What People Are Commenting
Show in Compostela & News from Bavaria
Hybrid Mass on Its Way
This information is from the website of The Eponymous Flower regarding the ‘hybrid Mass’ to come:
Here is a translation from the usually well-informed German summorumpontificum.de, who says that their own well-informed source has some information about the new Missal, which was coupled with their announcement of the news of the formal recognition of Papa Stronsay at the Diocese of Aberdeen in Scottland.
The less good news is that the work on "a new edition of the Old Missal" has so far progressed enough that it will be published next summer so that it can be used in 2013. The key points of alteration:
- Allowance of the usage of new prefaces for all feasts, which correspond to the Novus Ordo prefaces;
- General allowance of the Traditional Mass to be celebrated "versus populum";
- Permission to say the Liturgy of the Word in the language of the people [which facilitates the use of the Cramner table];
The desire for "liturgical engineering" in the appropriate Vatican authorities therefore seems unchanged - at least in so far as it relates to a direction "away from Tradition".
This information is from the website of The Eponymous Flower regarding the ‘hybrid Mass’ to come:
Here is a translation from the usually well-informed German summorumpontificum.de, who says that their own well-informed source has some information about the new Missal, which was coupled with their announcement of the news of the formal recognition of Papa Stronsay at the Diocese of Aberdeen in Scottland.
The less good news is that the work on "a new edition of the Old Missal" has so far progressed enough that it will be published next summer so that it can be used in 2013. The key points of alteration:
- Allowance of the usage of new prefaces for all feasts, which correspond to the Novus Ordo prefaces;
- General allowance of the Traditional Mass to be celebrated "versus populum";
- Permission to say the Liturgy of the Word in the language of the people [which facilitates the use of the Cramner table];
The desire for "liturgical engineering" in the appropriate Vatican authorities therefore seems unchanged - at least in so far as it relates to a direction "away from Tradition".
Disturbing Fashion Show
Dear TIA,
Regarding the Fashion Show at Santiago de Compostela Chapel. I have just viewed a video of this very sad and disturbing affair. Can I say I am surprised? No, but disgusted.
While viewing the video I was wondering if this chapel is still a chapel there and owned by their local diocese? Sometimes, they rent space or decorate to there own whim.
But nothing, nothing, can surprise us that comes from the liberal modernists.
Thank you for all you do!
Regarding the Fashion Show at Santiago de Compostela Chapel. I have just viewed a video of this very sad and disturbing affair. Can I say I am surprised? No, but disgusted.
While viewing the video I was wondering if this chapel is still a chapel there and owned by their local diocese? Sometimes, they rent space or decorate to there own whim.
But nothing, nothing, can surprise us that comes from the liberal modernists.
Thank you for all you do!
Spain's Ruin
Dear TIA,
I am truly outraged by the photographs from the fashion show in the chapel of Santiago de Compostela.
Thank you for warning us of the graphic nature of these images. I suggest all those who like me, viewed them should immediately see their confessor, as these images are a serious occasion of sin. How vacuous are the lives and minds of some women. What struck me also, was the provocative and brazen looks on the faces of these "Jezebels". May Almighty God forgive them for the harm they do.
Over a decade of socialism has brought Spain to economic and moral ruination. Indeed, since the death of General Franco, Spain has been in serious decline. My Uncle fought for the Catholics in Spain in the 1930s and I had the privilege of being able to visit that country, as a young girl in the 1950s. One of my most vivid memories is of a visit to a small shop in the center of Madrid, which sold religious items. There among the usual Rosaries, Statues, Scapulars and religious images, were disciplines, hair shirts and cilices. The owner explained to us that many people, mainly women sodalists, performed corporal penances and these items were always in demand.
We must not however worry unduly about these appalling images from Spain. I have been reading how a visit by traditional Dominican Sisters from Australia has been so well received in the USA. The Sisters have displayed many photographs of young American girls, modestly dressed, their faces glowing with the innocence and purity of their hearts, enquiring about life as a Religious Sister.
I am convinced there is a turning point taking place in the USA and the very beginning of the decline of the revolution is evident. There is a growing love of conservative and traditional values and we must thank God for websites such as TIA and the many others who promote tradition. Thank God also for the traditional Priests, Brothers and Sisters who teach and the homeschooling mothers. The USA often gives great leadership and this is yet another example.
Yours faithfully
C.P., Ireland
I am truly outraged by the photographs from the fashion show in the chapel of Santiago de Compostela.
Thank you for warning us of the graphic nature of these images. I suggest all those who like me, viewed them should immediately see their confessor, as these images are a serious occasion of sin. How vacuous are the lives and minds of some women. What struck me also, was the provocative and brazen looks on the faces of these "Jezebels". May Almighty God forgive them for the harm they do.
Over a decade of socialism has brought Spain to economic and moral ruination. Indeed, since the death of General Franco, Spain has been in serious decline. My Uncle fought for the Catholics in Spain in the 1930s and I had the privilege of being able to visit that country, as a young girl in the 1950s. One of my most vivid memories is of a visit to a small shop in the center of Madrid, which sold religious items. There among the usual Rosaries, Statues, Scapulars and religious images, were disciplines, hair shirts and cilices. The owner explained to us that many people, mainly women sodalists, performed corporal penances and these items were always in demand.
We must not however worry unduly about these appalling images from Spain. I have been reading how a visit by traditional Dominican Sisters from Australia has been so well received in the USA. The Sisters have displayed many photographs of young American girls, modestly dressed, their faces glowing with the innocence and purity of their hearts, enquiring about life as a Religious Sister.
I am convinced there is a turning point taking place in the USA and the very beginning of the decline of the revolution is evident. There is a growing love of conservative and traditional values and we must thank God for websites such as TIA and the many others who promote tradition. Thank God also for the traditional Priests, Brothers and Sisters who teach and the homeschooling mothers. The USA often gives great leadership and this is yet another example.
Yours faithfully
C.P., Ireland
Desacralization of the Church Continues
Dear TIA-Team,
Fr. Paul Schaeferskuepper of Munich, Germany, celebrated Holy Mass at a Bavarian beer hall this year. Two boys in blue jeans received first communion. One of them didn't seem to like the most precious blood of Our Lord, though. Please find attached some pictures.

