What People Are Commenting
Bugnini, ‘Saint’ Sheen & Rainbow Sash
Bugnini Mis-Quote
I would like to notify you that our Queen of Martyrs Press website has posted the original Italian article from page 6 of the March 19, 1965 edition of L'Osservatore Romano, which is the source for the infamous "stumbling block for the Protestants" mis-quote that has been used for the past several decades. Although what is purported to be the words of the Great Architect of the Novus Ordo Missae are not the exact words that he used, I'm sure that most will agree that the meaning is the same.
I would also like to thank Mr. Patrick Odou for reviewing my book Reasons for Resistance; The Hierarchy of the Catholic Church Speaks on the Post-Vatican II Crisis on Tradition in Action.
In Domino,
Jason A. Roberts, O.S.S.M.
Women Saints
Dear TIA,
I was inspired by Dr. Horvat's article, From Hearth and Home: Women Who Influenced Christian Civilization to look up stories of women saints in the Internet for my daughter. I would like to share with your readers two beautiful books that I found at the Internet Archive.
The first book, Maidens of Hallowed Names was written for teenage girls. It contains lovely stories of well-loved virgins and martyrs of the Catholic Church, which encourage and inspire young readers to practice the virtue of chastity, among others.
The second book I found is Illustrious Women of Bible and Catholic Church History. It contains more stories than the first and spans from Eve to the American saints.
I hope your readers will find them helpful in forming their daughters in the Catholic Faith.
God bless you all.
In Maria,
I.G.R., Philippines
A Feminist Take on Women Saints
One of the many great things about Catholicism is its abundance of women saints. Growing up in the ‘70s, the struggle to accept the responsibilities and extreme work that came with our new freedom was not always fun. Faced with unappetizing facts that women had the same response to personality tests as neurotics in that time of repression, and men were saner due to being allowed to decide things for themselves, I had the girl saints to be proud of. The little girl Therese I had turned to when things were tough getting those magna cum laude grades, Mary, Queen of Heaven and others were real role models.
When my twenties came and I had to read Karen Horney on women's mental health and "Men are Just Desserts," I found it hard to take that no one was going to get me out of having a day job as an artist. When I had prayed long hours and my state of unenlightened emotional junk began to unload, I had my beloved St. Teresa of Avila to light the path before me.
I have since done a lot of work I am proud to have done, using my own mind, not a man's, and with the unique inspiration of the great Catholic ladies who have supported our ability to reach out to Our Lord without a man's suggesting that the ultimate goal in our lives should be cowtowing to abuse to buy at Neiman Marcus.
‘Saint’ Fulton Sheen
The Archbishop Fulton Sheen Spiritual Centre and Communication Room is an Illinois Museum in El Paso, Illinois. The birth, baptism and celebration of mass site when FJS returned to visit family. It was the site of the laypeople's cause for canonization and the report of one potential miracle before the Peoria Dioceses accepted the cause of the nfp. Then, because of public gifts, the Illinois Museum was created for persons of all faiths or searching for inspiration.
Thank you,
Karen Fulte, founder and curator
Pedophilia Net
The Canadian former Bishop Lahey was found guilty with child porn is also gay and age 71; you may watch it here.
There are 5 you tubes on the priest pedo cover up done in a news documentary of sorts, and also one is about it occurring in Brazil as well. It is worldwide and is covered up by Pope Ratzinger and the network of bishops and clergy.
Very alarming. When will the evil stop?
Our Lady of the Way, pray for us and help us.
Rainbow Sash & Niederauer
Regarding the following news report, what I want to know is how did Niederauer ever become an archbishop? As a priest, his history was there for all to see. Promoting homosexuality is a sin, but he doesn't care. WOW!
Frank Joseph, M.D.
Rainbow Sash Movement Thanks Archbishop Niederauer For Tolerating Parish’s Homosexual Activism
Ben Johnson
Washington, DC, December 6, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – An organization dedicated to advancing acceptance of homosexuality in the Catholic Church is thanking the archbishop of San Francisco for tolerating a San Francisco church’s activism for their cause.
Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in San Francisco, a parish that is known nationally for its homosexual activism, invited Otis Charles, the former Episcopal bishop of Utah, to preach at its November 30 Advent Vespers service.
Charles is well-known for having publicly ended his marriage of 42 years in 1993 and announcing he was homosexual. In April 2004, he “married” his partner in a ceremony attended by his nine-year-old grandson.
The Rainbow Sash Movement, which lobbies for the Roman Catholic Church to give its homosexual and transgendered members Holy Communion, says it is “encouraged” that Archbishop George Hugh Niederauer made no move to prevent the non-catholic homosexual spokesman from delivering the homily. “We believe this is significant step in courage on the part of the Archbishop, and he should be applauded for not being panicked into canceling the planed Advent service,” they wrote.
The organization stated the archbishop “appears to be defusing homophobia in his archdiocese” and hoped his nonfeasance meant “there is division among the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in the Church on how to openly and honestly welcome gays and lesbians into the Church.”
Another pro-homosexual, non-Catholic cleric is scheduled to address Holy Redeemer’s December 14 Advent Vespers. The parish’s bulletin states the speaker will be retired Presbyterian Church (USA) minister Jane Spahr. Last year the PCUSA found that Spahr violated her ordination by performing 16 same-sex “marriage” services in contradiction to church discipline.
The San Francisco archdiocese has not yet signaled it will prevent her from speaking....
Editor’s note: Before the first week of Advent, at the direction of San Francisco Archbishop George Niederauer, the pastor of Most Holy Redeemer Church rescinded the invitations to the homsexual ministers mentioned in this news report. Read here and here.
Posted December 29, 2011

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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