What People Are Commenting
Floods in Lourdes, Waiting for Fatima
Fatima: We Are Still Waiting
In this link you may find some beautiful photos I have never seen of the Miracle of the Sun, and the children in Fatima 1917.
We celebrated on October 13th the 95th Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima witnessed by 70,000 people and noted in secular Masonic newspapers of the day.
These are some wonderful photographs of this event. The consecration of Russia as requested by Our Lady in 1929 has not been done. Seven popes have failed to do it correctly at heavens command.
Also the third secret was to be announced to the world in 1960. This also has not been done.
We are still awaiting both of these events. Fatima is not over yet.
In this link you may find some beautiful photos I have never seen of the Miracle of the Sun, and the children in Fatima 1917.
We celebrated on October 13th the 95th Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima witnessed by 70,000 people and noted in secular Masonic newspapers of the day.
These are some wonderful photographs of this event. The consecration of Russia as requested by Our Lady in 1929 has not been done. Seven popes have failed to do it correctly at heavens command.
Also the third secret was to be announced to the world in 1960. This also has not been done.
We are still awaiting both of these events. Fatima is not over yet.
Blasphemy in Aparecida
Dear TIA,
I thank you for posting the article I sent you a while back regarding the dead fishes appearing on the shores of Lake Erie.
I read TIA's posting on Our Lady of Aparecida this morning, before I found this scandalous video celebrating her feast day. I then said the prayer to her.
As Our Lady was pleased to provide the fish for her children in need as well as other graces. Now, in face of all of the atrocities that are happening from within the Catholic Church herself and by her religious and faithful and the total lack of appreciation for what truly happened in the past and its meaning, these fish washing up on shores around the globe, as well as birds falling from the sky, etc., are certainly linked, and I consider them warnings that - if not heeded - soon will bring on the true wrath of God.
May TIA and its followers remain in the protection of The Sacred Heart of Jesus and her Immaculate Heart.
I thank you for posting the article I sent you a while back regarding the dead fishes appearing on the shores of Lake Erie.
I read TIA's posting on Our Lady of Aparecida this morning, before I found this scandalous video celebrating her feast day. I then said the prayer to her.
As Our Lady was pleased to provide the fish for her children in need as well as other graces. Now, in face of all of the atrocities that are happening from within the Catholic Church herself and by her religious and faithful and the total lack of appreciation for what truly happened in the past and its meaning, these fish washing up on shores around the globe, as well as birds falling from the sky, etc., are certainly linked, and I consider them warnings that - if not heeded - soon will bring on the true wrath of God.
May TIA and its followers remain in the protection of The Sacred Heart of Jesus and her Immaculate Heart.
The Entire Council Must Be Negated
The damage of Vatican II has gone on way too long. Far too many souls have been lost as a result of the Council deliberations. It is time to petition the Blessed Virgin with our rosaries to negate the entire Council and get the Church back to working for the purpose for which Christ established it, namely for giving honor and glory to God and working for the salvation of souls.
The fact that the Pope would even consider raising to the rank of saint a Pope (Paul VI) who himself three years after the Council - which he presided over, closed, and strove to impose its deliberations on the faithful - admitted that the smoke of satan had entered the Church is enough to prevent this Pope from ever being raised to sainthood.
Robert Banaugh, Ph.D.
The damage of Vatican II has gone on way too long. Far too many souls have been lost as a result of the Council deliberations. It is time to petition the Blessed Virgin with our rosaries to negate the entire Council and get the Church back to working for the purpose for which Christ established it, namely for giving honor and glory to God and working for the salvation of souls.
The fact that the Pope would even consider raising to the rank of saint a Pope (Paul VI) who himself three years after the Council - which he presided over, closed, and strove to impose its deliberations on the faithful - admitted that the smoke of satan had entered the Church is enough to prevent this Pope from ever being raised to sainthood.
Robert Banaugh, Ph.D.
Cognitive Dissonance and the Church
Dear Tradition in Action,
Your recent article by John Vennari on Pope Benedict's 'hermeneutic of continuity' asserts that the heresy of Modernism has penetrated the Church. Thus he states that a synthesis between Tradition and Vatican II would be a synthesis between Tradition and Modernism. He also asserts that with Vatican II there is not a continuity, but an actual rupture, with Tradition:
"Pope Benedict XVI’s approach to what is called ecumenism and religious liberty — is at odds with the traditional Magisterium of the centuries. Here we do not find continuity, but rupture."
