What People Are Commenting
Interviews, Encyclicals & Cigarettes
The Rome of the Antichrist
Dear TIA,
It is so strange this papal interview favoring homosexuals and abortion comes to the public knowledge on September 19, the Feast of Our Lady of La Salette!
In her message she warned us: “Rome will become the seat of the antichrist.”
It is so strange this papal interview favoring homosexuals and abortion comes to the public knowledge on September 19, the Feast of Our Lady of La Salette!
In her message she warned us: “Rome will become the seat of the antichrist.”
The New SSPX
The times are changing…
Note the deafening silence of the authorities of the New-SSPX with regard to the new Pope Francis I.
St. Bernard says that a priest is a watchdog, and a dog is worthless if he does not bark.
The often quoted (in the past old SSPX days) St. Felix II said, “To not condemn error is to approve it. To not teach the Truth is to reprove it.”
Have we forgotten or lost the spirit of Combat in our new soft-speak iron-authoritarian SSPX? Why is silence required, and why has “trust in the superiors of the SSPX” replaced study and knowledge of your Faith and the errors of Vatican II, as well as the new reforms?
The old SSPX refused silence and demanded study. “Oh, the times are changing,” said Peter Paul and Mary, along with Bob Dylan, in the 1960s – now Bishop Fellay and the new superiors are singing the same tune.
N.C., Australia
The times are changing…
Note the deafening silence of the authorities of the New-SSPX with regard to the new Pope Francis I.
St. Bernard says that a priest is a watchdog, and a dog is worthless if he does not bark.
The often quoted (in the past old SSPX days) St. Felix II said, “To not condemn error is to approve it. To not teach the Truth is to reprove it.”
Have we forgotten or lost the spirit of Combat in our new soft-speak iron-authoritarian SSPX? Why is silence required, and why has “trust in the superiors of the SSPX” replaced study and knowledge of your Faith and the errors of Vatican II, as well as the new reforms?
The old SSPX refused silence and demanded study. “Oh, the times are changing,” said Peter Paul and Mary, along with Bob Dylan, in the 1960s – now Bishop Fellay and the new superiors are singing the same tune.
N.C., Australia
A Curiosity on a Saint-to-be
Hello TIA,
Here is a photo of Angelo Roncalli, at the time he was a papal nuncio in Paris. He is enjoying the company of some of his lay friends, while smoking a cigarette.
Since this photo is not well-known, I am sending to you to disseminate it, if you find it fitting.
In Christ,
Here is a photo of Angelo Roncalli, at the time he was a papal nuncio in Paris. He is enjoying the company of some of his lay friends, while smoking a cigarette.
Since this photo is not well-known, I am sending to you to disseminate it, if you find it fitting.
In Christ,

St. Sebastian & Renaissance Art
Surprise! I'm going to agree with you for a change, [on your comments on St. Sebastian in Pagan Manliness & False Christian Patience].
I've always found Renaissance religious art--much of it dear to Traditionalist Catholics--to be saccharine.
If you want to see a Byzantine Icon of St. Sebastian, go here. Alas, I could not move the image to mail to you directly.
Surprise! I'm going to agree with you for a change, [on your comments on St. Sebastian in Pagan Manliness & False Christian Patience].
I've always found Renaissance religious art--much of it dear to Traditionalist Catholics--to be saccharine.
If you want to see a Byzantine Icon of St. Sebastian, go here. Alas, I could not move the image to mail to you directly.
France from a Balloon Perspective
Dear TIA,
Knowing that you have a hard life fighting all day for the Church and Christian Civilization, I am sending this slide-show for you to have some minutes of relaxation.
May you and your readers enjoy it. It is available here.
P.H., Brazil
Knowing that you have a hard life fighting all day for the Church and Christian Civilization, I am sending this slide-show for you to have some minutes of relaxation.
May you and your readers enjoy it. It is available here.
P.H., Brazil
Rock of Traditional Teaching
Dear TIA,
Thank you for answering my question I submitted to you regarding the validity of the Bishop of Rome.
I can see I had the false premise that Sacraments of Holy Orders as administered by the Conciliar Church are invalid. I took my false premise and then concluded that possibly Jorge Mario Bergoglio was invalidly ordained as a priest and invalidly consecrated bishop, therefore how could he be Bishop of Rome as he wants to be called.
We live in confusing times and I thank you for clearing this topic up for me and your readers. I look to your web-site as the, and I mean the, rock of traditional Catholic foundation as taught by Jesus Christ and handed down through the Apostles until now.
Your web-site with your various other topics, CDs, books and the like is helping me to live as a traditional Catholic man.
