What People Are Commenting
Hurricane Sandy, Valtorta & Williamson
The Valtorta Poem
Thank you for your review on the Valtorta Man-God Poem. I have been arguing for years with a priest friend that it is vulgar and bad. He insists it is good because Padre Pio approved it. I don’t believe that. I could hardly believe that Bishop Williamson approved it, but he has that weird British eccentricity. But that does not explain setting people on the wrong path. As you said, this promotes the modernism of the new church that has emerged since Vatican II.
It is almost like the devil prepared it for our times to replace The City of God, which is set aside. I know one convent where they took away the four volumes of St. Mary of Agreda, and replaced them with the Man-God Poem. It is a VERY progressivist convent, one of those ecology, earth mother places.
Thanks for writing the review and giving us those excerpts. I went to the text and did a little extra reading, and you are not exaggerating. It really is insipid conversations. Nothing or no one – not even a trad bishop, will convince me that is the way Our Lord and His Blessed Mother spoke.
In the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Thank you for your review on the Valtorta Man-God Poem. I have been arguing for years with a priest friend that it is vulgar and bad. He insists it is good because Padre Pio approved it. I don’t believe that. I could hardly believe that Bishop Williamson approved it, but he has that weird British eccentricity. But that does not explain setting people on the wrong path. As you said, this promotes the modernism of the new church that has emerged since Vatican II.
It is almost like the devil prepared it for our times to replace The City of God, which is set aside. I know one convent where they took away the four volumes of St. Mary of Agreda, and replaced them with the Man-God Poem. It is a VERY progressivist convent, one of those ecology, earth mother places.
Thanks for writing the review and giving us those excerpts. I went to the text and did a little extra reading, and you are not exaggerating. It really is insipid conversations. Nothing or no one – not even a trad bishop, will convince me that is the way Our Lord and His Blessed Mother spoke.
In the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Williamson & Valtorta
Dear Dr. Horvat,
Thank you so much for your much-needed review of the Valtorta "Poem of the Man-God". I am neither friend nor foe of the SSPX, but have followed news concerning them with interest for some time. When Bishop Williamson recommended the Valtorta poem, and not knowing anything about it, I viewed the website selling her writings, and experienced an uncomfortable feeling. In charity, I allowed that the Bishop knew more than I about the subject, and would defer to his judgment, but nevertheless, I did not wish to pursue the matter any further.
Then after reading your book review, I realized that my initial "gut" feeling was correct, and was a protection from the Holy Ghost. After following the thread provided in your review, and reading some of the poem myself, I could only turn away with revulsion, and did not wish to read any more of such blasphemy. Now, thanks to your efforts, when anyone asks me what I think of the poem, I will tell them it is of demonic origin and to stay away from it.
While up to this time I have had a high regard for Bishop Williamson, this now leaves a huge question mark in my mind concerning him - how could any Christian/Catholic, and especially a priest/bishop, speak so glowingly of such obvious heresy ?! He sure needs our prayers.
Again, many thanks to you and the TIA staff for all your work in furthering Our Lord's Kingdom.
Thank you so much for your much-needed review of the Valtorta "Poem of the Man-God". I am neither friend nor foe of the SSPX, but have followed news concerning them with interest for some time. When Bishop Williamson recommended the Valtorta poem, and not knowing anything about it, I viewed the website selling her writings, and experienced an uncomfortable feeling. In charity, I allowed that the Bishop knew more than I about the subject, and would defer to his judgment, but nevertheless, I did not wish to pursue the matter any further.
Then after reading your book review, I realized that my initial "gut" feeling was correct, and was a protection from the Holy Ghost. After following the thread provided in your review, and reading some of the poem myself, I could only turn away with revulsion, and did not wish to read any more of such blasphemy. Now, thanks to your efforts, when anyone asks me what I think of the poem, I will tell them it is of demonic origin and to stay away from it.
While up to this time I have had a high regard for Bishop Williamson, this now leaves a huge question mark in my mind concerning him - how could any Christian/Catholic, and especially a priest/bishop, speak so glowingly of such obvious heresy ?! He sure needs our prayers.
Again, many thanks to you and the TIA staff for all your work in furthering Our Lord's Kingdom.
