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Mass in Malaysia & Website on Blackberry
Traditional Mass in Malaysia?
Dear TIA,
I just realize my Church in my Cathedral and all Chapels celebrate Novus Ordo or New Mass. Can I ask my Bishop or Priest to offer Traditional Mass? I heard SSPX offers traditional mass in Malaysia. Is it considered heretical acts or does it offend the Mother Church if I go to the SSPX's Mass or any other sedevacantist chapel's Mass? I am worried I will be damned by our Lord if I join the sedevacantists for sedevacantism did not accept our Pope Benedict 16.
I would like to fight against Protestantism but I am too young (18 years old) and Protestants are the majority among Christians. Of course, Protestants are not Christian. Moreover, Malaysia is Islamic country and encourages religion indifference.
Plus, my fellow Catholics are those who know nothing about the crisis and the clergy is like ignoring the crisis. I start to worry if the Novus Ordus will bring no benefits to my spiritual life as I have attended this Mass for 10 years.
How can I begin the anti-Protestantism and counter-revolution movement? Where can I have a Traditional Mass where I do not need to worry about acting against the Church and Our Lord?
Thank you,
In Christ Jesus,
J.Y., Malaysia
TIA responds:
Dear J.Y.,
You are ill-informed about the SSPX. The organization is neither sede-vacantist nor heretical. You may go to their chapels and attend the traditional Mass there to fulfill your obligations. Whoever is spreading the data you cite above is wrong. After the excommunications of their four Bishops were lifted, no one, even at the Vatican, puts in doubt the validity and legitimacy of the SSPX Masses.
Your other problems - being too young to fight the Protestants, outnumbered by the Muslims, unsuccessful in convincing the clergy and your friends of the crisis in the Church - could be resolved if you would ask Our Lady for a little more courage.
Reasonable fear is a natural reflection of the instinct of self-preservation; every human being has it. But excessive fear is a vice against the virtue of fortitude, as excessive temerity is a vice against the virtue of prudence.
It seems to us that you have a fundamental lack of courage. You should ask Our Lady, who is the Mother of Mercy, to give you confidence in her and the courage to face her enemies. Without this, no practical measure will be efficient. This is what we believe you should do.
We hope that, after corresponding to those graces, you will become a great Catholic warrior and a perfect counter-revolutionary to conquer your whole country for her.
TIA correspondence desk
‘Rock Mass’ Is Not Catholic
Dear TIA,
I feel obliged to say what I usually say when I write to you: Thank you for the great work you do. We traditionalists would be the poorer without you. (Hint to my fellow traditionalists - donate to TIA so that they can continue their work).
Having just viewed the rock "mass" at the rock church in St. Louis, I have a suggestion. Next time you mention this "mass," put the word between quotes or call it a mess or say it is a so-called mass. It could also be called an abomination of desolation, a sacrilege, or a protestant service. It is most certainly not Catholic and any Catholic worth his salt would not be caught dead in that place, and I mean that figuratively and literally.
One last piece of advice to all of the readers of TIA: Do not attend the NO mass under any circumstances. It will not benefit your soul as it is basically a protestant service. The main architect of this Mass was a Mason. Need I say more? Your heritage is the traditional Mass with all of its beauty, majesty and mystery. It is infinitely pleasing to God. Stick to it alone and you will most surely save your soul.
Viva Cristo Rey,
Happy Thanksgiving TIA,
With all of my heart I pray for your success and am glad you all are doing the job you are doing.
Viva Cristo Rey!
Dear TIA,
A Blessed Thanksgiving! God bless you and yours this Thanksgiving for the inspiration and example you are to us.
In Our Lord Jesus and His Mother Mary,
R.& M.D.
Review of Pascendi
Do you sell any downloads? Notice you have a nice collection of CDs.
Also, can you refer me to any authoritative reviews of Pascendi? I am giving a talk on the great Saint's encyclical want to include the thoughts of well read Catholic thinkers.
Thank you.
TIA responds,
Hello W.R.,
Our talks are not available for downloads; you can only get them in CDs and tapes. You may order them from our online store or by phone (323-725-0219).
Sorry, we do not know of any authoritative review of Pascendi. It is not a long document, which is normally quoted rather than reviewed. But if you check it (here), the subtitles and a quick reading will give you the principal accusations St. Pius X made against Modernism.
TIA correspondence desk
We Resist You To Your Face...
I noticed you have a book by this title.
Are you claiming to be on the spiritual level of St. Paul that you can so act towards the Successor of St. Peter? Please clarify.
W.J I.
TIA responds:
No. We are not claiming to be on the spiritual level of St. Paul. We are taking him as an example to be followed. The Catholic Church presents her Saints to the faithful as models to be imitated.
TIA correspondence desk
Site for Mobile Units
I enjoy your site immensely but find it impossible to read your articles on my blackberry due to the extremely "rich" paper you use as the backdrop; that and the black type are undecipherable. Any chance you can adjust the settings?!?
Fr. F.M. Gallagher
TIA responds,
Rev. Fr. Gallagher,
Unfortunately, we are not able to attend to your request. Let us observe, however, that readers currently follow our website on their mobile units without any problem. Perhaps you should check with the technical assistance for your blackberry to see whether the problem is in the settings on your unit.
Asking your blessing,
TIA correspondence desk
Posted November 30, 2010

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