Homosexual Men: 61% of New HIV Infections
Do you think that school children who are being indoctrinated that homosexuality is just another normal lifestyle will be told the following? Of course not.
Read the following news.
Dr. F.J.
CDC: Homosexual Men Account for 61% of New HIV Infections but Only 2% of Population
Patrick B. Craine
WASHINGTON, D.C., August 18, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The U.S. Centers for Disease Control has estimated that homosexual men account for 61% of the new HIV infections in the United States while they only amount to about 2% of the country’s population.
Earlier this month, the CDC released estimates for HIV infections from 2006-2009 showing that new infections remained stable at around 50,000 for each of the four years.
Homosexual men accounted for 29,300 of the estimated 48,100 new infections in 2009, and homosexual men aged 13 to 29 accounted for 27% of the new cases.
The only group in which new HIV infections is increasing, they say, is young homosexual men – driven by an alarming increase in infections from African Americans. They estimated that the new infections among young black homosexual men increased 48 percent in the period of 2006-2009 (from 4,400 HIV infections in 2006 to 6,500 infections in 2009).
The study also revealed that almost 20% of homosexual men have HIV, while nearly half of those who do are unaware of it.
For more information visit the CDC website here.
Best Military Quote
I just received this quote and am passing it on to you.
Dr. F.J.
"When I joined the military it was illegal to be homosexual, then it became optional, and now it's legal. I'm getting out before Obama makes it mandatory!"
Bishop in Shorts
Dear TIA-Team,
Mons. Helmut Dieser, Auxiliary Bishop of the historical See of Trier (Germany), recently attended World Youth Day in Madrid.
The attached picture shows him wearing shorts. The bishop's casual appearance baffled even some of the youth. One young pilgram is quoted by the Trier diocesan press office as saying: "I've never seen a bishop in shorts before."
To confirm read here.
Kind regards
I.M., Germany
Historical Method is Modernist
Once again, as you have so many, many times done already, you've stood up and have been counted exposing the tactics of the Modernist. The Historical Method is one of the few approaches they use in their attempt to explain sacred scripture, an explanation that explains the truth away.
At the turn of the 20th century, Roman Catholic Academia in the U.S. was also against the word research and the idea that the church had to look for the truth using Historical Criticism. The Church understood herself as having the truth and a mission to present it to those who would be open and receptive to it.
Thanks to Modernism and its tactics, already in the 1850's in some places German Protestant Bible "Scholars" - if that is indeed what they could be called - began to doubt or deny the divinity of Jesus. Long before them, a philosopher, Baruch Spinoza, tried to prove - and convinced many Bible Scholars - that Moses was not the author of the Pentateuch but five others were, along with a near countless number of redactors.
Its has been said, be careful of Bible Scholars, as some of them go down very deep,stay down very long and, you guessed it, come up very dirty.
Is this still true? (and by the way, it is ambiguous): "The cordial relations of both Atila Guimarães and Marian Horvat with TFP ceased when they published the book In the Murky Waters of Vatican II. There is no relationship at present – official or otherwise – between the two organizations." (original here)
It appears TFP has no interest in the subject of Modernism. Is that true also of TIA?
TIA responds:
Anyone who has an unbiased mind, after surfing our website for some time, reaches the conclusion that TIA never ceased to combat Modernism and Progressivism. We hope you are in this number: with a mind not turned toward intrigue and with some spare time to surf our pages.
TIA correspondence desk
"Yahweh" again
Dear TIA,
My wife, working as a receptionist at a Catholic nursing home, has been given the little task of replacing the word "Yahweh" in their hymnals with the words "Lord, God." An improvement, yes, but then I revisited Dr. Horvat’s article of about three years ago concerning Rome's decision to eliminate the use of "Yahweh" because such use is offensive to the Jews.
Well, the lights went on here, and I think I can now formulate a fundamental principle that ecumenists follow: Better to offend faithful Catholics for forty years than offend any non-Catholics for a minute. We have been hollering "No" to Rome for a generation with no response; the Jews ask for a favor and it is granted.
Salve Maria,
Abortion Causes Insanity
Read these two paragraphs of an article that may be found here:
“Women who have abortions are at risk of severe mental health problems, according to a study. The research found that those who undergo abortion face nearly double the risk of mental health difficulties compared with others and that one in ten of all mental health problems was a result of abortion. …
“The study said that abortion was linked with a 34 per cent greater chance of anxiety disorders, and 37 per cent higher possibility of depression; a more than double risk of alcohol abuse – 110 per cent; a three times greater risk of cannabis use – at 220 per cent; and 155 per cent greater risk of trying to commit suicide.”
Let's tell it like it is. Abortions are the willful killing of innocents in what should be their safest place of refuge, their mothers' wombs!
Gary L. Morella
Colonel Moscardó
Excuse me for my English. It is very poor. In this article about the Colonel Moscardó and the siege of the Alcázar (of Toledo), you have a picture of Alcázar de Segovia. The actual Alcázar where the siege took place is the Alcázar de Toledo. Here some sample pictures. In Spain there are various Alcázars. It is a castle of Arabic origin.
I.D.I., Spain
TIA responds:
Thank you for pointing out the error in the photo. We have replaced it with one of those you suggested.
You assistance in improving our website is appreciated.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted September 13, 2011

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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