Two Prayers
Dear TIA,
In reparation for the many recent (and past) events reported on your website that are an abomination to the Holy Family, I would like to share two prayers that are found in A Catechism or Christian Doctrine by Laurence Vaux published in 1583. I believe they are timely for all of us seeking a restoration of Holy Mother Church:
Prayer for Wisdom and Truth
Lord, God who created the heavens and the earth, if I do not know and love Thee and Thy Truth as I ought, at least I know that wherever the Truth is, there Thou art, and I, all loathsome and unworthy, being lower than the dirt, beg Thy Divine Majesty, in Thy sublime clemency, to enlighten my mind and my will by Thy grace, that I may know and love Thee as I ought, and to call me to Thyself that I may nevermore offend Thee.
Prayer for Conversions and Special Intentions
O Holy and Glorious Ever Virgin Mary, I come to thee in simple hope and firm confidence that Jesus Christ, thy Son and Sovereign Lord over all Creation, will grant the grace of conversion to all those for whom thou would ask it in my name. Moreover, O chaste Queen of Heaven and Earth, I firmly believe that thou canst obtain, from thy Blessed Son and Savior, all the graces necessary for those whose hearts are right in the sight of God, but who suffer temporal or spiritual tribulations.
I know that thou wilt not be denied if thou wouldst graciously entreat the Lord our God, through Jesus thy Son, to preserve them from sin, to relieve their sufferings and to grant them all their special intentions, according to His holy will. With this confidence, O Holy Mary, Mother of God, I beseech thee, in thy mercy and thy great power with God, a power greater and more perfect than all other creatures, to obtain from Him a favorable answer to my request, to continually accept my own prayers this day, and all my life, in supplication for the just here on earth, for the holy souls in Purgatory, for sinners throughout the world, and for: (here name yourself, your friends, your enemies, and all those for whom you wish to pray).
Thank you for posting this for the readers of TIA,
In reparation for the many recent (and past) events reported on your website that are an abomination to the Holy Family, I would like to share two prayers that are found in A Catechism or Christian Doctrine by Laurence Vaux published in 1583. I believe they are timely for all of us seeking a restoration of Holy Mother Church:
Prayer for Wisdom and Truth
Lord, God who created the heavens and the earth, if I do not know and love Thee and Thy Truth as I ought, at least I know that wherever the Truth is, there Thou art, and I, all loathsome and unworthy, being lower than the dirt, beg Thy Divine Majesty, in Thy sublime clemency, to enlighten my mind and my will by Thy grace, that I may know and love Thee as I ought, and to call me to Thyself that I may nevermore offend Thee.
Prayer for Conversions and Special Intentions
O Holy and Glorious Ever Virgin Mary, I come to thee in simple hope and firm confidence that Jesus Christ, thy Son and Sovereign Lord over all Creation, will grant the grace of conversion to all those for whom thou would ask it in my name. Moreover, O chaste Queen of Heaven and Earth, I firmly believe that thou canst obtain, from thy Blessed Son and Savior, all the graces necessary for those whose hearts are right in the sight of God, but who suffer temporal or spiritual tribulations.
I know that thou wilt not be denied if thou wouldst graciously entreat the Lord our God, through Jesus thy Son, to preserve them from sin, to relieve their sufferings and to grant them all their special intentions, according to His holy will. With this confidence, O Holy Mary, Mother of God, I beseech thee, in thy mercy and thy great power with God, a power greater and more perfect than all other creatures, to obtain from Him a favorable answer to my request, to continually accept my own prayers this day, and all my life, in supplication for the just here on earth, for the holy souls in Purgatory, for sinners throughout the world, and for: (here name yourself, your friends, your enemies, and all those for whom you wish to pray).
Thank you for posting this for the readers of TIA,

Posted November 1, 2012
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
It is beautiful to see the statue of Our Lady of Grace intact amidst the complete destruction by the fire caused by Hurricane Sandy. It is clear that when the ire of God will fall over this revolutionary world - whose appropriate symbol is New York City - only those who will be with her will go through the storm.
I believe this hurricane is an eloquent sample of what the ire of God can do in one day, no matter how man’s pride pretends it can prevent any disaster.
Let us pray to be close to Our Lady when the great chastisement comes. Let us also pray that God sends it soon, so that the present day destruction of Holy Mother Church can come to an end and her restoration start.