What People Are Commenting
Pope Snubbed, Circus Priest & Catechism
Not Snubbed
Actually, the video [you posted] is showing the Pope presenting German Bishops to the President of Germany.
The video and the pictures have been misinterpreted, as your correspondent has done, by many people, even the Papa Stronsay blog of the Traditional Redemptorists.
They, however, had the grace and courtesy to retract their error.
In Christ,
Was He Really?
Dear TIA,
I just read "The Pope Snubbed" posted 10/18/11 and found the video shocking!!! Upon further investigation I came upon this article regarding the snub and found it very informative.
The explanation seems reasonable to me. Does it to you? Again thank you for your great work, but sometimes things are not what they appear to be.
Thank you,
Circus Chasuble
Looks like the circus continues. I thought you'd enjoy these pictures and short article from Ecumenical News Service.
Worcester, Massachusetts (ENInews) - With a stairwell for a confessional and a folding table for an altar, the lobby of the DCU Center arena in Worcester, Massachusetts, about 40 miles west of Boston, doesn't look especially holy - until a band of circus workers gathers for Mass. That's when the Rev. Jerry Hogan dons a colorful chasuble festooned with images of big tops, lions and zebras.
The event is no act, Religion News Service reports. The Circus and Traveling Show Ministries of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops provides the spiritual lifeblood for about 4,500 Catholics who work in circuses, carnivals, rodeos and auto racing.
Avoiding Liberals
Dear TIA,
In Mr. Guimaraes' article entitled, "Liberals, Modernists, and Progressivists", he indicates the Pope Leo XIII held liberal views.
If the liberal mentality began to enter the Church with the beginning of the French Revolution (?) and it has continued with the Modernists and subsequently, the Progressivists, what Catechism should one use when attempting to become a counter-Revolutionary?
Are there any published Catechisms from the pre-French Revolution that have been reprinted, or that one could possibly get hands on via library loan?
This seems particularly important when attempting to facilitate the restoration of our church via teaching children the Truth in this day of confusion. I anxiously await your reply in this matter.
TIA responds:
Dear E.S.,
The Catechism of Trent, which is in reality a catechism for priests to securely teach their faithful, is an excellent catechism free of any error. You may read it, download it or print it from this free file.
TIA correspondence desk
On a Challenge to Guimarães
Dear TIA,
I was somewhat amused by the letter written to Mr. Atila on your website, a letter written by a Catholic graduate student with the challenge to Atila to show where any post-Conciliar papal action or teaching contradicts previous teaching. Atila certainly took the bull by the horns. And I hope the young grad student makes his challenge good, since it is better for him to live in reality than in the dream world of Ave Maria University - ah! how do I know that? I have no certainty, but I am highly suspicious that the common friend of the student and Mr. Atila, an "R.M," is Roger McCaffrey, who lives in the area.
Good news: 1. Roger is friendly with Atila, 2. an Ave Maria grad student reads TIA, and 3) the truth will be preached.
TIA responds:
Dear P.O.B.,
Thank you for your comments. Regarding the graduate student, we believe we can inform you - without breaking our policy of discretion regarding the names of our regular correspondents - that he is from a university in North California.
TIA correspondence desk
John Paul II’s Death
Dear Sir/Madam
I have been a reader of your site for a few years. It is great.
I seem to recall reading an article about the death of JPII being hurried along, but can't find it again. Is it still on your website?
I find your articles on Sister Lucy extremely interesting. I wonder if they murdered the real one, or did she die naturally.
Hope you have time to get back to me about the JPII article.
Best wishes.
TIA responds:
Dear M.S.,
The article you are looking for is here. Our internal search engine here may help you to find other articles you need. But if you are not unable to locate one, do not hesitate to ask us again. It is always a pleasure to help our readers.
TIA correspondence desk
North American Saints
To Whom It May Concern,
I was very disappointed to see that in your beautiful accounts of feast days you have NOT INCLUDED the feast of the North American Martyrs and of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha.
Please consider doing so in the near future for us "native American" and true Traditionalists in the U.S. and Canada. Please provide the TRUE STORY for us and not the N.O. versions - especially in regards to Blessed Kateri.!!!!
Looking forward to you help in this regard. Thank you and God Bless.
P.S. Today [September 26] is the feast of THE NORTH AMERICAN MARTYRS-according to the Traditional Pre-Vat. Council and APRIL 17 is that of BLESSED KATERI TEKAKWITHA.- according to Pre-Vat. calendar (day of her death). Now N.O. have changed her feast to July 14th and made her Patroness of the ENVIRONMENT!!!!!
Posted October 25, 2011

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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