What People Are Commenting
WYD, Thrones & Chinese Catholics
Two Thrones
Dear TIA,
Thank you for posting the photos you do. I have been very uneasy about Bergoglio as Pope, and believe he is not even Catholic, and cannot be a valid pope with the many heretical and sacrilegious/mocking actions and statements made since March 13.
But the photo showing the two different papal thrones: the one with Benedict XVI that shows continuity in some degree with the papacy of the past and the role of the pope, while the other shows what I believe are serious problems with Francis [particularly his narcissism towards the traditions and ways of the Catholic Church; the Faith; and those that are of the Faith]. I am shocked - and find it appalling - at what was done to the papal throne.
Your other articles and photos are well documented sources for the reality that Rome has lost the Faith, sadly, the many masons behind the scenes influencing things, and the reality warned of by the Mother of God. The warning given at La Salette and also of the Mother of God at Fatima are very clearly and openly coming to pass.
Sincerely in Christ,
Thank you for posting the photos you do. I have been very uneasy about Bergoglio as Pope, and believe he is not even Catholic, and cannot be a valid pope with the many heretical and sacrilegious/mocking actions and statements made since March 13.
But the photo showing the two different papal thrones: the one with Benedict XVI that shows continuity in some degree with the papacy of the past and the role of the pope, while the other shows what I believe are serious problems with Francis [particularly his narcissism towards the traditions and ways of the Catholic Church; the Faith; and those that are of the Faith]. I am shocked - and find it appalling - at what was done to the papal throne.
Your other articles and photos are well documented sources for the reality that Rome has lost the Faith, sadly, the many masons behind the scenes influencing things, and the reality warned of by the Mother of God. The warning given at La Salette and also of the Mother of God at Fatima are very clearly and openly coming to pass.
Sincerely in Christ,

Orthodoxy Is Not Important
Thought you’d be interested in Francis I’s off the cuff remarks with Latin American religious:
The report from Rocco Palmo is here; the one from Rorate Caeli is here, it is the annotated transcript of his unscripted meeting with Latin American religious.
What’s upset traditionalist Catholics is that the Holy Father told the Latin American religious not to take instructions from the CDF (the Church’s doctrinal watchdog) seriously:
“They will make mistakes, they will make a blunder [meter la pata], this will pass! Perhaps even a letter of the Congregation for the Doctrine (of the Faith) will arrive for you, telling you that you said such or such thing… But do not worry. Explain whatever you have to explain, but move forward… Open the doors, do something there where life calls for it. I would rather have a Church that makes mistakes from doing something than one that gets sick from being closed up…”
He goes on, comparing the traditionlists to the “pantheistic” feminist sisters. So, traditionalist Catholics are as much a problem to the integrity and vitality of the Catholic faith as these pantheistic New Agers.
Francis also laughs at traditionalists who offer rosaries for him, and calls it “things that no longer exist today.”
I think Fr. Gruner and his crew need to rethink his position on Francis as the Fatima pope who will consecrate Russia to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.
Viva Cristo Rey!
Thought you’d be interested in Francis I’s off the cuff remarks with Latin American religious:
The report from Rocco Palmo is here; the one from Rorate Caeli is here, it is the annotated transcript of his unscripted meeting with Latin American religious.
What’s upset traditionalist Catholics is that the Holy Father told the Latin American religious not to take instructions from the CDF (the Church’s doctrinal watchdog) seriously:
“They will make mistakes, they will make a blunder [meter la pata], this will pass! Perhaps even a letter of the Congregation for the Doctrine (of the Faith) will arrive for you, telling you that you said such or such thing… But do not worry. Explain whatever you have to explain, but move forward… Open the doors, do something there where life calls for it. I would rather have a Church that makes mistakes from doing something than one that gets sick from being closed up…”
He goes on, comparing the traditionlists to the “pantheistic” feminist sisters. So, traditionalist Catholics are as much a problem to the integrity and vitality of the Catholic faith as these pantheistic New Agers.
Francis also laughs at traditionalists who offer rosaries for him, and calls it “things that no longer exist today.”
I think Fr. Gruner and his crew need to rethink his position on Francis as the Fatima pope who will consecrate Russia to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.
Viva Cristo Rey!
Underground Church in China Confirms
This post comes from Kurama in China, which has been posted on several Christian forums. His testimony confirms what you have written on China.
I'd like to give my experiences of living in a country where the Catholic Church is illegal...
Even though people talk about the Catholic Church in China, this is a contradiction for there is no Church in China. There's only the so-called Chinese Patriotic Association, of which its bishops are appointed by the Chinese Communist Party. Since the bishops are not in communion with the Bishop of Rome, the CPA cannot be considered Catholic and it is thus another State run non-denominational church.
We are considered enemies of the State, our rights to worship are limited. This is why we secretly go underground. If the police find us out, they take us to the police station and beat us up in front of our families to ''make an example'' of us. If we appeal to others for help, the police will hurt us further...
If we protest against the State's secular constitution (containing forced abortions and sterilization, eugenics etc), we risk being deported to labor camps, where we are brainwashed. Even the strongest of us will eventually succumb to the State's torture.
Some say that we Chinese convert to Christianity because it's western or ''chick''... If that were the case why do we go through all the trouble of risking our lives for our faith?
We choose to become Christians because:
Please pray for us, pray for all those being persecuted in the name of Jesus. We come together with a loving and tolerant faith, to spread love across China, and the State kills us ... one by one.
''You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.'' - Matthew 10:22
This post comes from Kurama in China, which has been posted on several Christian forums. His testimony confirms what you have written on China.
I'd like to give my experiences of living in a country where the Catholic Church is illegal...
Even though people talk about the Catholic Church in China, this is a contradiction for there is no Church in China. There's only the so-called Chinese Patriotic Association, of which its bishops are appointed by the Chinese Communist Party. Since the bishops are not in communion with the Bishop of Rome, the CPA cannot be considered Catholic and it is thus another State run non-denominational church.
We are considered enemies of the State, our rights to worship are limited. This is why we secretly go underground. If the police find us out, they take us to the police station and beat us up in front of our families to ''make an example'' of us. If we appeal to others for help, the police will hurt us further...
If we protest against the State's secular constitution (containing forced abortions and sterilization, eugenics etc), we risk being deported to labor camps, where we are brainwashed. Even the strongest of us will eventually succumb to the State's torture.
Some say that we Chinese convert to Christianity because it's western or ''chick''... If that were the case why do we go through all the trouble of risking our lives for our faith?
We choose to become Christians because:
- We've had enough of worshipping corrupt emperors for thousands of years (Japanese still do it: Shintoism);
- We've had enough of believing that the CCP is always right;
- We've had enough of the State dictating how we should live; We want to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We believe that His teachings of love and compassion are lacking in China, and thus we want to spread His love!
Please pray for us, pray for all those being persecuted in the name of Jesus. We come together with a loving and tolerant faith, to spread love across China, and the State kills us ... one by one.
''You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.'' - Matthew 10:22

Posted July 2, 2013
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Here is the final draft for the altar/stage planned for the WYD-2013 in Rio. It is from the official website of the event in Brazil, which calls it the design for the “Campus Fidei” (the field of the Faith) being set up in Guaratiba now.
This is where Pope Francis will hold vigil with the youth on the evening of July 27, and celebrate the closing Mass of WYD on July 28.
Note that it has the shape of a flying saucer and has what appear to be two 'horns' rising up on either end of the 'altar' and the altar 'cross' itself without the figure of Our Redeemer.