What People Are Commenting
Preparing Children for the Occupy Movement
Prayers Request
Dear friends in Christ,
I'd like to ask for prayers for the miracle of healing my very sick 4 years old son Nicholas.
God bless you.
A.P., Poland
Mont St. Michel
Thank you for your excellent work, which I follow daily in Updates and Spotlight (for the saints). I especially liked your article on Mont St. Michel.
I thought you would enjoy seeing this picture, which is from the 14th century and called St. Michael Abbey at Low Tide. The illuminated manuscript was in the Les Très Riches Heures of the Duke of Berry.
You get a very good view of how the Mont looked in the 15th century - not so very different from today. Also, you can see the fame and importance the Abbey had since it was included in the Heures.
May Christ and His Blessed Mother bless your work in 2012 and multiply your influence.
The "Midevil" World
I was rereading Regine Pernaud's Those Terrible Middle Ages when I realized that mid-evil Europe was modeled on the New Testament. The society was hierarchical with the Church at the top - Christ the King; the society was based on personal relationship and responsibility. The individual was bound by these two principles - relationship to both lord and vassal, responsibility to the land and the Church. Slavery was unknown, women had rights to property, inheritance and even the right to vote! Ownership of land as we know it was unknown.
It was the Enlightenment that reversed all this by making man the measure of all things - so that today man is supreme and Christ is deposed - even in His Church!!
The next time a modernist calls me midevil I'll take it as a compliment.
Keep up the good work.
Nun's Pill
Dear Marian,
Thank you for the article on Contraceptives Pills for Nuns. I find the topic outrageous. It is gross that the media has nothing better to do but find ways to attack our church and her virgins. That is what it really boils down to.
Hope you are well.
In Our Lady,
Protestant Influence
This image has a Protestant matter of fact mundane sentiment and style in the faces. They are cold. They show no mystery. It is not 'other' i.e. Holy looking. It does not allude to transcendence as do all masterworks of St. Mary and the Christ Child in the East and the West.
It's Vatican ll at it's finest. It's embarrassing.
Thank you for your work.
Dealing with Muslims Prisoners
Dear TIA,
This is a clip I came across. It may interest you. Col. West has a similar view to yours.
God bless you for your important work.

Dealing with Muslims
Two Black Americans were elected to Congress this cycle, and both are Republican. Col. West is from southern Florida. He won in a walk.
This new Congressman was an extremely popular commander in Iraq. He was forced to retire because during an intense combat action a few of his men were captured. At the same time his men captured one of the guys who were with the Iraqis who captured his men.
Knowing that time was crucial and his interrogators were not getting anywhere with the prisoner, Col. West took matters into his own hands. He burst into the room and demanded thru an interpreter that the prisoner tell him where his men were being taken. The prisoner refused so Col. West took out his pistol and placed it into the prisoner's crotch and fired. Then the Col. told the prisoner that the next shot would not miss. So the prisoner said he would show where the American service members were being taken. The Americans were rescued.
Someone filed a report on incorrect handling of prisoners. Col. West was forced to retire. Col. West was just elected in November 2010 to Congress from Florida. During the elections he was part of a panel on how to handle or how to relate to Muslims. You will see his answer here explaining in just over a minute the truth about Islam.
Please watch it here and if you agree, forward it to your friends; if you disagree hit the delete button.
Preparing Your Children for the Occupy Movement
I hope that the parents are fighting this and rising up against their children's Marxist indoctrinators. They're now out in the open and Obama supports them completely...
Dr. Frank Joseph
Posted by ZIP on Saturday, December 31, 2011
A reader sent over a sing-along pamphlet being used at the Woodbrook Elementary School in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Academia indoctrinating college students is bad enough, but to have third-graders sing about class warfare and rail against the one percent is evil and a violation of the trust parents put in them. (click here for the original) Here's a transcription of the song in the pamphlet:
Woodbrook Elementary School
100 Woodbrook Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Telephone: 434-973-6600 Fax: 434-973-0317
Posted January 12, 2012

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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