What People Are Commenting
Honoring Judas & Evangelii Gaudium
Stained Glass Window Honoring Judas
Below is a photo of a stained glass window located at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in South Euclid, Ohio.
As you can see, it depicts Judas Iscariot standing next to a window showing St. Peter.
It is located in a chapel attached to the church which is used for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
Incredible to me.
Below is a photo of a stained glass window located at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in South Euclid, Ohio.
As you can see, it depicts Judas Iscariot standing next to a window showing St. Peter.
It is located in a chapel attached to the church which is used for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
Incredible to me.

Francis the Communist
Dear Atila,
Regarding the article EG's Social Input & the Internationale Communiste
What a devastating piece of work! This one might just be a mortal wound. Or maybe, like Our Lady’s slave Pauline Marie Jaricot, “The match that lit the fire.”
Dr. P.D.
Regarding the article EG's Social Input & the Internationale Communiste
What a devastating piece of work! This one might just be a mortal wound. Or maybe, like Our Lady’s slave Pauline Marie Jaricot, “The match that lit the fire.”
Dr. P.D.
Still More Red to Come
Dear Atila,
Thank you for providing such clarity of the pope’s message in EG. I can’t help but believe we are in for more “red,” coming in many different forms, but most notably in the blood of the Church continuing to be shed, thus draining more life from the Church.
E.S., Ph.D.
Thank you for providing such clarity of the pope’s message in EG. I can’t help but believe we are in for more “red,” coming in many different forms, but most notably in the blood of the Church continuing to be shed, thus draining more life from the Church.
E.S., Ph.D.
Evangelii Gaudium
Dear Mr. Guimaraes,
My wife and I have learned a great deal from your expertise and insights and appreciate the scholarly way in which you approach each subject, most recently your series on Evangelii Gaudium. Your works are always objective and backed up with the facts, not feelings.
God’s blessings in His Will,
My wife and I have learned a great deal from your expertise and insights and appreciate the scholarly way in which you approach each subject, most recently your series on Evangelii Gaudium. Your works are always objective and backed up with the facts, not feelings.
God’s blessings in His Will,
A Liberation Theology Pope
FYI, I sent this post to the world today!
I’m not going to sugarcoat things here, i.e., we have some huge concerns with this pope given his Liberation Theology background, which is communist to the core, pure and simple!
Meanwhile at the Vatican, we have Francis the Communist. In short, the world has a very big problem because of those in preeminent power positions having sympathy for Communism.
Gary Morella
FYI, I sent this post to the world today!
I’m not going to sugarcoat things here, i.e., we have some huge concerns with this pope given his Liberation Theology background, which is communist to the core, pure and simple!
Meanwhile at the Vatican, we have Francis the Communist. In short, the world has a very big problem because of those in preeminent power positions having sympathy for Communism.
Gary Morella
Email List
I am a priest and just discovered your website - I found it very useful.
I want to know if there is any way you can include me in your email list to get updates on postings on your website and if possible be subscribed. Further information or resources will be appreciated too.
Fr. Peter J. Okafor
TIA responds:
Reverend Fr. Okafor,
We are pleased you found our website helpful and would like you to visit it more often.
We do not have an e-mail list. However, we do post daily updates on our Latest Updates page. We suggest that you bookmark the TIA site or make it a favorite and visit it daily.
If you would like to be on our mailing list (we send six to eight mailings per year with a catalog of our latest published works) please send us your full address, and we will add you to it.
TIA correspondence desk
I am a priest and just discovered your website - I found it very useful.
I want to know if there is any way you can include me in your email list to get updates on postings on your website and if possible be subscribed. Further information or resources will be appreciated too.
Fr. Peter J. Okafor
TIA responds:
Reverend Fr. Okafor,
We are pleased you found our website helpful and would like you to visit it more often.
We do not have an e-mail list. However, we do post daily updates on our Latest Updates page. We suggest that you bookmark the TIA site or make it a favorite and visit it daily.
If you would like to be on our mailing list (we send six to eight mailings per year with a catalog of our latest published works) please send us your full address, and we will add you to it.
