What People Are Commenting
Forbidden Video, Turkson & Soros
Terrible Blindness
Mr. Atila Sinke Guimarães,
I had believed I was the only man in the world to notice the absurdity of the glorification of Benedict XVI’s act renouncing the supreme magisterium of the Church! Everybody considers him a saint for his detachment, a victim of the Roman Curia. I had imagined I was the only one to see the cowardice of this papal gesture.
I am entirely in accordance with your article, and the comparison with the captain of the Titanic was very well done.
In his last sermon, Benedict XVI - on the bark of the Church in the storm - orders us all to have confidence in Christ, who will save the Church. After saying that, he runs away, showing he does not have such confidence in the Lord, showing that he is a man of poor faith!
No one sees this! All applaud him! What a terrible blindness!
It is consoling to me that Tradition in Action saw the picture the same way I did. I am in very good company.
I want to stress that not one single movement called traditionalist Catholic had the courage to spell out the truth of the facts. Only you!
I send you my enthused congratulations,
May God bless you,
C.O., Brazil
I had believed I was the only man in the world to notice the absurdity of the glorification of Benedict XVI’s act renouncing the supreme magisterium of the Church! Everybody considers him a saint for his detachment, a victim of the Roman Curia. I had imagined I was the only one to see the cowardice of this papal gesture.
I am entirely in accordance with your article, and the comparison with the captain of the Titanic was very well done.
In his last sermon, Benedict XVI - on the bark of the Church in the storm - orders us all to have confidence in Christ, who will save the Church. After saying that, he runs away, showing he does not have such confidence in the Lord, showing that he is a man of poor faith!
No one sees this! All applaud him! What a terrible blindness!
It is consoling to me that Tradition in Action saw the picture the same way I did. I am in very good company.
I want to stress that not one single movement called traditionalist Catholic had the courage to spell out the truth of the facts. Only you!
I send you my enthused congratulations,
May God bless you,
C.O., Brazil
Who Is Cardinal Turkson?
Hello TIA,
I appreciated what you said in the last picture of the week warning us about Card. Turkson, who supports condoms. To confirm he is a progressivist and provide you with more data on where he stands, I am forwarding you the article below.
The author makes some wrong points, like when he criticizes Rerum novarum suggesting that the Church should not intervene in temporal issues. That is blatant ignorance! The Church must intervene in any temporal issue as long as it involves the risk of sin. As for other issues, she stays out of the picture. But this does not mean that she could not have her own social doctrine that orients Catholics on how to live well in society. Of course she does have one, and must have one.
What is useful in this article is that the author points out who Card. Turkson is: a vanguard progressivist who favors the One World Order of the Freemasons, duly sponsored by their fellow companion George Soros.
I hope you and your readers will benefit from reading it.
Keep up the good work.
God bless, Mary keep,
Black Socialist Pope to Follow Black Socialist President?
Cliff Kincaid — March 4, 2013
With African Catholic Cardinal Peter Turkson in the running as the next pope, the media have noted that he carries the fancy title of the president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, an arm of the Vatican. But they have failed to note the existence of a left-wing lobby in the U.S. working feverishly on his behalf. It is the same group of radicals, with connections to billionaire hedge-fund operator George Soros, who backed Obama for president by claiming he shared their Catholic values.
One of Turkson’s chief supporters in the U.S. appears to be Stephen Schneck, an associate professor of politics at the Catholic University of America (CUA) and a top official of “Catholics for Obama.” He runs CUA’s Institute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies and holds conferences featuring left-wing and liberal speakers.
Former AFL-CIO boss John Sweeney, a member of Democratic Socialists of America, told one of Schneck’s conferences that Jesus Christ was pro-union. Another speaker was socialist Harold Meyerson.
When Turkson’s Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace issued a controversial 2011 document, “Towards Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of Global Political Authority,” Schneck called it “breathtaking” and a “Catholic way forward” from the present crisis.
A “global political authority” was endorsed by Pope Benedict XVI’s Charity in Truth encyclical in 2009.
Schneck, who served on the board of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, a group funded by Soros, is so important a figure in progressive Catholic circles that there is speculation that Obama will appoint him as U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican. A writer noted that Schneck “has worked hand-in-glove with different offices at the USCCB [United States Conference of Catholic Bishops], with Catholic Relief Services, with the Catholic Association of Latino Leaders and the Catholic Coalition for Climate Change, and with other Catholic groups, organizing conferences that call attention to important issues.”
He wrote that “Schneck’s range of political and media contacts, his organizational capabilities, his ability to distinguish a central from a peripheral issue, all are vital to making these conferences a success. He brought Cardinal Peter Turkson to CUA two years ago for a conference on Rerum Novarum.”
Rerum Novarum is a papal encyclical in which, as William Mayer notes, “the Church proclaimed itself competent to speak on economic matters, establishing a justification for governmental control, to a greater or lesser degree, of the marketplace and by extension, players within the economy, including everyday citizens and businesses.”
Rerum Novarum is the basis for many “social justice” theories promoted by leftist and Marxist operatives in the church.
Turkson, who is from Ghana, has taken “social justice” to the global level, arguing for a “global financial authority” to solve the world’s economic problems.
For this reason, left-wing “progressives” backing Obama hope Turkson will be the next pope and use the Vatican in a global campaign against capitalism.
Vatican Radio said the Turkson document, “Towards Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of Global Political Authority,” had “proposed the creation of a global political authority to manage the economy and a new world economic order” with the United Nations “as a point of reference.”
Crisis Magazine, a conservative Catholic publication, said it contained “some downright frightening prescriptions for reshaping the worldwide economy” and could be seen as “a blueprint for a George Soros agenda.”
