What People Are Commenting
Vatican Scandal & Mistaken Identity
Scandal at the Vatican
Dear TIA,
Thank you for providing us with the thoughts of Randy Engels on your site. She is a true champion of the Catholic faith and should be heard far and wide by traditionalists. For those who don't know, she wrote a book entitled, Rite of Sodomy, in which she details the attempted destruction of the Church by the homosexual collective in great detail. It is quite long, but every page is worth reading. It is also quite shocking and unsettling in what it reveals. I urge people to be adventurous and give it a read.
On your site, she comments about the the Pelligrini Brothers performing for the pope. Any non-conciliar pope, at a first look at the brothers, would have made a knotted cord and begun swinging, just like their master did. The conciliar popes, however, sit, smile, applaud and thereby give horrific scandal to Holy Mother the Church. Their responsibility is terrible!! However, their eyes are blinded. Let us all pray much for them.
As Malachi Martin once said, there is no justice in the Church today. I wish that we were only leaderless but we are in a far worse situation. The leaders that we have are either actively in the enemy camp or so timid and craving for human respect that they are paralyzed with fear. All we faithful ones can do are hold on fast to tradition, work for the restoration of the true catholic faith and wait for the good Lord to set things straight.
Good Weapon
Dear Dr. Horvat,
I recently came across George Washington's Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior printed by Applewood Books. It would be a good addition to your arsenal.
God bless you in your courageous battle against all odds.
Vatican's Pan-Religion
The Vatican's ambassador to India, Archbishop Salvatore Pennacchio took part in an ecumenical prayer meeting in the Indian city of Pune on December 4. The meeting was organised by the Pune Diocese at Bishop Valerian Hall behind St Patrick's Cathedral.
Archbishop Pennacchio, 3rd from right, praying with leaders of false religions
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In its December 5 edition prominent Indian daily THE TIMES OF INDIA carried a report on the prayer meeting as well as Pennacchio's inauguration of the new post-graduate block of the Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth (the Papal seminary which is a hotbed of inculturation and inter religious dialogue).
Only sincere dialogue between religions can save our culture, said the archbishop. Earlier, during his visit to the state of Kerala, which has a sizeable Catholic population, Pennacchio said in a meeting that the existence of various religions were the sign of the presence of God.
R.M., India
Mistaken Identity
You are very much mistaken in reference to the Charismatic Catholic renewal movement. It is more Orthodox Catholicism more devout liturgical and bible thumping Catholics that you have ever seen. It has NOTHING to do with modernity
I challenge anyone from the traditionalist side of Catholicism to come to our parish St Antoninus in Newark at 2 and ½ hr mass every Sunday – where we all bring our bibles and challenge anyone on Catholic doctrine “where is that in the scripture”
I will do the same at your Parish and we will see who in the remnant Church of Laodicea described in the book of revelations.
Also our people and the people of the movement also attend Latin masses on Holiday and Adoration services by the Monastic orders in different places.
I suggest you read JPII encyclical of the Charismatic Renewal movement and look at his participation in its past events on You Tube as well.
It is the post Vatican II Novus Ordo masses that is killing Catholicism.
Using Tridentine and Charismatic to SAVE THE MOTHER CHURCH from the fallen away AND the uneducated Catholics like the one that wrote this article is what is going on.
Please man, do your home work. The stance is not well researched at all.
I am so anti Protestant Pentecostal you do not know. The gifts of the Spirit being labeled the Devil is something you will answer to His throne for putting into peoples heads, don’t you realize ?!
That is the Devil…! Saying that, review your Book of Acts scriptures on Pentecost continuing to today.
Posted February 15, 2011

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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