TIA correspondence desk
Two Kinds of Catholics
I think there are two kinds of Catholics. Those who follow Christ on His terms and those who follow Him on ‘their’ terms.
When Christ created the Roman Catholic Church with Peter as His Vicar the Pope, it seemed as though He was saying to the human race, “Come, follow Me on this road home, and I will lead you to Heaven.” It is a long difficult journey. The road has many ruts and rocks in its path. But we know of His promise and we stay the course.
Over the centuries too many wolves in sheep’s clothing convinced Catholics to follow them on a nicer road, an easier road, much smoother than the Catholic road and even shorter in length.
"Follow me!" cried Luther, Calvin, Wesley, Knox and many others long ago, and some even today. "We don’t need all those Sacraments, too much confusion ! Just read your Bible and follow us on our shortcut to Heaven. No need to confess your sins to a priest, difficult and humiliating. Just tell God you’re sorry, that’s enough. Marriage is a bit tough at times; not to worry, divorce is fine and the Lord understands. Follow us, we have charted an easier course for you to follow. The Catholic Church makes so many demands on her people, all wasted effort, just believe in the Lord and read your Bible and you are saved! Follow us! "
So now, we have one billion Catholics in the world and many non-Catholics. And since the progressivist infiltration during Vatican II, God only knows how many more Catholics have been lost to Progressivism.
Well, we have the true Mass, they don’t. We have the Holy Rosary, they don’t. We have the traditional Eucharist, they don’t. And all along, we have had the Bible. With all of these spiritual weapons, we should be winning this war for souls !!
Pray the Rosary to bring the wayward Catholics back to the path chosen by Christ, and any other lost souls as well
Steve Sanborn, Sr.
I think there are two kinds of Catholics. Those who follow Christ on His terms and those who follow Him on ‘their’ terms.
When Christ created the Roman Catholic Church with Peter as His Vicar the Pope, it seemed as though He was saying to the human race, “Come, follow Me on this road home, and I will lead you to Heaven.” It is a long difficult journey. The road has many ruts and rocks in its path. But we know of His promise and we stay the course.
Over the centuries too many wolves in sheep’s clothing convinced Catholics to follow them on a nicer road, an easier road, much smoother than the Catholic road and even shorter in length.
"Follow me!" cried Luther, Calvin, Wesley, Knox and many others long ago, and some even today. "We don’t need all those Sacraments, too much confusion ! Just read your Bible and follow us on our shortcut to Heaven. No need to confess your sins to a priest, difficult and humiliating. Just tell God you’re sorry, that’s enough. Marriage is a bit tough at times; not to worry, divorce is fine and the Lord understands. Follow us, we have charted an easier course for you to follow. The Catholic Church makes so many demands on her people, all wasted effort, just believe in the Lord and read your Bible and you are saved! Follow us! "
So now, we have one billion Catholics in the world and many non-Catholics. And since the progressivist infiltration during Vatican II, God only knows how many more Catholics have been lost to Progressivism.
Well, we have the true Mass, they don’t. We have the Holy Rosary, they don’t. We have the traditional Eucharist, they don’t. And all along, we have had the Bible. With all of these spiritual weapons, we should be winning this war for souls !!
Pray the Rosary to bring the wayward Catholics back to the path chosen by Christ, and any other lost souls as well
Steve Sanborn, Sr.

Posted April 8, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
You have many articles covering modesty (e.g. here, here and here), but there is one aspect of modesty that I never see covered: hospital attire. I once had to go in for testing, and they put me in a single gown that did not nearly cover me, then made me walk down the hallway to the room for the testing with no way to cover myself. This was in front of many people of both sexes who were waiting there. The hospital attendants only mocked my humiliation.
This was in the early 1980's at Bethesda North Hospital in Cincinnati, OH. I felt as if I would die of mortification.
Whenever one is in a hospital for testing, surgery, etc, the best one can get is two gowns, but they are still immodestly short and revealing. An article and advice on this would be much appreciated.
Thank you and God bless you.
TIA responds:
Thank you for your question. We passed it on to Dr. Marian Horvat and Mrs. Judy Mead for them to address your request as soon as they have time.
We would like very much to help you.
TIA correspondence desk