What People Are Commenting
War, Nuns & Fatima's Lesson
Total War
[Regarding the article Total War & the Utopia of Peace]
A hundred thousand blessing on Mr. Arnold for his timely reminders!
Benedict XVI Embraces Neocatechumenals
[Regarding the news analyzed in the article
The Neocatechumenal Way Is a 'Special Gift of the Holy Spirit']
Dear TIA,
I remember reading that "in those days you will have to have the patience of the Saints" .... I'm not a saint and I sometimes fear I will lose that patience and falter.
WHEN is it going to change or end?? I know that is a "prophetic" question to which none of us has the answer. However it is beyond belief how much God is tolerating; how much error is allowed to be disseminated.
Dear Mother Mary, please come to the aid of your poor children!
In Mary's heart,
Taking Home-Schooled Children from Parents
Lotta Edholm, a prominent leader of Sweden's liberal party, opined in an article in Aftonbladet, a Swedish newspaper, that the nation's social service laws should be changed to encourage social workers to take children away from homeschooling families. [read the news here]
This is where the socialization of a State leads, to a totalitarian control over the family...
Everything Is Rosy…
For your information:
Vatican Receives Final Report on US Women Religious
1/10/20 Benjamin Mann - CNA/EWTN News [original here]
A three-year survey of women's religious life in the United States has concluded with the filing of a final report by the Vatican-appointed Apostolic Visitator Mother Mary Clare Millea. "Although there are concerns in religious life that warrant support and attention, the enduring reality is one of fidelity, joy, and hope " Mother Millea said in a Jan. 9 release announcing the submission of her findings to the Vatican's Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.
A Mass that Causes Scandal to the Faithful
Cardinal McIntyre was one of the few American bishops to oppose the liturgical revision of the Second Vatican Council, which he attended from 1962 to 1965.
On October 23, 1962, McIntyre addressed the Council fathers in these terms:
"The schema on the Liturgy proposes confusion and complication. If it is adopted, it would be an immediate scandal for our people. The continuity of the Mass must be kept. The tradition of the sacred ceremonies must be preserved...."
The schema that was criticized by Card. McIntyre became the New Mass...
I was researching Dr Anita Caspary and it led to the bio on the Cardinal from Wiki.
Those were hard years. I remember when this event happened. I was young in religious life, it had a very mixed message I see now with insight.
In Our Lady,
Fatima Lesson - Amnesty
In August of 1917 when the three seers of Fatima were jailed, they began saying the Rosary. After they had recited a couple of decades, the other prisoners knelt and joined in.
Benedict XVI visited a Rome jail the week before Christmas not to lead the Rosary or to express the wisdom of little Jacinta, who reminded us shortly before she died that penance is necessary to amend lives and save souls. The Pontiff's visit was designed to increase the awareness of the deplorable overcrowding conditions of the Italian jails in order to protect the dignity of the prisoners. Reuters reported that when Benedict VI was leaving, the prisoners chanted "Amnesty, amnesty, amnesty."
The Italian government may pardon criminals before they have paid their debt to society just as many feel God pardons sinners without doing penance. People are continually making statements about their deceased relatives and friends such as "He is in a better place now" and "She is looking down on us." Or you read in obituaries that he has passed on to heaven. These types of statements are repeated and believed not just by Protestants, but by many Catholics and religious who take for granted that God will pardon all of us.
In 1953 Father Ricardo Lombardi, founder of the movement 'For a Better World,' published his short conversation with Sister Lucy, in which he first asked Sister if this movement was an answer to the words Our Lady spoke.
Sister Lucy answered, "Certainly that great renovation is necessary if humanity does not seek to perfect itself. Given the way in which it behaves now, only a limited part of the human race will be saved."
The Jesuit replied, "Do you truly believe that many are going to Hell? Personally, I hope that God will save the greater part of humanity."
Sister Lucy then said, "Father, numerous are those who are damned."
The priests further insisted, saying, "It is certain that the world is a cesspool of vices and sin. But there is always a hope for salvation."
Sister Lucy seemed a little frustrated when she said, "No, Father, many, many will be lost."
In July 1017 Our Lady told the children, "You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go." Then, in a conversation published in 1957, Sister Lucy told Fr. Fuentes, "Father, the Most Holy Virgin is very sad because no one has paid attention to her Message, neither the good nor the bad."
Homer Sweeney
Sources: Yahoo News, Reuters (Rome), Fatima: Tragedy and Triumph, Fatima in Twilight,
The True Story of Fatima, The Devil's Final Battle (1st ed)
Posted January 26, 2012

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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