The process of desacralization in the Church continues. The Cathedral of the historical See of Bamberg in Bavaria has been disfigured by an exhibition of modern art "master pieces" in order to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the Cathedral's consecration. Sad to say, the Cathedral is also the burial place of Pope Clement II and Holy Roman Emperor St. Henry II and his spouse, St. Cunigunde. Please find attached some pictures of this extravaganza.

Kind regards,
F.W., Germany
Fr. Paul Schaeferskuepper of Munich, Germany, celebrated Holy Mass at a Bavarian beer hall this year. Two boys in blue jeans received first communion. One of them didn't seem to like the most precious blood of Our Lord, though. Please find attached some pictures.

The process of desacralization in the Church continues. The Cathedral of the historical See of Bamberg in Bavaria has been disfigured by an exhibition of modern art "master pieces" in order to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the Cathedral's consecration. Sad to say, the Cathedral is also the burial place of Pope Clement II and Holy Roman Emperor St. Henry II and his spouse, St. Cunigunde. Please find attached some pictures of this extravaganza.

Kind regards,
F.W., Germany

Posted August 21, 2012
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Regarding your comments on the suppression for all practical purposes of the Tridentine Rite after Vatican II, here is a quote that Pope Paul VI made in 1976 in "Custos Quid de Nocte?" It should put an end to any doubts that in the mind of that Pope, the Old Mass was to be jettisoned completely:
"It is in the name of tradition that we ask all our sons and daughters, all Catholic communities, to celebrate with dignity and fervor the renewed liturgy. The adoption of the Novus Ordo Missae is certainly not left to the free choice of priests or faithful ... The New Ordo was promulgated to take the place of the old. ..." (Paul VI, Custos Quid de Nocte? – an address to the Consistory; The Wanderer, June 10, 1976, p.6, col.5).
Frank Rega