What People Are Commenting
Olympics, Flowers & Gangs
The Blooming of the Flowers
You don't have to think about this one -- just sit back and ENJOY!!!
From the Perkasie Flower club. Very pretty and about 2 minutes long.
Each flower is filmed for two days and photos are collated within 7 minutes to get this effect.
Click here to watch the display.
You don't have to think about this one -- just sit back and ENJOY!!!
From the Perkasie Flower club. Very pretty and about 2 minutes long.
Each flower is filmed for two days and photos are collated within 7 minutes to get this effect.
Click here to watch the display.
Tips to Face a Mass Shooter
Please pass this on to your readers.
This might save your life…it is a MUST watch.
Who knows when they will need to remember to: RUN - HIDE - FIGHT
This is a video the city of Houston put together on what to do should you (a citizen) run across an active shooter, such as the guy in the movie theater
They were just finishing it when the Colorado shootings occurred.
If you haven’t seen it - it is well worth the watch and worth sharing with your family and friends as well.
Please pass this on to your readers.
This might save your life…it is a MUST watch.
Who knows when they will need to remember to: RUN - HIDE - FIGHT
This is a video the city of Houston put together on what to do should you (a citizen) run across an active shooter, such as the guy in the movie theater
They were just finishing it when the Colorado shootings occurred.
If you haven’t seen it - it is well worth the watch and worth sharing with your family and friends as well.
Motorcycle Gangs vs. Ecological Activists
I recently read the above-titled story about the retribution taken by a motorcycle gang against a PETA protest in the “What People are Commenting” section of Tradition in Action. According to Snopes.com, this story is satire. Please see here the link to read their investigation into this event.
I am certain that the person who submitted this story to Tradition in Action was unaware of the false nature of the story. I also realize that the authors of Tradition in Action would wish to be informed of erroneous stories that may have been sent by unsuspecting readers.
Thank you for continuing to be a light in dark places.
I recently read the above-titled story about the retribution taken by a motorcycle gang against a PETA protest in the “What People are Commenting” section of Tradition in Action. According to Snopes.com, this story is satire. Please see here the link to read their investigation into this event.
I am certain that the person who submitted this story to Tradition in Action was unaware of the false nature of the story. I also realize that the authors of Tradition in Action would wish to be informed of erroneous stories that may have been sent by unsuspecting readers.
Thank you for continuing to be a light in dark places.

Posted August 14, 2012
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
The ‘Socially Acceptable’ Filth
What a godsend your recent piece on the 2012 Olympics (“An Omissive Pope Blesses the Olympics”) is! I am in total agreement with it. It is truly disgusting what the devil gets to get away with nowadays -- all in the name of ... “sports” ... or in our case, the “Olympics.”
Without having to get into the distasteful specifics out of respect for you and our fellow readers, I find the immodest attire of some of the athletes truly offensive to my eyes (which were created to see God one day) and too disgusting to even describe.
One can't even drive or walk around downtown Los Angeles, for example, without being flanked by aggressive city buses at every corner effectively shoving at one's face disgusting posters of scantily clad female gymnasts in compromising bodily postures. I can't imagine it would be too different anywhere else, given the times in which we live.
I pray for these poor souls who have evidently consented to be photographed in the manner described but at the same time wonder with great sadness just how many souls they would help drag into hell in a single day on account of the filth they have helped to propagate. Actions have consequences.
When I proceeded to share the aforementioned thoughts with some of my “Catholic” acquaintances, they were rather quick to respond by asking me whether it wasn't a “wonderful thing” and rather a means of actually “honoring God's greatness” that these athletes displayed such “super human” marvels. (And, no, these acquaintances were not traditional Catholics!)
I think we traditional Catholic counter-revolutionaries know how to respond to such foolish, one-dimensional utterances, IF we so choose to dignify them in the first place, that is. It sort of reminds me of the now proudly caricatured response of the man who claims that he subscribes to a certain filthy magazine “just to read its articles.”
Sure... not a bit of sexualized attire, sexualized bodily motion, and sexualized body posture is ever intended or even present in many of these celebrated sporting events.
And, yes, those who seek them out are completely “unaffected” and are simply focused on the scores, the medal count, the dynamic release of kinetic energy by the participants (scientifically viewed, of course), ... oh ... and that ever elevated sentiment of “how much God must be 'touched' and 'impressed' like a proud parent watching it all from heaven above.”
I have nothing against high-performance sports and respect those who choose to make a serious career out of them. God would be truly honored in their marvelous feats IF they placed Him and His holy precepts above all else and courageously said “NO” to the unnecessary filth that has sadly come to be so inextricably intertwined with the industry... But how many do? Most, if not all, are too full of themselves, ultimately promoting their own self-serving ends - at whatever cost, spiritual or otherwise.
Oh, yes, they may turn up at a charity event or fundraiser for a “worthy cause” or even make mention of God or a “church community” dear to their hearts. Some may even claim to attend the Traditional Latin Mass! Yet, does any of this really matter when they essentially live a life of scandal and blatant contradiction, giving gifts with one hand and sending souls to hell with the other?
Just for the record, I do not watch television at all and have therefore not watched a single Olympic event. That said, it's not as if one has to go looking very far for its coverage, being that it's practically the talk of every street corner and usually the very first ugly thing to pop up and dominate the screen when logging onto the internet - if not the side of a bumbling and annoying city bus that can't get out of the way quick enough.
“Lack of information” is seldom the issue in this day and age. For that matter, there is no longer the danger of “dying of ignorance,” try as one might, if by this we mean the sheer paucity of the well-conditioned masses trained to passively and uncritically absorb--or even willingly seek out - the full fury of daily filth and intellectual garbage that come under the deceitfully clinical-sounding title, “stimuli.”
How much longer can Our Lady hold back the heavy arms of Her divine Son?