Turkson spoke at the May 2, 2011, conference organized by Schneck at CUA on the subject of Rerum Novarum. He appeared with Bishop Stephen E. Blaire, chairman of the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Alexia K. Kelley, deputy director of the Obama White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. He was scheduled to speak at this weekend’s 30th Anniversary conference of the Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN) at Notre Dame.
The event, held in collaboration with the far-left Institute for Policy Studies, included workshops and panels on such topics as:
It counts the Department of Social Development and World Peace, the national public policy agency of the U.S. Catholic Bishops, as one of its “collaborating organizations.” - Original here.
I appreciated what you said in the last picture of the week warning us about Card. Turkson, who supports condoms. To confirm he is a progressivist and provide you with more data on where he stands, I am forwarding you the article below.
The author makes some wrong points, like when he criticizes Rerum novarum suggesting that the Church should not intervene in temporal issues. That is blatant ignorance! The Church must intervene in any temporal issue as long as it involves the risk of sin. As for other issues, she stays out of the picture. But this does not mean that she could not have her own social doctrine that orients Catholics on how to live well in society. Of course she does have one, and must have one.
What is useful in this article is that the author points out who Card. Turkson is: a vanguard progressivist who favors the One World Order of the Freemasons, duly sponsored by their fellow companion George Soros.
I hope you and your readers will benefit from reading it.
Keep up the good work.
God bless, Mary keep,
Cliff Kincaid — March 4, 2013
With African Catholic Cardinal Peter Turkson in the running as the next pope, the media have noted that he carries the fancy title of the president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, an arm of the Vatican. But they have failed to note the existence of a left-wing lobby in the U.S. working feverishly on his behalf. It is the same group of radicals, with connections to billionaire hedge-fund operator George Soros, who backed Obama for president by claiming he shared their Catholic values.
One of Turkson’s chief supporters in the U.S. appears to be Stephen Schneck, an associate professor of politics at the Catholic University of America (CUA) and a top official of “Catholics for Obama.” He runs CUA’s Institute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies and holds conferences featuring left-wing and liberal speakers.
Former AFL-CIO boss John Sweeney, a member of Democratic Socialists of America, told one of Schneck’s conferences that Jesus Christ was pro-union. Another speaker was socialist Harold Meyerson.

Card. Peter Turkson
A “global political authority” was endorsed by Pope Benedict XVI’s Charity in Truth encyclical in 2009.
Schneck, who served on the board of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, a group funded by Soros, is so important a figure in progressive Catholic circles that there is speculation that Obama will appoint him as U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican. A writer noted that Schneck “has worked hand-in-glove with different offices at the USCCB [United States Conference of Catholic Bishops], with Catholic Relief Services, with the Catholic Association of Latino Leaders and the Catholic Coalition for Climate Change, and with other Catholic groups, organizing conferences that call attention to important issues.”
He wrote that “Schneck’s range of political and media contacts, his organizational capabilities, his ability to distinguish a central from a peripheral issue, all are vital to making these conferences a success. He brought Cardinal Peter Turkson to CUA two years ago for a conference on Rerum Novarum.”
Rerum Novarum is a papal encyclical in which, as William Mayer notes, “the Church proclaimed itself competent to speak on economic matters, establishing a justification for governmental control, to a greater or lesser degree, of the marketplace and by extension, players within the economy, including everyday citizens and businesses.”
Rerum Novarum is the basis for many “social justice” theories promoted by leftist and Marxist operatives in the church.
Turkson, who is from Ghana, has taken “social justice” to the global level, arguing for a “global financial authority” to solve the world’s economic problems.
For this reason, left-wing “progressives” backing Obama hope Turkson will be the next pope and use the Vatican in a global campaign against capitalism.
Vatican Radio said the Turkson document, “Towards Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of Global Political Authority,” had “proposed the creation of a global political authority to manage the economy and a new world economic order” with the United Nations “as a point of reference.”
Crisis Magazine, a conservative Catholic publication, said it contained “some downright frightening prescriptions for reshaping the worldwide economy” and could be seen as “a blueprint for a George Soros agenda.”
Turkson spoke at the May 2, 2011, conference organized by Schneck at CUA on the subject of Rerum Novarum. He appeared with Bishop Stephen E. Blaire, chairman of the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Alexia K. Kelley, deputy director of the Obama White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. He was scheduled to speak at this weekend’s 30th Anniversary conference of the Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN) at Notre Dame.
The event, held in collaboration with the far-left Institute for Policy Studies, included workshops and panels on such topics as:
- Examining International Aid to Africa in the Light of Catholic Social Teaching
- Climate Change and Its Impact on the People of Africa
- The expansion of U.S. military activities in Africa
It counts the Department of Social Development and World Peace, the national public policy agency of the U.S. Catholic Bishops, as one of its “collaborating organizations.” - Original here.

Posted March 5, 2013
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Let me say a word about the video I'm suggesting you watch. I received this from a friend who told me it was a sermon by a FSSP priest who gave it shortly after February 11, when Benedict XVI announced he would resign on February 28. Supposedly the good priest believed he could criticize the papal resignation without being punished. That's not what happened though. Shortly after the sermon was posted as a downloadable file on Sancto Audio website, it disappeared. Apparently he was obliged to ask for its removal...
Now, the sermon reappeared online as a Youtube video. Someone else, probably a layman, downloaded the file and posted it. It is quite interesting to listen to the sermon; the anonymous priest says what we think.
If this is true, there are two offshoots: 1. This priest needs our prayers. 2. The FSSP is completely compromised. Their leadership punishes anyone who makes any criticism of the present day progressivist Vatican.
To listen to the sermon (11 minutes), click here.
Regards and prayers,