What People Are Commenting
Philomena, Hofbauer & Woelki
Swimming with the Tide
Dear TIA,
On August 15, the Feast of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I found myself searching TIA’s website for information about Voltaire and the ‘Enlightenment’. My reasons for initiating this research are certainly important, but in honor of Our Lady I chose to submit a commentary that I discovered within TIA’s archives that contains a most significant message for our times.
Furthermore, I consider this introduction to St. Clement Marie Hofbauer a personal gift from Our Lady, a gift that Professor de Oliveira addresses with his usual prolific eloquence.
The graces, virtues and great wisdom bestowed upon the Traditional Roman Catholic Saints are certainly not lost in the warnings of St. Clement. Nor will such cautionary messages for Catholic souls be found in the ideas and teachings of the modern saints being heralded by today’s Progressivist Church and its leadership. When reading the Professor’s Saint of the Day commentary on St. Clement (here), I was immediately reminded of the controversies surrounding the Pope’;s recent appointments of leaders such as Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller who, among other areas of concern, raises doubts about the virginity of Our Lady.
As St. Clement would be told in the 18th century by a compromising teacher in his seminary training at the University of Vienna, “We have to swim with the tide if we don’t want to be left behind.” Our Lord, through the intercession of Our Lady, granted this saint the profound knowledge and certitude to respond “To swim with the tide in this case is cowardice since we have to fight and swim against the tide of this ocean. Whosever wants to shine the light upon the road for this century must ignite his torch in the light of revelation.”
During this time, when so many have compromised and are considering compromising with Rome and its leadership, Traditional Counter-Revolutionaries must remain strong in battling the Revolution and Rome’s progressivist ideas. It is with the gratitude and veneration of Saints such as St. Clement that we will be blessed with the unwavering strength and fortitude for this fight.
I ask TIA and its followers to join me in special prayers for Our Lady’s continued intercession on our behalf.
On August 15, the Feast of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I found myself searching TIA’s website for information about Voltaire and the ‘Enlightenment’. My reasons for initiating this research are certainly important, but in honor of Our Lady I chose to submit a commentary that I discovered within TIA’s archives that contains a most significant message for our times.
Furthermore, I consider this introduction to St. Clement Marie Hofbauer a personal gift from Our Lady, a gift that Professor de Oliveira addresses with his usual prolific eloquence.
The graces, virtues and great wisdom bestowed upon the Traditional Roman Catholic Saints are certainly not lost in the warnings of St. Clement. Nor will such cautionary messages for Catholic souls be found in the ideas and teachings of the modern saints being heralded by today’s Progressivist Church and its leadership. When reading the Professor’s Saint of the Day commentary on St. Clement (here), I was immediately reminded of the controversies surrounding the Pope’;s recent appointments of leaders such as Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller who, among other areas of concern, raises doubts about the virginity of Our Lady.
As St. Clement would be told in the 18th century by a compromising teacher in his seminary training at the University of Vienna, “We have to swim with the tide if we don’t want to be left behind.” Our Lord, through the intercession of Our Lady, granted this saint the profound knowledge and certitude to respond “To swim with the tide in this case is cowardice since we have to fight and swim against the tide of this ocean. Whosever wants to shine the light upon the road for this century must ignite his torch in the light of revelation.”
During this time, when so many have compromised and are considering compromising with Rome and its leadership, Traditional Counter-Revolutionaries must remain strong in battling the Revolution and Rome’s progressivist ideas. It is with the gratitude and veneration of Saints such as St. Clement that we will be blessed with the unwavering strength and fortitude for this fight.
I ask TIA and its followers to join me in special prayers for Our Lady’s continued intercession on our behalf.
The New Religion in One Flyer
Dear TIA,
I taught for 14 years at a "Catholic" school in the Archdiocese of Chicago, and every year the staff was required to attend multiple religious in-service days - supposedly to better learn and understand the Catholic Faith. Naturally, it was progressivist "Catholicism" we were bombarded with. I cannot tell you how many near-arguments I got into with presenters and other attendees over those years.
During my final year, the faculty had to undergo "Catechetical training," provided courtesy of the Archdiocese. One of the torture sessions was given by none other than the superintendant in charge of schools' "Catholic Identity," and during her presentation, we were supplied with the following chart. Of course, it was strongly implied that something was wrong with us if we hadn't reached the Adult Level of faith; in other words, if we hadn't become flaming progressivists.
I offer the flyer below for you and your readers to muse over. Doesn't take much, however, to see that according to those in charge of religious formation in the Archdiocese of Chicago, having an "adult" faith essentially means being God to yourself.

