What People Are Commenting
Resistance & Catholic Worker Movement
Sending Article to Pope
Regarding the article "Catholics Must Resist an Unfaithful Pope," which impressed me greatly, I made a copy of it and brought it in to my priest this morning, Ash Wednesday. He also was very impressed with it and instructed me to mail it to Pope Benedict XVl, along with a copy of Quo Primum.
I and our Priest thank you so very much for informing us of things so very imperative to our souls.
God bless you and all the staff there. May Our Blessed Mother keep you all in the crossing of Her Arms...
In His Name,
Traditionalists Persecuted
Dear Editor,
Thank you for the article from Dr. Carol Byrne. I will order several copies of her book "The Catholic Worker Movement".
Last year my 4th and 5th graders were asked to study Dorothy Day and Cesar Chavez in religion class in Catholic school in Rumson, NJ. Not knowing much on either of these esteemed persons, I researched them. I did not like their connections to Socialism, anarchy, Saul Alinsky and Liberation Theology. When I sat down with the principal, she opposed me strongly.
At the end of the school year we were asked to leave because we had "conflicts" with the curriculum. Straight A students, excellent behavior and all $18,000 of tuition for the year paid off. No room for traditionalists in the modern catholic schools!
As you can see I am still a bit traumatized by the situation. However, this article was confirming to me on my strong position. What a price we pay for seeking the truth.
God Bless you and thank you for all the hard work that goes into your articles. I read everyday and learn something new.
Problems with the Pope's New Book
Dear TIA,
Is anyone else having problems with statements from the Pope's new book, specifically that (1) the Jews did not kill Christ, and (2) that violence in God's name is never justified?
The Romans crucified Our Lord, but the Sanhedrin were the instigators behind the plot, is this not clear in the Bible?
And, the Crusades were initiated by Pope Urban II's speech calling on all Christians to reclaim the Holy Land. Now, either that Pope was incorrect or this Pope is, and with Benedict XVI spouting the errors of Vatican II, guess which one I'm backing?
Moreover, it's very unfortunate that the Crusades were not successful. Today, we have an imminent global war between Islam and the rest of the world. Islam will not rest until they have subjugated all countries to Allah, who has nothing to do with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.
Another "Holy War" will be fought, whether Christians acknowledge it now or do not. But, will we have the courage to fight the next Crusade?
In Our Lady,
"Keep vigilant: the Chastisement may be close at hand."
Where is the Holy Ghost?
Regarding your article: Where is the assistance of the Holy Ghost in today's crisis of the Church?
In my most humble experience, I believe the Holy Ghost dwells in the militant church on earth, those hidden faithful like you and myself who continue to teach and stand for the truth, and all the faithful that are devoted to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In her only can we find any refuge, without her man will be lost and deceived.
Some say the Church is in eclipse and we must leave it. But I have been given knowledge and was directed to stay and fight the heresy out of the Church whereever I come in contact with it as long as the will of God allows me.
This not an easy task.
TIA responds:
Thank you for including us among those few who are faithful to the truth.
We believe you are correct when you affirm that we must stay active and vocal against the errors and heresies in the Church and that we should not leave her as some people do.
You are also right when you affirm that this is not an easy task, but Our Lady is always present in our difficulties, giving us the graces we need for the moment. Catholic doctrine teaches us that there is no temptation or trial that is not followed by the needed graces to conquer it.
TIA correspondence desk
Theology of the Cover-up
I think that you are missing the point on pedophilia and the priesthood.
Priests are appointed by God to do his holy work on earth. As God's appointees they can do no wrong in the religious sphere. The Church, by extending its protection over them in many countries, has shown its approval of their actions.
Therefore pedophiliac priests' actions should not be questioned by religious members of the Church or its laity. The same conclusion should also extend to homosexual priests.
Rev. Canon John Surinchak
Santa Venetia Ministries
Prayers Requested
Please pray this Lent for my son's conversion and his sons well-being, hopefully to come under his full custody and be raised Catholic.
I am part of the Archconfraternity of St. Philomena and ask for your help petitioning her for my intentions.
Thank you so much.
God bless,
Greatly Offended
I want to tell you how offended and angry I am with your website. You claim to be Catholic yet you attack the Pope and the Bishops. This is totally deplorable. As an extremely orthodox Catholic, I totally disagree with your views on the Church.
I love what Vatican II has done for the Church. I love my Pope, my Bishops, and my Church. I am against abortion, homosexual relations, women ordination, etc, etc.
I will pray for you and your followers. I hope one day you will come to see the light.
Dear Tradition in Action,
Your site is usually the first one I go to whenever I get on the Internet. Your content is inspiring as well as informative. Here is a small token of my appreciation.
Please keep up the good work, and may
God bless you.
Ave Maria,
Posted March 15, 2011

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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