the infiltration of those same errors in the Church through Modernism and Progressivism. Finally, she predicted a universal chastisement to punish mankind and foresaw her final victory with the words: "In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”
To qualify this ensemble as "a distraction" is to say that the Most Holy Virgin did not know what she was doing and that her action had no importance. I don’t know how we should not call this an outrage.
I want you to have this video to let your readers know what is behind sede-vacantism and also – if Fr. Cekada spoke the truth – about Archbishop Lefebvre. I want to be as far away as possible from people who consider “the whole Fatima issue one big distraction.”
I selected this 5 minute clip from a much longer video (about 45 minutes). The part that I want you to watch is here. The full interview is here.
In Jesus through Mary,