Mr. Vennari has clearly demonstrated that the Vatican II Church has broken with the Apostolic Tradition and embraced heresy, essentially making it just one more form of Protestantism. Its branches have separated from the vine. Entities which have broken with Church doctrine, and embrace heresy, are in effect Protestant sects.
Mr. Vennari perhaps inadvertently, has presented a perfect example of what the psychologists call cognitive dissonance. This occurs when a person is presented with two conflicting choices. Either the Vatican II Church is the true Church, or it has broken from it.
But the dissonance between these options is too great. Since Traditionalists cannot bring themselves to accept the reality of the rupture, they try to make the Vatican II Church fit the mold of Catholicism, and do their best to ignore the elephant in the room: heresy and the break with the ages old Magisterium. The net result is that they are forced to recognize as the true church an impure entity steeped in heresy and denying its earlier dogmas.
They, like myself, hope against hope that somehow the ongoing crisis can be resolved and Vatican II can really be reconciled with the Traditional Faith. After 50 years we are still trying. But it is time to face the fact that a valid option to consider, and to be open to, is that the institutional Vatican II Church is not the Roman Catholic Church.
Frank Rega
Your recent article by John Vennari on Pope Benedict's 'hermeneutic of continuity' asserts that the heresy of Modernism has penetrated the Church. Thus he states that a synthesis between Tradition and Vatican II would be a synthesis between Tradition and Modernism. He also asserts that with Vatican II there is not a continuity, but an actual rupture, with Tradition:
"Pope Benedict XVI’s approach to what is called ecumenism and religious liberty — is at odds with the traditional Magisterium of the centuries. Here we do not find continuity, but rupture."
Mr. Vennari has clearly demonstrated that the Vatican II Church has broken with the Apostolic Tradition and embraced heresy, essentially making it just one more form of Protestantism. Its branches have separated from the vine. Entities which have broken with Church doctrine, and embrace heresy, are in effect Protestant sects.
Mr. Vennari perhaps inadvertently, has presented a perfect example of what the psychologists call cognitive dissonance. This occurs when a person is presented with two conflicting choices. Either the Vatican II Church is the true Church, or it has broken from it.
But the dissonance between these options is too great. Since Traditionalists cannot bring themselves to accept the reality of the rupture, they try to make the Vatican II Church fit the mold of Catholicism, and do their best to ignore the elephant in the room: heresy and the break with the ages old Magisterium. The net result is that they are forced to recognize as the true church an impure entity steeped in heresy and denying its earlier dogmas.
They, like myself, hope against hope that somehow the ongoing crisis can be resolved and Vatican II can really be reconciled with the Traditional Faith. After 50 years we are still trying. But it is time to face the fact that a valid option to consider, and to be open to, is that the institutional Vatican II Church is not the Roman Catholic Church.
Frank Rega

Posted October 23, 2012
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
VIS news reported on October 19, 22, that a relic of "Blessed" John Paul II will be transported to the French shrine of Lourdes during a pilgrimage organized by UNITALSI (Italian National Union for Transport of the Sick to Lourdes and International Shrines). The pilgrimage is to take place from October 21 to 27.
Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, president of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, has granted UNITALSI permission to take a reliquary containing blood of John Paul II, so that it can be seen and venerated by pilgrims from all over the world.
Speaking on Vatican Radio Salvatore Pagliuccia, president of UNITALSI, noted that the theme of the Year of Faith, the so-called 'new evangelization,' is "a theme very close to John Paul II's heart.".
Thus, he continued, "the presence of the reliquary of the blessed on the pilgrimage is a very significant sign, because it represents the presence of his ideas and his sentiments."
CBS news reports:
Floods caused by days of non-stop rain in southwest France caused the closure of most of the Catholic sanctuary of Lourdes yesterday and the evacuation of hundreds of pilgrims, local authorities said. … Only the massive basilica, built on higher ground, was still accessible.
"The space in front of the grotto is entirely covered with water, the altar is under water," Thierry Castillo, the custodian of the sanctuaries, said.
"There are torrents of mud," he said, predicting major damage which would be costly to repair.
Mark Stabinski