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Greek Rites & 'Rock' Church
Liturgical Suggestions
Dear Editor,
I am a Roman Catholic from Singapore who is worried about the individual interpretations of the Mass. I was wondering how to strengthen the Mass to restore it to its full glory. Perhaps we can study the Greek Divine Liturgy of the Eastern Church to make sure that its sacrificial nature is emphasized.
1. All priest Bishops and clergy are to face eastwards when celebrating Holy Mass.
2. The nave is to be separated by Icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Peter and Saint Paul, and also by other Saints. This is to instruct the faithful that the nave or the sanctuary is sacred and silence should be observed at all times.
3. Saying the Eucharistic prayer in Latin. This is to ensure a priest or Bishop does not chant in the name of the Devil, and also it has been a language of the Church since Pope Victor I.
4. The Tikir and Dikri Eastern Catholic Paschal calendar is be used at each moment after the elevation of the Body and Blood of Christ.
5. The re-introduction of the Last Gospel. Also the Congregation of Sacred Worship and Sacraments might want to look into the other Gospel that stresses the incarnation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, not excluding the Old Testament reading.
6. The use of the Cross to bless the faithful before the dismissal of the Faithful.
Yours in Jesus Christ.
J.W., Singapore
Streator Churches
Tradition in Action,
I'm from Streator, IL, where our current pastor and diocese have closed three of the four Catholic churches in town and plan to close the fourth once they have built their new church.
Three of the four churches are old-style Catholic churches from a century ago. Two of them still have beautiful high altars, statues, etc. Many photos are available on our Facebook page, please read them here.
An article on the destruction can be read here.
Christian Rock
Please note the following regarding information that I found posted on your website (link and content included here). You seem to have inaccurately defined St. Alphonsus Catholic Church in St. Louis, MO as "a rock church"; St. Alphonsus is "the rock church"; the rock that is referred to is limestone/rock; the church is made of rock!
The children do not dance to "rock"; those who dance to "rock" music in church usually dance to "Christian Rock".
Thanks in advance for correcting this on your site and conducting proper research prior to future postings.
'Rock' Church in St. Louis
I just found your website, and I think you have created a great resource for traditionalists. You've articulated a lot of things that I have been thinking: I'm not a sedevacantist, but I know that what is happening right now is not right. I originally found about you through The Remnant online articles, which I was recently reading. I plan on spending more time to read your other articles and what else you have posted. Your thoughts on the canonizations and beatifications have been very interesting to me.
I just wanted to mention something about St. Alphonsus Ligouri Rock Church in Saint Louis, which you show on this page, complete with dancers.
I am of course not justifying what goes on in that church (I think St. Alphonsus would not be pleased at all with those "Redemptorists"), but I just wanted to let you know that the name "Rock" in the church actually has nothing to do with rock music. The church is often just called "The Rock Church" in St. Louis because of its unique use of rocks and rocks walls, and an exposed rock foundation (it is a very old church). It is actually a nickname that goes back decades, even before Vatican II. So, that's why it is called "Rock" church. Unfortunately, now, of course, there is another meaning to that, because there are indeed "rock" masses and all kinds of nonsense that goes on in there, like what you have pointed out. It is a shame.
I used to live in St. Louis, and it was tough seeing this happen in the "Rome of the West." That's a nickname for St Louis because of the strong Catholic history, as well as all the amazing Catholic churches.
If you need a little pick-me-up, check out this link. This is another church in south St Louis (the Rock Church is more on the north-side/central west end, as it is called), and this one is nicknamed "South City Cathedral" or "South side Cathedral", but its not actually a cathedral, but rather formally called St Francis de Sales Church.
There are two cathedrals in St Louis, and the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis is just spectacular - but they are still doing only the Novus Ordo Missae there, unfortunately (another photo). Believe it or not, the church in that first link, St Francis de Sales, that amazing place, was scheduled to be ripped down in 2006, but thank God it was not, because He sent the IRCSS [Institute Christ the King] to swoop in and save it!
And just look what they have done with it! I look at majestic reredos and beautiful altar, and I call that a worthy place for our Lord. They still have the original communion rails (I don't know how they survived!), and they offer only the Latin Mass there. I've been to Mass there myself, but it was before the ICRSS, so it was not a Latin Mass. The ICRSS also offered the first Latin Mass in over 35 years at the Cathedral Basilica of St Louis back in 2007, but unfortunately, the Latin Mass is not a regular event there. Yet, we can hope and pray that the Latin Mass will return everywhere, especially in the Cathedrals.
There's another historical church in St Louis that has been totally transformed from a majestic and sacred place to something that looks like a masonic hall with stained glass windows now. It is Saints Peter and Paul Church. Here's a picture of the inside: you can see that the people sit in a complete circle with a table (a wooden table - not even an altar!) in the middle, and the reredos, crucifix, and former tabernacle are back in the corner. People actually sit with their backs to the crucifix, while others sit with their backs to the tabernacle.
I grew up in the Vatican II world (I'm in my twenties), and can attest to the relativism that the "luv-luv-luv" attitude creates, because that's exactly where I ended up: relativism-land. I left the Church (I shamefully admit) for several years, but I have come back through a conviction to find the truth. I didn't know that my last Sunday NO Mass was going to be my last Sunday NO Mass, because after I went to my first Latin Mass ... I was hooked! It was (is) like watching every aspect of Catholic dogma in action, and I am so grateful for the sacrifice of the Mass, and to be able to assist at and pray the Latin Mass. I have an FSSP parish where I am, with very traditional priests, for whom I am grateful to God.
I really think that the Latin Mass will be what saves the Church from all this outrageousness. We need to be Catholics, not Protestants. It is very troubling, as you know.
Anyway, I've taken too much your time, but I just thought that you would find a little relief in the pictures from St Francis de Sales. Next time something outrageous and disrespectful to our Lord happens at the Rock Church, you can think of South City Cathedral, instead. We need to stay strong (especially after this weekend with Benedict XVI's latest comments [on condoms], yet more troubling words), and so, victories like giving our Lord a place like St Francis de Sales and servants like the ICRSS are things that at least make me smile.
God bless,
TIA responds:
Hello K.K.,
Welcome to the traditional Mass! It is good to know that you left the NO Mass.
Thank you for the data regarding the 'rock' church in St. Louis, MO, and the other churches in that area. We are passing your interesting information on to our readers.
You are correct when you say that the 'rock' church received that name because of the stone building; only after Vatican II did the name 'rock' acquire a second meaning, related to the rock and roll music that was often played in that church during Masses. TIA actually discussed this topic some time ago with a priest; you may read it here.
An interesting fact, which looks very much like a chastisement for the music it played during its Masses, is that the 'Rock' Church was struck by lightning during a storm. We also posted something on this, please check it here.
To watch one of the multiple sensual rock-like performances inside that church, click here.
We will be putting a link to these pages on the page you mentioned to avoid giving readers the impression we do not know the two meanings of the "Rock" Church: the building made of stone and the place where rock 'n' roll is performed.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted November 23, 2010

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