I taught for 14 years at a "Catholic" school in the Archdiocese of Chicago, and every year the staff was required to attend multiple religious in-service days - supposedly to better learn and understand the Catholic Faith. Naturally, it was progressivist "Catholicism" we were bombarded with. I cannot tell you how many near-arguments I got into with presenters and other attendees over those years.
During my final year, the faculty had to undergo "Catechetical training," provided courtesy of the Archdiocese. One of the torture sessions was given by none other than the superintendant in charge of schools' "Catholic Identity," and during her presentation, we were supplied with the following chart. Of course, it was strongly implied that something was wrong with us if we hadn't reached the Adult Level of faith; in other words, if we hadn't become flaming progressivists.
I offer the flyer below for you and your readers to muse over. Doesn't take much, however, to see that according to those in charge of religious formation in the Archdiocese of Chicago, having an "adult" faith essentially means being God to yourself.

Cardinal Woelki’s Baptism
Hello TIA,
Please check this photo of Card. Woelki of Berlin. Is this a new form of Baptism being fostered by the Conciliar Church? Or does it just mean that this prelate does not know how to baptize a person? In the Catholic Church, in the Latin Rite of Baptism the water is supposedly to be poured on the forehead of the person, not on the back of his/her head.
The source of this this picture is the Novus Ordo Watch, a serious website, although sede-vacantist.
Keep the good work.

Please check this photo of Card. Woelki of Berlin. Is this a new form of Baptism being fostered by the Conciliar Church? Or does it just mean that this prelate does not know how to baptize a person? In the Catholic Church, in the Latin Rite of Baptism the water is supposedly to be poured on the forehead of the person, not on the back of his/her head.
The source of this this picture is the Novus Ordo Watch, a serious website, although sede-vacantist.
Keep the good work.

New Cathedral in Fatima
I am horrified by this report that I just learned of, if true. I don't read or follow dubious sites, this is the first I learned of it. What do you know about this new Cathedral that is being built at Fatima that is the throne of the antichrist?
I am interested in what you say or learn about this. Something is clearly very wrong with Benedict XVI if this new Cathedral, based on demonic images and antichrist, is true.
God help us. God bless you.
TIA responds:
This website has some good information and some exaggerated assumptions, which put its credibility at risk. One can disregard some of these overstatements as an excess of zeal or lack of careful analysis of sources.
On one point, however, we clearly disagree: its pretension to build a new cathedral in Fatima and to raise money for this project.
We hope this answers your question,
TIA correspondence desk
I am horrified by this report that I just learned of, if true. I don't read or follow dubious sites, this is the first I learned of it. What do you know about this new Cathedral that is being built at Fatima that is the throne of the antichrist?
I am interested in what you say or learn about this. Something is clearly very wrong with Benedict XVI if this new Cathedral, based on demonic images and antichrist, is true.
God help us. God bless you.
TIA responds:
This website has some good information and some exaggerated assumptions, which put its credibility at risk. One can disregard some of these overstatements as an excess of zeal or lack of careful analysis of sources.
On one point, however, we clearly disagree: its pretension to build a new cathedral in Fatima and to raise money for this project.
We hope this answers your question,
TIA correspondence desk

Posted August 16, 2012
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
St. Philomena
What a wonderful article about the young St. Philomena! I knew a bit about her before, but this article gives much credence to devotion to her and provides several interesting details about this playful young saint!
Thank you for this article