In your response posted you said, “We hope these considerations will help you not to fall into one abyss to avoid the other.” I assure you with the help of God, our Heavenly Mother, and reading and meditating on your web-site daily postings [Updates and Spotlight for the Saints of the Day], I will not fall into the other abyss.
Thank you again,
Thank you for answering my question I submitted to you regarding the validity of the Bishop of Rome.
I can see I had the false premise that Sacraments of Holy Orders as administered by the Conciliar Church are invalid. I took my false premise and then concluded that possibly Jorge Mario Bergoglio was invalidly ordained as a priest and invalidly consecrated bishop, therefore how could he be Bishop of Rome as he wants to be called.
We live in confusing times and I thank you for clearing this topic up for me and your readers. I look to your web-site as the, and I mean the, rock of traditional Catholic foundation as taught by Jesus Christ and handed down through the Apostles until now.
Your web-site with your various other topics, CDs, books and the like is helping me to live as a traditional Catholic man.
In your response posted you said, “We hope these considerations will help you not to fall into one abyss to avoid the other.” I assure you with the help of God, our Heavenly Mother, and reading and meditating on your web-site daily postings [Updates and Spotlight for the Saints of the Day], I will not fall into the other abyss.
Thank you again,
Cross of Antichrist
Dear TIA,
Please click here and here to see a new cross.
This is the cross that "Pope" Francis unveiled and kissed at the WYD meeting in Brazil of the Church hierarchy. It is clearly missing God, the Body of Christ. This is what St. John warns in his Epistle, those not believing that Christ is the Messiah, the only Savior, who he calls "antichrists."
I never thought I would see the day when a "Pope" mocks Christ directly in such a way as this cross is a mockery of His Sufferings and Death, made by the "elected head of the Catholic Church."
Clearly no one should follow an antichrist figure like that warned about by St. John the Evangelist, but we must fight for the Faith and stay faithful to Christ at the foot of the Cross, offering our sufferings and being united with His Sufferings and Death.
O Mother of Sorrows, pray for us. Bring the Triumph of the Cross of Christ, Thy Divine Son, and the triumph of Thy Immaculate Heart with His Sacred Heart.
{In the second picture], you see Catholic bishops looking on, laughing in mockery, one holding on to Francis' sleeve, while he makes a mockery of the Suffering and Crucifixion of Our Lord. Lord, forgive them, they know not what they do..
God, help us. Our Lady of Fatima, intercede for us.
Please click here and here to see a new cross.
This is the cross that "Pope" Francis unveiled and kissed at the WYD meeting in Brazil of the Church hierarchy. It is clearly missing God, the Body of Christ. This is what St. John warns in his Epistle, those not believing that Christ is the Messiah, the only Savior, who he calls "antichrists."
I never thought I would see the day when a "Pope" mocks Christ directly in such a way as this cross is a mockery of His Sufferings and Death, made by the "elected head of the Catholic Church."
Clearly no one should follow an antichrist figure like that warned about by St. John the Evangelist, but we must fight for the Faith and stay faithful to Christ at the foot of the Cross, offering our sufferings and being united with His Sufferings and Death.
O Mother of Sorrows, pray for us. Bring the Triumph of the Cross of Christ, Thy Divine Son, and the triumph of Thy Immaculate Heart with His Sacred Heart.
{In the second picture], you see Catholic bishops looking on, laughing in mockery, one holding on to Francis' sleeve, while he makes a mockery of the Suffering and Crucifixion of Our Lord. Lord, forgive them, they know not what they do..
God, help us. Our Lady of Fatima, intercede for us.

Posted September 26, 2013
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not
necessarily express those of TIA
Thank you for the synopsis by Louie Verrecchio on the Pope’s interview in American Magazine.
My problem with the interview that no else is bringing up, is the format. In other words, Pope Francis’ choosing to use an interview to communicate his concerns in the first place.. This is not the first time he fielded questions. He did this with reporters on the return trip from WYD in his quote which was heard around the world, “Who am I to judge?”
Why not an Encyclical? Are Papal interviews, which Pope Benedict XVI also used to communicate his thoughts, the new normal? Aren’t Encyclicals the forum for Popes to speak to the Church where the ideas and words are carefully crafted so that the correct understanding is communicated in the text and printed and then distributed to the Church and archived in the Vatican Library as an official Papal document?
What is this frenzy that is taking place among Catholics, (the conservatives and liberals), as well as among the non Catholics, that is resulting in this phenomena of their climbing over one another trying to grab the brass ring saying that the Pope is speaking to their diametrically opposed concerns?
Where would the Church be today if Pope Pius IX gave his Syllabus of Errors in an interview with an in-house publication?